WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 5

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the thing that sticks out to me...

one article mentioned that they were hoping that someone took baby A out of the home to "protect" her...

what made them think that maybe she needed some protecting???

i'm guessing it's the same reason the other kids were taken away (if, in fact, the article is correct.)..

hmmm... just thinking out loud.
Would someone let me know what happened to the original claim of baby A having slept with older sister?? What does this child have to say about sissy and where she went or what happened that morning? Or do we not know?? I'm guessing probably not sense we're talking very young minor children, but was curious to know as it seemed mom was using the child to back up what her claim was about baby A being sick and in bed with older sis that morning??

Morning all (well in the UK anyway! lol)

So the kids have been removed and she's lawyered up? Hmmm, interesting.
Morning all (well in the UK anyway! lol)

So the kids have been removed and she's lawyered up? Hmmm, interesting.

Good morning to you too! It Sunday 10-02-11 4:16 AM here.

Yes, the children have been removed and she has a lawyer, We're thinking the twins will be taken when they are born. No news as far as what caused them to be removed.

DSS must have something on them. We aren't hearing anything about the SF/Dad. (Other than his less than great background)

I'm hoping and praying Aliayah will be found today. I know its a long shot but I'm still hoping she is alive.
No family members involved in the search, no family members going to the press. It is so strange. Seems like the entire family knows what happened. jmo
Good morning to you too! It Sunday 10-02-11 4:16 AM here.

Yes, the children have been removed and she has a lawyer, We're thinking the twins will be taken when they are born. No news as far as what caused them to be removed.

DSS must have something on them. We aren't hearing anything about the SF/Dad. (Other than his less than great background)

I'm hoping and praying Aliayah will be found today. I know its a long shot but I'm still hoping she is alive.

Goodness me, what are you doing up at this hour? Or have you been out partying? :p

Yes, there are obviously some suspicions and/or evidence of neglect, unless they have been taken because the mother and/or grandmother are too distraught to cope at the moment. But the lawyering up at the same time? Hmmmm, does indicate some 'issues' have arisen possibly.
Goodness me, what are you doing up at this hour? Or have you been out partying? :p

Yes, there are obviously some suspicions and/or evidence of neglect, unless they have been taken because the mother and/or grandmother are too distraught to cope at the moment. But the lawyering up at the same time? Hmmmm, does indicate some 'issues' have arisen possibly.

I can understand being distraught but think about it. Is there anything you wouldn't do to get your child back? I would beg, borrow, or steal if I had to. If I had to ask the cameras to come into my room, if I were bedridden, I'd ask. The more I could keep people calling in tips, looking for my child, the more I would do and so would most mothers.

The only reason I can think of to avoid the cameras would be fear, shame or having something to hide. I could be completly wrong and maybe I'm being unfair to her. I don't mean to be.

If she knows anything she needs to talk now and if she doesn't she needs to beg for help from the public. If she fears her hubby she needs to ask for help and get him out of her life now! jmo
I can understand being distraught but think about it. Is there anything you wouldn't do to get your child back? I would beg, borrow, or steal if I had to. If I had to ask the cameras to come into my room, if I were bedridden, I'd ask. The more I could keep people calling in tips, looking for my child, the more I would do and so would most mothers.

The only reason I can think of to avoid the cameras would be fear, shame or having something to hide. I could be completly wrong and maybe I'm being unfair to her. I don't mean to be.

If she knows anything she needs to talk now and if she doesn't she needs to beg for help from the public. If she fears her hubby she needs to ask for help and get him out of her life now! jmo

Well considering how 'cagey' LE have been on this case, I wouldn't be surprised if they have advised her to say nothing. Yes you or I probably could see that that maybe isn't the best option, but for some people, everything LE says is gospel. I tend to lean towards her silence being due to being 'advised', could be totally wrong of course. I really don't know how to say this without sounding 'condescending' but not everyone is blessed with a good amount of common sense, to her maybe how she is acting makes sense in her mind, even if it doesn't in ours.

That being said, yes, now the children have been removed and she has lawyered up, my mind is more inclined to wonder if LE maybe starting to point the finger a little more than previously. Not defending her, just wanting to consider every possibly explanation for all actions.
Well considering how 'cagey' LE have been on this case, I wouldn't be surprised if they have advised her to say nothing. Yes you or I probably could see that that maybe isn't the best option, but for some people, everything LE says is gospel. I tend to lean towards her silence being due to being 'advised', could be totally wrong of course. I really don't know how to say this without sounding 'condescending' but not everyone is blessed with a good amount of common sense, to her maybe how she is acting makes sense in her mind, even if it doesn't in ours.

That being said, yes, now the children have been removed and she has lawyered up, my mind is more inclined to wonder if LE maybe starting to point the finger a little more than previously. Not defending her, just wanting to consider every possibly explanation for all actions.

You could be right, or hubby told her to keep quiet. Someone might have told her to be quiet but I really don't think it was LE. Letting her talk could lead to tips. imo

I think she's feeling the heat but they'll be careful since she has 2 more on the way very soon. That might have been another reason to take the children now. Protecting them when she goes to the hospital.

This also might be a way to "conquer and divide". I bet Mom isn't happy about loosing her children and the thought of not getting them back. If Sd is involved she might talk now. Her attorney might advise her to talk now.
You could be right, or hubby told her to keep quiet. Someone might have told her to be quiet but I really don't think it was LE. Letting her talk could lead to tips. imo

I think she's feeling the heat but they'll be careful since she has 2 more on the way very soon. That might have been another reason to take the children now. Protecting them when she goes to the hospital.

This also might be a way to "conquer and divide". I bet Mom isn't happy about loosing her children and the thought of not getting them back. If Sd is involved she might talk now. Her attorney might advise her to talk now.

I completely agree about them having probably handled her with kid gloves because of the pregnancy. Regardless of if they think she may be guilty of something or not, I'm sure they have had to tip toe lightly when communicating with her, which unfortunately, will have slowed progress down IF she knows more than she is letting on, but then again, the poppet has been missing an awful long time for a 3 year old, imo, whatever happened to her, the chances of finding her alive are so slim. :(
good morning!

Is it morning yet? 2:28 here, but I've yet to get to bed ;)

Praying for this baby girl and hope she didn't suffer. I wish I could be more hopeful, but with the children removed, and LL lawyering up with a defense attorney, I'm not feeling all that grand. Why doesn't LE just come out and tell us the obvious.

Blessings to you Baby A.


I completely agree about them having probably handled her with kid gloves because of the pregnancy. Regardless of if they think she may be guilty of something or not, I'm sure they have had to tip toe lightly when communicating with her, which unfortunately, will have slowed progress down IF she knows more than she is letting on, but then again, the poppet has been missing an awful long time for a 3 year old, imo, whatever happened to her, the chances of finding her alive are so slim. :(

I know and its so sad. I just hope and pray they find her soon.
Just popping on to check on baby A :seeya:

Had a few minutes this evening, my guest went to bed early. :)

The only time I've seen the sibling(s) of a missing child removed from the home (the cases here on websleuths that I can remember) the child(ren) were not removed because the sibling was missing but because of conditions in the home. (a variety of conditions, could be unsanitary...etc. all the way up to include abuse). Could have been for any number of reasons but as far as I can remember it's never been because a child went missing or that LE *suspected* a parent was involved and CPS removed the child(ren).

About the lawyer. I do find that quite odd. Even if it is a lawyer for the removal of her children from her home. But then again who knows (it just makes me squint my eyes and scratch my head). Odd IMHO.

Peeves me off to no end that Baby A is out there still. I don't think she's still alive and she is more than likely laying out there exposed to elements somewhere. How in the world could anyone do that to anyone much less a child is beyond me. JMHO.

ETA: I had 5 kids. 4 of which were born within a 5 year span. Lot of work, but none of mine went missing~ I'm not sure the amount of children she has given birth to is a factor here. JMHO.
Just popping on to check on baby A :seeya:

Had a few minutes this evening, my guest went to bed early. :)

The only time I've seen the sibling(s) of a missing child removed from the home (the cases here on websleuths that I can remember) the child(ren) were not removed because the sibling was missing but because of conditions in the home. (a variety of conditions, could be unsanitary...etc. all the way up to include abuse). Could have been for any number of reasons but as far as I can remember it's never been because a child went missing or that LE *suspected* a parent was involved and CPS removed the child(ren).

About the lawyer. I do find that quite odd. Even if it is a lawyer for the removal of her children from her home. But then again who knows (it just makes me squint my eyes and scratch my head). Odd IMHO.

Peeves me off to no end that Baby A is out there still. I don't think she's still alive and she is more than likely laying out there exposed to elements somewhere. How in the world could anyone do that to anyone much less a child is beyond me. JMHO.

ETA: I had 5 kids. 4 of which were born within a 5 year span. Lot of work, but none of mine went missing~ I'm not sure the amount of children she has given birth to is a factor here. JMHO.

You are probably right about the reason the children were taken custody. LE saw the inside of the house so they might have reported her.

Wow you had your hands full! I wanted a big family. Laugh but I always said I wanted a dozen. I was blessed with 2 but I have a lot of nieces and nephews. I came from a big family and I love it!

We all survived and my Mom had her hands full but she was a great Mom. Tough but great.

I hope and pray they find Aliayah is found today. Its time!
Missing 8 days now, by chance she did wander away, its was cold the past couple of nights, It will be a miracle she is found alive, but with the other children being taken away means thier home was not safe, nor was it safe for baby A, I really don't think she just up and wandered away JMO
Just popping on to check on baby A :seeya:

Had a few minutes this evening, my guest went to bed early. :)

The only time I've seen the sibling(s) of a missing child removed from the home (the cases here on websleuths that I can remember) the child(ren) were not removed because the sibling was missing but because of conditions in the home. (a variety of conditions, could be unsanitary...etc. all the way up to include abuse). Could have been for any number of reasons but as far as I can remember it's never been because a child went missing or that LE *suspected* a parent was involved and CPS removed the child(ren).

About the lawyer. I do find that quite odd. Even if it is a lawyer for the removal of her children from her home. But then again who knows (it just makes me squint my eyes and scratch my head). Odd IMHO.

Peeves me off to no end that Baby A is out there still. I don't think she's still alive and she is more than likely laying out there exposed to elements somewhere. How in the world could anyone do that to anyone much less a child is beyond me. JMHO.

ETA: I had 5 kids. 4 of which were born within a 5 year span. Lot of work, but none of mine went missing~ I'm not sure the amount of children she has given birth to is a factor here. JMHO.

I agree and was thinking the same thing. I remember when Hailey Dunn's brother was removed and we all thought an arrest was imminent. But the more likely reason was because of other things going on in the home.

So it could be a number of things (just speculating): drugs, the condition of the home, the stress the mom is under with her pregnancy and the search for A, etc, etc...

Of course I have my own suspicions but just thinking of legit reasons other children were removed.
From my perspective, these are the latest events from my end of the block (Homewood)
Wednesday - drained the pond. River lower like they shut it off at the dam. Volunteer searchers still coming through.
Thursday - Still some volunteer searchers coming through,but much less. Helicopter flying back and forth most of the day. River level back up.
Friday - Only professional searchers coming through the area with dogs. Divers searching around swing bridge. DHHR picks up children. Mom gets a lawyer.
Saturday - Quiet. NO searchers in the area all day. They call off volunteer searchers.

JMO - They found something Friday, maybe by the swing bridge. Why would they drain the pond and then go a few feet further down the river and dive? Maybe had an idea what they were looking for and where it was? Could they have even found Baby A, removed her from the area and are just not announcing it? IMO, that is possible. LE has been tight-lipped from the first, they seem to like to keep things around here and handle it locally, but just could not in this instance. The town is very quiet and frankly, we want that baby found, but we also want our peace and quiet back. If they announce that they have evidence of foul play or they found a body, here comes the media, there goes peace and quiet. Also, small town, everyone knows what goes on. How many people are going to be walking through the areas where the officials have looked. What if they need to go back and gather more evidence? People have gladly let them come through to search, but curiosity seekers wanting to tromp across your yard is not going to go over very well. Arguments will break out or they will be calling and complaining to LE. I think eventually we will find out what happened, but only after things quiet down and there is not so much focus on the town and the case.
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