WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 5

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Hold the fort. Are we talking about 2 different attorney's here? Tom Smith is a common name.

Do we know who is representing Lena Lunsford? Now I'm just confoosed.

Posted upthread is:

G. Thomas Smith, Esq.
Smith, McMunn & Glover, PLLC
516 West Main Street
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Phone: 624-5571
This is the defense attorney

Then there's:

Thomas W. Smith, Esq. in Charleston, WV
Smith, Thomas W - Thomas W Smith Law Office
2008 Quarrier St, Charleston, WV
(304) 343-1900

Both addy's appear on the upthread.



The news article stated Tom Smith from Charleston, WV.
I have difficulty in picturing this particular mom with criminal craftiness, but I could be wrong. Chronic, bad discision making is more what I feel. Prior planning does not seem to be a strong suit.

6 pregnancies so close together tells you something about planning doesn't it? She has a 9/10 month old and is ready to give birth to twins, while 4 other children wait in the wings.

IMHO I think she may just wing it everyday...not sure what the next day will bring. I would think an especially crafy person would plan a little better then she has. I love babies, but I'd be crazy to have 7. For one, I couldn't house or feed that many. Not many people can.


We really do need to clarify which of these attorneys is the correct one. I don't want to be batting around the wrong one! Not fair to either the "vic" or the attorney!

(Pardon! we cross posted! thanks for the corrected info)
Typing aloud and asking myself a lot of questions with almost no answers to self whatsoever...

Can we go back to the beginning for a bit?

It has been said that mom and Aliayah were at the neighbors at a party (had to come home because Aliyah "messed")...was SD there too?

If so, is that why we are reading the Gma was also there at the home the morning Aliayah went missing? Could Gma have been there babysitting the night before and mom, SD and Aliyah all went to this party (has it been stated and verified what kind of party? Kids Party?) Is Aliyah the only child that went with them and Gma watched the rest and spent the night? Otherwise, does Gma drive? Did she arrive early in the morning? Was anybody else with her? Did she get dropped off there? If she was dropped off did the person driving leave immediately or enter the home?

Either she spent the night to babysit and was already there (add another adult now that saw nothing, heard nothing) or she drove herself there (what time?) or was dropped off (what time and by whom?).

I sure do wish I knew if Gma drives....

There is so much missing here...

There is absolutely no way to develop a decent timeline in this case w/o more info. IMO

OT: G'night all. TTYT
6 pregnancies so close together tells you something about planning doesn't it? She has a 9/10 month old and is ready to give birth to twins, while 4 other children wait in the wings.

IMHO I think she may just wing it everyday...not sure what the next day will bring. I would think an especially crafy person would plan a little better then she has. I love babies, but I'd be crazy to have 7. For one, I couldn't house or feed that many. Not many people can.



If she is 28 and her oldest is 11 then she was 17 and he was in his 30's with the first one.No most can not afford so many and no where has it been written she worked so I am assuming that the state is paying for them.To have so many children and a house so full how could a 3yr old leave by herself?
If she is 28 and her oldest is 11 then she was 17 and he was in his 30's with the first one.No most can not afford so many and no where has it been written she worked so I am assuming that the state is paying for them.To have so many children and a house so full how could a 3yr old leave by herself?

I believe that we can pretty well figure that she couldn't without being seen by someone in that small community or packed house. I believe that LE has proved it. That still does not tell us where she is. But it says either she was not ever brought into the house on Friday night OR someone IN the house Friday night left with her. Now I guess I am left with waiting for LE to throw us some more info. We have plenty of rumors... but none that give us a clue to the location of the "party" or where the child was when she had her accident or a head count of the population of that house on Friday night.
Typing aloud and asking myself a lot of questions with almost no answers to self whatsoever...

Can we go back to the beginning for a bit?

It has been said that mom and Aliayah were at the neighbors at a party (had to come home because Aliyah "messed")...was SD there too?

If so, is that why we are reading the Gma was also there at the home the morning Aliayah went missing? Could Gma have been there babysitting the night before and mom, SD and Aliyah all went to this party (has it been stated and verified what kind of party? Kids Party?) Is Aliyah the only child that went with them and Gma watched the rest and spent the night? Otherwise, does Gma drive? Did she arrive early in the morning? Was anybody else with her? Did she get dropped off there? If she was dropped off did the person driving leave immediately or enter the home?

Either she spent the night to babysit and was already there (add another adult now that saw nothing, heard nothing) or she drove herself there (what time?) or was dropped off (what time and by whom?).

I sure do wish I knew if Gma drives....

There is so much missing here...

There is absolutely no way to develop a decent timeline in this case w/o more info. IMO

OT: G'night all. TTYT
I don't remember reading that Gma was in the house that night. Do you have a link? (I just need to get my fact straight).
I took it to mean that if newer pictures are provided now, then the original photo was a decoy and meant to throw the searchers off trail. After all, 2 and 3 year olds change a LOT in a 9 months - if we are to assume the photo in the poster was taken last Christmas 12/10 and was the only one provided. The Dorito photo looked even younger.

That's who I took it anyway. And I agree.



Being the cynic I am I thought if she suddenly came up with more pictures it was because she was hoping to sell them ala Casey.
JeannieC I had so much adrenaline rushing that night in scanner thread w Keinan I was up til the next night. What strikes me is the parents not utilizing Marc Klass! The rumours of not needing search volunteers!:waiting: Draining water and saying live child! I would want Marc Klass there because he has been thru it. I grew up back in WV. We are hard working, I'll give you the shirt offa my back and how many more do you need people. We also know a snake when we see one, and be fooled into picking it up? Nope. There is a creed among us, a hand up, not a hand out among self respecting people. I would be talking to the searchers as we searched to find out what they lived in last and why they moved. Now is the time as it has been mentioned above, for mama to get a lawyer? This whole thing has been fishy since the beginning. :waiting: Whose car was she driving around looking for 2 hours for? Thats my take on that story. All this is just my opinion, but who is she planning on pointing the finger at to deflect attention away from her? :waiting: Her hubby? The police? FBI? I would be shaking in my shoes, but some people will stand theIr ground til the bitter end. Refusing to let out the 911 call? On whose orders or is that just a fly by the seat of the pants decision? Where are the U.S. Marshalls? This all to me sounds like a p n contest among those involved. The RCP worked sooo slick together, it was amazing! Why chase off reporters? Big WVU game last night. :waiting: This makes the 2nd week that little As situation could have been announced there. I am done-this case makes me feel like I fell in the rabbit hole. BBL- I hope some good news happens. Youre all a great group of people. To my fellow WVs thank you.
My take on the picture conversation: I also am suspicious of the old pictures. I agree that 10 mo old pictures of a baby can be pretty useless. So much changes even day to day at that age. Hair length, hair color, body structure even eye color can change somewhat. Especially at that age, I might add. IF there is was a hand off of the baby to someone else this would be the smart thing to do. Saying all that, I just am not loving this theory.

As always, this my opinion only! and open to change!
IMHO, I believe that the LE are using kid gloves with the mother until she has the twins. The mother hiring a lawyer reminds me of how Ron Cummings lawyer when the heat got too much for him. As others have said too much like the Haleigh Cummings case. Wish that these angels did not have to be lost in this world. Praying that we will get the miracle we so desire in finding Aliayah. God bless you all for caring about all of these lost souls.
Does anyone else find it odd that no reward money has been offered for A's return or info leading to her? I've only followed a handful of other missing cases and it seems that a reward is put up almost immediately. Is it strange this hasn't happened? Is it normally done by the state? By the family?
Does anyone else find it odd that no reward money has been offered for A's return or info leading to her? I've only followed a handful of other missing cases and it seems that a reward is put up almost immediately. Is it strange this hasn't happened? Is it normally done by the state? By the family?

I was just wondering the same thing! Why no reward money is posted? Odd.
My take on the picture conversation: I also am suspicious of the old pictures. I agree that 10 mo old pictures of a baby can be pretty useless. So much changes even day to day at that age. Hair length, hair color, body structure even eye color can change somewhat. Especially at that age, I might add. IF there is was a hand off of the baby to someone else this would be the smart thing to do. Saying all that, I just am not loving this theory.

As always, this my opinion only! and open to change!

Reminds me of another case. When did anyone outside this family see this baby? Last appointment for a haircut or doctor? Did she attend preschool or daycare?

I wanna hear someone outside this family say when they saw her last!
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