WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 6

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Woke up this morning a bunch of pages behind and just listened to the 911 call and read up to the end of the thread.

While the 911 dispatcher shouldn't have hung up until LE arrived at the house, in this case it may be a blessing. LE now has a very specific time when LL should have called her mother and they have the number. A quick check of her phone records should show if she actually called her. If she didn't and just said she did, someone's in for major problems!

Thanks to all the locals who are keeping us posted.

The dispatcher may not have hung up actually. It could be they just cut that part out. This is something I found out about calling 911. I was having an argument with my ex and he punched me in the eye. He was on the phone, so I kept my cell phone in my pocket and pulled it out to call 911. He grabbed the cell phone and threw it behind the fridge. So I then ran upstairs and called 911 on another phone. At the time, I was upset and did not notice that he was still on the phone. When the officers came to the house, they asked if someone else was making a call because I had dialed in on an open line. So, wouldn't it be possible that even if she said she was going to hang up and it sounded like they hung up, they could still monitor the line?
Another morning and still no news on Baby A. Between her and baby Lisa in Kansas City my heart is just breaking. My own children are much older (11 & nearly 16) but I'm becoming terrified to let them out of my sight. You never know who or what is out there. I hope both of these little angels are brought home today and we never have to read about another missing child again.
The dispatcher may not have hung up actually. It could be they just cut that part out. This is something I found out about calling 911. I was having an argument with my ex and he punched me in the eye. He was on the phone, so I kept my cell phone in my pocket and pulled it out to call 911. He grabbed the cell phone and threw it behind the fridge. So I then ran upstairs and called 911 on another phone. At the time, I was upset and did not notice that he was still on the phone. When the officers came to the house, they asked if someone else was making a call because I had dialed in on an open line. So, wouldn't it be possible that even if she said she was going to hang up and it sounded like they hung up, they could still monitor the line?

Interesting. I never considered that. I'm not sure of the capabilities of 911. I'm sure someone among all the smart people here will have an answer.

Glad to hear he's your ex, BTW.
Another morning and still no news on Baby A. Between her and baby Lisa in Kansas City my heart is just breaking. My own children are much older (11 & nearly 16) but I'm becoming terrified to let them out of my sight. You never know who or what is out there. I hope both of these little angels are brought home today and we never have to read about another missing child again.

I can totally empathize. My little one is still little and I barely slept at all last night and checked on him about 500 times.

I hope this is the day they both are found.
The dispatcher may not have hung up actually. It could be they just cut that part out. This is something I found out about calling 911. I was having an argument with my ex and he punched me in the eye. He was on the phone, so I kept my cell phone in my pocket and pulled it out to call 911. He grabbed the cell phone and threw it behind the fridge. So I then ran upstairs and called 911 on another phone. At the time, I was upset and did not notice that he was still on the phone. When the officers came to the house, they asked if someone else was making a call because I had dialed in on an open line. So, wouldn't it be possible that even if she said she was going to hang up and it sounded like they hung up, they could still monitor the line?

I don't think they can monitor a line once the call is disconnected. But let me get something clear... was your ex calling on a land line or on his cell phone? If he was on the land line, you would not have been able to call anyone on the extension, I don't think. (It might be possible for an emergency call to go through, but not sure.) When your ex threw your phone behind the fridge, he probably didn't disconnect it first. That may be what the officer was referring to, that the line was still open. I could be misreading what you're saying here, so please forgive me.
When I was making a 911 call a year or so ago, my cell phone disconnected because it lost the signal and they called me right back. We don't get a good signal inside the house so I had to keep stepping outside to talk to the operator. I made sure they knew I was on a cell phone and that we did not have a land line.
Very sad, on one of this morning's news breaks on WBOY, the newscaster called Aliayah "little Aliayah LANSFORD". These talking heads should at least show a gram of sympathy, being that they have covered this story so poorly.
Oh wow, I guess I missed that. Going back to look for the post, any idea who the local was?

Heres an article from a newspaper about the clothing drive and the minister seeing babyA.


Although her church is a short distance from the Lunsford home, Conley said she had met the family on only one occasion. That was during a clothing drive at the church.

She described Aliayah as quiet.

"She was a mannerly child," she said.

I don't think they can monitor a line once the call is disconnected. But let me get something clear... was your ex calling on a land line or on his cell phone? If he was on the land line, you would not have been able to call anyone on the extension, I don't think. (It might be possible for an emergency call to go through, but not sure.) When your ex threw your phone behind the fridge, he probably didn't disconnect it first. That may be what the officer was referring to, that the line was still open. I could be misreading what you're saying here, so please forgive me.
When I was making a 911 call a year or so ago, my cell phone disconnected because it lost the signal and they called me right back. We don't get a good signal inside the house so I had to keep stepping outside to talk to the operator. I made sure they knew I was on a cell phone and that we did not have a land line.

He was on a cordless landline and I was on a corded extension. In fact, he resumed talking to the other person after the 911 call. If I had been calm, I would have realized that he was on the phone and would have thought that I could not call someone with it. But, as I was running from him, I went upstairs to my office and grabbed the extension and called. I am just asking, with that in mind, if it would be possible for them to monitor the line, especially if Lena was the one that hung up? And, keeping in mind that you can answer another call and put the other person on hold with call waiting and since 3-way calling is available. There is probably a lot they can do with 911 that we do not know about. Never give a child an old disconnected cell phone without taking the batteries out because they can call 911 (learned that one by experience too). Also, he threw the cell behind the fridge as soon as I took it out of my pocket, never even got it open and when I got it back out, I had to put the battery back in and put it back together
I am home sick today and fuzzy headed with massive sinus headache. Was hopeful that some new break would await me here. SO saddened to see no Aliayah found. :(

Will lurk off and on, doubt I will post much. Too frustrated and too sick to be of use.
I am home sick today and fuzzy headed with massive sinus headache. Was hopeful that some new break would await me here. SO saddened to see no Aliayah found. :(

Will lurk off and on, doubt I will post much. Too frustrated and too sick to be of use.

Feel better. Maybe some good news will make you feel better before the day is over.
normal text = 911 operator
bolded text = lena lunsford
italicized text = my comments


911, what is your emergency?
My baby's missing.
Okay, what is your address?
49 Dennison St.
how old? (jumbled/unclear)
I've been out looking for her for over an hour
mam, how old, i need you to calm down
i'm sorry, she's only 3
when was the last time you saw him?
it's a girl and this morning real early i went in to check on her cause she's been sick with the flu (whimpers)(either edited or cuts out)
okay, is it a male or female
it's a girl
it's a girl?
okay, you saw her this morning around 6:30?
when was the last time…that was the last time you saw her was at 6:30 this morning?
yes, and then she laid back down and went back to sleep and we went back to bed
okay, was the doors open or anything?
no, the doors weren't open
(either edited or cuts out)
…were they locked?
uh..ah..ah..yes, I think
(either edited or cuts out)
…residence? (i don't know if she's asking who lives at the residence or possibly who was there when the child went missing)
me and my kids
(either edited or cuts out) (i think it's possible lena mentions something about stepdad here, but it's edited out.)
okay do you live with her father?
who is her father?
her father is a guy named eric harris. he doesn't even know that she exists.
okay. (either edited or cuts out) and you've been looking her her for the past hour?
yes, i've looked everywhere…(can't make out what she says)
what was she wearing whenever you put her back in bed?
she had on a pair of purple dora pjs. (either edited or cuts out) we went up all these streets…
k. you've been outside checking the area?
yes. i've drove up all the streets around here looking thinking maybe she went outside or something and i don't think my mom would have come got her because she'd have woke me up…(unclear) (i think in the edited portion above the operator asks if she has looked for her and possibly asks if there was a relative/grandparent who could have picked up the child, which led to the comment about her mother)
okay, have you called your mother?
no, i need to do that <heavy breathing> and see if she has her.
do you have a phone number for her?
yes. 304-*advertiser censored*-xxxx
what is her name?
joann evans
joann evans?
well, do you want to call her real quick and then just call me right back so i know what's going on, okay?
okay, bye

<end call>

CALL #2 (starts at 2:39)

911, what is your emergency?
this is lena lunsford and my mom doesn't have her.
she doesn't have her?
she doesn't have her. she's coming though. oh my god. (cries)
you don't know of any place she would have went&#8230;here in the community is there a friend's house maybe close by or somebody that she plays with?
okay. is there any place here in the community&#8230;a playground, or does she go to church anywhere there&#8230;
(appears cut or edited)
(crying)&#8230;help me please find her
okay, i've got an officer on the way mam, i just need you to calm down okay? you have checked everywhere in the house?
yes, I've&#8230;
all the closets?&#8230;
under every bed?&#8230;
do you have a basement?
yes, and it's been checked too
okay. how about the vehicles outside?
it's been checked. that's what i used to go look for her. that's what i used to go look for her.
and you said that there was other children in the residence?
(appears cut or edited)(typing)&#8230;k.
is she old enough to where she would be able to reach the door handle?
yes she is
oh my god. (baby crying in background) here, please play with your brother for a minute.
(appears cut or edited)
what color is her hair?
she has brown hair and brown eyes
do you know how much she weighs?
she weighs approximately 32 to 35 pounds. maybe a little more.
okay. do you know how tall she is?
ah&#8230;um&#8230;i'm guessing around 3 feet. um, i'm not for sure right now. i'm sorry.
that's okay. was there anyone else with you in the residence with you this morning? any other adults?
no&#8230;um the only adult that...(appears cut or edited)
how many other children are in the residence?
i have 5 kids
okay, so there's 4 others in the residence?
there's 3 right now
okay. where is the other one?
my son is at visitation with his father
okay (appears cut or edited) so you got up at 6:30 with her and she got/was sick?
she went back to bed, went back to sleep&#8230;and then you laid down also?
how old are your other children that are&#8230;? (appears cut or edited)
okay. um..did any of them see her this morning? what time did they get up?
they came in here&#8230;um&#8230;i'm not sure&#8230;maybe around 7-7:30&#8230;(appears cut or edited)&#8230;in my room with me.
okay, you said 11yr old, a 9 yr old, and an 8 month old?
okay, can you look outside and see the officer?
i'm looking. oh god.
(appears cut or edited)
&#8230;in the front
oh my god. yes, i see one out here.
okay, i'm gonna go ahead and let you off the line so you can go talk to him.
alright, thank you.
alright, bye.

<end call>

911 tape Lena Lunsford - YouTube
Thank you so much for transcribing that mrsu.
I wonder if that 911 dispatcher has hearing loss. The dispatcher seems to be attempting to use reflecting listening but she's not doing a very good job. It bothers me that it's the dispatcher that has said the time, not mom. I think mom just agrees in frustration.
Why doesn't she mention the step-father when asked to list who lives there? I haven't been reading so I don't know if this has been addressed.
Why doesn't she mention the step-father when asked to list who lives there? I haven't been reading so I don't know if this has been addressed.

How long has he lived there? If he's a more recent addition, it's possible she initially forgot in her panic. Not sure I agree with this, but just throwing an idea out there.
I wonder if that 911 dispatcher has hearing loss. The dispatcher seems to be attempting to use reflecting listening but she's not doing a very good job. It bothers me that it's the dispatcher that has said the time, not mom. I think mom just agrees in frustration.

I think the dispatcher is just trying to gather as much info as quickly as possible to aid LE in locating the baby. It isn't a criminal investigation at that time and dealing with what sounds like a hysterical mother must be hard.
I wonder if that 911 dispatcher has hearing loss. The dispatcher seems to be attempting to use reflecting listening but she's not doing a very good job. It bothers me that it's the dispatcher that has said the time, not mom. I think mom just agrees in frustration.

I think in the first call when the operator asks when the last time she saw her was...Lena says early this morning and she had the flu. I think she then probably gives some more details about what happened but they are edited from the call for whatever reason. It is right after then that the operator says, so you last saw her at 6:30am. I don't think an operator would just throw out a time. MOO
How long has he lived there? If he's a more recent addition, it's possible she initially forgot in her panic. Not sure I agree with this, but just throwing an idea out there.

I'm not sure. I don't even know for sure if he lives there but that's what I've been reading here. That she got up to see him off. Maybe he just spent the night?
Why doesn't she mention the step-father when asked to list who lives there? I haven't been reading so I don't know if this has been addressed.

In the first call I'm not sure if the operator asks who lives in the residence or who was there when she went missing? If that's the case, maybe SD was already at work so he would have not been there.

In the second call, the operator asks about any other adults. Lena does start to say, ...the only other adult...but it also appears the call was edited at that point. I'm guessing that she does mention the SD here, but it's been edited.
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