WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 6

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respectufully snipped by me:

i think she really does want the best for her kids, as most mothers would, but i sense a lot of precaution and worry coming from her. like she's scared to reveal what she really knows. i think the 2 hour drive was just a breather to get her thoughts together & prepare for what was to come. to me, the end of the 2nd 911 call make me wonder. she seemed a little freaked out that it was actually happening/starting.

Mamacita, thanks for this. Exactly what I was feeling but not expressed so well!
The buying of cigarettes came from FB and is a RUMOR as far as WS is concerned, I believe.
I don't want to hear blood, beat to death with force by hand or instrument. I don't think it was violent. Still believe they've hidden her and it will come out. I do not want to go to bed thinking she was bludgeoned {sp} to death. Oh my, crying now. :{
The buying of cigarettes came from FB and is a RUMOR as far as WS is concerned, I believe.

:banghead: oops! Thanks for reminding me it was a rumor!! I deleted it out of my original post.
I don't want to hear blood, beat to death with force by hand or instrument. I don't think it was violent. Still believe they've hidden her and it will come out. I do not want to go to bed thinking she was bludgeoned {sp} to death. Oh my, crying now. :{

My hopes are pinned on the attorney with the credible information that she is still alive.
In staying within TOS I wanted to broach the subject of children(minors, especially elementary age and younger) without being specific(and to tell the truth I couldn't be more specific If I wanted.. As truthfully I know nothing but their ages).. In a case such as what we have here with Aliayah's disappearance we have the mom placing herself and the children there in the home(and ATLEAST one child in the very room up until 6:30-7am)with Aliayah the very morning and time of the morning that LL states Aliayah "disappeared"..

With a parent having done so IMO completely and absolutely backs the parent into a corner with making such a statement.. We are not talking especially young(as in non verbal skills) children with ATLEAST two Of the 3 that were present in the home when Aliayah was last seen and disappeared.. With the two oldest being 100% capable of not only seeing and hearing specific actions and statements that occurred.. But even more importantly at an age absolutely capable of understanding what is going on without having actually seen or heard with their own eyes or ears the actual events that occurred(I.e. 9 and 11 yr olds ARE perfectly capable of "reading" situations that occur within the home).. In knowing this and the parent having made such a statement that these children ages 9 and 11 were present in the home and in the bedroom that very morning makes me certain that LE/FBI likely are confident in their knowing whether mom, SD, Gram are directly involved in Aliayah's disappearance(and possibly even other ppl as well depending on just what all these 2 older children witnessed, heard, or even overheard that morning)

Knowing that LE must know whether Aliayah was still alive and in the home that morning at or around 6:30am?? LE know the answer to this.. They know if Aliayah did stay in the home that night(as alleged one of the older children slept with Aliayah til 6:30am)?? They know the answer to this.. They also know whether or not there was actually a 2 hour car ride searching desperately for their baby sister.. IMO they at this point know a great deal of the true and accurate events and statements that occurred that fateful morning(if the events we know end up to be false or highly inaccurate).. Prior to mom calling 911..

Would most not agree with a good bit of certainty that LE know the answers to the majority of those ^above^ issues?? I feel certain that with their having been completely removed from the home and the mom's custody(last Friday night) that if LE did not yet know those answers by then that after having the children out of mom's custody that at some point thereafter that they have spoken with the two oldest children at length, with of course appropriate individuals in place in order to ensure the children's protection, but that there has been the development of speaking with these two eldest children and LE easily able to discern the events of that morning of fact from fiction and from that able to conclude ATLEAST who may or may not have had DIRECT involvement in taking Aliayah???

The children involved in this case, given their ages of 9 and 11.. IMO Are of extreme importance and would be an entire treasure trove and wealth of knowledge regarding Aliayah and/or any other surrounding issues.. ATLEAST that is what I am thinking at this point..

Anyone with experience or knowledge of how exactly these children and their invaluable knowledge would be handled I would love to hear what's the protocol or steps that are taken in order for Investigators to learn this all important and vital information these two older children may very well hold?? Without further traumatizing young children than what already has been done??

IMO that would be a very difficult task and a very thin, fine line that must be walked in order to proceed with this type situation..

Anyone with knowledge of how this would work, please do share.. TIA
another thing that sticks out to me is the 911 operator saying Aliayah went missing around 630am. Didn't mom state the other kids came to sleep with her between 7 and 730? Why did they all come to sleep with her? more specifically the older 2?!
Thanks for clarification on that issue being actually a rumor.. I followed suit as cc did in deleting my post that had discussion about what I now know to be a rumor..;)
I agree with Smooth Operators post (#648) above assuming the older children were raised by kind loving parents who taught their children the basics - lying, stealing, hurting people or animals, etc.
I know from first hand experience that a 9 year old who grows up in an abusive household learns very young when to keep their mouth shut. And IF this had been planned, the children were drilled many times of what to say and they have it down pat.
I don't want to hear blood, beat to death with force by hand or instrument. I don't think it was violent. Still believe they've hidden her and it will come out. I do not want to go to bed thinking she was bludgeoned {sp} to death. Oh my, crying now. :{

it is all just supposition at this point. Try not to let it get you upset friend. :hug:
Checking in to say I"m praying for Aaliyah...have been since the first day.
Even with the possible worst situation, she needs to be found and brought
home to those who loved her, brothers and sisters. Also praying for them,
this has to be horrifying to them.
Nothing new to add - save I am praying hard for resolution and answers.

Where are you Aliayah?
I agree with Smooth Operators post (#648) above assuming the older children were raised by kind loving parents who taught their children the basics - lying, stealing, hurting people or animals, etc.
I know from first hand experience that a 9 year old who grows up in an abusive household learns very young when to keep their mouth shut. And IF this had been planned, the children were drilled many times of what to say and they have it down pat.

But that's assuming this was a PLANNED MURDER OR SELLING OF Aliayah.. And that I am just not anywhere near ready to jump on that bandwagon(not saying there is one..lol.. Just using as a figure of speech).. But you say in going with it being planned it wouldve been drilled in their head.. But one has to believe it was planned IMO to get to a fabricated cover being drilled in not one, but two children's heads..

There are people whose jobs are specifically what happens in a case such as this in talking to children who have likely beared witness to some pretty horrific things.. This is what these individuals do and it is these children who have been raised in dysfunction beyond belief and abuse the likes of most of us can't comprehend and it is specifically those exact dysfunctions/abuses that have brought the children to have crossed paths with these specifically trained individuals that do not come into play until something horrific and criminal in nature has taken place..

These individuals largely and for the most part do not deal with children who come from loving, stable, disciplining, and intact homes.. But rather the vast majority of children these individuals work with, counsel, help are children who come from homes identical to the Lunsford home and some much, much worse.. The children have crossed paths with these professionals strictly because someone in their home has done something horrific or something horrific has been done to someone in that home.. That is why the child(or children in this case) are being helped by these particular counselors, social workers, psychiatrists/psychologists..

And these ^above^ named counselors are trained in dealing with these exact type of children who do not come from wonderful, loving homes..

So, in knowing that I do not agree that it's easy for such a child to be able to effectively lie and decieve such professionals who are knowledgable and likely expecting these possible manipulations and deceit passed down and threatened upon the children they are working with..

With that said I believe that it being two children and not just one makes it all the more likely the truth("if" threatened and manipulated to have been buried and replaced with complete fabrications.. Which jmo but I don't believe that to necessarily be present in this case).. The truth would be not difficult to obtain from these children.. All done in a very precise and highly trained of methods that will do it's best to protect the child(ren) from further harm than what has already been done by the parent(s) .. But always in there being more than one child possibly holding knowledge of their siblings death or abuse the likelihood is very great IMO that the highly trained individuals working with them would be able to get to the truth from one or both.. Or ATLEAST enough of the truth to determine what has occurred to the younger sibling..

Jmo, tho and combined with the little that I know from my sister who is a psychologist that for a good piece of her career worked specifically with these exact type children who came from monstrous homes of abuse and addiction.. Tho, she was not on the criminal side but rather in private practice..
This is the first case I have followed in a discussion group. I did try to watch the Casey Anthony trial but only discussed it with family. I am aware that such specialized individuals exist but most likely not locally.
I do not really feel the children will lie, I think they will say nothing at all. I think they have already put it out of their minds (blocked it) like it never happened. Information could be gathered under hypnosis but is probably not admissible as evidence. Being abused causes trauma and one way of dealing with that trauma is to pretend it never happened. It is not a conscience decision but a way ones mind protects itself.
First the disclaimers:
I am neither a psychologist nor am I Law Enforcement.

From what I have been told there are a very limited number of times young children can be questioned. LE will want the interviews taped, hopefully to prevent minors from having to testify against a perpetrator in open court and to preserve the testimony as well to compare to future statements. Yes, somebody with expertise in LE/FBI that has a Psychiatric degree etc may be used. From what I have seen here in FL 3 times seem to be the standard amount of times a young minor can be questioned. The fear is not so much of them forgetting what they have witnessed as much as it is them filling in the blanks with things that did not happen. It is important to question them early on and it is even more important that the interviews be done by somebody who has experience in a number of different fields. They have to be sure that questions posed to children are open ended and in no way leading or the questions and answers will never sit well with a jury. The last thing anybody wants is a case thrown out because the questions to a minor were 'leading'.

Just my own opinions though...

I would love to hear from Psych majors and practitioners on this as well.

OT: G'night ALL.
Many, many prayers for Alaiyah and all who truly love her.
Just wanted to add that I don't think we know for sure that Aliayah's bio dad is actually in jail right now. That would depend on which of the actual 3 EH's that were found, is her bio dad.
Doesn't look like any media did any updates from the 11:00 news.......sad
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