WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 7

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Thank you, Kimbreeley. I haven't followed all the threads.

It's sad, because the house appeared to have such a nice sized yard.
It's hard to imagine children not being seen during the warm summer months. :(

God forbid, if something happened to little Aliayah. She looks so distressed in all of her photo's. Almost a perplexed look, like she doesn't quite understand why things are the way they are, but understood something wasn't right at her young age. All I can think about is that little face, and that look, and it brings me to tears.

gulp, at first I thought it was just photo's taken after she was crying and tired but as we learnt more I no longer believed that.....

What I noticed was the pain in her eyes. Everyone else was talking about her mouth, and looking like she was frowning, but teething, broken teeth, etc, could cause that. Her eyes seem so very sad to me..... that breaks my heart.
"LL says she saw Aliayah at 6:30 a.m., goes back to bed, ....she checks on Aliayah, at 9:30ish, she's gone, so mom jumps in car, drives around for 2 hours, comes home, calls 911,"

It has always baffled me that she did not FIRST search the neighborhood OR even call out the child's name.
WHO on earth would get in a car and "drive two hours" looking for your child, if they were only three? Common sense would dictate that you scour the neighborhood and call 911.
I simply do not believe that Aliayah was even at that house that morning,....or mornings preceeding that day
"LL says she saw Aliayah at 6:30 a.m., goes back to bed, ....she checks on Aliayah, at 9:30ish, she's gone, so mom jumps in car, drives around for 2 hours, comes home, calls 911,"

It has always baffled me that she did not FIRST search the neighborhood OR even call out the child's name.
WHO on earth would get in a car and "drive two hours" looking for your child, if they were only three? Common sense would dictate that you scour the neighborhood and call 911.
I simply do not believe that Aliayah was even at that house that morning,....or mornings preceeding that day

There was also a report about the neighbor across the street being outside working in his yard til about 10am - and he says he had no idea her child was missing, she said nothing at all, didn't yell for her, nothing - neighbors didn't know child was missing until LE arrived.................

ITA - I think she was gone before the day she was reported missing as well.....
What I noticed was the pain in her eyes. Everyone else was talking about her mouth, and looking like she was frowning, but teething, broken teeth, etc, could cause that. Her eyes seem so very sad to me..... that breaks my heart.

I agree. I saw no joy in her eyes. When a child has just stopped crying they tend to have that little tear left in their eye that kind of glistens. And they have a look of relief or that little I feel better now look in their eyes. I never saw that in Aliayah's eyes. The eyes are the windows to a persons soul......
I agree. I saw no joy in her eyes. When a child has just stopped crying they tend to have that little tear left in their eye that kind of glistens. And they have a look of relief or that little I feel better now look in their eyes. I never saw that in Aliayah's eyes. The eyes are the windows to a persons soul......

Exactly... her eyes look so deeply hurt.... :(
"LL says she saw Aliayah at 6:30 a.m., goes back to bed, ....she checks on Aliayah, at 9:30ish, she's gone, so mom jumps in car, drives around for 2 hours, comes home, calls 911,"

It has always baffled me that she did not FIRST search the neighborhood OR even call out the child's name.
WHO on earth would get in a car and "drive two hours" looking for your child, if they were only three? Common sense would dictate that you scour the neighborhood and call 911.
I simply do not believe that Aliayah was even at that house that morning,....or mornings preceeding that day

using your post as a spring board..... and if she called out for Aliayah the neighbors would have heard. Would have been alerted to something wrong, but IIRC, there were NO such reports of neighbors hearing mom cry out for her missing baby. :furious:

A few weeks ago my son was a little late. I called him several times for about 5 minutes and he didn't answer. I immediately went to our neighbors that he plays with to tell the childs father I was going to drive around the block to find him (in an area he usually plays) and if he came home, I let this neighbor know where I was going. Sure enough, my son was where I thought he was but did not hear me calling. Yes, I drove there, around the block... and my then 8 yr old was in TEARS when I told him I was minutes away from calling 911. This all happened in 7 -10 minutes at most, but my neighbors were immediately alerted. That the AL's neighbors knew NOTHING is mind boggling.

using your post as a spring board..... and if she called out for Aliayah the neighbors would have heard. Would have been alerted to something wrong, but IIRC, there were NO such reports of neighbors hearing mom cry out for her missing baby. :furious:

A few weeks ago my son was a little late. I called him several times for about 5 minutes and he didn't answer. I immediately went to our neighbors that he plays with to tell the childs father I was going to drive around the block to find him (in an area he usually plays) and if he came home, I let this neighbor know where I was going. Sure enough, my son was where I thought he was but did not hear me calling. Yes, I drove there, around the block... and my then 8 yr old was in TEARS when I told him I was minutes away from calling 911. This all happened in 7 -10 minutes at most, but my neighbors were immediately alerted. That the AL's neighbors knew NOTHING is mind boggling.


Very Well Said!!!!!:rocker::great:
Very Well Said!!!!!:rocker::great:

Did the neighbor who was outside the house that morning do an interview with a news crew? I wonder if he saw or heard anything from the house that morning. We may not know what all he told LE.
Very Well Said!!!!!:rocker::great:

Thanks. I went to the neighbors because I didn't my son to freak out if he came home and did not see the car, which certainly would have happened if he happened to arrive home while I was driving around the block looking for him.

It makes ZERO sense that she would have driven around for two hours. Especially if Aliayah was wandering around outside and/or hiding and happened to come home to find mommy and all of her siblings not there.

My drive would have been around the block to cover the few area's my son is allowed to play in a group. If I didn't find him in less 5 minutes, I would have been on the phone with 911. and it would not take me more than 5 minutes to circle the immediate neighborhood where he is allowed to play. (after telling me where he is going.)

Did the neighbor who was outside the house that morning do an interview with a news crew? I wonder if he saw or heard anything from the house that morning. We may not know what all he told LE.

He did do an interview - it's on one of the earlier threads - he said there was nothing at all to indicate her child was missing, no screaming, yelling, knocking on doors, nothing. They didn't know the child was missing until LE showed up at the home.
Thanks. I went to the neighbors because I didn't my son to freak out if he came home and did not see the car, which certainly would have happened if he happened to arrive home while I was driving around the block looking for him.

It makes ZERO sense that she would have driven around for two hours. Especially if Aliayah was wandering around outside and/or hiding and happened to come home to find mommy and all of her siblings not there.

My drive would have been around the block to cover the few area's my son is allowed to play in a group. If I didn't find him in less 5 minutes, I would have been on the phone with 911. and it would not take me more than 5 minutes to circle the immediate neighborhood where he is allowed to play. (after telling me where he is going.)

BBM - I agree completely

Did the neighbor who was outside the house that morning do an interview with a news crew? I wonder if he saw or heard anything from the house that morning. We may not know what all he told LE.

Or the wee hours of the morning. If the weather was nice this is an area I'd expect many left their windows open.
What I noticed was the pain in her eyes. Everyone else was talking about her mouth, and looking like she was frowning, but teething, broken teeth, etc, could cause that. Her eyes seem so very sad to me..... that breaks my heart.

It hurts me to look into her eyes! She is SO young, but the pain is sooo evident :(
Well, I am going off to bed now.... goodnight sweet baby girl, I am praying for you and hope you are safe and warm wherever you are.... Sleep tight, little one....may you be found quickly and may those responsible be held accountable for their actions. <3
Community Trying to Find Aliayah, Investigation Continues
There's several people behind the scenes doing a lot of things. I know several citizens have, you know, put together some projects that they're trying to change a law, Aliayah's Law. I know several of those are working on that and I'm very proud of those individuals for taking the effort to do that. There's also some individuals putting together a balloon launch in her honor, of Aliayah, which is also very commending of those folks," says County Commission President Agnes Queen.
I am not sure I am understanding the law they are putting forward; has no one ever comfirmed to LE when Aliayah was seen last, and does it seem that she had really been missing for a while? If so, that would probably mean that her siblings may have told LE they hadn't seen her?
I've followed this case from the beginning and absolutely nothing about it makes sense..
I just hope justice will prevail.
MOO - Pure Speculation Alert - I wonder if the "sighting" of Aliayah at hte church was really someone else and not Aliayah at all.... the Christmas pictures, Grandma saying Christmas in her description of Aliayah, all makes me think something happened around Christmas, especially since mom and grandma did NOT mention at all her birthday, which had just passed.......

Pssssttttt...... is anyone awake out there in WS land?! Lol!

Was Aliayah supposed to start going to daycare or have a pediatrician scheduled, was the CPS or a long-distance relative planning a visit to the family? Why was she was an invisible child from August on, who knows when she disappeared. What prompted the missing persons report in September?

I was shocked to read that she was last seen in August by anyone other than a family member. Even if she disappeared in September just like they said, why didn't any of the neighbors see her? Didn't she go grocery shopping with mom? Nobody ever visited the heavily pregnant mother to see how she was doing?

Good point about the birthday.

I would like to know if there are family photos of the other children after Christmas.
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