WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 9

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Ok... discussing it as its been in the video is fine. I would prefer we not talk about it as fact at this time and only talk about what was in the video, unless we having something concrete about her and the 'bath salts/drugs'? Of course this can all change. Thanks.



Discuss in context of video only at this time everyone. No cracks about any drug use either. Thank you.

I would love for her to come here. i think all of us has sit back and waited and waited for her to speak out for Aliayah. I would like nothing more than for her to come onto here and start giving us some real answers about Aliayah. I would find it very hard to believe anything she has to say, but I would give it a shot. However had she done just that from day one I think none of us would have judged her. I think we would have listen to what she had to say and would have needed some hard proof to believe that she had anything to do with it. Now it's the other way around. :behindbar

Even if someone did come on and identify themselves as LL, I would assume that it was an employee or contractor in her current attorney's employ. Anything coming from the LL camp would be highly suspect, especially with this statement coming 47 days too late.
All I can say is that I am SO damn glad Aliayah has a voice.
I do not mean the "mother".

Thanks to Vickie, Tina, Randy, Jesse, this little gal is back in the news with actual news and a bit of heat on in a cooled case.

Also, I updated the case archive, and added a little info about the (not rose-scented) bath salts.

http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Aliayah Lunsford -WV-/
Matt18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.
Please plan to attend and join us in prayer for this precious little one, Aliayah. I KNOW there is POWER IN PRAYER, If you can't be at the meeting , Please , take time to join us in prayer where ever you are. Thank you.

Hey Vickie, I DO believe you should have someone deliver a handwritten invitation to Lena & Ralph asking them to participate in this Prayer Meeting for their daughter, little Aliayah.
Can you believe after all this time she gives a statement but it's to knock Vickie and her brothers for speaking out. This woman is something else. Sharedspirit I was mad when I read this too. I would have used every second to beg for my child. She is just trying to cover her butt....:furious:

We've all heard the best defense is a great offense well, guess what LL, it's not working! No one believes you.

Aunt Vicki should file for Guardian ad Litem on behalf of Aliayah if that is possible. I don't know the laws but as her guardian she would represent her before the courts and in legal matters. (unless I'm mistaken).

Guardian ad Litem is an advocate for a child whose welfare is a matter of concern for the court.

It might be the first time anyone has done this on behalf of a missing child but someone needs to be speaking for Aliayah and obviously, her mother isn't.

Vicki might even be able to find an attorney willing to take this on for free. A first!..............

I'm so mad I could spit! This statement was only released because she was mad at her aunt & other family who were upset because she hasn't released a statement or done anything to get the word out about Aliayah.

This makes me angry, too. I'm sure it's her attorney's doing & probably ONLY because Joann (her mother) is mad at Vickie & the bros for going public. You notice Lena didn't give her "statement" to the news on video - I'm sure she couldn't pull of being sincere & her atty knew it.
Im just still sitting here with my jaw on the floor. I think the media should go to interview her and if she refuses the reporter should say "oh, no biggie we've got an appointment with your aunt in 30 minutes anyway..." I think she'd talk.

LOVE THIS!!!!! :rocker:
I hope Lena and her Attorney are BOTH reading the blogs, facebook pages and here at Websleuths.

I hope they understand just how self-serving that statement sounded and how badly it came across. Obviously Lena does not comprehend that how she is being perceived, has nothing to do with Vickie Bowen or her brothers.

Before VB had said ONE word, I felt Lena was guilty of disappearing Aliayah. The few small things she shared, cemented my feelings.

My mind won't be changed if she passes a LDT. Psychopath's are consummate liars and can easily pass a test anyway ... pssstttt, hey Lena, you may be street-smart honey, but you're going down :seeya:
The similarities between LL and Casey Anthony are so uncanny. Their behaviors are so similar.
Lena Lunsford's aunt, Vickie Bowen, says she believes she is the family member Lena mentions.

Bowen says, "If it was my daughter that was missing, everybody in the country would know my name. I would be yelling on the street corners. I would be yelling everywhere to find my daughter."

Aliayah Lunsford was last seen at her home in Lewis County on Sept. 24.

Investigators recently offered a $20,000 reward to anyone with information that helps them find Aliayah or can give them information that leads to an arrest and conviction.

Lunsford's statement does not include any references to her not guilty plea she entered Tuesday to federal welfare fraud charges.


And actually LL did NOT make a statement---the attorney "said" she made a statement-and im ---too little too late!
I hope Lena and her Attorney are BOTH reading the blogs, facebook pages and here at Websleuths.

I hope they understand just how self-serving that statement sounded and how badly it came across. Obviously Lena does not comprehend that how she is being perceived, has nothing to do with Vickie Bowen or her brothers.

Before VB had said ONE word, I felt Lena was guilty of disappearing Aliayah. The few small things she shared, cemented my feelings.

My mind won't be changed if she passes a LDT. Psychopath's are consummate liars and can easily pass a test anyway ... pssstttt, hey Lena, you may be street-smart honey, but you're going down :seeya:

My mind wouldn't change either, Knox. Again-no mention of Ralph Lunsford , or what she has been doin (besides the obivous) since HER daughter vanished.
I have a sick day and finally feel up to getting on here, and find the doors of hades have been pried open and the devil "dog" is cramming its' head through spewing venom toward the one who has given Aliayah a voice! Well, excuse me, but if mommie dearest had spoken up before, maybe we would have had her definition of the "facts". MAYBE we would have different opinions, but NOOO...she chose to hide behind lies and deceit, and now that things are getting a little too hot in "hades", she decides to say something. A little too little, a little too late.

Vicki, you remind me of Donald Trump...you spoke when nobody else was willing to, and you got a reaction. Gee, you must have hit a nerve somewhere. Getting too close to the truth maybe??
WOW been busy with a lot of family stuff but Vickie Tina and the rest of you brave folks who have spoken out for Aliayah are my heroes. Even if LL is completely innocent then maybe she will finally speak out for her daughter. Not that I think she is though. And not that I think she will.

The most important thing here is that you made something happen!!! Finally after all this time the heat is turned up and Aliayah's case will not go cold. Keep speaking out and I firmly believe the truth will eventually come out!!
Please pray that I do good tomorrow I will be on Whaw radio station to get Aliayahs information across airwaves . Not my kinda thing but will do this in hope that we get information on where Aliayah is and what happened to her. My goal is to bring Aliayah home safe and sound and find answers that are unknown. Also Jack Logar 106.5 radio personality said he would keep Aliayahs information on his radio station will never give up til she is found dafe and unharmed
Tina, you'll do fine! Hang tuff and remember this is for Aliayah! Do you happen to know what time it will be aired?
no supposed to call in am with time i will let u know . will do

Thanks, Tina! Actually, I saw you on WSAZ and you were just crying your heart out. I just wanted to jump through my tv and hug you!! YOU will do fine!@@@
It has been very hard on everyone . I wanted to get the message out about Aliayah . It is hard not to get upset when talking about Aliayah cause we dont know where she is and the not knowing is so hard. Me , jesse,randy, vickie will make sure that she is never forgotten . We will continue to keep Aliayahs picture and information out there in hope that we find Aliayah and any information on her disappearance. Thanx to websleuth for everything you all are doing
I, too, feel that Vickie was being referred to in the statement and it really angers me! Vickie, Randy and Jesse have done nothing wrong. They have all tried to be helpful and set rumors straight to the best of their knowledge. She says that "This family member doesn't know the real facts of the case". Well, maybe if she would get off her rear end and speak up for her daughter people would know the real facts rather than having to make their own conclusions as to what has happened to this innocent child! Aliayah did not ask to be on this earth. She had no choice in who her parents are, but she damn well deserves some justice! Vickie, I hope that you, Randy and Jesse do not let this statement deter you from seeking the answers you all deserve and the justice Aliayah deserves!
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