WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Freaky to read this. It was just occurring to me that NF could have owned a trailer or a little land with an old cabin somewhere around Charleston, WV or any place within a 2-hour or so radius. Maybe he had the same further northeast in New York or New England? In any case, he would have had to have access to a storage unit at the very least or some "go to" place I would think. Either that or access to "regular" campsites for a shower/cot etc. I didn't read about them finding toiletries or extra clothing in his car so he had a "go to" place or motel room at the time he was killed which just hasn't been revealed. If he was truly living/sleeping regularly in his car then a debit/bank card & records will tell the story. To really stay under the radar he must have been paying for things like food & gas "on a cash basis." He was extremely smug to show up at escort's home with no $$ in hand. That says to me he was very very seasoned and experienced at his evil deeds. It was "old hat" and "routine" and Heather was smart to trust her intuition and fight him for her life.
She's one smart, lucky lady!
Narcissistic sociopath Neal told the escort who was boss / how it was going down and bragged about how long he would be put away if caught. He was proud/ bragging about his corrupt conquests.
The most disgusting thing I read today in the news was the fact that they found a large plastic tub- large enough for a body- in his vehicle. It turns my stomach to think of the many times he may have used one of those and the times he could have had evidence in his car in all those 21+ states where he was stopped by police for "routine" things when driving cross country dumping his trash bags....
I can't imagine that he was so smart that he failed to leave any DNA behind during his past criminal activity so I'm praying they get something from CODIS.
A couple of observations:

4 pairs of handcuffs could be used to restrain 1 person. 2 arms 2 legs...I thought one of the links mentioned he had 4 pairs in his pocket(s) on day he was killed.

Also, a 3 pm hookup for someone who exists on a graveyard shift (night = day) doesn't seem unusual to me.
It is obvious to me that he had his license, credit card, and/or cash stashed somewhere close by to his visit to his victim in WVA. If he was stopped by cops across the country, as recently as july 7, 2015, then he had his license on him when he was stopped or he would have gotten a ticket for not having it on him. He either had a local room, campsite, or just buried his personal items til he could retrieve them when he was done, possibly buried them at a predetermined site that he would go to AFTER he did whatever deed he was gonna do.

IF HE DIDNT LEAVE IT IN A LOCAL ROOM, BURIAL SITE OR CAMPSITE, an off the wall alternative: We are blindly believing everything the victim said, he did have money and /or credit cards and ID on him, she robbed him, and killed him when he got mad and they struggled, and later just hid the stuff cuz she didn't want anyone to know she tried to rob him. Is it possible that there is more to the victim's story that we don't know?

I also hope they searched the car inside and out for that kind of thing. I think of the pickup truck that had the pictures hidden up in the fender in the Sharon Marshall case. The perp drove his vehicle around with photographic evidence hidden right up under the fenders.

I don't think she would have robbed him at her own house. How would she expect to protect herself since he knew where she lived? If he was in a motel, then I could believe she'd try and rob him. But I don't think you invite someone bigger and stronger thn you to your own home, and then rob him. UNLESS she planned to kill him all along. But it was his gun she used...so?
I don't think she would have robbed him at her own house. How would she expect to protect herself since he knew where she lived? If he was in a motel, then I could believe she'd try and rob him. But I don't think you invite someone bigger and stronger thn you to your own home, and then rob him. UNLESS she planned to kill him all along. But it was his gun she used...so?

I did say "off the wall alternative" and was being pretty tongue in cheek, but is is just another way of looking at things.
Note the two Jane does found in Kentucky. One in Jefferson county and one in Simpson county. One in 2001 (gun permit issued in Indiana) and one in 2005 (Las Vegas girls remains found in Illinois).

I don't know why I have so much trouble pasting links. I found them at stilltheyspeak website
I don't think she would have robbed him at her own house. How would she expect to protect herself since he knew where she lived? If he was in a motel, then I could believe she'd try and rob him. But I don't think you invite someone bigger and stronger thn you to your own home, and then rob him. UNLESS she planned to kill him all along. But it was his gun she used...so?


I know people sometimes injure themselves to make a crime look like self defense - but broken vertebrae is pretty severe.
Heather had a separated shoulder, broken vertebrae, strangulation marks around her throat and other injuries, Cooper said.
A couple of observations:

4 pairs of handcuffs could be used to restrain 1 person. 2 arms 2 legs...I thought one of the links mentioned he had 4 pairs in his pocket(s) on day he was killed.

Also, a 3 pm hookup for someone who exists on a graveyard shift (night = day) doesn't seem unusual to me.

That missing headrest in the back of the Subaru + the 4 cuffs may be unrelated but reminds me of Ted Bundy.
Great stuff, especially the map!

Interesting that we are still learning about the contents of the trunk, specifically the plastic tub. I don't recall seeing that before.

About the 4 handcuffs, without being too graphic, if someone wanted to fully restrain someone in a certain position, they might use 4 restraints. Think of the old torture 'draw and quarter.'

The thing about that, though, is that it takes some room, and suggests holding the victim in one location for awhile. How did this guy know they wouldn't be interrupted? Or didn't he care?

I think the idea about the near-victim helping herself to some immediate financial recompense for the experience is fascinating. And even defensible. But, I hope she confesses pretty quickly, because the investigators will need that info.

I read in one article about a former landlord that he had a firearm collection at one time. Yet, he was going with just one pistol. I'm not totally sure the import of that, but it still seems significant. Did he sell all but one to finance his lifestyle? Did he give them to family to hold on to? Or are they at his home base?

If he's a security type guy, he's probably into guns and unlikely to just get rid of them.

The (probable?) dad's obit lists NF as living in KS, and I think another brother living in San Diego. Wasn't one of the post it note numbers a San Diego area code?

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Yes, and one of the addresses on the map was for San Bernardino, so there's definitely a SoCal connection.
I read in one article about a former landlord that he had a firearm collection at one time. Yet, he was going with just one pistol. I'm not totally sure the import of that, but it still seems significant. Did he sell all but one to finance his lifestyle? Did he give them to family to hold on to? Or are they at his home base?

When living in Henderson, Neal Falls allegedly owned 8 weapons, including one AR-15 and one Beretta. The pistol he was killed with was not a Beretta, but a Ruger.

The (probable?) dad's obit lists NF as living in KS, and I think another brother living in San Diego. Wasn't one of the post it note numbers a San Diego area code?

It does list his brother as in San Diego. I have also confirmed his brother still lives in San Diego to this day.

Yes, and one of the addresses on the map was for San Bernardino, so there's definitely a SoCal connection.

I have actually yet to find a Neal Falls connection to San Bernardino, and it is subsequently not on the map for that reason.

Oh, as an update, it looks like the list of places Neal Falls was stopped at, is coming out. I currently have a list of 15 states NF was in. There's been reports of 20-21 states, but I've only seen 15 at the moment.

Also, it's come up that NF may have used an alias "BJ Ross" online.


Now, The Daily Beast isn't exactly the most reputable website when it comes to journalism. Here's a problem: "BJ Ross" is an actual, living person, who currently still lives and breathes in LEBANON, OREGON.

Now, either NF knows this fella and decided to use his name (Which may be possible, this guy is 38 and NF was 45), or The Daily Beast just got a cell phone number from TMobile (which regularly re-uses cell numbers in a quick period of time) which at one point may have been NF's, but now belongs to this BJ fella.

I have evidence that this BJR individual still exists and is living today. However, I'm not exactly 100% aware of the rules of this forum, but I do know that I cannot post private private information, such as his facebook page or whatnot. However, I will post this:


Just as evidence that this BJ Ross guy exists and his name appears in a non-media outlet.

Also, the alleged "BJ Ross" facebook page that Daily Beast links to, goes back to 2012-2013 as an individual calling themselves a woman and using a womans picture. Also makes references towards having children and being married, which Neal Falls was neither. On top of that, his family didn't lose him as a facebook friend until AFTER his mother died in 2015. Surely there would be many comments on that facebook page inquiring about such lies.

tl;dr: Daily Beast says NF used name "BJ Ross" online. They link a picture of an Oregon Cell phone with the name BJ Ross, soliciting services. I say Daily Beast is full of nonsense because the phone number is a t-mobile registered number, which means it could belong to anyone on any given day. I also find an individual who's still alive named BJ Ross who lives in the area of coverage of the t-mobile number, and is also from the same city NF used to live in.
Okay, so some poking pulls up this information:

San Bernardino is where the dismembered body of one of the prostitutes missing from Las Vegas was found.

"Brewer, 19, disappeared from Las Vegas in August 2003. Three weeks later, her dismembered remains were found along a highway in San Bernardino, California."


It looks like if you drive between Las Vegas and San Diego, you go through San Bernardino (I-215 to I-15): https://goo.gl/maps/2itV8

If you don't want to include this one, you probably shouldn't include the Indiana address where the other woman's body was found.
Okay, so some poking pulls up this information:

San Bernardino is where the dismembered body of one of the prostitutes missing from Las Vegas was found.

"Brewer, 19, disappeared from Las Vegas in August 2003. Three weeks later, her dismembered remains were found along a highway in San Bernardino, California."


It looks like if you drive between Las Vegas and San Diego, you go through San Bernardino (I-215 to I-15): https://goo.gl/maps/2itV8

If you don't want to include this one, you probably shouldn't include the Indiana address where the other woman's body was found.

The reason I included the Indiana one is because NF has a concrete pattern of going from Henderson to areas near Illinois and Indiana and Kentucky, during that time frame. Despite his brother living in San Diego, there is no link between NF and San Diego or him going there. From my research, Neal and Lee were not too close of brothers to begin with. However, under the Henderson yellow dot on the map, I was sure to include the areas where all body parts were found, so San Bernardino (more specifically, Cima Road offramp on I-15) is included
The reason I included the Indiana one is because NF has a concrete pattern of going from Henderson to areas near Illinois and Indiana and Kentucky, during that time frame.

Can you provide more information on the Indiana connection? I believe, so far, the only connection is the gun permit. Which, frankly, merely means he had an address available to him there. I am skeptical that he actually lived there, given the overlap with the time he was renting in Henderson.
Here is a useful radius map. Just type in the name of the city and state and a radius of how many miles you want to look at. It creates a map that shows what cities are within the radius that you are looking at.


And here is a state by state list of casinos in the United States.


I happen to notice there is a casino in Charleston, West Virginia. I also happen to notice there are casinos in the following areas as well: the Cincinnati, Ohio and Lawrenceburg, Indiana area, the Evansville, Indiana area, and the Buffalo and Niagara Falls area in New York.
The reason I included the Indiana one is because NF has a concrete pattern of going from Henderson to areas near Illinois and Indiana and Kentucky, during that time frame. Despite his brother living in San Diego, there is no link between NF and San Diego or him going there. From my research, Neal and Lee were not too close of brothers to begin with. However, under the Henderson yellow dot on the map, I was sure to include the areas where all body parts were found, so San Bernardino (more specifically, Cima Road offramp on I-15) is included

Ah, I see.

I was working in the opposite direction, using the known or suspected addresses as a brainstorming tool to point to areas that might be more productive for research.
Can you provide more information on the Indiana connection? I believe, so far, the only connection is the gun permit. Which, frankly, merely means he had an address available to him there. I am skeptical that he actually lived there, given the overlap with the time he was renting in Henderson.

Well, he did get a gun permit there, and one would assume he would have an address there. Another thing to mention is, NF must have not had a permit for a pistol at the time of being in Indiana, as Indiana accepts all other states gun permits.

However, while I don't have an address on NF in Indiana, it could just be possible that he was applying for a job as a security guard there, went through the process of getting a guard-card, and that process may have included getting a weapons permit in the state of Indiana. So NF may very well have not lived in Indiana. I'll continue to see if I can find any other solid links to him an the Hoosier State, though.
I'll continue to see if I can find any other solid links to him an the Hoosier State, though.

Full disclosure: I'm a Hoosier, and that's the connection that got my attention in the first place. :)

It is pretty easy to get a handgun permit in Indiana. You really don't need much more than an address and be able to pass a background check (which NF clearly could). Interestingly, we do have a non-resident permit, which is more expensive, but I don't think it would show little old Butler, Indiana, as the address if he didn't use an actual address there.

The closes gambling establishment is the "racino" in Anderson, but that's still pretty far away from Butler.

Looking at the map, one way the Butler connection could become more meaningful is if there's a link to Detroit. Given the patterns he would have to drive between the established cities, Butler only makes sense if he's going up I-69 (yes, that's a real highway) to Detroit.

Or Toledo. Or Cleveland.

Also, interestingly, according to:

At least right now (no idea about 2001), IN would recognize Nevada's gun permit, but Nevada would not recognize Indiana's. In fact, if he had a Nevada one, it would be recognized more than Indiana's. It sorta doesn't make sense why he'd even need to get one in Indiana.

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