WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

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Quoting Trexian, quoting MSM articles:


Medford Mail
November 12, 1958
Myrtle Creek Man Pleads Guilty - Ray O'Neal Falls, 30, Myrtle Creek, pleaded guilty in district court this afternoon to a charge of carrying a cancealed weapon. Sentencing was continued until Friday. Falls was arrested by Medford city police Tuesday at 9:45 p.m. at the Richfield Truck and Auto service, 2390 North Pacific highway, following a report that a man was causing a disturbance there. Police reported that the man was in the repair room of the building picking up cartridges from the floor and putting them into his pocket, when they arrived. When ordered out of the room by Patrolman Jack Sanders, Falls pulled a fully loaded .32 caliber automatic from his pocket and started to raise it. When Sanders drew his revolver Falls dropped the automatic into a trash barrel, according to police. Police said the automatic was fully loaded and cocked. Other ammunition was discovered by police in the Falls' automobile.


So, get this. Google search: "site:newspapers.com medford 'neal falls'" and one of the links is:

Kokomo Tribune, August 17, 1953 - apologies for the garbled OCR, but the important parts come through.
EImore Falls, 25, 319 S: Main' St., : met, death', early Sunday morning; when he was hit by a Monon train on a spur track at Lafayette. ' Bonj -Feb. 28,1928, in Keys, Okla., Falls was the son of Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal' Falls. He had'lived Jn Ko- komo"tw.o year,'! and \yas employed at.the.Haynea Stellite Rolling Mill. He was a member of the Coiirtland Avenue Church: of Christ. He served in the Navy three year* before coming to -Kokomo. Be tra* married Jan. 3d, 1950, to Claire Windier, who survives ».wlth the parents, a son Gerry; three brothers, Ray of Kokomo, Verl of Medford, Ore., and Otis of St. Louii; two sifters, Mrs. Lovadell Davis of St Charles, MO., and Miss Verda June Falls of St. Louis, and several nieces and nephews.

A couple things stand out for me. When the polishing compounds thing was brought up here, I immediately thought of a body shop. See first Quote above.

Then, in the second Quote I noticed someone worked at a rolling mill. This link is to a website about this facility mentioned in the article:


Seems any metal needs to have a good polishing compound, whether doing autobody work or sending something to the moon.

Sorry for being away for a while, I've had quite a few cases that I needed to catch up on and it's been a bumpy 2 weeks!


Heya 1doc-

I've been trying to figure out why the police press reports suggested either an Intratec Scorpion or the Erme Werke. Can't find the twist rates, but those 2 pistols use different extractors and different bolt/firing pin mechanics. The marks on any cases seem like they'd be completely different. Or, if they're looking at the shape of the firing pin, the same as a couple dozen (at least) other firing pins. Plus, I can't be sure, but I think the Scorpion's firing pin is different than the E-W.

Beats me, man. Sometimes police say silly things

Anyway, the Scorpion would be much easier to conceal and would be "cooler" to own back then.

I would agree. A Werke would be considered an "old mans" or "sportsman" pistol in gun circles, while a Scorpion would be something a more casual shooter would gravitate towards. In terms of concealment, it's no contest: Scorpion is significantly smaller.

Also, regarding NF's victim type, I would say it's utterly impossible and illogical to say that NF had a victim type at this point. It wouldn't even be fair to say that escorts were a type of his, either, despite having attacked one and having a list of others. Until NF can be linked to at least 1 more murder or attack, there is 0 more known attacks that one can correlate with Heather's attributes. Sure, one can speculate, but it cannot be said for sure. Basically, I'm saying Bill Warner is a crockjob and shouldn't be listened to.

[edit] Oh yeah, I know a few of you are looking into the Bardstown crimes. I have to travel to Bardstown on Sunday for an investigation, and I'll have a bit of time on my hands. If anyone wants photos of any area, or anything else a private investigator can get his hands on within reason (I don't want to have to spend 100 bucks on copies of papers that may be frivolous) then just drop me a line via PM or a post in this thread (assuming that's alright and we don't delve off the topic)
Guys. I found something extremely relevant. Here's a link to an Oregon news station:


It won't let me directly link to the post, but there's a news article from July 22 about NF. It's very hard to scroll thru to find it due to a high volume of articles. If you do a facebook search, and type in "Fox 12 Oregon Neal Falls Springfield" it should bring the article up right away. There's like 209 comments to the article. VERY INTERESTING comment about 8 or 9 down.

For those who do not "Facebook":

A gentleman reading the article commented that he encountered Falls the week of the attempted murder in W.V. Falls asked for directions to a local shooting range and made some very eerie comments. The man describes his creepy behavior, feminine voice and other things.
Here's a direct link.

Sometimes police say silly things

Understatement of the thread so far. :)

So btown, that doesn't look like a senior picture. Any idea whether he graduated?

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Understatement of the thread so far. :)

So btown, that doesn't look like a senior picture. Any idea whether he graduated?

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Looks like it was in the Freshman listings.
That would put his graduation class as '89ish.
Quoting Trexian, quoting MSM articles:


Medford Mail
November 12, 1958
Myrtle Creek Man Pleads Guilty - Ray O'Neal Falls, 30, Myrtle Creek, pleaded guilty in district court this afternoon to a charge of carrying a cancealed weapon. Sentencing was continued until Friday. Falls was arrested by Medford city police Tuesday at 9:45 p.m. at the Richfield Truck and Auto service, 2390 North Pacific highway, following a report that a man was causing a disturbance there. Police reported that the man was in the repair room of the building picking up cartridges from the floor and putting them into his pocket, when they arrived. When ordered out of the room by Patrolman Jack Sanders, Falls pulled a fully loaded .32 caliber automatic from his pocket and started to raise it. When Sanders drew his revolver Falls dropped the automatic into a trash barrel, according to police. Police said the automatic was fully loaded and cocked. Other ammunition was discovered by police in the Falls' automobile.


So, get this. Google search: "site:newspapers.com medford 'neal falls'" and one of the links is:

Kokomo Tribune, August 17, 1953 - apologies for the garbled OCR, but the important parts come through.
EImore Falls, 25, 319 S: Main' St., : met, death', early Sunday morning; when he was hit by a Monon train on a spur track at Lafayette. ' Bonj -Feb. 28,1928, in Keys, Okla., Falls was the son of Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal' Falls. He had'lived Jn Ko- komo"tw.o year,'! and \yas employed at.the.Haynea Stellite Rolling Mill. He was a member of the Coiirtland Avenue Church: of Christ. He served in the Navy three year* before coming to -Kokomo. Be tra* married Jan. 3d, 1950, to Claire Windier, who survives ».wlth the parents, a son Gerry; three brothers, Ray of Kokomo, Verl of Medford, Ore., and Otis of St. Louii; two sifters, Mrs. Lovadell Davis of St Charles, MO., and Miss Verda June Falls of St. Louis, and several nieces and nephews.

A couple things stand out for me. When the polishing compounds thing was brought up here, I immediately thought of a body shop. See first Quote above.

Then, in the second Quote I noticed someone worked at a rolling mill. This link is to a website about this facility mentioned in the article:


Seems any metal needs to have a good polishing compound, whether doing autobody work or sending something to the moon.


So are these people in the second article related to NF?
Thanks matilda and Btown for the interesting posts! Falls in the yearbook does look quite a bit like I70. I'd say the nose and the hairline are distinctive and a good match between the two. It does look like the eyes are much wider-set on Falls than on the I70 sketch, but still very interesting. The one thing I noticed comparing Falls vs I70 victims is that Falls seemed to really 'like' blondes, while I70 only victimized brunettes......I still hope LE stills takes a real good look at Falls though.

IMHO NMF liked brunnettes, redheads, blondes, whoever. Actually he loathed them. His brave killer Heather was not blonde.
I think this dude is a more prolific killer than Jack the Ripper and countless others.
They say that serial killers never quit killing, they just change their MO.
I think NMF has killed hundreds. He thought out his manner and how to avoid being caught. He could very well be I-70 who purposely didn't pull his car into the parking lot but left it out of sight when walking to a shop to shoot and kill a victim. I also think he has tried and true patterns where he goes back to places he has killed his victims and looks for more prey. GREAT IDEAS re- the rouge and his dad's occupation. Per later posting, looks like his dad was a "gun guy" with concealed weapons arrest in 1958, so he could have kept the rouge at home to polish arms. NMF's brothers would know if that's the case.
Note about the I-70 killer. In 2014, the St. Charles police department posted in several forums about the case, including the information about the materials found on the spent cartridges.

Here is one example:

It included a point I was going to make:

There was a company in that same timeframe that patented a commercial fire lapping product. That would make it more accessible to casual shooters. (There is a 1992 patent for the process to a Neco company that apparently still makes the product.)

The "lapping" is a method of making the gun more accurate. "Fire lapping" basically uses a cartridge covered with grit to smooth out the chamber/barrel. The residue from that process seems most likely to be what transferred those materials to the cases.

I also agree that there are enough similarities between NMF and the I-70 composite to include him as a possible suspect.

THANKS FOR POSTING LINK TO HANDGUN FORUM. I just realized that maybe this is why I-70 wore a coat/jacket (if he was hiding a longer gun?)
I kept thinking he would have had to have used a handgun from all the info I've read and one witness specifically noticed his sportscoat so can you hide that type of gun beneath a sportscoat or is it too long? He parked out of sight and walked across a large parking lot once, disappearing behind a hill toward the highway afterward in the eyewitness account.
IMHO NMF liked brunnettes, redheads, blondes, whoever. Actually he loathed them. His brave killer Heather was not blonde.

Agree with this 100%

I think NMF has killed hundreds. He thought out his manner and how to avoid being caught. He could very well be I-70 who purposely didn't pull his car into the parking lot but left it out of sight when walking to a shop to shoot and kill a victim.

This is very different from NF's only known attack, where he parked his vehicle directly in front of the house of Heathers.

I kept thinking he would have had to have used a handgun from all the info I've read and one witness specifically noticed his sportscoat so can you hide that type of gun beneath a sportscoat or is it too long?

Well, NF owned at least 2 handguns that can be easily concealed and are many people's daily concealed carry weapons. I cannot fathom a reason why NF, owning these two weapons and probably countless more, would instead choose to take the smaller caliber yet much harder to conceal weapon out to kill people.

Both of the two instances in the I-70 case and NF's only known attack are almost diametric opposites. I don't mean to sound callous or nitpicky but these are two very distinct differences.
Agree with this 100%

This is very different from NF's only known attack, where he parked his vehicle directly in front of the house of Heathers.

Well, NF owned at least 2 handguns that can be easily concealed and are many people's daily concealed carry weapons. I cannot fathom a reason why NF, owning these two weapons and probably countless more, would instead choose to take the smaller caliber yet much harder to conceal weapon out to kill people.

Both of the two instances in the I-70 case and NF's only known attack are almost diametric opposites. I don't mean to sound callous or nitpicky but these are two very distinct differences.

Ok you don't sound callous or nitpicky 1DOCTOR- good dialogue.
It's all just conjecture on my part (woman's intuition) but I can see a clear progression from a young 20s NMF who wears a jacket to conceal a "gangly" weapon and begins his SERIAL KILLER carrier as a "thrill killer" to a very well-versed mid 40s dude who has purchased numerous weapons and has a small concealed weapon and handcuffs etc etc to conduct much more sinister crime than his "first round."
The photos put NMF in strong contention as I -70. The likeness is there. As WALTZINGMATILDA noticed, his left eye wasn't right- just as a witness for I-70 described. The profilers say that serial killers don't stop but just change their MOs. Over 22 years he probably changed it quite a few times. That's why there are "distinct differences" in his 1992-3 MO vs his 2015 MO. It may not make sense in your brain but it does in mine 😉

Here is the link describing the gray sports jacket I-70 wore.
You amazing websleuths found NMF's yearbook photo.
Now can you find a homecoming photo or something with him in
a gray sports jacket??? I know it's a tall order. Again, his siblings would have these photos/info​. Maybe it was borrowed from his dad?

I think the last comment on The linked article is a pretty good profile that fits NF. Before reading that, what I noticed in the article about the targeted merchants was that all the stores seemed to be stores that women would own or would frequent as opposed to men.
I have been periodically checking this WVA facebook page for lost dogs. There is a post in the last 24 hours of a found deceased dog on highway. It has this pic but I can't seem to copy the description. I wish that LE would give us more of a description of the dog and at least confirm its breed and color. I am not a face booker and if someone could put a BOLO for the dog on this site, it may be helpful to LE. I ALSO DONT KNOW IF THIS POST SHOULD BE CALLED INTO LE.

This one here is a pittbull. Does anyone remember if a color was mentioned?


Bothersome to me is the dog was found south of Lexington between Bardstown and charleston in an area with thick national park where I can see NF camping out if he had a camp somewhere that he was operating out of.
As you scroll down that facebook page, there are a couple more found dogs that could potentially be pit bills. I am not a dog aficionado, so I don't know.

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