WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

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Ok you don't sound callous or nitpicky 1DOCTOR- good dialogue.
It's all just conjecture on my part (woman's intuition) but I can see a clear progression from a young 20s NMF who wears a jacket to conceal a "gangly" weapon and begins his SERIAL KILLER carrier as a "thrill killer" to a very well-versed mid 40s dude who has purchased numerous weapons and has a small concealed weapon and handcuffs etc etc to conduct much more sinister crime than his "first round."
The photos put NMF in strong contention as I -70. The likeness is there. As WALTZINGMATILDA noticed, his left eye wasn't right- just as a witness for I-70 described. The profilers say that serial killers don't stop but just change their MOs. Over 22 years he probably changed it quite a few times. That's why there are "distinct differences" in his 1992-3 MO vs his 2015 MO. It may not make sense in your brain but it does in mine ��

I would suspect that any SK with a 20 year career has evolved/adapted his MO with the massive changes in technology. Think back to 1992. Security cameras weren't as commonplace as they are today. Cell phones were big ole dinosaurs, mine was a huge phone that would stand up on it's end, texting wasn't a thing. Computers weren't common in households, the first one I remember was in the early 80's at the radio station where I worked and it took up a whole room it was so big. It was ms-dos. We got our first PC in 1996 and chat rooms were the big thing. Then the creation of sites like CL and backpage came along and just made it easier for predators to cyber stalk while protecting their anonymity.

The I-70 killer stopped murdering in IN, MO, KS after LE made details public about the ballistics. However, he is suspected of the murders in TX, where one victim survived. She could rule NF in or out if CPD contacts her. I also wonder if LE were able to lift any fingerprints from any of the shops where I-70 murdered. Wouldn't CPD lift fingerprints from NF's body to match to other crimes since they suspect he is a SK?

Perhaps one of our WS journalists can call CPD and advise them of our suspicions of NF possibly being connected to I 70 and also find out what breed and color of dog we are searching for. hint, hint. :D

Just thinking and typing so MOO.
Agree with this 100%

This is very different from NF's only known attack, where he parked his vehicle directly in front of the house of Heathers.

Well, NF owned at least 2 handguns that can be easily concealed and are many people's daily concealed carry weapons. I cannot fathom a reason why NF, owning these two weapons and probably countless more, would instead choose to take the smaller caliber yet much harder to conceal weapon out to kill people.

Both of the two instances in the I-70 case and NF's only known attack are almost diametric opposites. I don't mean to sound callous or nitpicky but these are two very distinct differences.

1doctor, As I told trexian I am ignorant about firearms. The Dark minds episode said there was very little blood spatter so would that be why he chose that particular gun?
1doctor, As I told trexian I am ignorant about firearms. The Dark minds episode said there was very little blood spatter so would that be why he chose that particular gun?

Well a .22 is one of the smallest rounds you can buy. Its usually used to kill varmint or as a practice or sports shooter. Obviously with decent shot placement it can kill humans. I can't testify to whether someone would want to use it because of bloodsplatter or not, but you generally only have 2 options with a .22 on where to shoot someone in order to kill them: head or heart. Either option will leave you with plenty of blood.
Quoting Trexian, quoting MSM articles:


Medford Mail
November 12, 1958
Myrtle Creek Man Pleads Guilty - Ray O'Neal Falls, 30, Myrtle Creek, pleaded guilty in district court this afternoon to a charge of carrying a cancealed weapon. Sentencing was continued until Friday. Falls was arrested by Medford city police Tuesday at 9:45 p.m. at the Richfield Truck and Auto service, 2390 North Pacific highway, following a report that a man was causing a disturbance there. Police reported that the man was in the repair room of the building picking up cartridges from the floor and putting them into his pocket, when they arrived. When ordered out of the room by Patrolman Jack Sanders, Falls pulled a fully loaded .32 caliber automatic from his pocket and started to raise it. When Sanders drew his revolver Falls dropped the automatic into a trash barrel, according to police. Police said the automatic was fully loaded and cocked. Other ammunition was discovered by police in the Falls' automobile.


So, get this. Google search: "site:newspapers.com medford 'neal falls'" and one of the links is:

Kokomo Tribune, August 17, 1953 - apologies for the garbled OCR, but the important parts come through.
EImore Falls, 25, 319 S: Main' St., : met, death', early Sunday morning; when he was hit by a Monon train on a spur track at Lafayette. ' Bonj -Feb. 28,1928, in Keys, Okla., Falls was the son of Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal' Falls. He had'lived Jn Ko- komo"tw.o year,'! and \yas employed at.the.Haynea Stellite Rolling Mill. He was a member of the Coiirtland Avenue Church: of Christ. He served in the Navy three year* before coming to -Kokomo. Be tra* married Jan. 3d, 1950, to Claire Windier, who survives ».wlth the parents, a son Gerry; three brothers, Ray of Kokomo, Verl of Medford, Ore., and Otis of St. Louii; two sifters, Mrs. Lovadell Davis of St Charles, MO., and Miss Verda June Falls of St. Louis, and several nieces and nephews.

A couple things stand out for me. When the polishing compounds thing was brought up here, I immediately thought of a body shop. See first Quote above.

Then, in the second Quote I noticed someone worked at a rolling mill. This link is to a website about this facility mentioned in the article:


Seems any metal needs to have a good polishing compound, whether doing autobody work or sending something to the moon.


~above respectfully BBM~

So was this Ray Falls' (NF's Dad) twin brother? RF's DOB is Feb 27, 1928 and Elmore's is Feb 28, 1928 and both were in the Navy. It must have been one of those midnight births where Ray was born first before midnight and Elmore born after midnight. If so, it's interesting that the Falls family have relatives in St.Louis and St.Charles where I-70 victims were murdered.

Link to RF's obituary with DOB.

Again, color of dog would help. What is LE doing? Anything? Or is the Charleston case closed so they are done?


I have a strong feeling that LE doesn't even have a description of the dog. They might have found dog hair, say white hair, in his vehicle, but it wouldn't give them any info as to the dogs markings. Unfortunately, the dog is a pit. There are SO many stray pits, the shelters are just full of them. I think each facebook page listing a pitbull found in those areas would have to be contacted with the BOLO, and sadly, I bet you there are dozens of dogs. I wonder if LE would waste resources looking into so many dogs. It's so incredibly sad. I'm glad NF got payback, but my heart breaks for that poor dog.
That Dark Minds episode was quite informative. Thanks for posting! One thing caught my attention, just a weird coincidence. Early on in the episode, the killer is said to "be like a ghost"....he's in and out without notice, like he was never there. I remember a statement made by LE about NF in one of the news articles that "This guy is like a ghost". Weird.
I want to take a moment to thank to everyone starting from page 30ish-and-on who provided the bits-n-pieces of information needed to locate the NF High School picture. There are too many folks to name them all, but the input was invaluable in locating the picture, and it led to the creation of the I-70 & JH comparison images.


As a side note: I had no prior information or impression about the I-70 or JH sketch prior to putting the images together, and was quite skeptical about the possibility. Frankly the I-70 pic is quite a surprising similarity once combined beside NF's other pictures.
Don't flame me!

Playing the Devil's Advocate: We only have "Heather's" word on what happened. Note that there is an escort review posting out there prior to the shooting that she is a thief and you should run away from her as fast as possible. Combine that with the information that NF had no money or ID when LE arrived, but we know he had ID on him earlier when LE pulled him over on video. In addition, if the FB posting is correct and he was looking for a shooting range a few days earlier, he had to have had both on him then too. It's also interesting to note that it does not appear that LE has any evidence in the car other than the tools. No DNA, no hair, no blood, no saliva, etc. Nothing that I've seen posted anyway. Add to that he previously lived with a woman and her daughter for 8 years, and they had no problems.

So, with these anomalies, it does raise some eyebrows that there is a possibility that her story is... a bit off.

Perhaps we will know more when his DNA analysis comes back in a few months.
Don't flame me!

Playing the Devil's Advocate: We only have "Heather's" word on what happened. Note that there is an escort review posting out there prior to the shooting that she is a thief and you should run away from her as fast as possible. Combine that with the information that NF had no money or ID when LE arrived, but we know he had ID on him earlier when LE pulled him over on video. In addition, if the FB posting is correct and he was looking for a shooting range a few days earlier, he had to have had both on him then too. It's also interesting to note that it does not appear that LE has any evidence in the car other than the tools. No DNA, no hair, no blood, no saliva, etc. Nothing that I've seen posted anyway. Add to that he previously lived with a woman and her daughter for 8 years, and they had no problems.

So, with these anomalies, it does raise some eyebrows that there is a possibility that her story is... a bit off.

Perhaps we will know more when his DNA analysis comes back in a few months.

Don't worry, we aren't gonna :burn: you Btown. Playing Devils advocate is part of the process. Thanks much for researching and posting the pictures.

There are three things that started LE's hunt for other victims and the theory he could be a serial killer. 1) Heather's statements; and 2) what was in the trunk; and 3) the handcuffs.

In addition to the reasons stated above for being skeptical about Heather's credibility, there is also:

1. some on the board here have wondered why he would have the kind of gun that he did. I don't remember what kind it was now off hand. But, for our gun experts here: was it more of a "Woman's gun"?

2. Some have questioned why some of the tools he had might be a little flimsy or cheap for backwoods camping or mutilating bodies. Could that whole trunk thing have been staged?

3. Ah, no experience here, but would some sex workers have handcuffs?

If there was nothing else in that car except those tools, I am hoping that LE had more to go on in going down this path and leading us down it. I am hoping that the tools had blood on them or that there was some other hard evidence to go down this path. I'm hoping that the tools and supplies have been ruled out from being purchased at the local walmart. Hoping that the tools didn't have Heather's DNA on them. Hoping there was blood splatter on The back of Heather's head. Hoping there was evidence of a struggle on NF's body and no evidence of him being struck in the back of the head. In general, hoping that the veracity of her story has been completely vetted. Do we assume that it was? We have so far. I questioned her credibility in the beginning, partly because he had no cash and no ID and partly because I cannot understand why he would put a gun down to defend himself from a hair comb. But since then as no more clues have developed and as LE has gotten quiet, have to wonder again.

Since then, we can add to LE's grounds for going down this road, that NF was a little weird.... maybe more than a little; and that, he traveled a lot. I'm still not sure that's enough. So far, nothing else has turned up.

I do think he looks like the JH sketch and I do think that in youth he looked like the I-70 sketch. But can't help thinking something may be a little bit rotten in the state of WVA, or as the previous poster stated "a bit off".
Didn't LE confirm that gun found at the scene was Falls'? I personally wouldn't put too much stock into what kind of gun it was, especially if Falls planned on attacking someone in such a concealed space.

I'd be more willing to believe Heather staged the scene if she didn't have such extensive injuries. Even if she did pull the gun first, how likely would it be that Falls would lunge at her the way he did as a means of self defense? This case is very confusing.
So, trying to sort out known NMF locations with same-time missing persons.


My own speculation is that NMF was first an opportunist, second a setup kinda guy.

Regarding the firearms, I would caution against reading anything gender-related into the Ruger (the gun 'Heather' used). It is relatively small compared to other available pistols, but it is not inherently feminine.

Along those same lines, the pistols currently associated with I70 are inherently different than the Ruger. And inherently different from each other, I might add. That's what confuses me a little About why police mentioned them together.

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Maybe to indicate he used a variety of weapons? Again, opportunistic?
Yeah, neither of the publicized I70 pistols would be considered first choice weapons, imho.

Upthread is mention of disappearances in Oregon in early 90s. It appears the last one was the spring of 1994. Has it been established that NMF moved to Kansas in 1994?

Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
Yeah, neither of the publicized I70 pistols would be considered first choice weapons, imho.

Upthread is mention of disappearances in Oregon in early 90s. It appears the last one was the spring of 1994. Has it been established that NMF moved to Kansas in 1994?

Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk

He can be placed in Kansas in 1995. I assume he would have also been there in 94 but cannot be positive.
Upthread is mention of disappearances in Oregon in early 90s. It appears the last one was the spring of 1994. Has it been established that NMF moved to Kansas in 1994?

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Oregon Coast Girl's Cases

Kelly Disney 17
Last seen walking east on Hwy 20 around 1am March 9th 1984.
Skull found July 23, 1994 just north of Newport. No clear cause of death could be determined.

Sheila Swanson 19 & Melissa Sanders 17
Last seen talking on a grocery store payphone on Hwy 101 near Beverly Beach State Park 2 miles north of Newport around 1 am May 3rd 1992.
Found October 10th 1992 in a heavily wooded area 20 miles east of Newport. Cause of death could not be determined.

Jennifer Esson 15 & Kara Leas 16
Last seen walking on Northwest 56th St. towards Hwy 101 around 1 am January 28th 1995.
Found two weeks later in a heavily wooded area about a mile away from where they disappeared. Both had been strangled, one stacked on top of the other, and covered with brush and debris.


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