WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

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Ok, I tried to do a little digging in these alleged "alter ego" perv accounts. The Facebook page for BJ Ross has no new activity (at least public) and frankly, is one of the most boring FB pages I have ever seen.

There is a Flickr account tentatively tied to Falls. Until it's proven it's really, truly Falls that owns that account, it's got to be taken with a grain of salt. However, that account has private settings. BUT....the user has bookmarked over 500 images, many that ARE public. The majority of these images are transexuals in costumes. There are a few pornographic images. And many, many photos of women's shoes. Whoever has/had this account is very interested in "T-girls".

Some of these images have comments to them that are visable to the public. This person has made a few sexual comments, and also some very nice ones, "You look wonderful", etc. There was one photo of a T-girl that they commented on, something like "I want to sit at your feet and worship you as a goddess". I did find a comment that was made three months ago. Nothing since. This user doesn't seem to post that frequently or be that active, so I found it very strange that they had hundreds of photos bookmarked from other people's accounts. I believe this account was found by using an old phone number of Falls. Both this account, and the FB account were opened during the time that Falls lived in the area code that the phone number is attached to.

Does anyone know of any other forums where people that knew Falls might be posting? I think some more background info is needed....things that may tie in to this Flickr account to verify if this is actually Falls on the account. Because if it is, this is QUITE an alter ego. I am having a very hard time putting the two completely opposite personalities together.

How does one may the step from being a misogynistic, gun toting prostitute killer to a feminine "T-girl" obsessed with shoes?
Ok, I tried to do a little digging in these alleged "alter ego" perv accounts. The Facebook page for BJ Ross has no new activity (at least public) and frankly, is one of the most boring FB pages I have ever seen.

There is a Flickr account tentatively tied to Falls. Until it's proven it's really, truly Falls that owns that account, it's got to be taken with a grain of salt. However, that account has private settings. BUT....the user has bookmarked over 500 images, many that ARE public. The majority of these images are transexuals in costumes. There are a few pornographic images. And many, many photos of women's shoes. Whoever has/had this account is very interested in "T-girls".

Some of these images have comments to them that are visable to the public. This person has made a few sexual comments, and also some very nice ones, "You look wonderful", etc. There was one photo of a T-girl that they commented on, something like "I want to sit at your feet and worship you as a goddess". I did find a comment that was made three months ago. Nothing since. This user doesn't seem to post that frequently or be that active, so I found it very strange that they had hundreds of photos bookmarked from other people's accounts. I believe this account was found by using an old phone number of Falls. Both this account, and the FB account were opened during the time that Falls lived in the area code that the phone number is attached to.

Does anyone know of any other forums where people that knew Falls might be posting? I think some more background info is needed....things that may tie in to this Flickr account to verify if this is actually Falls on the account. Because if it is, this is QUITE an alter ego. I am having a very hard time putting the two completely opposite personalities together.

How does one may the step from being a misogynistic, gun toting prostitute killer to a feminine "T-girl" obsessed with shoes?
I'm not Sweet T, but I'd say the following makes me think he was a serial killer (granted, maybe he was a serial killer wannabe and this was going to be his first kill, but every police department across the U.S. and Canada that had victims that might have even tangentially been his would be pretty derelict of duty right now not to cross every "t" and dot every "i" before ruling him out):

The number of tools and weapons useful in killing and burying someone. The enormous amount of bleach (Do you take that much bleach camping? And speaking of- The lack of bottled water, food supplies, or camping gear) Two sets of handcuffs. A bullet-proof vest (unless it's proven otherwise, he did not need this for his security guard jobs) The gun(s) (ditto).

The blitz attack. He didn't pull a gun on her and ask her to hand over cash/valuables so robbery wasn't the prime motive. He didn't threaten her with a gun and handcuff her to something even though he'd brought handcuffs. No, he *strangled* her. You don't strangle someone unless you want to kill them, or at the very least if you don't mind killing them.

If he isn't thoroughly ruled out then wouldn't departments with open serial murder cases, or with similar victims really dropping the ball here if they didn't do their due diligence? I don't understand why anyone would think it'd be a waste of time to try to connect him to other cases. It's not like these cold cases are going to solve themselves.

Right, he was prepared and the strangling, well its quieter than shooting. He was way too prepared for this to be a first time thing. I camp all the time and well, I never have bleach. I do have snacks, trail mix, granola bars, water etc though. I don't bring hand cuffs. I have a cell phone and not cheap throw away trac phones. I think he is well rehearsed in what he does. He also could be a cross dresser or transexual ? Is that what it is called? IDK but he is weird. I also think they need to be checking on his three hour trips into AZ desert for bodies etc. He is IMO very seasoned in killing. Just the vibe I get from what I have seen and read.
The BJ Ross account was found by using an old phone number of Falls, one that the account was started under while Falls was living in that area code. There's also a Flickr account under the name Dusty_Fog that was linked to that same phone number, I believe. The strange thing is, the icon photo used on the Flickr account is pornographic....it's a close up shot of...er....a "bj".

The dusty_fog user name was linked to him through a myspace account using the oregon_pines@msn.com email. Falls' name on myspace is listed as SR, same last name as the BJ account. Dusty_Fog wouldn't exactly be a unique user name but I thought it would be worth a shot to see what came up and the flickr account was what it led me to. It also came up for a medical advice site with a woman claiming she had arthritis problems, so take it for what it's worth. What's interesting about the photo sharing account is that you have to log in through yahoo, so that user name is also the user's email though yahoo. We did a trace on the email. Comes back to a guy in MI. So at this point we're not sure if that was Falls or not. The name has no record in MI, but does list an address for an apartment building. I know some of you have been exploring the MI angle with the one women who went missing and the vehicle on the security camera so it may be worth it to investigate that more.
This got me thinking. Has anyone checked for court docket records in counties he was known to live in? Tedious task, as he's moved so much. I know we've seen traffic violations mentioned, but I'm wondering if there are any records of actual court proceedings. This guy has travelled so much that it might be quite hard to do this.

This is kinda in my wheelhouse, and I've spent some time looking for those kinds of things on public searches. Basically, the only hit is in Henderson/Las Vegas for one or two minor tickets while he was living there. Everything else is blank, that I can find.

Now, every state's system is different - Indiana has a pretty decent one - and some of them are pay to play. Also, us civilians don't have access to the LE magic spell that lists all interactions.

By the way, in terms of the toy trailer, I just realized this morning that he wasn't pulling the trailer when he got the ticket in Benbrook. Just a data point, nothing really to read into it.

Also, in my own internet scouring, I think the BJ Ross is a different person. Haven't looked at the Dusty_Fog avatar yet, but it occurs to me that there might have been a small group of them with similar interests. Anyone able to search TOR (the secure, "dark" side of the internet)?

I figured this guy is the right age to be interested in video gaming, particularly if he was antisocial. I've searched the main forums related to stuff like the Grand Theft Auto series and Steam, but got nothing. For those of you in contact with people who worked with him, any info on his hobbies like that would be helpful. It kinda seems like he might have been a techno luddite, except for identifying targets.
According to the guy I've talked with he said all Falls would ever really talk about was military, police, guns, and survivalist topics. He was also allegedly a fan of New Kids on the Block. Also there was no avatar on the Dusty_Fog account, at least not the myspace one that we definitely linked to Falls. All that's there is a music playlist.
Thanks, HeatherS. Any of his workmates remember what kind of vehicle he drove back then? Maybe a '94 Trooper?
Gasp! Ghostl8y, Great sleuthing! I also thought NF sounded a bit feminine in the traffic stop video but didn't think much about it because I know many men who sound feminine but are otherwise 'manly men'. Also, in the FB screenshot in HeatherS1983's article one word stood out to me in the comments referring to NF. "Little". So I inferred that he was a man of small stature. Wonder what size shoe he wore? BTW, the green river killer was a small man I was surprised that he was able to overpower and kill and dispose of so many women when I watched the documentary about him recently.

Back to the shoe subject. This is probably not related at all but wanted to mention it. The 4 Atlantic City victims were found fully clothed but no shoes, the Daytona Beach victims were found in their stocking feet and the LI victims were skeletal remains wrapped in burlap with no personal items that I know of. Like I said, it probably isn't related as I've seen no evidence that NF has been in any of those locations but interesting nonetheless.

If you need any help in your research please let me know and I'll be happy to help gather information. I'm a bit rusty at sleuthing after being a caregiver the past two years so I may need a little direction. :)
Thanks, HeatherS. Any of his workmates remember what kind of vehicle he drove back then? Maybe a '94 Trooper?

No mention of what sort of car he had, but if I end up talking with the guy or anyone else who worked with him I'll be sure to ask.
The dusty_fog user name was linked to him through a myspace account using the oregon_pines@msn.com email. Falls' name on myspace is listed as SR, same last name as the BJ account. Dusty_Fog wouldn't exactly be a unique user name but I thought it would be worth a shot to see what came up and the flickr account was what it led me to. It also came up for a medical advice site with a woman claiming she had arthritis problems, so take it for what it's worth. What's interesting about the photo sharing account is that you have to log in through yahoo, so that user name is also the user's email though yahoo. We did a trace on the email. Comes back to a guy in MI. So at this point we're not sure if that was Falls or not. The name has no record in MI, but does list an address for an apartment building. I know some of you have been exploring the MI angle with the one women who went missing and the vehicle on the security camera so it may be worth it to investigate that more.

Thank you SO much for clarifying! I found a thread on Topix about NF, and I saw a poster claiming that there were accounts on Twitter and MySpace with a mix up of already used names. Dusty R*** and Scott *advertiser censored*. I took a brief look on both sites and came up with nothing.

The name you found in MI, was it C.D.? Because I found nothing as well, but thought it odd that both the first and last name could be tied to serial killers (the last name spelled with one different letter than a popular TV serial killer).
A poster on Topix claims that Falls had a Black Ford truck, but gives no citation. I'm not sure where that info came from. I'm having a very hard time on that site; my laptop is old and slowish, and the sites pop up ads wreak havoc and keep making my computer freeze up or load too slowly. Will have to try digging around on there more either from my phone or different computer.
Keeps getting weirder and weirder.

I am satisfied that Heather's story is essentially accurate; at least to the extent that Falls did attack her. Her injuries were substantial and consistent with being choked. The tool in the back of the Subaru could be consistent with some heavy duty yard work but the hand cuffs and the bleach? I think planned body disposal is the most probable explanation.

The fact that he told the cop in Texas he was going to W V and that he had been there about a week (perhaps based on the date he purchased the "burner" phone) suggests that WV was more than an arbitrary stop.

He wasn't towing a trailer in Texas and he didn't have the sort of things in his car at the time of his death that would suggest he had been living out of his car. He had some kind of abode in WV. Perhaps some rural property with a Toy Hauler parked there "off the Grid" or just a rented room in some small town. Who knows? If he is renting his place, his rent would have probably been due Aug 1st so a landlord could be poking about by now. I sure hope there isn't a dead dog locked inside when it is found.

If he had been hanging around the "red light" district of Charleston during the week before he died, it would suggest he was scoping out the local Sex Worker situation and Heather was probably his first caper on this trip East. It also suggests that his interest was not limited to online escorts. If he has killed before, and that is a big IF(since it is very possible that he hasn't) it was probably a sex worker but possibly a street walker. There are so many sex workers, particularly street walkers, who have been killed or have disappeared throughout the U.S. In the last 10 that it will be very hard to link any to Falls unless there is a clear pattern.

The Las Vegas - Henderson cases 2000-2008 are interesting but 1.5 million people lived in the area at the time.

The online record that was possibly attributed to Falls reveals a very strange "inner life" but will probably not help much with the investigation unless it can help determine where he resided at various points of time. There are many men who consider themselves "straight" who have a sexual interest in cross-dressing/trans men. A number of fictional serial killers of women had this fetish but I am not aware of any real life SK with this "quirk". It is believed that cross-dresser/trans sex worker suffer more violence from customers than other sex workers. If that type of killing or disappearance can be linked with Falls by time and place, it should be looked at carefully.

My guess is that his abode in WV will turn up and we will know more but he may turn out to an enigma like Israel Keys.
I think he didn't shoot heather cause that would make a loud noise and also there would be blood. The gun was just to scare her etc. Also I think he planned on taking her away from where she was and into his car and then out somewhere to dismember her..thats why he needed the axe, machete and knives. He has done this before. He knew exactly what he needed. I sure hope this leads to a lot of answers to some unsolved murders so that some of those cases can be solved.
I don't remember where in the thread I saw it, but someone identified the dog as a pit bull.
Just a question I was looking at a photo of Neals vehicle The back of his vehicle and all his weapons. I couldnt get the picture blown up, but is he missing the carpeting in the back of the vehicle? It looks really stained up and stuff...hope LE gets some INFO from that car. I'm just wondering if he hadnt removed the carpeting to make for easier clean up later...
A poster on Topix claims that Falls had a Black Ford truck, but gives no citation. I'm not sure where that info came from. I'm having a very hard time on that site; my laptop is old and slowish, and the sites pop up ads wreak havoc and keep making my computer freeze up or load too slowly. Will have to try digging around on there more either from my phone or different computer.

Download Ad Fender, it is free, and you won't regret it.
Statistically, MTF transsexuals are as violent as "regular" men. There is at least one MTF serial killer that I've heard of; the name escapes me at the moment. Donna Perry?

A lot of violent types dabble in cross-dressing. I'm thinking of BTK, Joseph Edward Duncan and James Holmes. Ed Gein is another.

I wonder if Falls had a "female" alter ego. If he did, there are probably pictures online. I wouldn't begin to know where to search but I bet they're out there. There's no obvious female form of Neal. Nell? Noelle?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There was a link to a story midthread that had a interview with his landlord in NV. She said it was a pitbull but no specific on coloration iirc.

Just a note...it was his landlord in Eugene circa 2010.
This got me thinking. Has anyone checked for court docket records in counties he was known to live in? Tedious task, as he's moved so much. I know we've seen traffic violations mentioned, but I'm wondering if there are any records of actual court proceedings. This guy has travelled so much that it might be quite hard to do this.

Not sure about court proceedings but I did read an article stating he had reported someone for trespassing on his property. I can try and find it again if you think it would be helpful.

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