GUILTY WV - Skylar Neese, 16, Star City, 6 July 2012

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Whoa! A lot has happened on the Missing Skylar Facebook. Huge thank you to RDgirl for that. All of those cell phones and having them shut down and the flash drive with info on how to disappear without a trace... this poor girl ran away from something.
I was in Morgantown yesterday and I found myself looking at the face of every young girl looking for Skylar. Also worth noting that when I was in town I didn't see a single flyer for Skylar. I'd hoped she would come home for the holidays, but so far we seem to be in the same place.

There was a post on the Seeking the Lost Facebook page that said there have been new developments and that there would be an announcement soon. This post has caused serious drama on the TeamSkylar<3 Facebook page & members of the family have said it is not true (though JWH has been very quiet about it's validity which is interesting to me). I guess all we can do is hope for the best!
Can someone help me find the Pretty Little Liars twitters? I've watched the show and I know several people who watch it so I could try to decode the references. I have no idea if it's relevant because it could be someone messing with her friends.

The flash drive is suspicious. If she didn't take it with her, why would she need to save the files? Even if I am reading too much into it and she was only using them to plan her disappearance, someone who went to all the trouble of saving the pages to a drive would not just forget to take it with her or format it.

I doubt that the alcohol and weed were a huge deal. I'm a young adult and my younger relatives are in their teens. We're not interested in getting stoned, but in our collective experience there's always some at any given party or social gathering. Even among my stoner friends, very few people end up moving on to harder drugs. She was posting about it in public and had a good GPA so it does not seem likely that she was doing anything shady. The only correlation I can find with the case is that maybe something went wrong when Skylar went out with her friends.

Not parent related but interesting:
-Skylar apparently had 3 cell phones for which she was paying. These are the phones that were cancelled before the disappearance. It is unclear if the pre-paid card she bought prior to disappearing was used on one of those phones or if it was used for a fourth, unidentified, phone.

I'm not a phone expert but I believe that individual phones can be tracked down. I think their IMEI number is used. You can find your own IMEI number by typing a combination of numbers and symbols on your phone. If that is the only way to find hers then we kiss that goodbye. However, I've also heard that some providers include it in your contract papers. Whether providers keeps record of them also seems to vary by country because in the UK they were recently encouraging people to note their IMEIs and submit them to a database but Vodafone Australia has a page discussing stolen phones where they say that they can block a specific IMEI # but they never mention that costumers need to know it beforehand. I think that if you're on a contract or a pre-paid plan where your name is attached to your phone, your provider knows it's yours.

That quote says that she cancelled her phones (I assume she cancelled her SIM cards) so she wasn't using an unregistered device or cards. Her provider may have a record of her IMEI #s. If the FBI is involved it must have occurred to them to track it down. It sounds like she bought a new one.
She has an instagram account to the same name as her twitter account. I didn't see anything too notable, but I'm not in the loop on this case.

Last post says 21 weeks ago.

ETA- a few bong/ber pictures. One photo where she mentions her tendency to overpack. She seems generally hapy, not a lot of apparent angst. Smiling photos, photos of her puppy, magazine covers.

I'm going through this now. Some things sound really suspicious and I'm trying to piece it together but I don't want to believe 100% that it is true. It could be a disgruntled classmate trying to bait Skylar's friends. Someone said that the style sounds like an older person trying hard to use teenager "lingo" and I have to agree but she could be using it ironically. I also don't know how someone older would be familiar with P!nk and Snoop Dogg unless one of Skylar's friends likes those artists and adults know that. That sounds too far-fetched though.

I'm trying to make a list of things that stand out, maybe it's just stating the obvious though.
Since I'm new to this case, can someone clue me in on the relevance of the MiaBarr twitter? I looked at it, but I couldn't make any sense of what I was looking at.
Since I'm new to this case, can someone clue me in on the relevance of the MiaBarr twitter? I looked at it, but I couldn't make any sense of what I was looking at.

MB's twitter tweeted a few things @ Skylar's friends implying that they aren't telling the whole truth. There are also other sock puppet accounts that appear to be linked to MB's (look at their "followers").
A brief re-cap and commentary of MB's tweets:

According to MB:

- She's a "party girl" who knows Skylar's friends. She mentions that she wants to be "BFFs" with them. Her tweets sound like she knows what happened to Skylar but has a bone to pick with Skylar's friends. She specifically singles out three of them.

- She retweets a P!nk tweet. I looked up the Full Moon nearest to Skylar's disappearance and it was on July 3. July 3 was the date when she was upset with her friends. There are some tweets from Skylar and her father mentions it in an interview. He says that Skylar wasn't happy that she was going to be working on the 4th of July while her friends went partying. It is weird that she would be angry at them and not at her boss, parents, or co-workers if that was the reason. Maybe she used that as an excuse when she talked to her parents but there was a fight over something else (they refused to drop by her work or another thing entirely).

- Her tweets imply that Skylar has died and was buried in a western area of the county, presumably in the woods as she mentions hunting and hiking.

- Her "burydatbone" hashtag seems very ambiguous to me. It is a sexual phrase, but in light of the other tweets may refer to actual bones. Perhaps she is trying to imply that there was something sexual in whatever disagreement Skylar had with her friends (jealousy, a date gone wrong).

- She repeatedly implies that the people she is insulting are promiscuous.

- She implies that someone's parents are covering up for them.

- I looked up what was happening on PLL around the time of these tweets. This character was the prime suspect in Allison's murder. I don't know if that is relevant as it seems more likely that MB is implying that Skylar's friends know something but cannot reveal them or their own secrets will come out. Half of the time this is also related to sexual stuff, like characters dating people they are not supposed to be dating.

- MB's followers include 3 puppet accounts. HF, RH, and JS take digs at Skylar's friends (RH is the most aggressive). Their writing styles are different (RH uses "teenage lingo" while HF and JS are careful with spelling and grammar). MB has interacted with them all, especially JS.

The story is that this person is a fellow teenager who knows that Skylar died and was buried. This person knows that Skylar's friends were involved but are not coming forward to hide their own secrets.

I have my doubts that this person is authentic. If they know all these things about the case, why wouldn't they go to LE? That only fits in if they're another young person who is afraid of being targeted by others. If they're just shooting around accusations to see if they hit the mark, they are bringing up things that are too specific so that's a big risk. The writing style of some of their "followers" is very suspicious to me, mainly RH's because it sounds fake, like an older person trying to write like a teenager. Both MB and HF seem use "muggle" and "muggler" as a word with sexual connotations. It may be a regional trend but I have never heard them used in such a context. To me a "muggle" is a non-magic person in the Harry Potter series (or by extension, someone who does not practice geo-caching in the geo-caching world). I have heard that before HP, "muggler" was drug slang but I have never heard any younger people use it with that implication. Maybe they were trying to make a sexual innuendo based on HP but it sounds very non-sensical.

MB is "following" Justin Bieber. Why aren't they following other musicians? Are they trying to give people a clue about their identity? It seems off to me, like an older person trying to emulate what teenagers like. On the other hand, MB also seems to be RTing very specific tweets by other musicians. Either they did a quick check and were lucky that they found something they could use, or they may be following them on another account (this may rule out the hypothesis that it's someone older, because I'm not aware of many older people who know about P!nk). Another idea is that Skylar's friends like those artists and MB knows.

I don't suppose this will take us anywhere... this could be anyone with a grudge and too much spare time. LE really should get MB's IP from twitter and verify if it's a match for the IP of someone connected to Skylar or her friends.
In response to the use of "muggle," the fake accounts (MB et all) are using this word in response to one of Skylar's friends (SA) who uses it very often. They only began to use the word recently, where SA has used it quite often for a while.

A lot of the RTs are musicians that Skylar's friends also RT (lil wayne is a common one). It's not unlikely that the fake accounts are retweeting artists that the friend's follow & also retweet.

I have to disagree about older people knowing Pink. She first became widely famous 12 years ago. Also, anyone who listens to top40 radio can get an idea who is popular. Plus, if it is an older person & they have kids (who ride in their cars & listen to the radio), it's not unlikely that they'd be familiar with famous artists. If it was someone more obscure I'd agree that it's probably a young person, but so far they're all very famous artists.

Also worth noting, Skylar's friends SE & RS have made their twitter accounts private in the past week or so (presumably because of the harassment from MB & other people).

The MB (and other) twitter accounts have been talked about on the public Team Skylar page, and the "leaders" on that page (who typically side with Skylar's friends, unlike her parents, her mother specifically has praised MB) have said that the friends are being harassed by anonymous people on Twitter & that the police are aware of it.

There was another fake twitter page (RH) which has not been active since Halloween. I wonder if maybe the talk of harassing the friends & LE getting involved scared that person away.
In response to the use of "muggle," the fake accounts (MB et all) are using this word in response to one of Skylar's friends (SA) who uses it very often. They only began to use the word recently, where SA has used it quite often for a while.

Thanks for clarifying! I suppose that it is a regional thing then.

A lot of the RTs are musicians that Skylar's friends also RT (lil wayne is a common one). It's not unlikely that the fake accounts are retweeting artists that the friend's follow & also retweet.

That makes sense... whoever MB is is a very dedicated person to follow (probably through another account) and dig through those musician's posts. They only seem to RT stuff that sounds like a hint so that must take 2x as much effort.

I have to disagree about older people knowing Pink. She first became widely famous 12 years ago. Also, anyone who listens to top40 radio can get an idea who is popular. Plus, if it is an older person & they have kids (who ride in their cars & listen to the radio), it's not unlikely that they'd be familiar with famous artists. If it was someone more obscure I'd agree that it's probably a young person, but so far they're all very famous artists.

Eh, by "older person" I meant someone in their 40's or 50's who doesn't lead a more "carefree" lifestyle. Most people I've ever met who pay any attention to P!nk and would follow her twitter are in the 10-30 something age range. My parents may have heard about her but to them she's just another weird name among many even though they could recognise her music from the radio. However, you're bringing up a good point... if this is someone with kids or someone who is very dedicated to maintaining this twitter it's not surprising. But this and all the other RTs could be based solely on the musical preferences of Skylar friends by someone trying to sound younger. I'd be worried if this is an adult so I almost want to believe that this is another kid trying to scare their classmates.

Also worth noting, Skylar's friends SE & RS have made their twitter accounts private in the past week or so (presumably because of the harassment from MB & other people).

The MB (and other) twitter accounts have been talked about on the public Team Skylar page, and the "leaders" on that page (who typically side with Skylar's friends, unlike her parents, her mother specifically has praised MB) have said that the friends are being harassed by anonymous people on Twitter & that the police are aware of it.

There was another fake twitter page (RH) which has not been active since Halloween. I wonder if maybe the talk of harassing the friends & LE getting involved scared that person away.

I hope the police looks into these twitters... the things they're saying are alarming and make me wonder if it's true and if it is, how does this person know so much. Do you have a link to her mother praising MB? No matter how much grief she's feeling it seems weird to me that she's be praising someone who directs very, very inappropriate attacks towards Skyler's friends. Hopefully she never bothered reading the whole thing.

RH only has 4 tweets and they're all from the same date, prompted by the same tweet by SA so I suspect someone who isn't a regular user created it just to reply to SA but forgot about it soon after.

By the way, RH seems to be a real person who knows Skylar's parents. I found this out from FB. Some of her FB "friends" are in extremely poor taste but that's neither here nor there and I don't want to break any rules.
I just went back to Skylar's mother's (MEN) Facebook, and it looks like the comment about MB has been deleted (either that or I just can't see it). Unfortunately, Skylar's mom has not hidden her negative feelings about Skylar's friends, so it's not that weird that she'd praise MB for saying the things she's only hinted at. They seem to have very similar thoughts about the friends, but MB comes right out and says them.

Definitely going to look up RH! I always just assumed they were all aliases and didn't think to look for them on FB. Awesome catch!
Here is a petition someone has started and it gives a little run down on what happened. I'm not in any way asking anyone to sign it, just wanted to show what has been written.

Well, I don't know why it won't link, but if you go to and look for PETITION to enact Skylar Neese's Law
Awesome find, Sparky! Thanks so much for sharing!

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this or not (if so, sorry!), but there's a new Facebook page called Justice for Skylar. Unfortunately, it's not very active and doesn't have any new info, but it's always good to keep an eye on everything. It looks like this one is getting a lot of international attention as well.
Is it ok to post/link to comment that were posted in a public page, as long as I omit names?

In any case, I just checked out the Justice for Skylar Neese FB page. There are two comments by that page that strike me as relevant, one on the link to the STL page and another on the post with the Luke 8:17 quote. One of them is more of the same (about people may be hiding the truth of Skylar's whereabouts) but the other says that it seems that the friend who dropped her off didn't drop her off.
Is it ok to post/link to comment that were posted in a public page, as long as I omit names?

In any case, I just checked out the Justice for Skylar Neese FB page. There are two comments by that page that strike me as relevant, one on the link to the STL page and another on the post with the Luke 8:17 quote. One of them is more of the same (about people may be hiding the truth of Skylar's whereabouts) but the other says that it seems that the friend who dropped her off didn't drop her off.

No we can't do that, but what you've posted is ok and maybe a date it was posted.

Interesting...I'll go take a look.

ETA: It seems whoever is running that FB page may know the parents. I did notice it was mentioned Skylar is a only child, but she does have a 1/2 sister and I believe it's on Skylar's dads side.

You know while reading the petition, it was mentioned Skylar didn't take her contacts. If she was stressed over paying bills, cut 3 cells off, it's very possible she had this planned and and it's been in the works for sometime. She could always stash personal items away with someone or somewhere. I think it is very strange mom was upset because a missing poster has been circulated around the internet and "she didn't approve it" If this were my child, I wouldn't care as long as her face was out there.

I tend to believe Skylar is alive, and in hiding from her parents. But the big question is why?

Welcome to WS by the way! :)
surprised Nancy Grace doesn't look into this case... sounds like a mystry she like to get into
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