Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #16

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How Did Gabby Petito Die? Answering That May Be Complicated
I have heard that it is supposed to snow there, perhaps tomorrow, so hopefully her body is intact, and they can find out how she was killed. I truly hoped she would be found alive, I feel so awful for her family.


A park ranger at a roadblock at the entrance of Spread Creek Campground on Sept. 19 near Moran, Wyoming.
Just wanted to jump in and comment on a post in #15 now closed about the conduct of the Moab PD:
"I think the one who was being all pally with him and speaking about his own toxic exwife was way out of line and very obviously, biased. Very unprofessional."

IMO it's a bit unfair to infer this from the officer's remarks. LE are taught to create rapport as a means of establishing communication with potential perpetrators and victims alike ie Good Cop, Bad Cop. They do this by 'sharing' common ground - which may or may not be fact or fiction. There is usually a very good reason behind every interaction with every person in an incident; we are not present nor party to the reasoning. Cops are very good actors for good reasons.
I am a mom to a preteen boy. A preteen boy who has struggled with depression, anxiety, ADHD and is on the spectrum. Many days I spend worrying about his future. Many days I worry about whether all the therapies and interventions I have lined up for him will be enough to help him. I worry about him becoming an adult and having to navigate for himself and make his own medical decisions. I worry whether I will successfully set an example for how to behave in in future relationship. I worry.

This case has made me reflect upon what I would have done differently from BL’s parents. I have posted before that I believe he was not honest with them when he returned. That he likely spun a tale of her meeting up with her friend in Yellowstone for her birthday and her flying home with her and sending him home with the van. It would have been at least a week before they would have known something was amiss. He could have told them they broke up. They knew they were having problems.

As a mom you want to believe your child. Would I have ignored the calls from GP? Maybe. Would I have followed the advice of counsel and not spoken? Yes. Would I have protected my son? Yes. Would I have put my son before GP’s parents? Yes . Why? Because I birthed him. Because he’s my blood. Because at the end of the day he’s my kid and she’s not. Would I feel guilty? Yes. Would I have tried every single day to pry what happened out of him, yes.

If I had any information that I thought would help find a missing endangered child ALIVE would I break my silence and tell the police? Yes. If my son confessed that he had done something to GP and she was dead would I have turned him in? No. I would follow the advice of counsel but urge him to do the right thing.

BL only drove to the reserve three days after GP was declared missing. This may have been only three days after BL’s parents knew definitively that she was missing. That may have been three days of them interrogating their son for information. Three days. He was not even declared a person of interest at this point. He was free to go hiking. If he didn’t come back, I would probably go looking for him. I certainly do not want to call the police. If I found the mustang, I probably would have assumed he was hiking and may have drove it back forcing him to call me to get a ride home because he is going to wonder where the damn car was. Am I going to start to panic when he doesn’t come home? Yes. Am I going to start to fear the worst? Yes. Eventually I have to call the police and report him missing. And I do. Finally.

While BL deserves to be eaten by alligators for what he has likely done, and I cannot come up with any alternate scenario that does not get him at least manslaughter should he be found alive, I can have compassion for his parents…as a mom.

I see where you’re coming from here but as someone posted earlier, would you completely stonewall the other parents? Wouldn’t their concerns about a missing daughter make you ask questions? I dunno. I feel like their behavior is more consistent with stubborn deceit than ignorance of the situation. MOO
I have a question regarding the dogs picking up BL's scent at the reserve. I've seen multiple people post here that this happened, but I can't seem to find any verified source that announced this news. Am I just overlooking the information? The only thing I could find is that LE is searching the reserve based on the family's comments.

ETA: Thank you to Picklepuck for providing the link! For anyone who sees this post and is interested (and don't have to sift through all of the comments!) the link is here: Gabby Petito case: Search continues in thousands of rural acres for Brian Laundrie
It doesn’t state the dogs picked up his scent. Just that dogs were used.
This thread is moving far too quickly but from my understanding she was NOT buried, in a shallow grave, or covered with dirt. Correct? I've seen no article or video that suggests this is the case? Someone mentioned that there was live video showing the remains as they found them but I haven't seen this yet. Is it available?

Also, there were two tents shown in the various videos I've seen. A "top only" tent they erected, usage unknown, and then a second one with walls. What is the second tent that was near the figure 8 of crime tape?

Hi, The top only was LE. See no second tent.
I've asked a similar question before but I don't think anyone has answered it yet. The question here is, Do we even *know* that much? Do we indeed have any factual verifiable evidence that BL has been in FL this month at all? Or is there a possibility that mom or dad maybe flew to St Louis (or any place in between the Jackson Hole area and FL to meet him so he could hide at that or another location & they could drive the van back to FL). Or maybe mom & dad both drove to meet him and either brought him a different vehicle or some cash or plane ticket or just let him run off to hide somewhere else in a different state that no one would ever expect - for as long as his parents could keep the whole misdirection scheme working in FL. I dunno. I'm probably overthinking things way too much - and maybe giving them way too much credit for how deceptive they might be. ...but I am the paranoid sort that just doesn't trust everything that's presented to me. MOO of course.

Does it matter if he went to Florida, or does it just matter that he fled, and Gabby’s van ended up in the Laundrie’s driveway without Gabby?
Snipped and BBM for focus. I appreciate your honesty.

But wow.
Ive asked myself this dozens of times over the years. I couldn't turn my child in. I would apply strong pressure, like cutting them off, and not aiding and abetting until they got the message. They would not be staying in my home, driving any car on my property. CUT OFF. Then again Ive never been in that position and my heart might have me absolutely taking them to talk to authorities.
Just My opinion:
BL's IG, van-stickers and his hand flashing signs on his IG videos are proof he is just sinister and demented. He wants to make us believe he is a tree-hugger, has good knowledge of plants and very opinionated which in fact how Satanists behaves. They know they are right and others are wrong and they will be very convincing and trustworthy just to make you a fool.

He is also proud of his split (second) personality of becoming a monster which makes him believe he is an #invisblemonster (maybe whatever drugs he uses helps him that way)

He had all the time to kill her anywhere if he wanted but wanted to play, tease her and then finally kill her with a plan that gives him the joy and rush (like his IG drawings - bringing a goat to a sacrifice). Why tease her family with a text because it gives him the joy. Why be quiet because it gives him the joy again. Why run because it is a thrill to get joy. He is a coward and he will never kill himself. He is holed up and ready to fight till the end if caught.
Hmmm MOO not sure I'd give him this much credit. I just kind of saw a shoeless, aimless, friendless dude.
I bet that one star hotel 4.5 miles from their house that I posted about earlier takes cash.

I was just referring to air bnb(also need an electronic device/app for it too).

But no….I missed your other post. I completely agree. A lot of sqeezy motels will definitely still take cash in 2021.
Unsolicited opinion from a long time poster who has a very short temper:

If you see a post that you really, really disagree with - that gets you actually mad - DON'T respond to it. Think about YOUR position and make a new post that outlines your own thoughts. Don't tag your nemesis, just make a new post. This avoids an argument, bickering, or making your post personal and also gives you the chance to put forth your own theories and views.

I try do this as much as I can. I get baited or fail more than I'd like but most of the time I just try to ignore or not participate in responding directly to someone I really disagree with. Use that ignore list to make your time here more fun.

If you are a very temperate and calm person you probably don't need this advice. But if you are a little fiery this can help. I end up deleting more than I post some days!
Along with an indictment.
Who doesn't question the parents involvement? And if the mention he went hiking.... They may be involved in a cover up. They certainly held a poi who will be the number one suspect in a murder investigation. It may be a legal chess game for them, but I can't imagine what Gabby's loved ones have, and continue to feel. It is certainly not a game for them. Yet, dirty laundry is out there.
I think he did go back of Florida. All speculation: whether he did anything of not, he knew she wasn't okay. He starts panicking and goes to the place he feels safest.

However, I don't think he's in reserve. In the below link from NYT, they say parents summoned LE to home and say they haven't seen BL since 9/14 and they "believe" he entered that area.

Two things: 1) Did they indicate where they last saw him? Article didn't specify.

2) Believing he entered an area doesn't equate actually entering an area. That really sticks out to me. I don't know why, but it seems like the best way to avoid blatantly lying. They could absolutely be beside themselves with worry, but if it were my child and I honestly had no clue where they were, I’d be on TV begging for help, begging them to come home assisting in the searches. I wouldn’t be at home,saying nothing and hoping for the best.

forgot to link.Live Updates: Remains Found in Wyoming Match Description of Missing Woman Gabrielle Petito
Dark post ahead, read with caution.

What are the non-"Brian murdered her" possibilities?

1) Third party murdered her - this is possibly the most sinister outcome of all. Two other people have gone missing in this area.

2) Weather/heat/lack of water

3) Wildlife (pack of wolves, a bear, mountain lion)

Brian's behavior after the fact is separate, but if any of the above were actually true, I think could be explained no matter how far fetched. Co-dependent, fight happens, they stop communication, he gets the gut feeling something wrong has happened, takes off into the swamps knowing she's missing so he also wants to be missing. Far fetched indeed.

4) Ok, this is hard to write. Suicide. Two possibilities I see here: Perhaps Gabby was the abuser and threatened suicide, had done so in the past, and it has been a habit that has been building and she executed it either purposefully or mistakenly, as a way to inflict abuse on Brian. Other scenario: After an extreme argument, maybe a breakup, she left feeling so awful that she felt this was the only way out.

With that said, it can be difficult to make any of these alternative situations/scenarios fit in with knowing what what we know about Brian and his behavior after the fact. I am sure the autopsy will resolve what happened, which will make this post look indecent.

Sorry, cannot even entertain the 'what ifs'......

BECAUSE Brian refused to inform anyone where he last saw Gabby so that SOMEONE could begin looking for her. He remained silent. And he is a person of interest....
All other 'theories' are pointless IMO.

No offense intended, but THIS keeps being ignored.
Are people ever convicted of murder on circumstantial evidence only? I think it's happened a few times.

We know someone murdered her because she was buried. I saw the shallow grave on Fox News 5 from a helicopter vantage point.
We know Brian took her van and drove it to Florida and then would not talk to police and then ran.
I think that's all you need. Technically not, of course, but using common sense it looks very bad for him.

I suppose it's possible a murderous stranger killed her, but that should not have prevented BL from immediately contacting LE himself, and reporting that. I don't see how he even makes a case for that.

All signs point to BL being her killer.
Where exactly did you see a shallow grave?? Bc I looked through aerial footage frame by frame and couldn’t discern anything.
Hello I too have been a long time listener, dating back to the Mickey Shunick case from my home state Louisiana. Websleuths has always been a great discussion and investigative community. With that being said…a few things I had to add/ask:

1) If I missed this I apologize, this thread moves very fast, but besides the lawyer speaking on behalf of the family in regard to Gabby’s body being found, have we heard anything from this lawyer since BL has been missing? And what I mean by that is, anything other than him saying his client declines to answer any questions. I don’t know a lot about this specifically but would the lawyer be considered for questioning if he knows where his client is (or went) given the new evidence found? I know there is client/lawyer privilege and all that but I was just curious since he’s not been found. I guess the same would go for the parents who, from what I gather, have just stated that they don’t know where he is. I’m just curious about this lawyer. If he knows he fled, wouldn’t he eventually be considered for questioning?

2) I know this was discussed before but I just watched the vacation family’s GoPro footage in the raw, no enhancement, and i was able to see a figure in the background digging in the field right before the RV passes the van. To me, this is very apparent. I know the video has been enhanced in other outlets and it shows no one…but to me, enhancement could eliminate that figure just out of pure enhancement. IMO
This thread is moving far too quickly but from my understanding she was NOT buried, in a shallow grave, or covered with dirt. Correct? I've seen no article or video that suggests this is the case? Someone mentioned that there was live video showing the remains as they found them but I haven't seen this yet. Is it available?

Also, there were two tents shown in the various videos I've seen. A "top only" tent they erected, usage unknown, and then a second one with walls. What is the second tent that was near the figure 8 of crime tape?

Correct… The unedited initial aerial footage indicates exactly what you describe. It was taken very early on as LE was just setting up the beige Pop-Up canopy and there is no indication of disturbed earth.

The second tent that you reference pictured below, is taken from a breakaway shot that was added into the footage, it is larger than GP/BL tent documented. It does have a “figure 8” on the ground nearby of rope, caution tape, etc but is really hard to identify, and this footage of the second tent may very well be completely unrelated to the crime scene - photo below.


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