Well, it's like this, Gabby is dead.
Now we do not have a Cause of Death or Manner of Death and as of now we do not actually know whether she was murdered or died of natural causes.
That makes her a victim of murder or misadventure.
We know today that a larger human, a male was seen 'slapping' her.
It looked to me like he was winding her up- bringing about her hysterical state, pulling the rug from under her feet so she lost a sense of what was real and what was in her imagination.
She could no longer tell.
Probably had a huge sense of denial going on at the same time, cognitive dissonance- 'this can't be really happening' but it was- happening to her and happening to her dream career as well.
She appeared to internalise it.
Maybe she felt she could control it better that was- if it was all HER fault, she was, somehow, less of a victim, not a victim at all.. just a tad OCD-ish or whatever label was cast upon her at any given time. By her partner.
I think she wanted to be happy. With him.
RIP girl.
Al of the above is merely my own opinion based on the bodycam vids, mostly.