Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #20

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The two 911 calls seem to indicate they were both being physical toward the other outside Moonflower.

Exactly my point. I am not defending BL, I am just saying that the LE took statements and they all agree that she was slapping him in the initial confrontation and not just when they were getting pulled over. I guess I should just accept that people are going to take from that video what they want to take from it and let it roll off me.
I think LE gave her the van 1) it was legally hers and 2) it gave her a way to leave him permanently as he was in the hotel with access to go back home to FL from there.

But, she unfortunately chose to continue on with him after their 24 hour separation.

Agree, having the transpirtation is 10o% more in control that having a night at a 2 star hotel.
Not with suffocation after that period of time (there is bleeding inside the eyeball (petechial embolism I believe it is called ) in that case but after 21 days out doors there's not much eyeball left in the normal sense ) .

Ditto if she took an overdose of barbiturates - you'd need a lab to tell you that. (that can be ALMOST ruled out if the body were buried in any manner but it appears to be out in the open from non LE reports. )

none of this is open and shut, nor can be guessed at.

K Gadol

True, but if she was strangled there may be neck bones broken or signs of trauma to her head/face.
UPDATE: #BrianLaundrie’s family attorney cancelled his press conference originally scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. #GabbyPetito
I wonder whether the Laundrie family thought the autopsy would be today and thought their attorney could have some initial response to it tomorrow? On the other hand, are initial results from the autopsy usually released fairly quickly, or does LE usually wait for lab work (for instance, toxicology results), which can take weeks?

they were together for years - pretty sure Brian knew who Stan was

That's why BL called him "Stan", not "Grampa", "Pappa", or "Old Man". BL knew the man, and referred to him as such. Not how Stan's granddaughter would've. To my kids, and their cousins, my father is Gramps. To their SO's? Neil.
Yeah, but then it makes no sense that he went back to Utah.

They decided to give it another shot. How many times have you, in your life, broken up/got back together/broken up/gotten back together.....? (I have and most people I know have done this....not unusual, especially at that age.)
Blow off steam or relieve his own anxiety? I get the feeling BL spent a lot of time in nature hiking around, alleviating his own stress. He just enjoyed it, IMO. Maybe they'd had another fight, maybe she was already dead, and he had to "walk it off" and calm down in order to think straight, and walking long distances was his way to do that. Also had the added bonus of establishing some kind of alibi for him, and he also got to shower. Win win win for him.
Maybe he had some of her possessions, maybe something incriminating, in the backpack and he got rid of that during his hiking.
Maybe her dead body was still in the van and he couldn't bring himself to get rid of the body yet. He had to think about what to do. Maybe even make sure she was really dead.

Speculationg - IMO
I think maybe he originally thought about leaving the van and hitch hiking out if there and changed his mind.
I am entertaining all sorts of things I didn't consider possible yesterday. But why bring the van back to the house? Why not say, "she kicked me out and went on her way, no idea where she is now"?
I don’t get that either
Sure; and I say again: I bet $1,000 nobody at the FBI did so until Friday when his family sent out the SOS to LE, three days after (Tuesday) the family had last told LE "oh yeah, Brian's under our roof".

This leaves him three days to flee. Was I unclear somehow?

In the intervening three days, he could have wound up anywhere.
yes but then why are they not searching outside FL.... or putting out bulletins and encouraging the public in area where he flew to say something. He was a person of interest at that point and even if he wasn't flagged to not board, he definitely would have bee relayed to FBI... the FBI would have mentioned if they had any idea of his whereabouts outside FL at this point.
I wonder whether the Laundrie family thought the autopsy would be today and thought their attorney could have some initial response to it tomorrow? On the other hand, are initial results from the autopsy usually released fairly quickly, or does LE usually wait for lab work (for instance, toxicology results), which can take weeks?


I believe I read that Dr. Baden said the autopsy could take a bit. Someone please correct me if I have that wrong.
Well, he would also have to go through Mississippi to get from Alabama to Louisiana. Mississippi actually has a gulf coast. This is important so that the people who live there can be warned to keep an eye out for him. Although if he was in Mobile over the weekend, he has likely already moved through Mississippi by now.

How's he getting to all these places? I don't doubt that he's on the road, I just wonder how he's doing it. Is he hitching rides or did daddy buy him a vehicle? (Please forgive if the answer is known -- if so, I missed it on one of the threads I haven't read yet. :confused:)

One more question: Have the Feds stopped their searches in the North Port areas?
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I'll have to disagree here. I know a psychiatric nurse at the UCLA Psychiatric Ward here in Los Angeles. They said the majority of psych cases they see in the ER are of students who have smoked pot that has triggered a psychotic episode. This can include violence. Not everyone reacts well to marijuana.

Agreed IMO, any drug has the potential to have pretty much any effect on any person. We can only really say what are common and typical effects of drugs, not what they always do. Also, it's hard these days to talk about cannabis as a single drug - potencies of blunts, wax, shatter, etc. and different strands are going to wildly change how it interacts with someone's brain chemistry.
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