Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #22

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Hmm, maybe not. So. Go to the 1st bank in Georgia, and open an account maybe? With that fake ID?
Do you think a lifestraw would be sufficient to filter that swamp water? I am following the case of the family who died near Yosemite and I'm guessing they filtered their water - might not have been enough (it's not clear yet). But I'm curious if anyone knows if people actually do that in FL (go camping and use modest filtration systems).

Which makes me think of that young woman who disappeared while on a "boar hunting" trip with her boyfriend in a small boat, where she left her phone with the person who owned the boat and never returned. They looked for her for days - but I don't think they ever found her.

You'd think they would have used heat sensing flights last night and put up trail cams in the preserve, in any case. So your theory about this being a diversion or at least merely a rehash seems likely to me.

If he's there, I don't think he's alive.

Life straw is more of an emergency, easy carry solution. There are tons of higher output pump filter available. Look at REI for examples. I use PUR that would probably work for Florida swamp water. I would imagine life straw would work, it just won't last as long.

Water is one thing, food is another. Wilderness camping with your own food where there is plenty of water is easy. Gathering food, is not, and requires knowledge.

If he in in the preserve, IMO he is either dead or will be found soon very emaciated. IMO he appears to be more conserved with himself and his survival. I think there is a good chance (if alive) he will be giving up, there really is no place to run and hide. I can't help but think that a person that still lives in his parents home, would have a hard time living on the run.
RE: Trail Cam


I totally see the resemblance, but I also saw a guy running on my street yesterday that resembled him.

Cam guys looks a little heavier and his neck doesn’t look as long. It also appears that he has the backpack slung over one shoulder and BL seems like the kinda guy that would have it over both shoulders properly strapped on. Carrying a backpack over one shoulder full of “survival” supplies would be painful. Cam guy’s posture or something also seems more confident than BL. (Standing a little taller,sorry, I don’t really know how to explain it)

As far as water, a small water filter like a Sawyer or Lifestraw. Also, another thing I suggest all of y’all have in your vehicle in case of an emergency.

He could literally drink from a mud puddle with one of those things.

Of course, I could totally be wrong about all of this, except the Lifestraw or Sawyer. Y’all should get at least one of those.
Wow! Are you saying that state LE agencies in Florida must obtain the Governor's permission before conducting an investigation? If so, it sounds rather authoritarian, IMO.
Local agencies are able to do as they need to, but other agencies such as state funded agencies need the okay from the state itself. It's not about authoritarianism, it's about budgets and chain of command. :)
I don't think he is in the reserve. I do not think the FBI think he is in the reserve. They paused it a now making a big show of it on the media. Im wondering if it is a tactic to get him to think he has fooled them so he takes his chance now to make a run for the border and they have officers posted elsewhere.

This would be similar to what happened in the UK in the awful case of Sarah Everard's murder earlier this year – the police deliberately went big on the optics of their search in London in order to smoke out Wayne Couzens, who was in Kent at that point.
I just want to say that I believe it would be a gross invasion of privacy to show or want to view Gabby's body and I sincerely hope that footage of it is never released. It's morally completely unacceptable and would I'm sure cause her family even more pain.

This isn't a tv show.

Gabby is a victim. She isn't an exhibit for morbid curiosity. I would be devastated if the body of someone I love was subjected to public viewing, especially in these circumstances.

Gabby has been violated enough and her family has suffered something that they will never recover from.

I realise I'm not supposed to tell people what to do, but I'll take the risk of being banned to say that I would ask people not to post about this, for the sake of both Gabby and her family.

Well said, disguisting that some want to see her dead for the sake of it purely to feed their morbid curiosities.
Look at the full video and see what direction they all walk toward. I think she was about 100 or so feet from that tent closer to the group of trees judging by aerial shots
Not sure exactly your meaning, but once a body is found, searchers would be ordered to leave the area, so LE can do forensics.

Well they know they need a defense attorney NOW, and they are still using the same guy. MOO

We don't know that either. They, or the attorney, may be in communications with some hot shot defense attorney, and it just hasn't been reported. I might assume that the family is too shell shocked to be thinking straight, but the real estate attorney must know this has gone past his expertise and may be hot and heavy seeking someone to take this off his hands.
Cuba will arrest him for entering the country illegal. He can only be in Cuba on an authorized tour trip (not easy to arrange, btw and pretty expensive).
Traveling to Cuba
He would immediately be noticed and apprehended (and Cuba has been sending such people back, without a treaty - because it violates Cuba's own laws for him to be there).
And whoever risked taking him there would probably be caught, as well. Cuba does not authorize tour trips for tourism, even. While people in one of the authorized categories can go see sights (accompanied), you pretty much have to be an educator or a doctor to get into one of those groups.
So, he's banned from Cuba - not much reason to think he's there.

I really do not understand the line of thinking here.
Everyone keeps assuming attempt at legal entry to other countries.
Why isn't illegal entry being considered (be it Cuba or any other country). A country may have an extradition treaty but unless BL entered illegally and immediately started acting a fool - who is going to notice him? He could easily blend in in a lot of countries to the south of FL.
(Also, sneaking into Cuba can be done. It's expensive but not at all difficult - Money talks. getting out is much more difficult)

I don't think he's likely in Cuba but I do think there are a number of places he could be ILLEGALLY in which he could get in and not be noticed for a very very long time if at all.
Yes. Places like REI and other stores carry tons of freeze dried stuff and stuff that's light, compact and portable.
He'd need boiling water, though. And unless he has a stove and fuel (plus I really don't think he has any experience outdoors, except to brag), he'd have to carry a pot and build a fire. No way he's building a fire while he's being manhunted.
And food? He'll be either an animal attractant or an LE magnet.

And if he takes pre-packaged meals?
He'd need at least 3 of those freeze dried Mountain House meals a day, 21 for the week (and he's been gone for at least a week). Hahahaha! Those things are super bulky! And that still won't be enough food, really, so you've gotta take maybe nuts and Snickers and dried fruit. Then there's the problem with indigestion as you get used to eating those meals....

But maybe you only take 2 meals a day of Mountain House. That's still 14 packages!

Mountain House is, like, $7-$8 average a meal.

I suppose he could do Ramen instead, but imagine all that Ramen! lol.

Unless he had a water filter, he'd almost certainly have made himself sick on swamp water.

However, apart from the unlikelihood of all that.... This is a man who, when life got rough, went running home to momma in the car of a woman he killed. IMO there's not a snowball's chance in heck momma's boy is out there eating raw Mountain House in an alligator-infested swamp.

Can you leave food caches to pick up later? Yep, but in BL's case, they likely would have been sniffed out by LE.

Is it possible for experienced backpackers to go a week without re-supply? Big YES. Easily. Two, no problem, either, if you have a big pack. But "experience" is the operative word here. And it takes a LOT of planning not to over- or undersupply. You want a lot of calories for not a lot of weight and bulk. And you don't want containers like tuna cans.
There's been no sign that BL has any of this kind of experience, either, no matter what he's convinced his family of.

Food calculation rule of thumb when backpack planning: 2 lbs per person per day. But it should be optimized by common sense. You won't want to take 2 lbs of butter (nice dense calories) or 2 lbs of Ramen (carbohydrate fuel).
He could have just been having the worlds largest attack of denial and hoped a bear would get the remains. We don't know, so any definitive statement on what was happening isn't really a known fact.
Hyway, that's my theory, a monster denial fugue state. Then when things closed in, he fled. I believe he was trying all along to set up an alibi but it kept falling through for him.
That looks almost like an aerial grid search. The sheriff copter has no rhyme or reason that we can see but they are also clearly checking specific areas (like Murdock).
I thought the sheriff copter was more perimeter focused.
Good point and I think it has been said before, we all know that LE/FBI isn't going to allow all to be revealed. Of all the things we have seen come out that we didn't know for the longest time, who knows what other details they are keeping close to the vest. Even if he is not there and the believe he was, they may have reason to want to locate where he was, what he had there, what was possibly left behind (notes, maps,etc) to help figure out where he was headed. I just hope they find him sooner rather than later.

Side note - can you imagine seeing this all done to your family and still not turning yourself in?

Absolutely, yes. If I'm a narcissist and probably a sociopath, I would only be looking to save my own azz. I would assume LE, etc., would give up looking since I am so smart, and they would find another area to search. Of course I can't live there forever... so... don't know what comes next. My beard and hair are getting longer, so I will emerge a different person when I come out of the park. Some big city somewhere -- I'm good at flippin' burgers... :D
Is Gabby's family holding their press conference today still? Wasn't it announced it was supposed to be at 2:30pm? If so, is there a link? Thank you.
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