Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #22

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In NY I have the enhanced driver’s license, which I am pretty sure can be used in lieu of a passport by land into Canada and Mexico. Not by air, though. It’s also known as the star card or the real id. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I that’s what I think it said on the forms I filled out to get that enhanced license.
Yes - passport, passport card, or real ID compliant drivers license will get you across the border if you drive.
[...]For people wondering she most likely would have put all the postcards into an envelope and sent them all at once rather than seperate that may be as to why they dont have stamps etc.

Why would anyone do that?
Stamps and postmarks are a big part of sending a postcard. Of the experience and treasure of a postcard.
(And of their ultimate financial value as collectibles actually.)

If you go to the trouble and expense of buying (or printing) a postcard, and then handwriting on it;
why would you then chuck a bunch of these in an envelope?
You're saving a few cents (maybe dollars) on stamps, but you've already spend dollars on the postcards anyway.
And you've already spent time and effort;
finding somewhere to buy them,
buying them,
(or taking a photo,
and printing it or getting it printed),
collecting your thoughts,
finding the addresses you need,
writing on them...
It's not much more time or effort to stick a stamp on and chuck it in the next mailbox you pass by.

I am a regular postcard sender and receiver and I don't think I would ever do the envelope thing you suggested as an explination.
Even if I can't always mail the postcards in the exact places they are from for reasons of practicality or lack of postboxes, I still get them in the post with a stamp somewhere.
Often I go to the trouble of going to a postoffice and getting them postmarked by hand to make sure the machines don't miss them, and/or to get a special postmark.

So.. your observation of the lack of stamps and postmarks makes me suspicious.
Did Gabby have a bunch saved up because they hadn't seen a mailbox for a while?
Did Brian forget to post them before travelling home? Did he just hand them to his sister when he got back?
Did he forget until he was halfway home, and then envelope them because if they all had the same postmark, that would look weird?
Or because he wanted to create the illusion that Gabby had mailed them from wherever she was supposed to be after she was dead?
Was he worried that if he posted them all individually, he'd be creating a trail of evidence of his movements via the postmarks?

OK maybe I'm overthinking it, but I still think it's a weird thing to do.
Hyway, that's my theory, a monster denial fugue state. Then when things closed in, he fled. I believe he was trying all along to set up an alibi but it kept falling through for him.

I don't think his parents knew. I thank he spun them a pretty good story as to why he was back and she wasn't. I think his mon and dad are just totally blindsided by this and have just been blundering around in their protection of their son. I am having a hard time imagining that someone who had time to plan his daring escape could make such ridiculous statements about when the car was gone, especially since they knew they were under constant media surveillance since Wednesday morning. They probably can't even keep track of what today is much less what they did a couple days ago.
I am not convinced of the narcissism claims yet and do think there is a reasonable chance BL has killed himself. I think we all have tendencies toward projection, confirmation bias, and even circular reasoning at times. I know I have. It’s hard to keep in check.

I feel strongly that what we have learned about his behavior in FL while at his parents' AFTER Gabby's death literally screams at least narcissist, but possibly psychopath. He has zero remorse and it would seem the same applies to his family. No projection, confirmation bias or circular reasoning here. Even John Walsh has called him a psychopath.
I just want to say that I believe it would be a gross invasion of privacy to show or want to view Gabby's body and I sincerely hope that footage of it is never released. It's morally completely unacceptable and would I'm sure cause her family even more pain.

This isn't a tv show.

Gabby is a victim. She isn't an exhibit for morbid curiosity. I would be devastated if the body of someone I love was subjected to public viewing, especially in these circumstances.

Gabby has been violated enough and her family has suffered something that they will never recover from.

I realise I'm not supposed to tell people what to do, but I'll take the risk of being banned to say that I would ask people not to post about this, for the sake of both Gabby and her family.

You are right, but it will appear online at some point. Every murder scene ever photographed eventually ends up online, even if it take 10 years, no matter how gruesome and horrible. It's the nature of the internet. People can decide on their own whether they want to look at horrible stuff or not for whatever reason, but it will be there at some point. I'm not a person who likes to do that, in fact I sometimes put my hand over my laptop screen if I'm searching for something and I'm afraid I'm going to see a bunch of terrible crime scene photos. I don't want to see it. Some people do, for whatever reason.

I posted that orange bit seen on the helicopter footage yesterday because it didn't really show anything. I thought it might indicate the position of where they found her, might even be the top of her hair. It's really impossible to tell what it actually is in that photo. They seemed to have found her in those bushes, but later the cross was found near water, so that confuses me. Not the same spots. I also thought I saw a mound of dirt under the pop up tent but later saw it was just a shadow.

But you can’t fly without id. I don’t think they have the money or connections for a lot of these ideas. In my theory he was at the house until a couple hours before they called the police and filed the missing persons report Friday night. I’m liking the baker county trail cam pic. But I do believe he left supplies/backpack for if/when he needed to run in that park and that’s why they there. Also lines up with why they entering from opposite side today.

I am terrible with flight aware! I try but never have good results. If you use it often do you mind seeing if you see anything unusual in north Florida/South Georgia & Alabama area? I’m sticking with he’s not in the reserve.
We don't know that either. They, or the attorney, may be in communications with some hot shot defense attorney, and it just hasn't been reported. I might assume that the family is too shell shocked to be thinking straight, but the real estate attorney must know this has gone past his expertise and may be hot and heavy seeking someone to take this off his hands.

Can we stick to one time frame, we are talking about what has publicly transpired up until this
moment, not at some point in the future.
New statement from Petito family attorney: "I want to personally thank the press and news media for giving the Petito and Schmidt family time to grieve. We will be making a statement when Gabby is home. I will contact you to arrange a time and location."
Perhaps this means they received definitive word from the autopsy that the body was Gabbys.
In NY I have the enhanced driver’s license, which I am pretty sure can be used in lieu of a passport by land into Canada and Mexico. Not by air, though. It’s also known as the star card or the real id. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I that’s what I think it said on the forms I filled out to get that enhanced license.

We haven't heard that BL had real ID (I'd be surprised if he did). But if he did, I would think there would be border alerts in place right now. You still have to apply for a passport card if you want to go by land into Mexico ($65) and use your Real ID. This is done in advance, otherwise, you're directed to the line where people sit and wait for verification. If. you have a Real ID, getting the passport card should be easy, however by itself, it's not enough to get you into the fast lane at the border. For that, you need to pay an additional $30 and have an Enhanced Driver's License:

THESE are the differences between a Real ID and an Enhanced ID [2021]

Ready Lanes

I believe these rules work in both directions. No real ID needed if one claims they are only going shopping across the border (which thousands do every day, and then ignore the rule).
I'm curious and don't have a clear answer. Will Brian's parents be held accountable is they've withheld information from investigators. I ask because I don't remember Casey Anthony's parents ever being held accountable for covering for Casey.
Honestly that sounds like typical long island dad of a daughter behavior.
Exactly! And a young man comfortable in his masculinity and with any idea of a father's love would not be too bothered by it, in my opinion. But, alas, we seem to have a young man who (most likely) killed his fiance, ran home to mom, and refuses to face consequences.
Maybe they don't care at this point. If he were to get caught and point the finger at his parents helping him, they'd be in federal trouble
Maybe it's because he isn't "missing." He's hiding and they know it. So while any parent would want to know their child is safe, they may think he's safer in hiding because then he won't be caught. They might also just being trying to keep a low profile.
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