Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #24

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Its time for someone to offer at least a $50-$100K reward for information that leads to BL's capture. There's nothing like cold, hard cash to loosen lips.
Brian is a human being. He's going to get hungry. He's going to need to clean himself up. He needs to relieve himself. He needs toilet paper, water, a change of clean clothes. He's going to need someone to provide these things, or he's going to have to provide them for himself. He's the star of this show, so he's going to look for free WiFi to keep up on his fame and keep track of where he thinks the bulk of the searches for him are. Look for him in internet cafe's, motels, fast food places - if he's on his own. Otherwise, he's got a relative stashing him away somewhere.

He's a loner only to the extent that its in his nature to be so. Actually, he's been almost fully dependent upon his Mommy and Daddy for food, shelter and unwavering support. His independence is an illusion. He's in his twenties, jobless and living off the family. That kind of behavior will continue.

Great idea but he hasn't been charged yet, that we know of.

So, maybe he went to the reserve to kill himself, that's possible, of course, but I keep coming back to the fact that he could have killed himself anywhere, and if that was his plan, it might make better sense to do it where he would be easily found so his parents didn't suffer. JMOO
I considered that, too, but I'm not sure he's capable of empathy.
If he's been eaten by a gator, his body will never be found. Gators eat bones and all. Certainly BL knows that, so I wonder if he GTH outta there before things got so wet. Frustrating to contemplate, isn't it??

Maybe, maybe not. Gators also like to stash their kills and come back over and over to tear off chunks. Like squirrels burying nuts for the winter.
EDIT: sorry, replied to the wrong post. I meant to reply to @Hyway and am trying to work out how to fix the quote reply on my mobile now :)

Were there not other posts posted to the YouTube channel? I've just watched the video that's up there now (I know, I know, I'm late but there is SO much going on in this case and everything moves so fast... I have a job, unfortunately!) and at the end of the video, there's a card which says 'Video no longer available' where people would often post a link to one of their other videos. Do we have information about whether that was the only video posted, or do we know if something has been removed since it was announced that Gabby was missing (either by LE or another party)? Just wondering - I don't have a real theory about this but it would be interesting to know if any videos have been removed.

Second edit: @penguinface has helpfully pointed out that the wording of the card is 'not available', rather than 'no longer available'. This is potentially an important nuance - I was just working off my (apparently very short-term) memory when I said 'no longer available'. I still don't know enough about the ins and outs of using YouTube as a creator when it comes to this, but the nuance is worth mentioning.
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Just want to say another thing regarding BL's Pinterest account.

According to Pinterest, he last pinned something 5 weeks ago. If you look under the board "all pins" it says "5w". That means 5 weeks. If for example he pinned something 5 hours ago, it would say "5h".
Along with that, the pins are displayed chronologically, with the most recent pins on top. The further down you scroll, the older the pin is. I doubt he pins dozens of pins per day, which means his creepy pin that is making the rounds online in media, is very old. This is the pin in question.

I know people are looking for clues everywhere, understandably so. But I just wanted to share that maybe his Pinterest isn't all that it's being made out to be in regards to Gabby's murder.

Edited so I could add another image.


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This - I agree. I'm guessing NYC, with that accent and all. He'd stand out anywhere else in the south.
NYC and LI cost of living is really high. He would have to be getting a significant amount of money from somewhere to finance that.
His old hometown, Blue Point, is about an hour and a half from the city and is COVERED in teal ribbons that were put up yesterday in Gabby’s memory. I don’t believe he’d go there—he’d be spotted immediately, and if anyone gets caught having harbored him, they’d be shunned from that community SO FAST.
There are no freight train routes for him to hop on LI, and hitchhiking just doesn’t happen here. Anyone who tried that would stick out like a sore thumb. They’ve both been all over the news; I honestly don’t think he’d last long in NYC either. I think it’s much more likely he’s in somewhere like New Orleans, where nobody stands out, and cost of living is much lower. JMO.

They didn't need to go to NY to see the sights. They were from NY. They'd met there in highschool (Long Island, IIRC). I think it was her mom who'd said, they went to NY to attend a family event before taking off on their trip. You might be able to stretch the length of the trip back in time to when they left Florida, but I don't think that would add up to the several additional months he added to it when speaking to police. They didn't spend an extra 2-3 months getting from FL to NY and staying in NY; highly unlikely, as I see it.

Maybe you missed the part where I said "still not 3-4 months". Also, there is a lot to see between Florida and New York. So anywhere from a few days trip to a week or more. That was my point, the Timeline shows the trip starting July 2nd from NY, but it really started from Florida and I don't know what date that was. Or even if they did weekend trips before that that he is including in his statement of how long they have been in the van. I did say I thought he might have been exaggerating to make them look more like hardened vanlifers rather than van vacationers.
Several threads ago, a local posted that there are alligators, panthers, and lots of mosquitos in the Reserve, the weather was alternately hot, muggy, and rainy, and that person believed that he would be in bad shape if he were there, exposed to the elements even for just 3-4 days. So I agree that he's likely to be somewhere else. I think he's in a cabin somewhere. In addition to food and water, he needs shelter. MOO
Your post sparked the possibility of being in a tree fort/tree house in the woods. Not diverting the subject of the discussion but a couple months ago in our community, Daytona Beach, FL., a policeman was shot and the FBI found the killer in a tree fort outside Atlanta several days later. IMO.. the Baker, FL sighting is in line with how he may go about hiding in the woods, although it does not appear to me that was him. Food supply for only so long etc..
But you’d think that if there was a delay, it would start with at least something from the 2,700-ish miles between the start of their trip and when Gabby first talks directly to camera at about 4:30 in the vid. At that point, from the landscape and surroundings, IMO they’re already almost all the way across the USA.

JMO but I think something happened with the footage, photos and perhaps other pieces where Gabby talked to the camera. Just strikes me as odd that there’s essentially nothing from across the twelve or thirteen states that their journey covered between when they left FL for Gabby’s brother’s graduation in Long Island and when we first see her speak directly to camera/the audience.
Indeed. The foray into YT land was clearly not sophisticated. The lone vid seems to have been a 'get some content out there' so 'what can I use' move. Maybe there was some other strategy to move forward, but that is definitely not the way to grab attention.

She was left in the open with something bright neon . Makes me wonder if he hoped she would be found while he hiked Snake River. His alibi being he left her alone doing social media work. But then he realized she wasn’t discovered and he couldn’t hitchhike across America, so he drove home defeated to await his fate.

This makes a lot of sense to me.
He killed GP-either on purpose or accidentally-and decided to work on an alibi.
He, at one point anyway, cared for her so why leave her out in the open like trash? IMO, he was hoping that someone would spot her and alert the authorities while he was 'out hiking' so there was no way it could have been him. Also, that would explain the hitchhiking when he, obviously, had a perfectly good van he could have used.
He needed to be spotted while out hiking so that he had witnesses to prove that he was out hiking and was no where near GP body.
I could imagine his surprise and disappointment when he returned to find that GP had not been found and the van was still sitting where it always had been.
Even before I had my CCW, I (legally) took a firearm with me when camping solo out west, mostly for protection from a chance wildlife encounter that could endanger me.

Even without a CCW, you can legally travel to other states with firearms. Not all, but a good many.

I went on a road trip out west with my kids this spring. We wanted to bring a firearm for protection but didn’t because California has laws that made it an issue to bring one there. I don’t remember the details. I don’t think? They went to California but I’d assume they were planning to. Anyway just sharing our experience obviously don’t know how it relates to their decisions.
This is the part that bugs me. I truly cannot fathom his parents being (from what we can discern and speculate) this composed if they are seriously worried about their son committing suicide. As someone who once ran away from my parents to attempt to take my own life, I can't imagine how his parents can seem so unconcerned. My parents were calling everyone they could think of when they realized something was off––the Laundries just seem a little too composed for parents of a child they believe to be in crisis, MOO.

I can't imagine that BL's parents are truly composed or unconcerned. They are probably in a state of shock. IMO
But you’d think that if there was a delay, it would start with at least something from the 2,700-ish miles between the start of their trip and when Gabby first talks directly to camera at about 4:30 in the vid. At that point, from the landscape and surroundings, IMO they’re already almost all the way across the USA.

JMO but I think something happened with the footage, photos and perhaps other pieces where Gabby talked to the camera. Just strikes me as odd that there’s essentially nothing from across the twelve or thirteen states that their journey covered between when they left FL for Gabby’s brother’s graduation in Long Island and when we first see her speak directly to camera/the audience.

I think it was an Introductory video saying This Is Who We Are so it included all the things that make up their travels. And the next video would have been the actual Vanlife video of their current adventure.
Maybe you missed the part where I said "still not 3-4 months". Also, there is a lot to see between Florida and New York. So anywhere from a few days trip to a week or more. That was my point, the Timeline shows the trip starting July 2nd from NY, but it really started from Florida and I don't know what date that was. Or even if they did weekend trips before that that he is including in his statement of how long they have been in the van. I did say I thought he might have been exaggerating to make them look more like hardened vanlifers rather than van vacationers.
I havent re-listened to the video but is it possible he's saying they are on a 3-4 month trip rather than they've been on the road for 3-4 months? I believe it would be about that long if they planned to end on Halloween as I've read.
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