Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #29

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Either they have a good tip or they are realizing he may not be there. I hope the FBI sues his parents if they’ve lied saying he was there. Maybe they told the FBI they went camping out there then Brian left to go out there.

I mean, there has to be good reason why they're using all of these resources. If it's TBD, are they banking on finding him today or are they just going to give up realizing he's not there? I truly hope something happens today where he's found (and I hope he's alive, just because Gabby's family deserves some kind of answer as to what happened/why/etc).
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"Any person who maintains or assists the principal or accessory before the fact, or gives the offender any other aid, knowing that the offender had committed the offense of child abuse, neglect of a child, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child under 18 years of age, or murder of a child under 18 years of age, or had been an accessory thereto before the fact, with the intent that the offender avoids or escapes detection, arrest, trial, or punishment, is an accessory after the fact unless the court finds that the person is a victim of domestic violence."

BBM to reflect that GP was 22....also if the relative is keeping hush because of DV they would waive charges.

This provision holds that an individual can’t be charged with accessory after the fact if they are the suspect’s:
  • Wife
  • Husband
  • Parent
  • Grandparent
  • Child
  • Grandchild
  • Brother (by blood or marriage)
  • Sister (by blood or marriage)
Those who are NOT protected under the related person exemption include:
  • Uncle
  • Aunt
  • Cousin
  • Mother/ Father of Shared Child (unless married)
  • Girlfriend/ Boyfriend
Wow thanks for I said...ludicrous.
Brian Laundrie's parents flee Florida home

Brian Laundrie’s parents rebuffed questions about their son’s whereabouts and told the media to scram as they left their home in Florida on Thursday morning.

Christopher and Roberta Laundrie were confronted by reporters as they headed to their red Dodge Ram pickup truck in the driveway of their North Port home.

“Mr. and Mrs. Laundrie, do you know where he is? Can you tell us?” one reporter asked.

“Go,” snapped Christopher.

“I’m going to go that way. I’m going to go that way,” he continued, pointing down the street before climbing into the truck with his wife.

Running away is clearly in the Laundrie genes.
I'm kindof surprised there aren't more people in this search. Obviously, they have insane amounts of equipment out they stated that today they have 75 personnel on the ground from 65 different agencies?

I get not wanting untrained volunteers stomping through those conditions, I'm just surprised there's not substantially more people

ETA- I relistened numerous times and JB on WFLA must have misspoke because he stated "65 agencies" which appears to not be correct
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Latest from NPPD:

“We have around 75 personnel from 16 different agencies on the ground Thursday. We plan to search throughout the day. Friday TBD.”

This is double the amount of agencies from the start of the week. #BrianLaundrie #justiceforgabbypetito @10TampaBay
Yes. Yes one can. But there's not the slightest indication (to which I'd be able to point) that suggests they did that. Every publicly available piece that I've seen is touristy. If one truly wants to be a adventure/travel/overland/vanlife YouTube-type, one finds new angles. I see none of that. Maybe they did, and it simply hasn't been published. My money is on this trip being a bunch of "name brand" visits. But, I'll acknowledge, there could have been more to it.

The video in her youtube, where they are in the tent, is in sight of a road, but it looks secluded enough that they could have a blazing row with screaming, and plates flying, and no one might see it. GP was using The Dyrt, AllTrails, and other camping spot locating websites. You can spend the day sniffing the sweat off the person in line in front of you as you view a waterfall and then that night not have another soul within miles, much less within hearing distance.
Mom of missing Florida girl, 22, pleads for help to find her daughter | Daily Mail Online

Laundrie returned to their home in North Port, Florida, where the couple moved two years ago, driving the couple's 2012 Ford Transit van, which police confirmed recovering late on Saturday night.

He has remained mum on her whereabouts, reportedly hiring an attorney and refusing to speak publicly about what happened. Asked about Laundrie at the press conference, however, both parents said, 'We can't comment on that.'

North Port police also told that officers have tried to speak with missing Gabby Petito’s fiancée at the house – but his parents refused to let them.

Forensic experts are now poring over the 2012 model van for fingerprints and any other possible clues.

‘We have the vehicle, we took it away very late Saturday night into Sunday,’ said North Port Police spokesman Josh Taylor. ‘We take it, we process it for evidence – fingerprints, any evidentiary value that we think is possible.

‘So we have that vehicle. We are continuing to try to piece the things together. The situation is obviously very fluid.’

He confirmed Laundrie has still not talked with police. ‘We have not talked with him, we would love to talk to him,’ said Taylor.

‘He is under no obligation to talk to us – and he has not. And we don’t even know yet if a crime happened.’

Asked if police had turned up the home of Brian’s parents to speak with him, Taylor replied: ‘Of course.’

Boyfriend of missing LI woman not 'available' to talk to police

“We have the vehicle, we took it away very late Saturday night into Sunday,” North Port police spokesman Josh Taylor told the news outlet.

Taylor said police went to the home of Laundrie’s parents, who “did not want to make him available,” according to the report.

On Monday, Laundrie’s father, Christopher Laundrie, 62, refused to comment to the Daily Mail on his son’s whereabouts while mowing his lawn.

Gabby Petito: Police reveal fears for missing YouTuber - ‘It’s possible something very bad has happened here’
Police investigating the disappearance of YouTuber Gabby Petito on a cross-country van tour with her fiance admit “something very bad” may have happened to her.

Ms Petito, 22, of Long Island, hasn’t been seen since she checked out of a Salt Lake City hotel on August 24 with her partner Brian Laundrie.

The couple had been documenting their trip across the United States on their YouTube channel Nomadic Statik, but fears grew for Ms Petito’s safety when she failed to contact her family for several weeks.

They reported her missing on September 11.

Mr Laundrie has returned to his home in North Port, Florida, and the couple’s van was seized by police at the weekend.

North Port Police spokesman Josh Taylor told The Independent Mr Laundrie’s parents had refused to allow officers to speak to him, immediately handing them contact information for the family’s attorney.

Asked if police found anything suspicious in the family’s actions, Mr Taylor said: “There’s common sense at play.


Schmidt has recently seen photos in the news of Brian's father performing yard work.

'If they cared about her, they would want to find her,' she said. 'Why aren't you out helping find her?'

'I don't want to seem accusatory,' she said. 'It's confusing, my mind is turning right now.'

She's also questioning Brian's trip back to Florida in August to help his father move their things into a storage unit. She wonders why it was necessary to move Gabby's things during their road trip and what became of her stuff.

'Where are her things?' she asked.

Asked why Brian chose to lawyer up, she replied, 'You know I wish I knew that answer, why.'

Mother of missing Gabby Petito says boyfriend and his family IGNORED her desperate texts | Daily Mail Online

The fiancé of Gabby Petito, who went missing on a cross-country road trip, won't speak to authorities, police say

Investigators with the North Port Police Department seized the van over the weekend, a spokesman, Josh Taylor, said.

"We showed up. We see the vehicle. We take the vehicle," Taylor told Insider. "We make an attempt to talk with Brian, and his family declined to make him available, and they gave us the information for his attorney."

"Right now we don't have a crime. We have a concern of a crime," Taylor said.

Taylor said the van "could be a key piece of evidence" in the case.

"It's her van," Taylor said of Petito. "She's not here. He is. So I think it was important for us to take that vehicle and to preserve potential evidence."

Taylor said the van would "be processed accordingly, as far as fingerprinting and other types of forensic processes."

Fiancé now person of interest in disappearance of North Port woman

I went back to the beginning to see what the initial reports were and I am convinced the parents were home on the 10th and 11th - we have reports of neighbors spotting him in their yard - I think the camping trip was Labor Day weekend and I do not think anyone spotted him in their yard after that camping trip.
BL is still officially only a person of interest, right?

At what point does a person go from a POI to a suspect?

Is it a case of simply waiting for evidence, or further results from the post mortem?

Also, does a person have to be considered a suspect in order to surveil them? I'm just wondering why BL's parents couldn't have been put under surveillance?

TIA to any legal eagles!
Looking for an MSM confirmation that BL flew home for a period of time during their trip -- anyone?

It seems incongruent to me that someone who has been described by GP's best friend to have control issues, and has the overall optics of being an abusive narcissist would leave GP for a period of nearly a week. "Allowing" her to have her own experiences absent of him seems like atypical behaviour, so I'm curious if this trip has been confirmed to have happened (for whatever reason) or is spiraling conjecture.
I think if he came home it was because they called it quits. He came home left her with the van to continue on!
Then she begged him to come back abs they would work things out!
LE needs text messages!
I’m sure they would explain alot
That's why strangulation is such a high probability. Or a blow on the head.
Do we know for sure if the cause of death has not been released or has not been determined? If it were a blow or choking, there would be obvious evidence found in autopsy. Skull fractures and a broken hyoid bone. But it seemed like they ware waiting for tox results meaning they found no obvious cause. But maybe it's just not being released yet.
I've followed so many tragedies over the years, but this is almost Shakesperian. People often talk about the benefit of hindsight, but hindsight here is a curse, it's painful and getting harder and harder to read. It's becoming increasingly clear that it really wasn't Gabby who was falling apart (which most of us already knew), it was Brian.

He was becoming angrier by the day and Gabby was stuck in a tiny space with him, hundreds of miles from home, 24/7.

Reading about the incident at the restaurant made me cry, because I think this was the petrol on an already raging fire. Poor kind Gabby, always trying to make things better, went back to apologise to the staff and got back in the van with someone who was apoplectic. Brian would have seen this as a humiliation and betrayal. She didn't back him up.

This incident is also important because Brian was arguing with a hostess. I have no idea the gender of the manager, but we've seen how Brian interacts with men and we now have more details on how he interacts with women. It's a shame the female police officer/ranger didn't speak to him on the police stop, because that may have set the alarm bells ringing so loudly as to be deafening even to the police officer.

I don't think Gabby was alive for much longer after this. I think they argued in the van, or more accurately, he terrorised her, possibly to the point of him hurting her. She tried to run away, maybe jumping out of a moving vehicle, leaving him trying to park in a rage.

Gabby ran away from the road, thinking he would have caught up with her and run her over, but there's no cover in that area and he caught up with her and killed her. Her death may or not have been pre-meditated as such, but I think a beating was and I think he beat her, kicked her and possibly worse until she didn't make a sound. That's cold blooded murder.

Brian and his family need to spend the rest of their miserable lives in a cell.
Your post was so hard to assimilate, @I wonder, because of the triggers it set off for me.

But seeing the proverbial tree through my own forest of trauma, I think you nailed it!
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I completely agree. FBI seem pretty sure he's in the reserve and they definitely know more than any of us here do.
Personally, looking at the events unfolding, I think GP's dad probably freaked them out when he visited on the 10th and they made that camping trip just to Myakka River State Park or some other campground in that area to have BL hide in the woods with his hammock. They packed up supplies so BL could hang out for a bit while things blew over possibly not believing GP was missing or dead (depending on what story he told them), but were worried for BL's safety from her dad. BL would be close by, and they could resupply him. I think once LE got serious they gave them info that their trip was to that reserve and was to drop him off there to hide out from the dad. That's why they're so focused, that's why they're confident BL wouldn't be elsewhere.

Their behavior overall is still really strange, so that theory has gaps. But overall, I think the focus on that area is somehow tied to the weekend camping trip and that's why the focus is so intensively there.
Are they not worried about running him over if he's in there?
IMO no, they are not worried.
I remember in the days of equisearch looking for Caylee Anthony they were VERY specific about 4 wheelers and ATV's in the search and pulled them several times for fear they might run over the evidence if it was there.
The FBI wouldn't be that careless. They know what they are doing!
Maybe driving him up into the trees...
He couldn't move much at all that way. He can't jump from tree to tree like a squirrel and he can't fly...
Maybe this is close to coming to an end?
If he has any way of watching or reading about the search, he is seeing these vehicles tear up the terrain.
Either they have a good tip or they are realizing he may not be there. I hope the FBI sues his parents if they’ve lied saying he was there. Maybe they told the FBI they went camping out there then Brian left to go out there.
I mean honestly-the reserve is NOT the right place to be if anyone was thinking of being a fugitive forever. I would think he would have to be on a longer trail (if he were hiking to hide out) that gives him more options to hide/escape.
New here so please excuse, there's no possible way I could dive through 30 pages prior so if any of this was rehashed, I appologize in advance.

As a preface, I want to state that I take no position on whether Brian committed murder or not. I simply think we do not possess enough evidence right now to condemn a man's life. Now that he is missing and could possibly be suicidal, I especially take pains to avoid judging his life. That's for a jury to decide, not me. Or social media.

I won't go into a longwinded post and I'll try to keep it as short and concise as I can, but a few things bug me about this case:

1. Despite many people trying to place their ex's face on Brian, the body cam and witness statements only confer that they were in a physically toxic relationship. Gabby, the witness Christopher, and Gabby's friend Rose all confirm that Gabby assaulted Brian. The 911 call and body cam show Brian would fight back. People seem to be all about DV here, but refuse to acknowledge that a small blonde girl could very easily be the aggressor sometimes. Even if she is not alive anymore.

2. Brian returning home without Gabby. While I get the whole "going about your daily life to appear innocent", both Brian and his family's actions during the time when he first returned home with the van did not appear to be people pretending. If you know your son committed murder and has something to hide, you're not sending him out to mow the lawn. Idk, that just seems weird to me. Almost as if Brian thought everything was fine at that point. That would imply that Brian and Gabby agreed to part ways - and the only way I can see someone leaving their S.O. in the middle of nowhere is when they're being left with someone they both know and trust. (more on that later)

3. The Aug 27/30th texts. If you just killed someone, and are pretending to be them, you don't make the mistake of texting them their grandfather's first name. There would be no reason for Brian to even message the mother about GP's grandfather. You'd want to have as little interaction as possible, I'd assume. Also, with all the planning GP and BL were doing with where they were going, and given their current location, making the mistake of saying Yosemite seems off as well. I know people get the two confused, but I'd imagine that would be after the fact upon recollection, and not while on the actual trip when you're right near Yellowstone. These were pretty glaring and suspect mistakes. Almost too glaring. [removed stan theory so this doesn't get deleted lol] The wording is definately strange, and can be read as "Can you help send the authorities now...". That could imply a third person being involved.

4. Speaking of third person, now that police have announced there are no ties between the lesbian couple and GP case, people seem to have just forgotten that someone actually murdered those 2 poor women, which means there is a killer in the moab area. Gabby, and these two women aren't the only ones to go missing in the past few months in the moab area. Ty Erick Harvey also was reported missing on August 30th, 2021 in Moab. There was another man missing in June of this year in Moab but for the life of me I cannot find the article anywhere now that it's been drowned out in the sea of news reports with any keywords related to it bringing me back to GP case instead.

Grand County Sheriff seeking info on man missing from Moab area | Gephardt Daily

5. The fact that Brian is still listed as a person of interest, as opposed to a suspect, could be very telling of what evidence (or lackthereof) the police have to actually link him to her death. Either they think he's dead (which I doubt highly considering the efforts they're still putting forth) or they do not have enough evidence to charge him. Even after the autopsy? That potentially leads back to either an accident or third party.

6. Rose. Has anyone else heard reports that Brian's Instagram has been following and unfollowing Rose Davis, GP's alleged bff? Rose gives me bad vibes. Not only does she look exactly like GP in terms of size, shape, eyes and hair, but she came forward to the dailymail making statements that I found to be odd. For instance, Rose reported that Brian would set up hammocks for her and GP, but would not sit with them at the beach - preferring to sit alone. To me that sounds like someone who is uncomfortable being around Rose and GP at the same time. Why? Rose also stated she believes GP loved BL and BL loved GP.. but then went on to recount a time when BL stole GP's ID to stop her from going out dancing with Rose. According to her, GP came home and physically assaulted BL for this. She called it jealousy, but that's one sided. Could she have been a bad influence? Drugs? Could she have previously had a "thing" with GP that BL found out about and he was trying to do what was in GP's best interest? Why would Rose have a tracking app on GP's phone if she hung out with the both of them? Especially after only knowing GP for a year? I know a lot can happen in a year, but that just seems weird. Rose also stated that GP's friends back in NY were "bullying" her about GP staying with BL. Odd choice of words to describe friends trying to "look out" for their friend. Why would they "bully" her if Rose herself said they loved each other?

I have a whole bunch of other theories (or moreso questions) regarding Rose, but until we get more evidence they may as well just be wild conspiracy theories. Are police so focused on BL that they've ignored Rose's locations on her phone? Could she have met up with BL/GP after all? Did BL leave GP with Rose? Was there some sort of triangle going on? I mean, they both look alike, so it's not too far fetched to think BL might have been attracted to her. Going further down that rabbit hole, could Rose have been the one who checked out of the hotel that last time and not GP? That could potentially explain the Yosemite text.. and why Brian drove back to FLA and carried on as if nothing was wrong, not reporting her missing because he didn't think she was missing. If BL/Rose did have something going on, it would explain the reports of his Instagram following and unfollowing her during the time he's been missing. If any of these have been answered via evidence that I've missed please feel free to correct me.

I have a bad feeling the truth of this case is going to be much more complicated than people are claiming it to be. There are too many strange occurrences. I realize Occam's Razor says BL is not speaking, so he most likely had a hand in the death, given what we know. It's what we don't know that has me questioning all of this.

Edit: I definitely went more longwinded than I intended but tried to keep each point to at least a few sentences to get the full point across... apologies!
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I wonder if a 2nd key to the van was found with Gabby’s body. If not, BL can’t say she was killed when he left her and the van and went on the hike and then tried to pay $200.00 to hitchhike back. Gabby would NOT have left that van, alone and without a key to it with her. So if there was no key on Gabby’s person when she was found, he either found her body after his “hike” and removed the key or he killed her before he left to go and “hike”, with the hopes of creating an alibi and thinking someone else would find her. (Regardless there should have been 2 keys sold w/that van and both Brian and Gabby “should have” had one on them at all times. FBI needs to find out if she got 2 keys with purchase of the van and locate both for evidence) JMO but I’m totally hung up on her high anxiety over being ‘left, or locked out, etc’. This Old Grand-momma with similar anxiety issues wouldn’t have gone a mile down the road without a 2nd key in my pocket for the entire trip! Heck, I take both keys everywhere I go, keeping them in 2 separate places. (Posted similar thoughts at end of previous thread but wanted to add to it and get your thoughts!)
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