Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #29

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I think people are seeing a little too much Chris Watts in this case. There is literally nothing that indicates pregnancy. /JMO
True enough.
But it could be a possibility and one of many factors.
I really wish WSers would not wish "ill will", "hope they go to hell", etc. on anyone, including Brian and his family.

I hope Brian is captured or turns himself in and tells LE what happened. It wont bring back Gabby, but he owes that to her memory and people that loved her. And he needs to take responsibly for his actions.

I learned as a kid not to ill-wish anyone, hearing my grandmother tell me that “ill-wishes, like chickens, come home to roost”. However, I don’t think that hoping they all go to prison cones under the category of “ill-wishing”, but rather a plea for justice.
IMO I don’t this this is the case at all. BL regularly posts shunning social media and being “connected”. Prior to GP he seems to have zero social media presence at all. He makes comments about spending too much time online. I don’t think he wanted the online / influencer stuff or attention at all. I think that is why he was so frustrated because that seemed to be GPs focus.

BL wanted Gabbies focus to be 100% on him, his wants, his needs.
3. What if, at Merry Piglet, GP saw a DV poster in the bathroom (common in my area) that listed ways to ask for help without your date/partner being clued in.

She doesn’t use the suggested STAN code there, but later when perhaps she was feeling in danger, she sent the text and the “just going to voicemail or missed message” addition was because she was having trouble leaving a message for local LE. (They can’t usually receive texts on their emergency numbers and she wasn’t in the position to wait on hold or speak one on one)

Posts are being removed for this STAN theory. Please refer to page one :)
Which is just ludicrous IMO. That exemption not applicable in cases of child abuse but if you were to help a murderer of a child's parent escape justice because you're related to the murderer...well that's ok, you're exempt!? Because you know killing a child's parent isn't outright abusing their child right?

Edit for focus question:
Is their not adding and abetting charges for relatives of criminals in FL at all? Only if the crime involves a child firsthand?

"Any person who maintains or assists the principal or accessory before the fact, or gives the offender any other aid, knowing that the offender had committed the offense of child abuse, neglect of a child, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child under 18 years of age, or murder of a child under 18 years of age, or had been an accessory thereto before the fact, with the intent that the offender avoids or escapes detection, arrest, trial, or punishment, is an accessory after the fact unless the court finds that the person is a victim of domestic violence."

BBM to reflect that GP was 22....also if the relative is keeping hush because of DV they would waive charges.

This provision holds that an individual can’t be charged with accessory after the fact if they are the suspect’s:
  • Wife
  • Husband
  • Parent
  • Grandparent
  • Child
  • Grandchild
  • Brother (by blood or marriage)
  • Sister (by blood or marriage)
Those who are NOT protected under the related person exemption include:
  • Uncle
  • Aunt
  • Cousin
  • Mother/ Father of Shared Child (unless married)
  • Girlfriend/ Boyfriend
Generally speaking, federal laws trump state laws, if they are regulating the same area. But if a court rules that the federal government didn't have the authority to regulate, then the state law would take effect and the federal law would be thrown out. But that's not really relevenat at all.

In this case, GP was killed on federal property. That makes it a federal crime to be prosecuted by the US government. If she had been found one foot outside federal lands, it would be the state's jurisdction. It really just has to do with where it happened.

All of that being said, it might have been a federal case regardless if he crossed state lines while committing the crime.
Interesting, but the accessory after the fact would have taken place in Florida so how does that work?
I mean, there has to be good reason why they're using all of these resources. If it's TBD, are they banking on finding him today or are they just going to give up realizing he's not there? I truly hope something happens today where he's found (and I hope he's alive, just because Gabby's family deserves some kind of answer as to what happened/why/etc).

FBI sue those uncooperative in a case? I don’t think so. They can charge them but sue them?
3. What if, at Merry Piglet, GP saw a DV poster in the bathroom (common in my area) that listed ways to ask for help without your date/partner being clued in.

She doesn’t use the suggested STAN code there, but later when perhaps she was feeling in danger, she sent the text and the “just going to voicemail or missed message” addition was because she was having trouble leaving a message for local LE. (They can’t usually receive texts on their emergency numbers and she wasn’t in the position to wait on hold or speak one on one)

I know a lot of bars that have that. They will say to "Ask for Angela" to the bartenders or to order an "Angel shot" at the bar to let them know you're in danger. I wish all bars/restaurants/everywhere had signs like this!

I don't think that's what happened here but just good info for anyone to know.
Just wanted to chime in regarding teaching our kids these things when we're raising them up. This is exactly why I teach my daughter that she is under no obligation to be polite to someone making her uncomfortable, even if it's just a "gut feeling". It's better safe than sorry. I've used a tagline from a podcast, "<modsnip> Politeness". This is also exactly why I taught my boys that "NO means NO, do not ask further, do not ask for reasonings, do not try to convince anyone who says no to change their mind" in regards to everything & everybody. "No" is a complete sentence. I taught them all how a healthy relationship looks, red flags, how to navigate relationship issues, how to respect boundaries, be considerate, etc. I've taught them all of this regardless of their gender because they all need to know it.
Sounds like you could give a special seminar in someone else's parenting workshop/course. This is essential training.
1. Despite many people trying to place their ex's face on Brian, the body cam and witness statements only confer that they were in a physically toxic relationship. Gabby, the witness Christopher, and Gabby's friend Rose all confirm that Gabby assaulted Brian. The 911 call and body cam show Brian would fight back. People seem to be all about DV here, but refuse to acknowledge that a small blonde girl could very easily be the aggressor sometimes. Even if she is not alive anymore.

At this point, numerous professionals in the field of psychology, including a forensic psychologist, as well as advocates who work directly with victims of domestic violence have attested that Gabby was displaying very typical characteristics of “reactive violence” or “reactive abuse”.

This is what we used to call “battered women’s syndrome”. Nobody doubts the ability of a thin, small framed female to inflict damage on a large male. But that isn’t what is happening here. Gabby says Brian grabbed her face just above her throat in the police video. That’s one step above strangulation. Holding onto somebody’s face like that screams “I can control you. I can kill you”. It’s an extremely threatening maneuver.

Regardless of what evidence comes to light, Gabby, as the deceased party, is indisputably the victim.
Do we know for sure if the cause of death has not been released or has not been determined? If it were a blow or choking, there would be obvious evidence found in autopsy. Skull fractures and a broken hyoid bone. But it seemed like they ware waiting for tox results meaning they found no obvious cause. But maybe it's just not being released yet.

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