Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #31

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I think Brian is the type of person that if LE could just question him for 2 minutes he would spill his guts.

Nah, I don't think so.
Look at how he was with the police in Utah on that body cam footage.
He hoodwinked them playing a nice guy, pretending to be their pals.

I bet he thinks he'll talk his way out of it by switching into the old Jekyll and Hyde routine. Again.
Theft and murder... all the same crime, really. Interesting that it seems that he murdered her, THEN stole from her. He took the time to snaffle her debit card, after he killed her... probably took a trophy, as well, an earring, swatch of her hair. He looks as off as a 3 dollar bill, to me.

....unless, he took it first, she did her block about it, so he killed her. Wouldn't surprise me if he was in the habit of taking her card to (a) gaslight her and/or (b) instigate an episode of helpless fury and collapse in her.
So are BL's parents at the point where they can be told to stay put and don't leave the country, or does that never happen? I'm worried they are going to take off and go pick up their son somewhere and disappear with him.
I really thought the parents would have been polygraphed by now.
This kid is very impulsive. Doesn't seem to have impulse control or any coping mechanisms when he gets frustrated.
Has he ever faced repercussions/consequences for outbursts? And where did he learn that it is acceptable to hit/slap your partner?
Probably at home.
This seems to be his first serious relationship? I was surprised to hear he had already proposed to Gabby while not having a job/career/education plan of his own. And his mother was reportedly overjoyed when she heard about the proposal. I bet she felt relief knowing that her troubled son finally found someone special who could tolerate him. Her son getting married young, not pursuing education, living in her home is the best outcome she had ever hoped for.
Feelin' a little salty today...
Strongly suspect that parents know where BL is (they show no sign of being even remotely concerned about his well-being, no appeals, no interviews, just totally clamming up and visiting lawyer).

Lawyer will have told them in no uncertain terms that if they are protecting BL they are staring down the barrel of a Federal gun. They are not that young. Moreover, people are going to hate them if they've been assisting BL.

Cops are going to be very, very, very pissed at them if the whole search has been a wild goose chase or they've been withholding info.

It is clearly in BL's best interests to turn himself in at this point (as it always was).

At some point they're going to fold.

The weirdest thing to me is that they don't seem to feel that under pressure.
I've really been trying to think about this. I'm definitely of the mind that they know everything. But I do see people saying maybe he tricked them. So I wonder what he could have possibly told them.

The only thing I could think of that would be semi-believable is that he broke up with Gabby and he was trying to take revenge on him by making everyone in her life think she's missing, when really she wasn't. And to ignore all desperate pleas from her family because they're in on it too.

But that would require a huge leap of logic and for his parents to willingly believe something that goes against Gabby's nature/personality (that we know of).

If anyone has something more logical, I'll like to hear it!

I think he told them some fantasy like this: she left him after a breakup argument about some guy she was interested in who followed them and was hanging around. So she ran off with this guy after their fight, and BL knew it was over, and he waited around a couple of days (27th-29th) and then took the van for safekeeping when she didn't return for it. He didn't want it just sitting out in a park abandoned. Makes perfect sense, but only if you want to believe your son. It doesn't really go with his hiking story though.
Is there a scenario where BL's parents were hood-winked by him? If you think so, what is your theory?
It's possible but what really bothers me is that Gabby lived in their home for 2 years, where is the love at? I've had my sons wives/girlfriends stay with me at one time or another, and I always treated them like family. I loved them. But then that's just me. I just cannot imagine them not picking up the phone to at least talk to Gabby's parents when they were worried sick about her whereabouts. That's very cold and callous IMHO. If Brian is a good manipulator and liar it's possible they fell for some story he gave them, he is an artist after all and they have very active imaginations... I'm one too so no discrespect to artists. But imagination has alot to do with how artists live there lives, so I'm sure the FBI is taking that into consideration. He may be considerably talented and very creative. One cannot discount that part about him. They were, after all, both crafting a story about living the van life. Almost writing a script if you will, a very creative pursuit in itself. JMHO.
Ok, someone way back brought up a theory about BLs parents dropping him at a residential psych facility. I'm actually coming around to that being a plausible scenario because HIPPA and confidentiality, mentions of his "episodes," and the defense aspect. (NOT saying this is my working theory, but I now see it as a plausible scenario, depending on the answer to this question).
Can anyone actually confirm what responsibility a residential treatment centre would have in this situation? I know the basics of psych ethics and confidentiality as well as HIPPA, but at what point would they need to report his presence in care, if at all? I need to go do my psych homework instead of googling this forever. TIA!
I don’t know the exact answer but I also have some experience in the mental health world. Nurses and hospital staff in those settings are humans. There is zero chance they haven’t seen this on the news. It’s very unlikely to be kept secret for long. Moo
Is there a scenario where BL's parents were hood-winked by him? If you think so, what is your theory?
In my thoughts the parents made poor decisions based on the word of their son. They love BL, maybe they even loved Gabby, but now they have a hand dealt to them that is far worse than the description of events told to them by their son. They should absolutely come forward with a statement when that became a realization.
There was a comment in the last thread about how Gabby has sparked a well needed conversation about DV across the nation. I just wanted to add (couldn’t before it closed lol) that I have friends with kids in Middle School who this week are discussing this case, the facts coming out and both DV & how to help if you’re a bystander who sees these things. So this isn’t just a National discussion among adults or groups who raise awareness for the general public. Her loss is driving discussions for younger crowds where we could make a big difference in the future of DV, how it’s seen and how it’s dealt with. It’s hurts my heart that it wasn’t there for her to see and help her get out, but it makes me hope that it gives her family some peace. I hope they see that who she was has drawn many others to her case and that had a domino effect resulting in amazing impact that we’re only beginning to witness.

Yes!! It's so heartbreaking that she can't be here to see what a difference she is making. Widespread conversations of all age groups talking about DV, what forms it can take, how different forms look, is the only silver lining I'm finding here. It's the one thing that makes me happy but also extremely sad at the same time. Gabby wanted to leave a mark on the world & she has.
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