Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #34

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Library's have free internet. . .no trace left really that i can see if you just want to google something?

I'm under the impression all public libraries require a card which in order to obtain you must apply and show a State ID. So they would be a record of the user logging in and the browser would be searchable to LE/FBI.
In my experience you need an account to use library internet, which requires you to get a library card, which requires ID and proof of address. Just my experience in using library internet, but it was definitely traceable.

Our public library doesn’t require you to sign on or anything. No library card or ID needed, you just pick an empty seat at the computer stations. I’m sure they aren’t all like that though. We actually used to have a sign in requirement but not anymore. The rational behind removing those requirements is that we have a large population of people who are unhoused, and this gives them access to a computer to apply for various resources and apply for jobs.
The dark themes permeating Brian Laundrie’s digital footprint

While it’s unknown whether BL was on the autism spectrum, he and Gabby told officers attending a domestic disturbance in Utah on August 12 they were suffering from a mental health breakdown.

According to a 911 call, he hit and slapped his girlfriend in Moab, Utah, on 12 August.

When spoken to by police, she claimed to have instigated the fight and said she had been suffering from anxiety. Officer Daniel Robbins said the couple appeared to have been going through a “mental health crisis”, according to a police incident report.

BL twice references death or dying when posting about his relationship with Gabby.

3 July - “My biggest fear is that one day I’ll wake up and it will have all been a dream, because that is what every second has felt like since the moment we found each other. Till death do us part or until I wake up, I’m so happy the answer was yes, Love you hunny.”

Burnt out.JPG
Reading this thread and all the others, I have come to the conclusion that I am the only one who hates camping. I haven’t gone since summer before 6th grade and I’m 38. I used to enjoy it but that summer my mom (with mental health issues) told my sister and I we were going camping for a few weeks but what she actually meant we were moving from San Diego to Kalispell, Montana to live in a campground for almost 2 years. First in a tent and then in a tiny tiny camping trailer.

To semi-quote Gabby, "Wasnt_Me never goes outside!" I have never slept in a tent. NEVER slept outside of walls, and I never want to. I can't remember if I ever slept in a car overnight. I don't think so.
When I reread the media thread last night, the first mention of fbi involvement that I saw was fbi assistance in processing the seized van. MOO
ETA: feeds my theory that BL had said or done something to let GP’s parents that he had done something to her. Or NPPD just didn’t have the skills or resources to adequately process. If that was case, You would think think the would have gone to state LE first, tho. IDK. MOO
He took off . He left irresponsibly without wallet or cell, causing parents to file endangered missing person report triggering this massive, punishing , expensive manhunt. I absolutely would consider him a flight risk.
We know what he did. But there are no criminal charges related to that...yet, beyond the debit card usage.
Ok thank you. So, the neighbor witnessed them packing the camper and then they drove off, so the neighbor "inferred" that they went camping. The neighbor wasn't actually "told" by them that they were going camping. I don't know about that area, but where I live, you pretty much have to have camping reservations months (and sometimes a year) in advance for any major holiday weekends for camping. There would be absolutely no way to just get lucky finding a spot over Labor Day for camping. MOO
Yep. Virtually all of the reporting regarding the whole envelope of this matter has been, IMO, lousy... filled with inferences and assumptions of convenience to "get some content - any content - published. True journalism is - for the most part - dead. And I rarely see any meaningful "investigative" journalism,. I wouldn't bet much of anything on accurate reporting in this matter.
Ok thank you. So, the neighbor witnessed them packing the camper and then they drove off, so the neighbor "inferred" that they went camping. The neighbor wasn't actually "told" by them that they were going camping. I don't know about that area, but where I live, you pretty much have to have camping reservations months (and sometimes a year) in advance for any major holiday weekends for camping. There would be absolutely no way to just get lucky finding a spot over Labor Day for camping. MOO
Was there anything about how much stuff they loaded up with?
If BL or his attorney wasn't directly notified by LE to stay in Florida before the FBI warrant he could have legally obtained or updated a passport in FL and left on an international flight legally.
I am under the impression Florida never shut down or closed like other states so he could have made an appt and walked in and applied for a passport or an emergency around Sept 1st when he returned to Florida.
However, the FBI should have access to this info.
I have to assume they would have this info.

If BL had recently gotten a passport, the FBI would not have spent a week looking for him in a swamp. MOO
I sure wish BL had been under surveillance from the git go. I know it's hind sight, but so many ID shows with similar circumstances show surveillance initiated right away on a POI that hasn't been formally labeled a POI.
Many of us believe that he was gone and out of the area before the parents of Gabby even realized she was missing. They didn’t have a chance to surveil him because he was out of town (but the cops were misled by his parents to believe he was at home) before he was known to be someone needing watching. MOO
You know I agree it was a tough hour and seventeen minutes to watch. . . but IMO that was August 12th..he had another couple of weeks to go and probably a multitude of perceived slights to get him to the point where he allegedly harmed her.

Absolutely, and with hindsight and the benefit of more extensive and up-to-date DV training LE might have done differently, and better. It's also the case that the responding officers were acting in the moment and did not have the benefit of a detailed history of GP and BL, the statements of esteemed forensic psychologists/ psychiatrists/ profilers and longtime acquaintances of the couple, and multiple frame-by-frame dissections of their bodycam video to rely on when making their determinations.

I think there's a long, ugly list of things to hold LE to account for, but I'm not sure that this incident is the clearest example of LE malfeasance. Would some version of this video be useful in DV training going forward? Certainly. But I'm not sure that these officers should be held responsible, even in the court of public opinion, for BL's heinous actions. FWIW, no one in either extended family seems to have anticipated that BL might go on to abuse and/or murder GP -- and they had years of contact and communication to make those determinations. Sometimes, you just can't tell. And sometimes you think you can tell but can't act on what you suspect.

Apple picking sounds fun. Hopefully, when you return they found him!

its a fun time! I enjoy taking my kiddo and my mom always comes with us.

I sure hope so. I truly want there to be justice for Gabby, and I know we can all agree that we want that for her.

fingers crossed that he’s found and alive, he doesn’t deserve the easy way out jmo.
Don’t think it’s him to begin with. <modsnip> But, coming into Canada wouldn’t be easy for a Canadian or American. I highly doubt those people could come up with a functional fake passport in 7 days time or so. Every time I’ve crossed back in Canada, as a Canadian citizen, I’m met with a series of questions.

Three were in the car in Canada...(I read) what are the chances the one in "hiding" would be the one going in and asking directions..
If your passport is stamped, it is also recorded. They would already know where he crossed the border and have video of him doing so. There is a database where you can look at your history of crossing borders using your us passport. You need a permit to enter Mexico. In Canada, I believe you need a passport, or nexus card and proof of citizenship from your county of origin.
And currently for Canada you need a negative COVID test w/in 72 hours of crossing. Makes it more difficult for sure. Mexico however does not have testing requirement.
Our public library doesn’t require you to sign on or anything. No library card or ID needed, you just pick an empty seat at the computer stations. I’m sure they aren’t all like that though. The rational behind removing those requirements is that we have a large population of people who are unhoused, and this gives them access to a computer to apply for various resources and apply for jobs.
This is both wonderful and scary to hear.

Here is our latest. Noreen Gibbons –a close family friend of the Petito’s– says Gabby and Brian were planning to end their trip with her in Portland. She was like a grandma to Gabby. “I don’t know if I want him dead or if I want him alive to face the consequences," she says now.

The tweet includes a video with Noreen Gibbons and also includes the police surrounding the Laundrie home after a report of gunshots being heard, but there was no evidence of this.
In my experience you need an account to use library internet, which requires you to get a library card, which requires ID and proof of address. Just my experience in using library internet, but it was definitely traceable.
Most public libraries allow access to computers by non card holders. They will give you a temporary passcode, usually with a time limit on use. I have accessed the internet at public libraries where I don't have a card because I live elsewhere.

If evidence was found, the challenge would be linking the code to a specific user since the library will have no personally identifying info on record due to privacy laws. Library use records can be obtained by LE. However, once again due to privacy laws and a commitment to upholding them as promulgated by the American Library Association (backed by the U.S. Constitution), it is very unusual but not unprecedented to release any user information without a legal document demanding it.

Having obtained a master's in library science and work experience in county library systems, I am familiar with the usual privacy protections they have in place.
Been reading these threads daily but can’t read all of them. The full dash cam video was scary to watch. So much more was going on in that relationship and I was angry that those cops treated BL like a buddy, laughing and joking with him and treated GP like crap. Who lets an extremely distraught 22 year old girl loose into the wilderness and puts the man up in a hotel?! This is how DV gets missed and so many end up dead. IMO they got into another fight and BL lost it and accidentally killed her. Then he panicked, told his parents and they helped him run away and hide. I believe he’s alive but won’t manage out there hiding for long and will either be found or eventually turn himself in. I hope I’m not wrong and the truth of what happened comes out.

Sadly, it does appear to be a missed opportunity to help Gabby, but wasn't helping herself. She was instead blaming herself. In one moment she explained that she kept apologizing to him for her own behavior.

What a circle of abuse she seemed to be trapped in. Blaming herself, apologizing to him, making excuses why she was in a bad mood, minimizing the entire situation. Just a terrible place to be.

She probably didn't even know she was trapped, rather than voluntarily on a vanlife adventure, he was working her psychologically, long before that trip began, twisting her mind up.
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