Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #37

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We've heard very little from the Laundrie clan, his sister, only. I wonder why the media hasn't come forward with some grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins? Where are these potential leads?? Who, aside from his folks, is helping him? Someone is, imo.

Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Yes the neighbor recollections are all over the place - that’s why I left them as ? - personally I think they took off really quick after he arrived home Sept 1 (or at least her Van arrived)

I agree.

I think the timeline has it right. That was Labor Day weekend as well so it make sense.

(Snipped from Timeline)
Sept 2?-4?- neighbor says family went camping with the truck and camper for 3 days

SEP 10:: Gabby’s mother texted BL and his mother, RL, trying to get in touch with Gabby, but neither replied. The family alerted the National Park Service.

Sept 10- Incident with Gabbys Dad -redacted police report Links her Dad to a police response at the home where his daughter lived with BL and his parents at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 10.

SEP 11: Gabby’s family report her missing 7 PM
Sorry, where are you getting this? What panel?How do we know house has electronic devices?
Is it HIS Mustang or his mother's Mustang, which he sometimes drove? There was some discussion about that a while back.
As to whether or not the Laundries helped Brian escape, if people believe that, it is because they didn't report GP missing, immediately retained an attorney, and didn't respond to GP's family when they called. IMHO, they've not been forthcoming in the slightest. As to if or why they would tell a lie that would land them in federal prison, well, people do all kinds of irrational things. I think it's pretty irrational to not report your son missing for 3 days when he lives with you and is driving a shared vehicle, for example. Brian may very well have driven the Mustang to the Reserve, hung out there for a bit, and hitchhiked out. Or not. MOO
HLN said the car is registered to this parents
That’s true March-July. But this time of year it’s a ghost trail. With a zillion spots to hide out off trail a bit. Springs, rivers, shelters. All he’d need is a Sawyer or LifeStraw- plenty of clean water. Plus foraging opportunities. Plus familiarity. Plus easy access from FL trail system. No alligators. I’d scout out the AT areas he took GP for her bday. But that’s me.
I live near the AT. A lot of hikers came through.
I have never thought that BL would be actually hiking the AT, but NEAR the area somewhere. It is close, convenient and familiar to him. He's not hiking amongst thousands of others, he's hunkered down somewhere in Appalachia....all set up. Thanks Mom and Dad!
I doubt that the AT is very familiar, no matter what his claims. If he's in Appalachia, I'll bet it's in a cabin.
I wonder what charges the parents are worried about facing. Also, if my son were indeed missing, I’d be more worried than they appear to be. What with the lawn mowing and hiding out in the house. I’d be asking for help! It’d be looking for him!
I believe they contacted them, absolutely. I'm wondering how many texts they sent and what they said. I'm curious exactly what the Laundries ignored, especially in text. I can see not listening to voice mail. My parents don't even know how to check their iPhone voicemail.

I'm also very curious about GP calling them during the DV stop, and what she said to her parents, and whether her parents said anything about that to the Laundries (or to BL himself).
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I've been following this whole circus for a while, and I think BL is indoors somewhere. My father was a real outdoorsman, and BL just doesn't look to me like he has the experience, the skills or the wherewithal to stay out in the rain and mosquitos and muck for very long, and I absolutely cannot see him bringing down a deer. I think he's somewhere with at least the comforts of the van -air conditioning / heating, clean bedding- with laundry services and other amenities nearby.
I agree. Plus, I don't know where on his schedule he would have had the time to acquire any significant outdoor skills. He's not long out of high school. In the 2 weeks annual vacation from Publix? Lol.
I've been following this whole circus for a while, and I think BL is indoors somewhere. My father was a real outdoorsman, and BL just doesn't look to me like he has the experience, the skills or the wherewithal to stay out in the rain and mosquitos and muck for very long, and I absolutely cannot see him bringing down a deer. I think he's somewhere with at least the comforts of the van -air conditioning / heating, clean bedding- with laundry services and other amenities nearby.
I agree. Plus, I don't know where on his schedule he would have had the time to acquire any significant outdoor skills. He's not long out of high school. In the 2 weeks annual vacation from Publix? Lol.
Could the parents have driven him to AT and dropped him off, fully equipped, on that 3 day camping trip?
They maybe could have driven there, but "fully equipped" for a lengthy walk would be unlikely. And other hikers would soon catch on.
It looks like delighted deceit on BL's part as he is arriving at the Moab motel with police.
Inside $78-a-night motel where Gabby Petito's fiancé stayed after fight
You're so right. Whacked his girlfriend around. Convinced the cops he's the victim...and got a reward! A nice break from flies, melted chocolate cookies and Old Crazy. He's fooled poor Gabby. He's fooled his TickyTocky buds. He's fooled the cops. Brian's on a roll!
...and all of it concluded with a murder.
I agree-you can’t know who would or would not commit suicide-Fotis Dulos appeared to hold himself far above everyone else, too-and yet he did it.

When guys like Dulos and Barry Morphew run out of road, they tend to go over the cliff.

BL drove 36 hours to run home and burned through a grand of Gabby's money. He's not suicidal. If he had felt any guilt, he would have killed himself where he killed Gabby.

BL hasn't run out of road yet. I think he thinks he can do just fine out in the wilderness indefinitely and for the time being his parents are helping him. At the moment I doubt he's roughing it all the bad, he's probably stashed in a vacation rental.
Yes the neighbor recollections are all over the place - that’s why I left them as ? - personally I think they took off really quick after he arrived home Sept 1 (or at least her Van arrived)
This is the only thing I can find in the media thread that gives a date but I'll look some more.

Laundrie's neighbors say he and his parents packed up for long trip after he returned without Petito | Daily Mail Online
  • Brian Laundrie's neighbors said the family went on a camping trip using their small detached camper after he returned alone without the missing Gabby Petito
  • The family left for the camping trip on September 11 - the day Gabby was reported missing
  • photos show that the camper was back in the driveway on September 13 - two days after she was reported missing
Take a look inside their van. Compared to the items required to survive for any length of time, that van and it's contents look like amateur hour. Vegetarianism? You have to have an extensive knowledge of edible plants in order to maintain any semblance of health. Ingestion of the wrong plant can have you so sick you'll wish your mother never met your father.

Appalachia? Guess what! Winter is coming! The Russian Winter helped defeat Hitler and endless, snowy days will turn slim, trim, Brian into a skeleton. Its hard to maintain your vegetarianism when there aren't any plants to vegetarianate with. Just snow, maybe a bit of lichen and bark. Brian would have to experience a meat epiphany, which means making cooking fires and where there's smoke - there's Brian. Next on the list - sport hunters and locals who depend on their hunting to feed themselves and/or their families. Some of them will shoot at anything that moves.

Next. Replenishing supplies. You have leaving your lair to burglarize local homes and farms or stealing into town, rounding up produce and dragging it all back into your forest den. Whoopsie! The cashier recognizes you and the hounds are loosed. Steal a car? Nasty things those BOLOs. Every cop in the country is going to have Brian's mug seared into their brain. Escapees don't last long once the groceries are gone and they yearn for mittens and a cup of java by a warm fire.

All of these avenues are possible, IF you aren't attacked by a bear or slip and break your leg, arm or back. Hypothermia doesn't go away with an aspirin and frost bite turns your nose and toes a lovely, decorative black. All in all, God help anyone found bringing you granola bars, clean socks and news of the world.

Brian talks a good story and impresses people who don't know any better, but reality is an entirely different ball game. No, Brian is most probably safely ensconced in a pre-arranged location with some kind of help. He's NOT Grizzly Adams.
Is Tex Mex vegetarian?
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