Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #37

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Here's what I don't get. Brian tells people that he spent months in the wilderness with only packages of crackers and peanut butter. He puts on this image of being an outdoor survivalist. After he kills Gabby he takes money out of her account, drives back to his home and goes camping in a camper with his parents. My question is, if he's such an avid outdoor guy, why not just take off into the great wild after he killed Gabby? Why run home to his parents in a a vehicle that could have broken down or had a tail light out or needed gas-all things that would get him on video and lead authorities to Gabby's body. And why would this outdoor survivalist not just pack up a few essentials and disappear?

IMO Brian ran home to his parents to get some cash at least.
such a good point. He looks very very average in a “gimme a six pack of people” kind of way. But that gait. I think I would recognize it if I encountered him.

I think that if he is alive and has to venture out of wherever he is hiding (which he will have to at some point), it will be his distinctive gait identifies him rather than his face. MOO.
I'd be interested in your views re :: the reason he murdered her. Why it was then, not before, not later.

I can't think of any overwhelming reason apart from her going back and apologising to the cafe people. How insecure he must have been for that to escalate to murder, but it isn't improbable. There must have been a whole lot of justifications in his head to go to that extreme, do you think??

IDK my opinion yet of what happened, but I read that his friend, Ben Matula, told People Magazine that the couple had high-highs and low-lows. It could go from they loved each other so much to "end it now" and put everyone out of their misery. So I think as easily as they were upset at the restaurant, they could flip on a dime and be back loving -- until the next irritating thing happens.

I know we all know this, but I repeat what the reports said, which was that the trip was straining on them because they were in that small, confined space. Tensions were growing, according to her mom. That coupled with Brian "not believing in her" tell me that it was getting harder and hard to even find good footage to use for the Vlog. Because if you aren't internally happy, and he isn't into it -- how do you get moving content for social media?

In a lot of her pictures, she is smiling, but she looks so sad in her eyes. Maybe they are puffy because she hasn't had much sleep, but I think the trip also might not have been going the way they wanted because fire smog might have made the outdoors not conducive to outdoor activities. Maybe that was why they got stuck in the hotel, and Brian could have been upset about that and gone home for a few days while she was in the hotel rather than sit around waiting for fire smog to go away. If that happened, IDK.

I'm still trying to work out what happened when they got to the final day, but I'm thinking Brian went off to sleep with a tarp or the tent away from the van, and Gabby might have followed him out there to keep talking. An argument ensues and he kills here there in a fight. Either that or the fight started in the van, she fled from him and he caught up to her.

I just don't think he killed her in the van because I would think a cadaver dog would have picked up on a death scent. Maybe not, but that's the only reason I don't believe in the idea of her being dead in the van.
Brian Laundrie is very likely deceased IMHO, and the FBI obtaining DNA samples from his parents' home this morning (9-26) is to verify the identity of partial human remains found in the Carlton Reserve this weekend (MOO). I don't believe LE is looking for a live person in the swamp at this stage; rather, they maintained a maximum effort to recover remains before wildlife dispersed such over too broad an area.

A warm, humid swampland is a feeding ground for bacteria that accelerate decomposition, and the indigenous varied species of wildlife would quickly consume human remains, making a recovery of an intact body extremely unlikely at present. If searchers were lucky enough to recover an intact jaw with teeth, dental records would obviously be the key to identifying remains, but in the present case of BL, I believe only partial bone fragments such as a femur or spinal vertebra, etc., have been recovered and identified as human.

I can think of no other reason LE would want DNA material from BL at this time.
Curious what reason/why you think BL bothered to come all the way home from out west, bike ride with his mom, camp with his parents, and then end it all in the reserve? Do you think it is possible (in your opinion) he had the capacity to have a couple final weeks with his parents before that, or did he really not see this coming to light? Been trying to make sense of these questions myself since the news broke.
How much longer can this go on? My heart breaks for her parents
Same here. After the service today, the greeting of relatives and close friends, I'm hoping they are already in bed and sleeping. I'm sure that their previous sleep patterns have been shattered. The true rest someone gets from a good night's sleep is very important to good health and appetite. Small things to ponder, yes, but important things. I'm not thinking much of Sir B tonight. He doesn't deserve it.

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I believe the Laundrie family trip occurred the weekend that BL returned home or Labor Day weekend 9/3-9/6. It doesn't follow that the camping trip took place on 9/11 weekend when GP reported missing because that's when the van was taken into custody by the North Port Police Dept and to my knowledge, they were home for this. MOO

This is what Rebecca Ollier tweeted. She is an executive producer for WINK.

NEW: Neighbor tells us they saw #BrianLaundrie on September 11th leave the home with his family & the camper attached to the truck. They said it happened before police got the van. They don’t know if he came back. When I asked North Port Police, that tip was sent to the FBI.

Link to tweet:


Neighbors say they saw Brian Laundrie and his parents leave their Florida home with an attached camper after he returned from his trip with Gabby Petito
Well, me too, but he seems to be somebody whose idea of stress relief is to take a long walk to think things over. I can see he might think being restricted like that being a fate worse than death.

I hope not. I want to see justice.

I agree, but the need within him to be right and prove himself might be strong, too. Some people think they can outsmart everyone, and I think he's like that. But I agree that being in prison away from nature might be enough to want to die. I just think he'll exhaust all possible means and run and try to get away as much as he can before he took the suicide option. Maybe even wait to kill himself in prison or before prison (somehow I think he'll have bail). JMO
That is part of their job though and they should be trained for it.

DV is a common reason people call the police; it’s not like expecting the officers to know how to write a psycho-social on a citizen.

DV is routinely a police matter, and understanding the basics of family/intimate partner violence should be in routine training.

Most departments train their officers to deliver a baby. How often do we think police respond to calls requiring that skill, compared to DV skills.

I would think law enforcement, even ignorant of DV, would be focused on Brian’s mood. He visibly relaxed when he learned Gabby was being considered the aggressor by LE, and visibly was surprised. Laughing.

It was the same change in mood that one might catch right after saying, “Look, I didn’t see what the person who made the report says they saw, I don’t smell anything funny, and you don’t appear to be UI. I am not going to search your car.” Brian looked like someone who just got away with something, and can hardly believe it. After that face, I’d say, “You know what? Sarge will kill me if I don’t take this seriously and do a search. Can I take a look? ....”

I would imagine that the most misogynistic dinosaur in the force would know that Brian’s nervousness to relaxed, surprised and delighted meant something wasn’t lining up.

The officers could have learned a lot if they had asked Brian what happened in his own words right after Brian alluded to what Gabbie had said, subtly asking. But they did not. They could have asked him what he meant by the phone was, “in a spot.” It sounded like he was fishing for info about her reports about his controlling her phone. Then, before giving Gabby her phone, asking where it was, if Brian prevented her from using it, what he means by in a spot, etc.

It seems to me that Brian’s behavior was suspicious- and not only DV-specific suspicious. (The DV flags abound; my point is that it seems like there were a few general suspicious flags about Brian in addition, so even the DV blind should feel a little confused/troubled by his behavior.)
I've probably watched too many series/movies during the past several months, but I'm picturing the roomy root cellar used as a hideout in upstate NY in the series Manifest. The only thing about him getting back to NY (if it was in the maroon truck with the camper top) is the toll booths. I'm assuming they take photos of every vehicle that goes through. MOO/random thoughts.

IMO, along this same line of thinking, if LE has the exact date and time and intersection that BL took coming back into town from the road trip in Gabby’s van, they know exactly when (IF) these parents took a trip with their truck and camper. They know the direction they headed and maybe precise stops they made. They would know when they got back. There are cameras all over the place and license plate readers as well. I personally don’t think the neighbors had their facts straight.
I've probably watched too many series/movies during the past several months, but I'm picturing the roomy root cellar used as a hideout in upstate NY in the series Manifest. The only thing about him getting back to NY (if it was in the maroon truck with the camper top) is the toll booths. I'm assuming they take photos of every vehicle that goes through. MOO/random thoughts.
Yeah that is a very good point. Florida has "Sun Pass" tolls, and NY (and I think more NE states but IDK which ones) have "EZ Pass." It is super unlikely that they have both types, so if they're driving from FL-NY, they would likely at one point have to have an actual face-to-face with a toll booth operator. Even if they were somehow unaware that their vehicle's location would be tracked/photographed/identifiable later on, they surely understood that they would have to stop at tolls?
He likely blames her for whatever it is that set him off. For instance.... He told the officers about his dirty feet and shoes... maybe it was something as small as him trying to get into the tent with dirty feet/shoes... and she said something about it and he flew into a rage.

Keep in mind not only were they in VERY close quarters for a very long time... but according to reports on MSM he's flown into a rage before and slapped her around, wouldn't give back HER keys, argued with restaurant staff (if that incident is true which I believe it likely is), was "mean to her" (her words), etc. I also believe he was more than mean. I think he was abusive both physically and mentally.
It's horrible to think on. . . It's almost as if she had learned, that he had taught her, how to be compliant, helpless, and what we see now, is the dregs of her resiliance, most of it being knocked out of her.

I think he killed her because she had become superfluous.. she was no longer to be relied upon to reflect his image of himself in her eyes. She found fault. She disagreed with him. She apologised to people about him. She had outlived her usefullness..


He was so close to the Canadian border.. out of range of USA law, to an extent, but what does he do? he does the most stupid thing, he takes her van and drives all the way home across country to mum. What would an experienced outdoor guy do? not that. For sure. That story about the weeks in the Appalachian ranges with peanut butter and cheese has the air of a Disney story of a brave woodsman.. Not Brian.
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I don't think BL will kill himself and while I think someone here might recognize him if they crossed paths not everyone is as plugged into this case as we are. I also don't think he's a great outdoorsman but he may think so and that's why I think he took off into the wood somewhere but probably not the swamp. Ultimately, I think he'll surface someplace because he spins out all on his own.
But, what a life. Going from a pampered man child in his parent's home to an adventure with a doting girlfriend who supplied him with everything, to a homeless tent city. To me, that would be a great place for him to end up.

The "new " tent cities aren't so bad. They are legal in some areas, usually have a free meal/soup kitchen near by, a gym membership will get you a hot shower.
Not a bad life for man with a bounty on his head.

Is Tex Mex vegetarian?
Apparently there are recipes for vegetarian dishes that are similar to those with meat. But, I have a friend who is vegetarian mostly, she'll eat sea food. I noticed in one of the videos they were eating sushi...looked like a California roll, which has crab meat. So, I don't know to what extent he was a vegetarian. I'm not sure where that came from as I have only read it here. People also have commented on him not using plastic, when plainly you can see plastic containers used in the van. I think his issue with plastic was people littering with the water bottles, and not recycling them. Everything right now is just basd on our observations and speculations..not really many facts because none have been made public.
I did read on an earlier page that Merry Piglet had an awesome vegetarian menu. I haven't checked that out. Sounds like a bar b que place to me..sorry for my being wordy.
On HLN just now, the witness at the restaurant said BL left and came back 6 times. Also reported BL said he didn't have a phone, and then it shows him with the phone in his hand. We all know he said he didn't essentially have a phone because it was dead. The charger was in the van, so LE told her to be sure and leave the charger. It shows the phone being charged. It's just up to the FBI to solve this mess. I'm glad it's not me. Lol. Again sorry for getting wordy. Vegetarian Tex Mex...why bother.
Is it possible they went camping as a time to say goodbye (with him). He tells his parents if he doesn't return home from the swamp in 2 weeks to go to his attorney and pick a letter up or legal docs telling them what he did to Gabby. He goes to the swamp and dies. They know he's gone because it's past the 2 week mark, now the FBI is matching DNA to his remains?
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