Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #5

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I’m with ya. I mean I think it was a domestic violence incident. And it does appear that Gabby, in that incident, was the only one who committed physical assault. Of course women can be domestic abusers. Like Jodi Arias. But women can also be victims of gaslighting and emotional abuse by disturbed individuals and be perpetrators of domestic violence at the same time.

As with many people, the social media presentation of a wonderfully happy couple on a grand adventure, was a false veneer. This was, apparently, a very dysfunctional couple.

But, Gabby didn’t come home. Her boyfriend did. And he failed to report her missing, tell her family what happened or where she is. He lawyered up. (And yes, ya’ll, as an attorney I know it’s his constitutional right. But the public can INDEED form judgments or opinions based on his actions. And based on norms of human behavior, IMO, his actions scream knowledge of foul play).

It’s odd to me that some people view things so black and white. Like if a potential victim has anything negative about him or her, they can’t be a victim. It’s weird, right?

Bottom line is it appears that someone who engaged in domestic violence against another person, may have also been a victim of abuse from that other person and ultimately, may have been a victim of the most severe form of abuse there is.
Wait, he grabbed her face and pushed her. Does that not count as physical assault? He left marks on her face, according to one of the officers.
My two cents regarding GP’s Instagram account & the final Instagram post:

I believe they took the photos while in Ogden and GP planned to use them for a Halloween post at the appropriate time, because of the colors and it would make a cute Instagram holiday moment. But IMO, BL posted them to GP’s Instagram prematurely in an attempt to make it appear GP was posting.

Also, I believe that BL disabled GP’s Instagram account briefly, but put it back online on the advice of those around him, because removing it would be “suspicious,” might prove he had access to her account, and leaving it active might suggest she was still “with us.” As always, MOO
Instagram logs the signed-in-from location in the app itself with time stamps, map, device, etc. and it’s not something that can be cleared. This information can be found under the Security tab in the account’s settings. I wonder if a family member could request her login info because if so they’d be able to report that information to LE real quick.
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Very quiet tonight outside Brian Laundrie’s house. We are starting to think Brian and his parents left. Unlike yesterday - zero activity today and no lights on tonight. Police said again tonight they know where he is, but won’t elaborate.

Wonder if they left Florida or are still local. Their street is 15 minutes away from me so it’s definitely a new feeling following a case that’s so close.
I watched the body cam footage today. This is such a sad, relatable story for me.

I think she was super sweet and adorable and could probably sometimes be "a lot" with her anxiety, OCD, emotions like a lot of 22 yr old girls (myself included). I think he is generally a nice guy, but has a temper and an ability to gas light. He overeacts when physically provoked by her and/or can't get away to silence and a break. She wants to be right in the thick of it fighting and gets very anxious and emotional and doesn't want to be alone, no matter how bad the fight. I think he snapped and has snapped before and they make up and she promises to not be so "crazy." She accepts his abusive behavior because she believes she pushed him to the brink and anyone would lose it on her. I think he really lost it and something happened in the heat of the moment.
Wow. This is such an amazingly great analysis!!
Totally! My husband and I had an argument at night in Venice once and I remember how terrified I was when he stomped off because I didn't speak Italian and Venice is insanely confusing and I wasn't sure I would ever find our hotel again. I felt unsafe and vulnerable and I was so freaked out that I was practically screaming at him. I refused to stop following him. It wasn't because I was abusive, it was because I was scared for my life. Fortunately, he realized how dangerous it would be too, before I had to do whatever the equivalent of crawling in the driver side window would have been.

Given how hot it was, how broke they seem to have been, and the fact that neither of them knew anyone, the idea of being abandoned would have been absolutely terrifying. Very close to "emotional abuse" in my opinion.

This is an illustrative example that is relevant to GP's case in another way, I think.

If the genders in the example above had been reversed with the female stomping off and the male following the female through the streets for a good distance while yelling at her, I'm sure people would have generally perceived him as a threat. They probably would have called him abusive, controlling, a gaslighter even. All based on that one tiny interaction that they didn't really know anything about. At the same time, I don't think anyone would consider that SHE, the woman who had stomped off and left him behind, was guilty of "emotional abuse" in that situation.

My point is, people see what they want to see.

By medical definition she does not seem manic to me at all. She does seem distraught. Very different states.

Agreed. I'm not seeing where GP is anything more than just really upset, as one would be in that situation. It bothers me that the cops, BL and other commenters are using terms which are clearly hyperbolic and mischaracterizing. In my opinion.

She does have physical marks on her in the footage, too. She explains that he grabbed her face. That he locked her out of her own van and she was scared he was going to drive away and abandon her. And yet, everyone is acting like it's all her fault. She ended up taking blame for a lot of it, but that's often what women pushed to the edge in an abusive relationship do. I am not saying she's blameless but there's clearly more to this story and it makes me uncomfortable seeing her being portrayed as the sole instigator.

In some ways, she might have been better off if they had charged her with DV battery and had more of an investigation as to what really happened. Perhaps she'd still be alive. *sigh* Obviously there is no proof that she is dead, but there have been no signs of life for, what, 3 weeks now?
I have a hunch that she is getting OCD/Anxiety treatment somewhere, maybe at some off-grid place. Could even be social media detox kinda facility. Gabby told Brian not to tell anyone as she wouldn't want her treatment to be interrupted. She did text her mom that she would have no cell-service, but that may not have been her text. This has a hoaxy feel to it. Brian should talk. His sister recently made a statement about this possibly being a "misunderstanding" so ya never know.
Do you recall where his sister said that? I must have missed it.
Yes. She handles stress by going manic and he handles it more calmly, as evidenced by the video itself. I would call that an accurate characterization.
I didn't see she was "manic" in that video. She was upset, crying a bit, understandably, ...she spoke clearly if not a bit disjointed at times. It wasn't mania. She wasn't hysterical.
What I did see is that she was holding herself accountable and at fault.
He on the other hand was calm, but I was disturbed by the smiling, laughing and the chumminess with the cops. I found that a bit insensitive under the circumstances, he did not display any care for Gabby's obvious distress. imo
There is so much commentary on here in response to the police incident video that is directly contradicted by the video itself or not at all supported by the video. I feel like I'm being manipulated, controlled, and gaslighted. IMO

Yep. People make up a story and then make every behavior fit into the narrative.
Wait, he grabbed her face and pushed her. Does that not count as physical assault? He left marks on her face, according to one of the officers.
Phew, I had to take a long break due to the Yosemite/Yellowstone fiasco that was making my brain hurt!

Would you mind linking/timestamping where this was mentioned? I watched the bodycam footage, rewatched, and looked at some other people's summary of the times.
I have yet to find where they said "she had marks". The official report contradicts this.
are you from out west? It’s dirty here. There’s sand, rocks, dust EVERYWHERE. I go outside with the dogs for 5 minutes and if i have sandles on I’m dirty. I can’t imagine trying to stay clean and pristine while living in a van and a tent. It would be nearly impossible. I was just camping for 2 days and came back and thought I’d stain the shower with how much dust and dirt came off of me. Seems weird you’d even look into this as a way for him to be “bad”. I’d be going crazy if my partner required me to be clean before getting in a tent while we were living in it. You’d have to shower or wipe your body down every 20 minutes.

1) Take off flip flops.
2) Wipe feet on mat.
3) Climb into van.
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