Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #50

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(BBM) you sure about that?

"Nicole says she wants to know where her daughter’s things are after Brian returned to Florida in August to help her father move their things to a storage unit. She asked why Gabby’s belongings were moved during their road trip and where they are now."



"She also questions Brian’s trip back to Florida in August to help his father move his luggage out of the storage unit.

Brian left Gabby at the Fairfield Inn in Salt Lake City and returned to Florida from August 17-23 to help his father empty the storage units he and Gabby had.

According to Schmidt, Brian’s father offered to have them keep their belongings in his house so that they wouldn’t have to pay for storage units.

Not surprisingly, she wasn’t alone in the van, as he left Gabby in the hotel. Brian then returned to Utah and left the hotel with him on August 24th.

Schmidt now wonders why Gabby’s stuff needed to be moved during their expedition, and what happened to her.

“Where is her stuff?” She asked."

Last text message missing 'van-life woman' Gabby Petitio sent to her mother is revealed - California News Times

When I was much younger I went on an overseas trip with my then husband. During that trip he went to another state for a similar period that BL was away from GP. He went to attend an event I had no interest in. It was during that week apart it really sank in for me that I didn’t want to be in the relationship any longer. I realised life was better when he wasn’t around and I was more self-sufficient than I realised.
It makes me wonder if that’s what happened for GP as well. It was literally four days after his return that she disappeared. If she finally saw that after all the drama and lack of support she was actually better off without him, that might account for his foul mood in the cafe and what happened after. JMO
North Port PD states none of Gabby's belongings were in the Laundrie home.
"Yet a North Port police spokesperson tells The Independent that he is “not certain” where Gabby’s belongings are. The NY official says he is “unaware of any items of hers from inside the home”."
Gabby Petito's Family Still Has Not Been Given Her Remains Since Being Found at Wyoming Campsite

But supposedly Brian went to FL to remove Gabby's belongings from a storage facility and put them in the Laundrie's home.

So where are Gabby's things, and why did Brian go back to FL?
It just hit me! I am gonna venture a guess here. Brian told mom & dad the breakup happened BEFORE his trip home. He could have gone on to tell them I have to send all her stuff to New York.
She's flown home, if her parents call, don't respond. I'm done with her.
(Something similar...)
I have to fly back to get her van and drive it back here and I will arrange a time and location with her to get it back to her.
This way he gets possibly parents to foot the bill for flights, gas, food whatever, because Gabby is "crazy" and left HIM ALONE!
He then returns,tells Gabby how he threw all her stuff away, it's all gone. All she has left is what she has with her, the van and him. She's got to make a choice.
We know what happened after that.
Mom and dad wouldn't question him returning in the van. They assume they are not together anymore.
They do not respond to texts or calls. So far they have fallen for his lies, until they find out Gabby is dead.
"Hi son."
"Hi Dad."
"Can you fly back home and move your stuff (out or in) from the storage unit?"
What a hassle. You're on the dream vacation of a lifetime. The adventure to forever remember.
Now, you have to cut it short to do something as banal as move stuff? Something you can do when you return?
I don't know who's worse. Them for asking or him for returning.
What's with that?

Its the one thing I don't get, in a relationship and you are a 22-year-old guy do you really nonchalantly leave and come back for 4-5 days? Others here though have said it was a planned event and everyone concerned knew beforehand, however?
I believe the parents can only be charged as an accessory after the fact if they knew Brian committed a crime and it is shown they deliberately helped him flee. Would be pretty hard to prove.

I have been thinking that if, God forbid, but if BL hurts someone while on the run could they be held legally responsible in any way? Jmo
Do we KNOW she was there for 5 days? I’ve only seen that it was confirmed she was seen on the 23rd by a worker at the hotel and that they were both seen on the 24th checking out. I’ve not seen anything confirming that she checked in on a certain day.

I am totally open to being shown evidence confirming anything and everything.

I honestly don’t have a rational or evidentiary theory about this time frame. This period of the whole trip…August 12 (after the Moab stop) to the 24th is what bothers me the most.

it doesn’t make any sense.

I thought she went to the hotel on the 17th when she took BL to the Salt Lake City airport. So that would mean she was there for 17-24th ~ a week.
about the time in the slc hotel: I think it was not a break up, because the footage she posted of him during that time was quite loving. When I was her age and my friends and I broke up with our boyfriends, we deleted or defaced pictures of them. She was also creating their mutual website during that time, according to her dad. She was entwining their lives on social media,not cutting him out
They cannot use general advice as a shield at all. Nor specific. The only protection that the attorney’s advice gives is if he gives good advice that shields them. So far, it appears he has. There appears to be no argument from LE that what the Laundries have been doing is against any law and that they are exercising their rights under the law. If it comes to light that they lied to LE, that there is evidence that they abetted or hid crime, they certainly can be up for charges but there has been no evidence of the such yet.

That wasn't really the point of my comment. And "shield" in context meant that to the extent they make poor strategic or tactical choices, it is one thing to say "we were acting on our attorney's advice" when asked why they did x or y, and [public or LE] will incorporate that fact when forming perceptions of the clients' intentions or motivations, but if they lied to their attorney, they're not going to enjoy the potential benefit of the doubt. I don't think I have to explicate how perception can feed into levels of examination, investigation, or willingness to make a (hard or soft deal).
Cops and prosecutors don't ignore outright criminal behavior, but discretion is absolutely a huge part of the calculus, both long- and short-term.

This observation isn't "letter of the law"; it's practical reality.

Which, btw, is one reason that having local counsel on the ground - who might have a superb and trustworthy reputation and thus credibility with LE/prosecutors - can often be an important aspect of getting a client the best possible outcome, within reason.

There is a lot of legal practice that actually comes down to human interaction, at least up to a point. Obviously, specifics of the crime and fact patterns will influence that.
On an average, how long does it usually seem to take LE to release a cause of death for a person who has been shortly missing, and then found and manner of death ruled a homicide? (Not taking anything in consideration related to a POI being on the run). Like if they know of no one else being involved, and I know everything is so individualized, but just a general idea of a timeline if there is an obvious cause...
They sure seemed pretty happy together in those videos, huh? And that was all after after the stop on the 12th.
Not to me. (In pictures anyway.)
It seems she started to lean away from him in the photos.
Body language speaks volumes to me. She wanted to disconnect. IMO - she actually was ready and we see that frozen in time.
Just MOO
about the time in the slc hotel: I think it was not a break up, because the footage she posted of him during that time was quite loving. When I was her age and my friends and I broke up with our boyfriends, we deleted or defaced pictures of them. She was also creating their mutual website during that time, according to her dad. She was entwining their lives on social media,not cutting him out
Lolol! Laughing at defaced picture. Memories. Keyed their car. Not me. But others did. Sigh .
In a perfect world the Moab LE incident would have prompted GP and BL to separate or seek help. Instead it may have become just another point of contention in an already deteriorating relationship. IMO.
IME/O, this is a very accurate possibility. It can take a LOT to unlink people in a dysfunctional but tightly connected relationship.
ok, so dad orders pizza on the 21st so we know GP is at the SLC hotel from the 21st-24th. That’s 4 days.

what about the 13th-20th? there’s nothing out there about that. Supposedly, BL flew home on the 17th, right?

BL's last IG post appears to be Aug 13th from Utah if I'm reading it correctly.
I thought she went to the hotel on the 17th when she took BL to the Salt Lake City airport. So that would mean she was there for 17-24th ~ a week.

someone reminded me that GP’s dad ordered her the pizza at the SLC hotel on the 21st. So, currently, the only confirmation out there is that GP was at the hotel from the 21st to the 24th. There is no confirmation she was there the 17th.

there is no confirmation of either GP or BL’s whereabouts after BL was dropped off at the Moab hotel on August 12 until GP’s dad ordered her a pizza at the SLC hotel on the 21st.

So…no sightings and no one knows where they were between August 12 (ca. 6pm) and August 21. 9 days….Correct?

I question whether BL ever flew home at all. I don’t think he did and this is seriously just my opinion. No sightings at an airport, on a plane or in FL between the 17th and the 23rd when this supposed trip took place.

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