Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #58

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BBM. This was my original thought. Parked at Myakkahatchee Creek, hiked straight North on the Power line road to 72, and hitchiked his way out of town. Could be anywhere by now. I would HOPE that FBI is seeing some cell phone activity in that reserve to be STILL searching there (as of a few days ago anyway) but for them to have seen ABSOLUTELY no trace of him at all, in 3 weeks? He's not there. NO matter how many protein bars he packed in that backpack, supplies would be slim by now for sure.
All MOO.

If he did hike north out of the reserve, into the FL panhandle and then into Georgia towards the AT I don't think anyone would give him a second look in those more rural areas. He looks like every other guy. With sunglasses on, maybe a hat, he could be anyone. There were two spottings of someone who looked like him in Newnan,GA and in Peach tree City Georgia, both south of Atlanta, and those sightingings were talked about briefly here, but that could indicate he was moving north slowly, on his way to the AT (probably walking) and just getting to the Atlanta area 1-3 weeks ago. I don't know exactly when those sightings occurred. But that one in Peach Tree City where that guy walked out of the woods looked like him. Could have been anyone though.

But if it's BL, he might be moving north more slowly than people think. And since he looks so "average" he could be buying food at convenience stores where it's less likely people would give him a second look.

I personally don't believe that he was the wacky guy asking about California, seen in NC.

Yes, I think probably because there was such a buildup with BL’s father joining the swamp search, and then there was nothing new, no break.

Kind of disappointing and deflating.

Anyone have any ideas why they now brought ChL out to show LE the trails? I know SB is trying to capitalize on it for positive spin but LE is not going to just bring him out for a photo op. If they had any faith in his presence and knowledge he was sharing though it seems they would be there with an increased presence now. Instead we saw him with 1 local officer on foot and no large LE follow up at the reserve. Is LE just looking to get him comfortable working with them? Could they be looking to catch him in a lie about searching for his son there on the 13th? Perhaps getting an idea of the location and time it takes him to walk his known trails there?
There are really very few solid, documented facts in this case on which to speculate. We can accept that what SB has said, is something he said, but we can't accept it as being factual. Same for the parents, same for the sister. Same for the neighbors. We need photos and dates and times, and there is a dearth of them. And documents. We know that BL was at the campground from CaL's photos of him and her kids on the 6th before dark. No one has seen hide nor hair of him since. jmo
I agree with all of this however the van even had a personalized license plate that said 'GBZ', (Gabs was her nickname according to Joe) further indicating the van was 100% Gabby's.
I remember a report that she had sold her car to buy the van. I've just completed a google search to find the reference with no luck. Anybody?
I agree with you but creatives crave alone time to create.

I think it was a problem for them as a couple. He created alone and she needed him to create. I don't think that's what he wanted but didn't realize it until they were actually traveling. He couldn't do what he craved and resented her for being able to do what she craved.

Gabby was far more creative than BL was. Her art was original. He stole all his art from other people. He was not creative! He felt entitled to other people's art, and he even sold other people's art which is a copyright violation. Real artists don't respect people who do that. It reflects very badly on him and his sense of entitlement. I mean think of the audacity of pretending to be an artist and all you do is steal. That alone makes me disgusted with BL, not to mention the murder. But stealing was BL's thing, wasn't it!

Somewhat, but not really. If I give someone a $100 gift card to Target, all they can do with it is purchase $100 worth of things at Target and that's the end of that card.

If I get a prepaid credit card, like a VISA, it is not attached to an actual bank but I can use it as a bank. I can load money onto it, get direct deposit from my job on it, use it at gas stations, grocery stores, shop online, etc. Anything you can do with an actual credit card, but no bank is involved.
Got it. The same as a Visa or MasterCard card gift card. Thanks.
To me the California link is interesting. BL’s “third” post on his bizarre_design_ Instagram is of Pacific Park in Santa Monica, with GP. Certainly looks like happier times.

(“third” is in quotes because I am surprised by his Instagram page only starts on 02/07/2020 and I wonder if he had a different account before this one).
I remember a report that she had sold her car to buy the van. I've just completed a google search to find the reference with no luck. Anybody?
Their first road trip was in a Nissan Sentra. I think there was talk of her trading it in, but her dad said in the first Dr Phil show (before she was found) that they had rented it for her for that trip. I’ll see if I can locate that clip.
I’ve never seen it before and I search a lot. I searched with a wildcard and found it.
Eta: it’s a backup and people usually create one at startup when they first download all their photos.
Eta: I’m not qualified to say the above. It’s been the case in my experience. I don’t know how to verify it. If it’s real, LE can get in it.
eta:researching: clues me it was changed to private as of October 1 imo
are you able to ascrtain when the account was created?
Reasons why B Laundrie will be picked up sometime (but it could be years)

1. Tendency to domestic violence. Wherever he has gone, Belize, Guatemala, NY he may or even will offend again. It may take some time but he may well do it again.The issue will be how good is cover story is when he is picked up. (possibly in a foreign country where the police don't care about FBI warrants much).

2. Inability to keep off social media. Eventually his discipline might break.

3. Need for a potentially ever increasing income string from his parents. Currently may be living on cash provided by the parents but that will end sometime. I don't see him as a likely person to get a regular job in a foreign country. He'd have to have fluent Spanish first. Could BL re invent himself as say an English teacher "Jose Gomez" in Belize and then try to move back to the US ? MY guess is that he has some variation on this in mind. Now, With minor plastic surgery (ears) and a fully developed fable, he could try to get in as an illegal immigrant and then become naturalised.

4. Whenever his parents head off for an overseas holiday, be it Jamaica or elsewhere I'd hope the FBI
and even CIA (because it is out of America) can keep any eye on them. It will get a lot harder if they go to say Jamaica and change SIM card at the border. It could be 2 years or more before they meet up and the FBI may let their guard down during that time which is precisely what the Laundries will be hoping. The FBI can get cell phone meta data "forever " of course (as long as they know the phone numbers to look for ) . BL can work around this in in the following way : (overseas calls to phones owned by Chris or Roberta Laundrie would really prick up the FBI's ears and the prefix on the call number will be flagged instantly if there is real time tracking of calls via the comms carriers.) NB to be safer the two entities will meet in a neutral place, and if he has gone south it is likely to be somewhere like Jamaica or Cuba. But to do that BL would need a PP of a foreign country to travel under an assumed name. Obviously if Mexico has a leaky sthn border, a meeting in Mexico is far simpler to arrange in the short term.

Telecoms -
HE can try ringing someone neutral like S. Bertolino and whom the FBI can't legally wire tap except in very exceptional cases. Bertolino's communications with the Laundries should also be under legal privilege if they have retained him.
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Says it’s private?? Has it always been?
Edit—I see this is a back up account someone has made, & his real account is online. I imagine this is just a concerned citizen who duplicated it in case it goes down or comments get deleted etc. Jmo
On the 17th of Sept, when SB first informed LE and all of the Media that BL was 'Missing"....and to maybe look in the Carlton Reserve Area, I called it the " Look! Squirrel! " move. I still feel that is the case. And, possibly because the NPPD didn't really ever know where BL was, and were called out on it by the media...they jumped into action! Send in the clowns! We are all on board to find this guy! Look at our Monster Machines! Look at all the dogs! See? We are on this!

IMO, SB set this all in motion...
I think where BL is found will be determined largely by his frame of mind, and grounding in reality. If his mental state has deteriorated markedly, he will likely be hunkered down in the woods, running like a scared animal. (I think he's secreted away in a remote cabin, as posted upthread).

However, it's just as likely that he will be hiding in plain site. Grow the hair and neatly cut/dye it, add a mustache and plano glasses to hide those notable drooping eyes, put him in slacks and a blazer, and I could talk directly to him and not register that it was him. Our minds contextualize people. That's why we struggle to recognize people when they are outside the surroundings we normally see them, or are dressed very different.

What I'm counting on betraying him, in his behavior. Even tho we've seen BL acting all chummy with LE in that now infamous Moab video, it's questionable whether he could pull that off for any period of time. So, if he is existing in plain site, I speculate it's his behavior that will lead to his arrest.

Amateur opinion and speculation

Very good points, especially about contextualizing people.
I read a recent story about Andrew Yang, the tech guy and former presidential candidate, said he found it so odd when people recognized him in public even when he was wearing jeans instead of his professional jacket. Because most people didn't. Even though he was very famous during the last presidential election.

Found the story.

Andrew Yang: "This was particularly surprising to me because I was wearing jeans and a hoodie. The fact that people recognized me out of my campaign uniform of a blazer and dress shirt was shocking to me. My favorite was when a young woman came up to me and said, “Are you Andrew Yang? No, no, you’re not,” and then walked away."

When I Ran for President, It Messed With My Head

She could not see Andrew Yang in that context so her brain ruled it out for her. Something similar could be happening with BL if he has changed his appearance at all.
Says it’s private?? Has it always been?

I saw this account pop up a week after the warrant went out. Being the “moderator” personality I am, I went through all the BL accounts on Instagram and reported the fake accounts to narrow down the real ones. Then I reported this one as well but it’s still up. (???) I requested to follow this account but got no response from 2 different accounts. So not sure who is behind this one, but my gut says it’s a fake…I can explain further in PM to anyone that would like to know more.

Now, I’m not telling anyone to go on Instagram and sleuth, I was angry that I kept seeing fake BL’s trying to make a living of GP’s story first and foremost, I also used my PI background to do this professionally speaking.
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