Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #61

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how do you accidentally strangle someone?

There are ways it could be an accident but highly unlikely in this case. With her body in such a state of deterioration, given the time it was left out, she likely had small neck bones broken that immediately pointed out that it was a homicide. It could be an accident in that the enraged assailant lost temper and control and grabbed her neck and just squeezed way too hard before regaining his composure and letting go. But I doubt doing that qualifies as an accident.

However, I do not believe BL was mulling doing this for a long time and went over to GP and strangled her at an opportune moment when he had an alibi and escape. I think they got into an argument that escalated into a fight that got physical and he lost it. How prosecutors press charges in such situations (which sadly are not rare), I don’t know
Typically there is, but in the case of Shanann Watts she did not have any DNA under her fingernails and through Chris's own admission she did not fight back.
Maybe, GP and BL often fought with him grabbing her (as GP demonstrated at the police stop) and/or choking her but always let go and apologized profusely and GP always forgave him. Possibly, GP thought this time was going to be like all the other times and he'd let go....only this time he didn't. MOO.
SW also did not have a broken hyoid bone, but the COD was the same as Gabby.
This certainly is not surprising.

We already knew Brian abused her in a manner similar to her ultimate cause of death. I believe strangulations are common in situations where the killer intimately knows the victim, as well.

What I'm struck by is how this case has unfolded as expected, so far. This is certainly not the crime of the century. It really makes me wonder if confirmation of the parents' involvement (in Brian's disappearance) will come next.
Can you remind me what the time limitations are again, please? TYIA

Under Utah law, the statute of limitations depends on the severity of the crime you face, ranging from one year to no limit. Utah Code 76-1-301, et seq. Capital felony: No time limit. Aggravated murder: No time limit.
I am going to repost this because now I think this is really important.
Now I am really re-thinking the van door closing in the tik tok video. Gabby was out going, she would not have shut that door. If he was alone and had killed her he would shut the door and not want to be seen. I can't remember that date that video was taken, sorry. But now I think she was already dead when those people drove by the van...this should get us really close to the day she died.
If those were her sandals at the back of the van on the ground, wonder if she was barefoot and ran out there where she was found. jmo
Why the wait though?

The FBI/LE will have known the autopsy results prior to it being revealed to us today in the press conference, so I don't understand WHY - if they believe BL is the perpetrator - they haven't yet issued an arrest warrant.

I don't get the reason for the delay.

They want to find BL first. Prosecutors seal info in order to ensure a fair trial. JMO
He said they can't charge him without finding him. Not sure I agree. DOJ charged plenty of Russians and North Korean hackers without ever finding them. What I *think* he might be saying is what I said earlier, the tolling (stopping of the clock) provision to prosecute would be defeated by defense counsel arguing that he could not flee from that which he had no knowledge of. MOO Just thinking out loud.
If a person only has 20 seconds of consciousness when being strangled, there might not have been much time to leave marks on his arm. I think the camping pictures from the 6th show bruising and marks on his arm. That could be the hand he grabbed her face with and she fought back, leaving marks, grabbing his arm with both of her own hands, and he topped it by grabbing her neck with his other hand, bringing the other hand down, and strangled her for the three to five minutes. MOO that he started with his face grabbing move and escalated to strangling during that attack.
Under Utah law, the statute of limitations depends on the severity of the crime you face, ranging from one year to no limit. Utah Code 76-1-301, et seq. Capital felony: No time limit. Aggravated murder: No time limit.
Thank you. This is what I was hoping.
A few here have mentioned BL might claim erotic asphyxiation. I’m not certain, but with Jim Schmidt IDing Gabby’s sweatshirt, I thought that was found on her. So I inferred she’d be clothed at the time of her death.
I’m no expert in this type of thing, obviously, but if she were clothed I think that would further disprove this was a sexual act that went wrong. JMO
That is one of the questions I wanted someone to ask. What there evidence of sexual assault. Though the coroner probably could not answer that one.
There is no doubt in my mind that she fought for her life. I’d be curious to know if Cassie noticed any apparent injuries on BL when she saw him on September 1 and again on September 6.
A few threads back I had mentioned that in the pics Cassie took on the camping trip, there appeared to be abrasions and swelling near. BL’s elbow. If he choked her from behind martial arts style his elbow would have been right under her chin and those marks would make sense. Moo
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