Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #66

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He did speak to his lawyer on the 13th September I believe, and it is this conversation that started the relationship between them. There does not need to be further correspondence to continue the relationship, or for SB to 'act' for him.

In fact, has SB actually done anything for BL that we can see? Most (if not all) of the tweets have been about the L's haven't they - when they last saw him etc.
I'm not really sure of this attorney's legal status here. It's been more than 3 weeks since the indictment was filed against his "client" and he (SB) has still not filed a Notice of Attorney Appearance to represent BL. There is no record at all that BL has any attorney period.

Docket for United States v. Laundrie, 0:21-cr-00113 -
I guess you mean the autopsy evidence might not prove BL is the killer of GP. But there is really strong circumstantial evidence against BL. He was her long-time companion and driver. They lived together in Florida and there are plenty of pics of them together on Instagram. The van was parked close to where she died in a place away from other campers. People saw the van parked there, which is how LE knew where to search and discovered the body. Even without the Moab and Merry Piglets incidents showing BL's anger issues, a jury might convict just based on BL's proximity to the body and kill her. Add in the fact he drove away without her, which meant he knew she was either dead or missing. So either he killed her himself or didn't care that someone else might have kidnapped or hurt her. He never reported anything about it to police in Wyoming, which makes him seem guilty. A good defense attorney might come up with some scenarios to spin, but that doesn't mean a jury will buy any of it.
Yes, I agree with all you are saying - but you need to look at it from a defence perspective to see where they are likely to attack any weaknesses in the prosecutions case. Any evidence needs to be tested and tested thoroughly if the jury are going to accept it. Any weaknesses, the defence will attack.
Let's think like a future jury member. Why would a young woman leave suddenly with strangers in the middle of a road trip planned for months? And why leave behind her own van, credit card, and phone? Sounds like a kidnapping or possibly a murder, so why did BL drive home without reporting her disappearance? Wasn't he worried about her? Didn't he love her? Why is he so cold-hearted? You can see the problem for a future jury member. JMOO
She was planning to meet up with a friend. If he thought she did that earlier than planned because of their fighting, then it might make sense. He could say she forgot her card and he discovered it during the drive home. We don't know what happened to her phone.
In this theory, how long does Brian spend searching for Gabby?
Until it gets too dark. You could stretch this to a couple of days - but I think the longer he hikes - the less likely it will be believeable. What we need is witnesses of him travelling to that other place (forgive me, it is really late here), being in that other place - to firm out the timeline. This alternative would i think only work if the hike was a day hike.
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Actually, I do think the Laundries “know” it, because they know their son and what he is capable of. As a mother, I think parents know if their son is capable of grabbing his girlfriend by the throat and squeezing for approximately 5 minutes until she’s dead. There…I said it again! JMO!!! And we do know they lied about which day their son left on his “day hike”. Honestly, do people not know which day of the week something happened that was as momentous as the last time they saw their child? They knew which day he left, and waited for days to correct the information.
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If we open up the possibilities of others' involvement, not just strangers (but not sure we can really rule that out either, given the facts we have), do we maybe broaden the effort to explore ALL possibilities of what could have happened?


One question for you; what scenarios can you come up with as to why BL would actually run and parents/BL get lawyer involved if at least one of the 3 didn't know that something even slightly illegal happened in at least some way.
Means, motive, opportunity.
BL had the means to kill Gabby.
Definitely had the opportunity to kill Gabby
I would say he had motive to as well. (he wanted to control her and have her all to himself; if he couldn't have her nobody could) MOO
Yep, even without knowing his motive, the other evidence is pretty strong. He was there and had the opportunity to do it. That may be all the proof the prosecution needs. Because all this Florida stuff is not as important as what happened in Wyoming. That's the crime scene and main evidence. I think that is getting lost in all the noise about the search for BL right now. JMOO
I question if ANYBODY outside of parents saw BL after that "camping trip" to Desoto.
Won't be surprised if BL went "missing" earlier than we are led to believe right now.
Well the Laundries can’t seem to keep their timeline straight, so it’s anybody’s guess when he was truly last seen before he went hiding.
Honestly the parents haven’t lived there that long and I highly doubt BL even had favorite trails IMO- the whole preserve thing is just off to me - like it’s all made up? It’s not like there is any supporting evidence of him even being there in his social media is there?
Or anyone’s for that matter ?
YESSSSSS! I've been thinking about this for over a week. Unless Brian and his father hiked or spent time there together, how would his dad know of his favorite trails? Sure, Brian could have referred to them in conversation as we've seen that area closer to North Port "proper" has some boardwalks and bird observation areas, restrooms, etc. But north of there where it's all incredibly wild? I can't see Brian telling him, "Hey Dad, today I started out by the restroom and then went north where there is a big open trail by power lines and then I ducked left, turned right at a dead palm tree, turned left here and that's a new favorite spot where I can look for herons." There's nothing on BLs social media as you pointed out that we've seen of his time in his local haunts in those reserve areas. Coming from the northeast, that climate and such doesn't appeal to me at all, and he made conversation with his Moab police officer as they were heading to his hotel that he didn't like the desert and preferred the northeast. I'd think another northeasterner like me would have freaked out at that whole scene, but maybe not. Maybe was a new nature type of environment to explore. But getting back to my point - HOW WOULD HIS FATHER KNOW his favorite haunts if they'd only lived there a few years unless Brian went there super frequently and why would the dad not pointing to a place on a written map be good enough for LE? Like Brian had some off the beaten path places he liked to explore that Dad couldn't point to on a map because he didn't know where they were on a visual printed map, but he'd know if he was there in person? If the latter, I'd be beating down the door of LE to beg me to take them to his fav haunts in case he was in danger or hurt himself or whatever...
She was planning to meet up with a friend. If he thought she did that earlier than planned because of their fighting, then it might make sense. He could say she forgot her card and he discovered it during the drive home. We don't know what happened to her phone.
But he used her card that’s the issue, if he came across it, it doesn’t give him the right to use it and also then he’d know she didn’t have her card so wouldn’t you the worry she had no means to buy even the basics as in food and water. JMO.
I believe BL was in control of Gabby, but what I don't understand is, why then did he up and leave her behind and fly home to Fla.? That seems very odd for someone that was controlling another person. Gabby would have been free to do whatever she wanted and wouldn't that have driven BL sheer crazy?
Not necessarily odd. BL could have taken keys to van away from her, her ability to purchase anything (Hence JP buying the pizza). He could have done any number of things to make Gabby afraid to leave the hotel.
I believe BL was in control of Gabby, but what I don't understand is, why then did he up and leave her behind and fly home to Fla.? That seems very odd for someone that was controlling another person. Gabby would have been free to do whatever she wanted and wouldn't that have driven BL sheer crazy?
My opinion is, he left because there wasn’t any further need for control. She was dead. If she was still alive, he’d still be there to control her and the narrative.
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