Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #68

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It's possible that is the one they let them live in of course. However, both condos were in both the parents names, per public records. There could be more property they own too. Unless there is someone to legitimately confirm who lived where, it's all speculation.
Unless he's still there, it makes little difference.
Their story is that they were/are concerned he may try to hurt himself but no public messages to Brian saying "We don't know know if you will hear/or see this BUT Please don't hurt yourself, please come home and turn yourself in"

Their silence speaks VOLUMES.
I think they are doing exactly what the FBI is asking them to do, regardless of what they may WANT to personally do. Just MOO.
IMO they cannot afford to move out, unfortunately. I think what you are suggesting makes a ton of sense - why not flee to a furnished rental as there are thousands and thousands of those available in Florida, but I don't think the Laundries have the finances to do it.

There is no doubt in my mind that they wouldn't be able to lose the media, who are paying the neighbors thousands of dollars to camp on their lawn 24/7. Nor should they have to. Idk if they are just trying to carry on as best they can, or thumbing their noses...but if it were me, I wouldn't stand for what the media and angry busybodies are doing. And the NPPD not doing anything about it would certainly steel my resolve about how I dealt with them, as well. jmo.
I am glad the Laundries installed a doorbell camera. These idiots going up on to their property must not be aware of the Stand Your Ground Law here in FL. If one of them comes out and that protester so much as starts walking toward them.... it will not end well. NPPD needs to give a citation and fine to everyone who comes beyond the public space, which is the road.

And we've already seen one neighbour arrested haven't we.

I don't get it now. This 'protestor' pressure has gone on for days, weeks and hasn't 'worked' so why keep it up?
They've made their point a long time ago and their claimed strategy doesn't seem to be working.

and what if the Laundries haven't actually helped their son flee? what if, tomorrow he's found dead in that reserve? Would they carry on standing outside the house

ETA Obviously I see what NewsNation are getting out of this
1. Well neighbors can testify who lived there.

2. My own opinion is the work done on the van was done at Laundries home. Even the neighbors next to Laundries we're surprised when they allegedly heard Brian and Gabby live with Lundries.

As close as those houses are to each other, those neighbors don’t know Jack. They had no definitive info. I don’t think they know each other. A second home, transitory , seasonal rental neighborhood maybe? I couldn’t tell you when my neighbors are out doing what but I have a good idea who lives in each house I talk to each of them at least once a week. But I walk dogs, am out in the yard and we all talk to each other. I’d be able to say if they had an extra car out in driveway for a week, for instance.
It appears BL was out and about with parents at the house up to the camping trip. A neighbor did see him help load the camper. Afterwards, no one will say to press that they saw him. If he stayed inside, no one is going to see him. Appears he left that Monday, either later early Tirsday for the Reserves. Last his parents saw him was Monday, IMO. No note on the car until Wednesday because It missed the overnight check of the parking lot Monday.
And we've already seen one neighbour arrested haven't we.

I don't get it now. This 'protestor' pressure has gone on for days, weeks and hasn't 'worked' so why keep it up?
They've made their point a long time ago and their claimed strategy doesn't seem to be working.

and what if the Laundries haven't actually helped their son flee? what if, tomorrow he's found dead in that reserve? Would they carry on standing outside the house

I’m surprised people have time like that.
Several other people have already pointed out that this would explain the hurried trip back to Florida. If they rented/sold the place they were living in, they might well have had to hurry back to get the rest of their stuff out of it right away.
Exactly! As I said last night, pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
Yes, my point is that all people are not treated equally by LE. If one is poor and can not afford an attorney it is an entirely different ballgame. Jmo

If you knew your rights and expressed them to LE, they would likely back off. Most cops I have met are honorable. They would not breach the law or someone’s rights. They do not break or barge into a house without permission, for instance. But if you let them in, what they see is fair game.
I read the article and at the end of it, they state that they pay for stories. It would make me sick to see someone else profiting from this tragedy, like one more vulture to add to the list.

websleuths itself and every media company out there reporting on this story are profiting from it. Dr. Phil profited. Etc, etc.
Would you turn your child in (or hypothetical child, if you don't have children) for any crime they'd committed?

I mean literally any crime, from speeding 3mph over the speed limit, to parking somewhere they shouldn't, to being involved in a fight, to a potential murder?

To be honest I am not sure. Frankly what any of us say we'd do may not be what we would do.

What I think I'd do

I definitely would not "turn in" a child or family member if I wasn't sure what happened. I definitely would not turn them in for a one-time minor crime. Certainly not for speeding, parking illegally, really minor stuff. Major, probably not. I might talk with them about turning themselves in but would not push it or inform on them.

I am not anti-LE. But I don't have the automatic faith many here seem to have. Innocent people do go to prison. Eyewitnesses can be wrong. LE is not always honest. Forensics may not lie but the people processing evidence may. I also have attorneys in my family who would say remain silent.

A child who is taken back into a store by mom to learn a lesson about stealing a pack of gum is one thing. But if taking the child back into the store meant he would be sent to juvenile hall for 6 months, I expect lots of parents anxious to teach a lesson suddenly wouldn't be if they are honest. And BL faces more than juvenile hall. And while I have no idea if he needs mental health treatment, I do know he's not going to get quality care in jail while awaiting trial. He'll be lucky to get any care.

Actually aiding and abetting, I don't know. It would depend.

While other theories are more popular today, Kohlberg's moral reasoning theory is interesting. See this link for the Druggist Dilemma problem.
Heinz dilemma - Wikipedia

I think it shows the complexity of "moral" decisions.
If the protesters truly wanted to honor Gabby they would follow the Petito/Schmidt families' wishes and support the causes they are promoting in her memory.
Would Gabby approve of a mob howling offensive phrases at the L's house and trashing their yard?
Our 1st Amendment rights are sacred and they have the right to protest but at some point they are infringing on the rights of others.
The 1st Amendment is not without limits.
That's a lovely sentiment and very patriotic.
There's one problem.
All bets are off when an act of madness produces the decomposing flesh of someone's daughter lying throttled on a dry creek bed.
Mad acts beget other mad acts. That's the problem with opening Pandora's Murder Box. There are unrequited grievances looking for a cause for blame lurking in the far reaches of our culture and society.
For some, vengeance lies close to the surface. All it takes is a little push to send it over the edge. Then, the rope is knotted, thrown over a tree branch and he object of wrath is hoisted up. Questions asked later. It happens.
We can hope for the ideal, but be pliant enough to understand that the ideal isn't the hub of everyone's wheel.
Would you turn your child in (or hypothetical child, if you don't have children) for any crime they'd committed?

I mean literally any crime, from speeding 3mph over the speed limit, to parking somewhere they shouldn't, to being involved in a fight, to a potential murder?
If LE knocked on my door, I would answer it and leave it up to my adult child as to whether to speak to them. I would not aid or abet them in avoiding arrest because that is a crime. jmo
As close as those houses are to each other, those neighbors don’t know Jack. They had no definitive info. I don’t think they know each other. A second home, transitory , seasonal rental neighborhood maybe? I couldn’t tell you when my neighbors are out doing what but I have a good idea who lives in each house I talk to each of them at least once a week. But I walk dogs, am out in the yard and we all talk to each other. I’d be able to say if they had an extra car out in driveway for a week, for instance.
It appears BL was out and about with parents at the house up to the camping trip. A neighbor did see him help load the camper. Afterwards, no one will say to press that they saw him. If he stayed inside, no one is going to see him. Appears he left that Monday, either later early Tirsday for the Reserves. Last his parents saw him was Monday, IMO. No note on the car until Wednesday because It missed the overnight check of the parking lot Monday.
You DO know he left on the Monday, not the Tuesday?
That is not in question. It's been well discussed here.
My question has been why did the Police let the parents stonewall with a lawyer? Most of the time if police need to question someone they would tell the lawyer to show up at the station with the client. I think the Northport LE backed off too quickly. I'll say no more or I might get into trouble. :cool:

Pretty sure LE can't order anybody to come to the police station. They can arrest a person if they have grounds but without an arrest they can't force anyone to come in. And IMO that's a very good thing. So I don't think the Laundries got special treatment.

A mother who puts her child before the child of another?

Can we level criticism at her for not being a "good mother" and contacting Gabby's parents, when in doing so would've made her relinquish any natural motherly instinct to protect her own son?


With links to MSM provided right here, we have come to understand that Gabby's mother thought both Gabby and Brian were missing.

When she first started calling, when she first started texting, when she first started pm'ing GP's mother was desperately worried something had happened to both of them.

So why in the world would Brian's mother not pick up the phone, not answer the text, not replied to the pm??!

My own opinion is she deliberately chose not to. And for that she's going to reap what she sewed.
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If my child was still "a child", I would do things differently than I would with an adult child. If my adult child was accused of a crime, I would get his/her side of the story, and if I truly believed they were innocent--no, I would not turn them in--what would I be turning them in for? I would have long, intense conversations to encourage them to report their story to LE, but at the end of the day, if my child was an adult and didn't take my advice, no, I would not run to the police begging them to bring my child in. At that point, it's between my kid and the police. Same thing for a child of mine who did tell me he had done something wrong, and then ran. What exactly would I be able to do?

I don't think most people would cover for their child, in the way that you're stating, but there's a middle ground between just taking them to the police (no one should ever just walk in and talk to police about a crime they have committed or are thought to have committed).

You take your kid to a lawyer, get some advice, and follow that. Who in the world would beg the police to arrest their child?

You would be able to do the right thing, with legal advice. Lawyer might advise "Sit tight and let the police come for the kid," but surely you'd want a lawyer to represent your child? Even if they were old enough to get a PD (due to having very little income), a consult with a good criminal defense attorney would be essential. Some will give the first consult for free, and then...your kid keeps their business card, for that period of time in between arrest and first appearance in court of law.
IMO they cannot afford to move out, unfortunately. I think what you are suggesting makes a ton of sense - why not flee to a furnished rental as there are thousands and thousands of those available in Florida, but I don't think the Laundries have the finances to do it.

They might think their house will be completely trashed if they leave. We are not privy to their finances and they are not persons of interest who can be sleuthed here.

We're talking murder here. Not pocketing a handful of Bazooka Bubble Gum from the dime store or parking in a handicapped zone. BL has a short fuse. Short enough to cause him to throttle someone to death.
I'd turn him in in a heartbeat, for the public good and his own.
Wondering...What was there to turn him in for while he was still around and not missing? The only charge was filed on Sept. 22. Truly curious.

i'm thinking if the mom and pop story of where brian went in the mustang is true then one plausible scenario is either by agreement or being tracked brian had a meeting with someone and in the course of hiking together the other person killed him and brians body is out there. i've got my ideas of who the someone might be can't mention the names right now. or brian could have killed himself out there. or brian could have elsewhere. i'm sure the swamp is not what the fbi is only doing. but i think they should at least attempt to cover as much area as possible and even update any maps they may have about the area because having lived in florida on east coast for 20 years it's not that unusual for some body or part of a body to show up in a swamp or lake/pond, or ocean, oddly enough. as i remember it was kinda folklore even in some print news to make reference to the swamps as being a place to dump a body. MOO. but if they do find brian's body then one has to wonder if he killed himself or did somebody else kill him? MOO.
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