Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #70

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I just had a thought reading this. How much access do police have to accounts like Venmo? Is it considered more banking or more of a social media (hard to get a warrant for social media or phone companies like Apple)? I’d assume that would be different monitoring as well for an account like that? JMO I have no clue that’s just an assumption but I could be wrong. I’m just asking like could they be sending him money - with the private transaction function - thru Venmo? That only shows up on a bank statement as “Venmo” bc Venmo pulls it to your account then sends it to the other person from there. Idk it’s just a thought. Does anyone know how accounts like a Venmo account work in terms of LE?
I have NO doubt that on this subject at least, SB is VERY knowledgeable. Jmo
do you have proof that they can’t? I’m pretty sure the FBI can’t just go and open packages when they feel like it without a warrant and I’m sure fed ex wouldn’t allow it without a warrant, and if it’s to a friend how could they prove it was for BL?
There is zero evidence that a warrant for the Laundrie's finances exists. AFAIK.
They can do as they please, send as many melon rinds to the blue eyed boy as they wish and send him all their money.
Finally, something I know something about.

Yes, it is almost always the case that the public right-of-way extends from the center of the street out 20-30 feet, which means a big chunk of most front yards are part of the public right of way, even though they are owned by the homeowner. Some municipalities prohibit the placement of sinage on a public ROW, but in municipalities that don't, you can put signs anywhere you want on the ROW, including in peoples' front yards.

My city (and I know this from being involved in local politics), does not allow sinage on the public right of way EXCEPT for political campaign sinage. It is still not smart to put your favorite city council candidate's sign in someone's front yard without permission, because the owner will make it disappear, but it's technically illegal to remove the signs -- even though homeowners (and business owners) do it all the time.
I know from where I work (an engineer in transportation) that you are correct, but those rules do vary place to place like you said. Also to add to what you said, sometimes with state ROW, ROW could extend to passed the pipe under a drive way bc the state will maintain the pipe for proper roadway drainage & they pave the turnout from the driveway on to their route.
Several threads back, there was a truly robust discussion about ATM cards and banking regulations.

Apparently, it's not legal to use someone else's ATM card, period, full stop. Even with permission. So all of us who have occasionally given our card to a kid or a spouse are...breaking the federal law? Several lawyers weighed in and that's what I concluded.

Don't know about credit cards, but if BL used one on, say August 31, pretty sure it'll be hard to argue that Gabby gave him permission to do so. The best defense won't be timing, it will be proof of permission given (for the CC).

If BL used her iPhone and its wallet to use the ATM, that would require entering the debit card numbers into the phone (which many of us have already done) but then, it would not be okay for BL to use that phone to access an ATM. It will be hard for him to argue that any. purchases he made away from Spread Creek had Gabby's permission, especially if he had her phone - she couldn't give permission for use of the phone OR for use of her debit or credit cards.

I think LE knows a lot about those phones, btw.

Can I Authorize Someone to Use My Debit Card?

If you want a friend or family member to pick something up at the store for you or to have access to money for some reason, you can give her your debit card and PIN so she can use the card. However, this could potentially be a big mistake if the person you gave the card to abuses your trust.

If you check your bank's debit card agreement, you will most likely find that it is a violation of the agreement to share your card or PIN with anyone. The bank may also reserve the right to cancel your account.

Can I Authorize Someone to Use My Debit Card? | Sapling

Can You Use Someone Else's Bank Card or Lend Yours?

Most issuers require you to make an effort to avoid unauthorized use of the card, which is the use of your debit or credit card without your permission. However, not all issuers treat the sharing of cards as unauthorized use. Some issuers outright prohibit anyone who isn't named on the card from using it.1 Others note that if you give someone else permission to use your card, it does not count as unauthorized use, but you will be liable for all charges they make.

Can You Use Somebody Else's Credit Card or Lend Yours Out?
@Claire182 The ignore button is a fantastic feature :). I agree with what was previously mentioned that they could have easily sent cash via FedEx. FedEx will ask what is in the package but they aren't going to X-Ray the contents for the average customer. Gaining access to someone's mail for an investigation isn't a simple process. They could have easily sent cash to a third party who will make sure it gets into the right hands. IMO.
I know opening anyone’s mail in England that isn’t your own is massively illegal, you’re not even allowed to open your spouses mail. So definitely I think they could send it. I can’t see the FBI showing up and opening it without some legal ramifications.
I do enjoy other people’s opinions and haven’t used ignore so far but I think today is the day unfortunately. MOO
I have NO doubt that on this subject at least, SB is VERY knowledgeable. Jmo
At this point, I’m not so sure he wouldn’t accept payment via Venmo lol he’s seemed very unorthodox to say the least. JMO. But yeah I just had that thought bc Venmo is kinda very much in the middle ground between banking & social media - just judging by how the app is used. JMO.
I REALLY want to know more about that box that the Laundrie parents dropped off today at the FedEx Office storefront, after going to the BANK...
WHAT was inside the box? and WHO is the box for?

Also, WHY are they going to AT&T stores again, after BL had gone there in early September?
WHAT are they trying to buy?

They might have traded in a phone and then sent the trade-in back via FedEx. That might not make sense if AT&T takes phones at retail locations, but it could be the case if it was a non-company store.

We know what they did today. If we do, the FBI does. The FBI has access to their banking information, phone records, texts, emails, etc... If they want to look in the package, they will get a warrant to. That's, literally, what they do... investigate. They have access to tools beyond speculation on WS. They can investigate and prove or dismiss their theories.

I hope the case is solved... but when it is, it will be by the FBI.
IMO, I wouldn't dismiss the aid of the public. It is, after all, how GP was found IMO, and how the DOD and possibly even the TOD has been instrumental with the forensics in narrowing down a month-long timeline to 3 days. MOO
You didn't answer my question last thread, might not have seen it, but I'm curious to know if in your experience the csi would have bored the trees to remove insects. Have you ever known of this to happen? MOO

No- but if they did, I would think the holes would look freshly bored and I would hope they would simply take an actual cross section of the trees (insects in the bark are not usually the same insects that go after dead bodies).

The first insects to arrive are typically flies of various kinds. Not bark beetles. And not termites, either, and hardly ever ants (but sometimes ants - which is why I suppose if they couldn't find another way to get the local species of ant, they could done a cross section of a tree).

But merely boring into bark is not going to produce insects themselves - they are moving around all the time. You'd want a big chunk of the bark or the wood. Also, the type of tool one would use for a core removal (a type of bore that isn't like a drill, but just makes a round hole so that the round chunk can be removed) This results in a perfectly spherical hole.

The holes we see in those crime scene photographs are not fresh, IMO, and the ones in the standing trees are not spherical. Why they would bore holes so close together on that one downed log is odd (because...different parts of the tree would have different insects, none of which are particular keen on scavenging bodies, as they are...tree dwelling). Some beetles can scavenge bodies but then you'd want to collect samples from various places, maybe leave out something to decompose, come back, find the critters - but at least sample from living trees and not just downed ones.

I am guessing the rocks were found very near to Gabby and DNA samples may have been taken. I do wonder if they took the rocks that were under her body, as a good mycologist could tell them more about time of death.
It's a normal list of normal errands. Thousands of people are running similar errands this very moment.
I agree. Seemingly very normal. However, not everyone has a son that’s missing who is a person of interest in his fiancée’s death. Having to go into a bank & spend 25 minutes in there…I think I would run any errand you can think of BUT that lol JMO. & if you think about it, you can do so many things online with banking these days - even thru the drive thru. There is a relatively small list of things that you must go inside the bank in-person to do. Could be innocent like you said. However, considering the circumstances I would argue that the specific list of errands don’t do a whole lot for them lol. JMO. :)
I agree. Seemingly very normal. However, not everyone has a son that’s missing who is a person of interest in his fiancée’s death. Having to go into a bank & spend 25 minutes in there…I think I would run any errand you can think of BUT that lol JMO. & if you think about it, you can do so many things online with banking these days - even thru the drive thru. There is a relatively small list of things that you must go inside the bank in-person to do. Could be innocent like you said. However, considering the circumstances I would argue that the specific list of errands don’t do a whole lot for them lol. JMO. :)

My thought is that they were getting a cashier's check to send a payment to the lawyer and maybe other documents like a contract, but who knows... IMO, JMO

OMG…..the lawyer must know where BL is, or at least that he is alive with giving such a flippant answer!!
And… cue my disgust for SB for today! This is why people (myself included) don’t like the Laundries. There’s been a homicide of a young girl. It’s not funny. Her life and sense of humor is gone forever. SB’s lack of tact and lack of situational awareness is gross to me. Since the parents have not distanced themselves from this man, I have to assume they approve of his public statements which, for the most part, is why I think poorly of them. JMO.
Finally, something I know something about.

Yes, it is almost always the case that the public right-of-way extends from the center of the street out 20-30 feet, which means a big chunk of most front yards are part of the public right of way, even though they are owned by the homeowner. Some municipalities prohibit the placement of sinage on a public ROW, but in municipalities that don't, you can put signs anywhere you want on the ROW, including in peoples' front yards.

My city (and I know this from being involved in local politics), does not allow sinage on the public right of way EXCEPT for political campaign sinage. It is still not smart to put your favorite city council candidate's sign in someone's front yard without permission, because the owner will make it disappear, but it's technically illegal to remove the signs -- even though homeowners (and business owners) do it all the time.

Most municipalities have sign ordinances and North Port FL is one of them. The signs on the Laundrie property are in violation of the city ordinance. The neighbors have to be getting sick and tired of the fools harassing the Laundries. I know I would be. jmo

Municode Library
There is zero evidence that a warrant for the Laundrie's finances exists. AFAIK.
They can do as they please, send as many melon rinds to the blue eyed boy as they wish and send him all their money.
They really could be sending him money right now, but I do have to wonder if they would dare risk leaving a trail like that.

But I also doubt BL is surviving in the wilderness. This is a man who claimed he had hiked and camped along the Snake River for two nights with only his deflated backpack, tarp, and long sleeves. Mmm hmm...with both nights down to freezing?

I honestly have no clue what happened to BL, but whatever it was, it must be as f'ed up as the rest of this case.
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