Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #75

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Joe Petito did in fact state that they called Cassie. He did it on his first Dr. Phil appearance alone and he did it in print.

'Petito said his family began worrying after several days without hearing from their daughter.
“We called Brian, we called the mom, we called the dad, we called the sister, we called every number that we could find,” Petito said. “No phone calls were picked up, no text messages were returned.” Petito said he wants Laundrie to be held accountable for whatever part he played in his daughter’s disappearance, along with his family for protecting him. I hope they get what’s coming, and that includes his folks,” Petito said. “Because I’ll tell you, right now, they are just as complicit, in my book.”

FBI searches Florida home of Petito's boyfriend; autopsy scheduled for Tuesday

Cassie did say in her interview that she did not get any calls from him but this does not change JP's statements that he did call her. MOO

Thanks, I thought I remembered reading that somewhere!
BL has been named as a person if interest in the murder of GP. There may be other POIs and other suspects. We simply don't have that information. Investigators and courts need to follow this through to its conclusion.

The OP referred to the pending case not being closed. That's what my post was responding to. The only open case is the fraud case and there will never be a criminal case imvso.
edited by me for emphasis..

One good reason, one almost overwhelming reason would be the fact the Brian and Gabby lived at that house, the sister's house, with the BIL and the two nephews, with that sisters phone for a year , and a few months.. seems reasonable to me that Gabby's parents would have that number, the correct number, and no nonsense about it at all. One missed call, ok.. not hundreds... you know it makes sense.

So far as I know, they didn't live at Cassie's current house. It's my understanding that Cassie and her family moved to their current house later. So a landline number likely would have changed.

I admit, it's a bit unclear where GP & BL lived. Was it the parents' house,? A condo the parents paid for? Cassie's? We don't know. But we have never been told by anyone they tried to call Cassie "hundreds" of times. And why would they? Why would BL's older sister know where GP or BL was?

If anything, it only further reinforces to me that they knew it all. MOO This is why they could not speak. The 5th was not taken for the defense counsel's standard "canned" response of "Well, if you know nothing you still say nothing because you know those cops, well, they're gonna try to entrap you." No. Nonsense. People cooperate all of the time. IMO, they couldn't speak bc they knew (and know) what happened. Cassie "could" speak because she does not know. THIS is the one thing SB did right - he protected Cassie. MOO JMO
I think this is well thought out and very possible
Except that (from the way I'm reading it) LE had already found the backpack and remains prior to seeing what CL found.

Brian Laundrie's parents search bushes & quickly appear with mystery white bag

"They looked at the contents of the bag," the lawyer explained.

"At that time, law enforcement officers showed him a picture on the phone of a backpack that law enforcement had located also nearby, and also some distance off the trail."

The Laundries were then asked to leave the park as investigators continued combing the area.
My interpretation is that LE found the backpack during the time that the Laundries were there searching. Laundries found other articles. Afterwards LE scoured the immediate surroundings and found the remains.
Knowing and assisting are two different things.
There's still the matter of Fort De Soto, getting a clean phone, and possibly aiding in preparation to flee. We just don't know yet. Though, I will say that if forensics comes back and state yes - these remains have been here for 6 weeks, then I think this reduces the parents exposure significantly. JMO IMO

Edit: And, if they can determine COD as suicide as opposed to accidental (elements/environment/wildlife). MOO
I'm kind of shocked they weren't broken by the protestors.

IMO, if both aren't significantly literally deaf, this had more to do with the fact that they heavily suspected, based upon instinct or what Brian had told them, what had actually happened with respect to Gabby's likely murder at his hands; because otherwise there's little to no reason not to wave the white flag.

Thanks for the reply. I understand but still have a different POV. I have always seen them as kind of son-obsessed parents. My mom was like that -- a son-worshiper. BL was their only son and the baby by 9 years. It's old-fashioned but some folks think that way today. I believe the protests and the media attention were horrible for them, but nothing compared to the possible death of their child. In fact, it doesn't seem like they've acted out of "self-interest" at any time, always Brian's interest.
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Except that (from the way I'm reading it) LE had already found the backpack and remains prior to seeing what CL found.

Brian Laundrie's parents search bushes & quickly appear with mystery white bag

"They looked at the contents of the bag," the lawyer explained.

"At that time, law enforcement officers showed him a picture on the phone of a backpack that law enforcement had located also nearby, and also some distance off the trail."

The Laundries were then asked to leave the park as investigators continued combing the area.

CL found the white bag (called a dry bag?) and LE found the backpack and remains nearby.
They likely rationalized alot b/c they wanted to believe their son?

Amateur opinion and speculation

Lots of parents take the view that they should always believe their kid. "Don't answer her mom's phone - she's using it to try and call me and change my mind again - I tried to break up with her, but I'm helpless and couldn't do it. I need to go zero contact! HALP!::"
If he died by suicide, then I seriously don't believe he did it because he felt remorse over Gabby's death. Much more likely that he had come to believe that he would get caught and did not want to have to deal with spending the rest of his life in jail.
Unresolved: why the parents were unable, during 4 or more hours of searching, to find him the day he went missing, or the following days had they chosen to search for him. Yet, a month later they made a beeline to his things, the bag and the notebook, and very nearly to the backpack and body itself. What happened between the day he went missing, when they couldn't find him (or did they?), and the day they knew, IMO, exactly where to look. IMO
Other than dumb luck and an educated guess, the only scenario that could make sense is they found him out there alive one of the times they went to look in mid September and tried to convince him unsuccessfully to come home. Maybe they even left the dry bag w supplies when they couldn't find him upon a second return. That seems unlikely but could explain the very specific area ChL honed in on. The urgency from the Laundries with searching that area in recent weeks was an interesting change to note but perhaps that is not the case outside of what the public could see behind the scenes.. or likely was a strategic move by SB to make sure they couldn't be charged with obstruction or aiding, etc. We'll get more answers in the coming weeks and months but I'm sure there will always be lingering questions.
<modsnip>. The water receded. <modnsip>
If BL managed to get into the area where his remains were found on the 13th and killed himself then, his parents, in their 4hour hunt for him the next day would have been able to get in there too. Prior to flooding and receding. Also, if he killed himself on the 13th, all he knew was that Gabby had been reported to be missing. Nothing else. He wasn't a fugitive at that time. jmo Still, he killed himself, or was killed by one hungry or frightened animal. JMO But the parents left the Mustang overnight.
The OP referred to the pending case not being closed. That's what my post was responding to. The only open case is the fraud case and there will never be a criminal case imvso.

BL has not been formally named by the FBI as the person who killed GP. Until this happens, it is my understanding that the case remains open. @Alethea Legally what are the next steps?
If he died by suicide, then I seriously don't believe he did it because he felt remorse over Gabby's death. Much more likely that he had come to believe that he would get caught and did not want to have to deal with spending the rest of his life in jail.

I agree. I think he only cared about himself.
As someone who watched "The Wire", can confirm (lol).

"burner" phones are intended to be "churned and burned".

Pay-as-you-go phones or, as some call them, "PYG phones", are (most likely) legitimate phones with limited calling capabilities that you have to continue topping up per minutes.

A "burner phone" literally means you can afford to "burn" it, i.e. be prepared to chuck it into a trash can/snap it in half at a moment's notice.
I always meant to "get around to" that (the Wire). It received such excellent reviews.
I hope they had they had the sense to search that backpack before they entered but I think they entered prior to LE. Is RL is still holding the dry sack? MOO
You know, idk exactly. Didn’t the Ls go in first by themselves? I go back and forth.
Oooh! Video. Ugh! Remains been there for awhile. Belongings found by Father laundrie. Reporters confused too. Notebook contents not revealed.notebook quite wet, gonna try to dry it out. Eta: Gabby, federal case.
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