Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #79

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IMHO, MOO, IMO - With your logic, everyone that commits a crime should just off themselves to save taxpayer funds. How harsh!

A crime? No...murder with life in prison. Not sure how you can be "harsh" to a murderer.
I read this and immediately thought of Murder by!

Jamesir Bensonmum: She murdered herself in her sleep, sir.
Dick Charleston: You mean suicide?
Jamesir Bensonmum: Oh no, it was murder, all right. Mrs. Twain hated herself.

But in all seriousness, no. I don't think suicide makes him a serial killer.
It makes him a multiple killer. Which is what I wrote.
Does anyone know how deep the canal was on a regular basis? Maybe he jumped and then later was washed onto land with all the flooding.
I remember being shocked at JT's anger at the Ls because they exercised their rights and hired a lawyer.
I understand his anger but it seemed unprofessional to me to express to the media.
JT seems more humble now.

I do not believe JT and the NPPD are responsible for Brian's death.
I do think a lot of mistakes were made but Brian's death is not their fault.
JT probably got his butt chewed. I’m beginning to wonder how many more cases have to be handled inadequately before NPPD gets their act together. They do not have a good track record. JMO
apparently.. It's done all the time, Govts could care less, it happens world wide, at a vast and increasing scale. , If it was hard, no one would do it. The sentences dished out for these crimes are pitiful, too... It isn't local, it's global.

One has to conclude that it , if not easy, is not difficult. Would that suit you better??..

No one has come back to tell us how hard or how easy it was.. that's the problem here.. it's all situational. Nothing is definitive. Those that were successful, that is.. It may appear that Brian was one of those.. I am still going with C.L.U.M.S.Y. on the grounds that killing a woman is easy, it's done every day, some men kill multiple women, .....but Brian, a narcissist if ever I saw one, ,.. suicide would be unthinkable. His precious self!..... I just don't think so.
Our Ms Caddick and BL may become interesting subjects of correlation between narcissism and suicide.
People are very different from each other.

But it was not flooded on the day he went there (the 13th). It didn't start raining until the 15th, so perhaps he spent his last moments in comfort and repentence, alone in the wilderness, alone with his own spiritual dilemmas. Wouldn't be the first time someone did this, won't be the last.

If it were me who did this and went back home, cops come to door for the van, GB gone, parents looking for her, I'd high tail it to the reserve just so I could scream & end the nightmare. The lie couldn't go on.

Frankly, just leaving WY in her van with bank cards is hard to imagine after killing her. Surprised he made it that far. I couldn't.
I don’t want to get too philosophical here, but I think it’s inherent in the definition of a consequence (especially in a legal context) that we don’t get to choose what we’d like it to be.

Death is an outcome that never had to happen. IMO, it was a choice, not a consequence, & there’s a big difference. Jmo.
1000000 times YES! Ita
There is absolutely no source for it. Even if it happened, it's not like the FBI releases that information (ever). If there's a major leak inside the FBI, there's no source for that either (and it's a very serious charge, so people should think twice about saying such a thing, IMO). I'll be glad to be proved wrong - by a link.

This was a video posted by another member yesterday. It is authentic and the words come straight from Steven Bertolino. It was discussion that started last night on a previous thread. The discussion began because of the Daily Mail article but became more important in light of this interview.

I see that this discussion was missed by some posters, but this does not mean that it came from nowhere and was without a basis. It was sourced, this video together with the Daily Mail article, and every post on it has been noted as speculation, opinion, and conjecture. No one to my knowledge has stated this as fact so I hope this clears any confusion.

It was something worth discussing and fleshing out. Because something is going on. It may not be an immunity deal and many of us hope it is not. But, there's something here we don't know. And, this was the point of it.

[8:04] SB: "This case is not over. I have yet to speak to FBI personnel. I have yet to speak with Northport Police. I have yet to speak to the Assistant US Attorney, Ms. Romine out in Wyoming. Um, there are certain things that need to be done and...and I should say wrapped up (emphasis mine) before we can have further conversations of what, um, may or may not have been done differently."

[8:35] Q: Do you think your clients, the Laundries, will eventually be charged with crimes?
A: I have no reason to believe that.

[9:00] This is the mark of your quote above. You know what several weeks ago would have coincided with? A face to face proffer in Orlando. MOO (This was to @Figuring's quote of:
“Conversations were had several weeks ago with the FBI with respect to certain charges,” he [SB] said. “When questioned and when communications were had between myself and the FBI, I think it was realized that charges were not appropriate.”]

[At 9:35] he admits there were charges against the parents discussed. Q: misdemeanor or felony charges?
Another extended pause
A: "I...I..(stutter again) don't know what level of crime or charge was um, in the mix..."

He proceeds to insist no deal was cut (it's not a crime to lie to the press, and the deal is likely awaiting being signed off on now that they have located Brian, if there is a deal so technically this would not be a lie). He also proceeds to normalize it - that conversations about criminal exposure are oh so normal. Then he proceeds to bash the legal analysts in MSM - again. ( The "There's not a smarter guy in the room than me, Steven Bertolino" mentality again. MOO)
He also reveals at the end that he's been in contact with GPs' family attorney - this kicks the likelihood of a deal up a notch IMO. And, also diminishes the probability of any civil suit. The family will get some answers it seems to me. MOO

As far as the balance of the video he lied again right out of the gate. MOO He said he watched Cassie and Brian grow up when he admitted to Mani Hughes after being pressed that this was actually NOT true. It astonishing. He's truly a piece of work. MOO

Was the prompt to go look for Brian the fact that the park was open? That never seemed plausible. Or, was it because they had an immunity deal? MOO

"John Q Public" as he refers to us, believe your credibility is shot. That's why. MOO

If his clients got a deal then as far as he is concerned the matter of his or their involvement has been put to bed. So, no wonder he's talking so much. This is another thing I couldn't understand - why this guy would not stop talking. Looks like we may now know why.

Oh, and this is all JMO.
JT probably got his butt chewed. I’m beginning to wonder how many more cases have to be handled inadequately before NPPD gets their act together. They do not have a good track record. JMO
LE doesn't have any real incentive to get better. And there is never any truly independent oversight to hold them accountable...
apparently.. It's done all the time, Govts could care less, it happens world wide, at a vast and increasing scale. , If it was hard, no one would do it. The sentences dished out for these crimes are pitiful, too... It isn't local, it's global.

One has to conclude that it , if not easy, is not difficult. Would that suit you better??..

It must be easier to kill men then. Statistics say that in the US 4 times as many men are murdered than women. So I don't see what is the point in calling it easy or "not difficult", either one.

Murder in the U.S.: victims by race/ethnicity and gender 2020 | Statista
Has there been any clue as to why Brian drove all the way, clear across the country, to die, when he could have done the same thing, with perhaps less scrutiny, and probably less pressure , in Wyoming?...

Is there something I've missed about the conditions more conducive to suicide in Florida, as opposed to Wyoming?..

It is hard to believe that a weekend camp at Fort De Soto was the candy on the stick that provoked that drive home. Surely that can't be it.
Deadness is a pretty severe consequence. imo
Being dead is a direct consequence of the choice to kill himself.

Being dead is not a direct consequence of this case.

Being dead is not a legal consequence.

He made a choice to kill himself, & the consequence of that is he avoided legal consequences.

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We have this myth of the perfect victim - if they aren’t totally angelic and well behaved then they are no longer seen as the victim. But when one person has all the power, the person without power cannot be held responsible in any way for what happens since they have no choice in any of it.
There is nothing she did that that made someone wrap their hands around her throat and squeeze until her life was gone. Not the scratches on his face, not her hitting him, none of it. To say otherwise is the same as saying a rape victim is partially responsible because they were drunk.
Just no. The perpetrator is 100% responsible, always.

This, Thank you! It's disgusting that anyone would place any blame on GP.
Late to the party, but the supposed water bottle doesn't look like something that been floating out in the swamp for a month getting slimy and weathered. All of the markings are still perfectly clear .
How can North Port PD deny that’s an item related to the BL case? Clearly, it’s the exact same water bottle as shown in the picture posted by GP.
I believe those are stickers on it. If not, and you can purchase that water bottle with those graphics on it, then that is highly coincidental.
Has there been any clue as to why Brian drove all the way, clear across the country, to die, when he could have done the same thing, with perhaps less scrutiny, and probably less pressure , in Wyoming?...

Is there something I've missed about the conditions more conducive to suicide in Florida, as opposed to Wyoming?..

It is hard to believe that a weekend camp at Fort De Soto was the candy on the stick that provoked that drive home. Surely that can't be it.

Could be that he thought he could get away with it, but then the Petitos started calling. Has that scenario been mentioned yet?
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