Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #81

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Not paying at a restaurant is not cool, but I wonder if it was something like they ordered waters and the waitress gave them chips and salsa without asking, it was just something the restaurant did. All the Mexican restaurants I have been to do that. As soon as you are seated, they just drop it off. Maybe they just got that and then left and since they didn’t order, they would be responsible for paying. Then the waitress went after them and said they had to pay, but then she went back and said well we didn’t order those chips, we shouldn’t have to pay. Or was this a fun dine and dash or did they do this frequently. Or did the food take forever and they just decided to leave and didn’t eat the food, so they didn’t think they needed to pay, so they left and the waitress came to get the money and then Gabby went back and said they should get the money back, since they didn’t get the food. Such a different story than what the tik toker spoke of. I’m not saying she is lying, but she could have embellished things for her viewers, everyone all of a sudden wants to be a tik tok star and wants those viewers. There is also the possibility this was a lookalike couple. Without the video footage, we may never know 100%. Remember all those “Brian”s” out there? A lot of them, since the pandemic, I have noticed a ton more beards on men. And long haired blond girls are also common. If they used a credit card, the answer would be there.
What seems plausible to me is that G&B sat down at MP and ate the salsa and chips. They looked at menu saw there were no veggie dishes they liked, and left.

The waitress ran after them and say "Hey, that only comes free with a meal, please pay".

Gabby and Brian paid. But, Gabby got upset thought it was not fair. And both walked back in and Gabby wanted a refund. Waitress said.....sorry. NO.
If you haven't paid by the time you are outside the establishment -or- if everyone isn't clear that your meal is being comped by the management (ie: if the manager hasn't yet "interacted with" you/your situation and removed any charges from your check) then you have done a "full on dine and dash." They had eaten the food and the bill was not settled until after they had left the establishment.

Not directed at you, just in general but I'm getting a sense that people are trying to justify this. If you have eaten (even just chips and salsa, which are only free with a meal) and if you are outside the restaurant without paying or without having whatever you ate comped by a manager, you have taken something that doesn't belong to you. Most people would describe that as stealing, and it certainly would have been theft if the server raced out but was unable to reach them to insist they settle the check on the sidewalk.

If you're unhappy with the service or the food, you clear that up with a manager. Same as you would at Target; you don't walk out without paying because you're disgruntled about how your visit went.
I agree completely, I guess I worded may question wrong, and I think at this point we don't have the answer and probably never will. BUT, I was questioning whether they had actually ordered and left. Did they actually order food, or were they seated with waters and a chip basket. Did they wait for a server that never came back and get frustrated and leave. Did they speak to the server and say "We aren't happy, we've waited for an hour and nothing's been done, we are going elsewhere." The server say oops sorry, and GP thought 'ok problem solved bye' but was then told to pay for the chips...
My point was there's so many questions and variables that
A- make them totally in the wrong, get your butt back here and pay for all that food you ordered
B - thought complaining to the server made the situation fine
C - ?

So, they question, to me, still remains. Did they nefariously decide to steal from the establishment or was there a misunderstanding

And I doubt we'll ever know
shadylady said:
What seems plausible to me is that G&B sat down at MP and ate the salsa and chips. They looked at menu saw there were no veggie dishes they liked, and left.

The waitress ran after them and say "Hey, that only comes free with a meal, please pay".

Gabby and Brian paid. But, Gabby got upset thought it was not fair. And both walked back in and Gabby wanted a refund. Waitress said.....sorry. NO.
Worded much better than my attempt
It's the same place, no evidence of orange paint apparent in this clip
IIRC, it was not orange paint as in the kind you use on a house. It is a chalk based spray that disciplines over time.
North Port officials remove Gabby Petito memorial from front lawn of Laundrie family property - CNN

"Ahead of severe weather, the City of North Port has received several complaints about signs located on (redacted) Avenue. Per City Sign Code and storm water code, these signs are in violation and are not allowed in the road right-of-way," Taylor said in an email to CNN Thursday.
Since the City Sign Code says that signs are a violation, I am wondering what will transpire in court over the sign that CL removed. Could this woman be slapped with a violation?

Edited to finish sentence.
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I agree completely, I guess I worded may question wrong, and I think at this point we don't have the answer and probably never will. BUT, I was questioning whether they had actually ordered and left. Did they actually order food, or were they seated with waters and a chip basket. Did they wait for a server that never came back and get frustrated and leave. Did they speak to the server and say "We aren't happy, we've waited for an hour and nothing's been done, we are going elsewhere." The server say oops sorry, and GP thought 'ok problem solved bye' but was then told to pay for the chips...
My point was there's so many questions and variables that
A- make them totally in the wrong, get your butt back here and pay for all that food you ordered
B - thought complaining to the server made the situation fine
C - ?

So, they question, to me, still remains. Did they nefariously decide to steal from the establishment or was there a misunderstanding

And I doubt we'll ever know

Ok, I totally see what you were asking now! --> Did they order fish tacos and enchiladas (etc), which they never received. I think that is a situation where you seek out a manager and explain that you'd like to have the food you never received removed from your check, and then the manager says "Oh, sure, I'll take that off, and of course not charge you for the chips and salsa." Really, they should have sought out a manager to resolve it, and I think the indications are there that they didn't resolve it with the manager - ie: the server chased them down when they left, there was unfinished business.
Not paying at a restaurant is not cool, but I wonder if it was something like they ordered waters and the waitress gave them chips and salsa without asking, it was just something the restaurant did. All the Mexican restaurants I have been to do that. As soon as you are seated, they just drop it off. Maybe they just got that and then left and since they didn’t order, they would be responsible for paying. Then the waitress went after them and said they had to pay, but then she went back and said well we didn’t order those chips, we shouldn’t have to pay. Or was this a fun dine and dash or did they do this frequently. Or did the food take forever and they just decided to leave and didn’t eat the food, so they didn’t think they needed to pay, so they left and the waitress came to get the money and then Gabby went back and said they should get the money back, since they didn’t get the food. Such a different story than what the tik toker spoke of. I’m not saying she is lying, but she could have embellished things for her viewers, everyone all of a sudden wants to be a tik tok star and wants those viewers. There is also the possibility this was a lookalike couple. Without the video footage, we may never know 100%. Remember all those “Brian”s” out there? A lot of them, since the pandemic, I have noticed a ton more beards on men. And long haired blond girls are also common. If they used a credit card, the answer would be there.
Probably wasnt a credit card since they paid out on the sidewalk. IMO
Another theory to add to yours which I find very plausible...what if the manager did see them fighting and her crying but was told NOT to discuss it out of fear of the restaurant being sued for NOT calling the police?
At a bar, I worked at if we called the police we would be fired. The mgr or owner was the only one who could make that call. They did NOT call the police when a man attacked a woman in the restroom they took her and put her on the sidewalk across the street then had a stranger call the police so not affiliated with the bar. The owner feared lawsuits and losing his liquor license. If any incident occurred at the bar and the media called we would NOT be permitted to speak or face being fired and sued. This is a high-profile case if Merry Piglet's witnessed DV and didn't report it gives them bad press. MOO, Just food for thought after working in the food/bar industry.

I like your theory, the in's and out's of food and beverage services, I had no idea this all went on.

At one time in my life I literally lived above the bar, the jukebox was directly under my bed. I worked 3rd shift at my job for a year so I wasn't bothered by that aspect of the business. But come Saturday nights when I would finally get a good nights sleep, the volume on the jukebox would go up in direct relation to the booze consumed.

So for a few years I called the police every Saturday night and the volume went down until closing. After I moved the cops asked my mother if I had moved because they no longer got the Saturday night calls from me... My mother lived right next door and it was/is a very small town. lol jmo
I think typically when you go into a Mexican restaurant you get free chips and salsa before you order maybe they just wanted to have free chips and salsa and then leave or maybe it was taking too long for them to place their order and they felt ignored so they walked out but then the server wanted them to pay for their chips and salsa just an idea
The Mexican restaurants always have chips and salsa listed separately and with a price though. If you sit at their bar and drink a few high-priced margaritas, you probably won't be charged. If you order a soda and sit there for hours, you're likely gonna be charged. IME.
The Mexican restaurants always have chips and salsa listed separately and with a price though. If you sit at their bar and drink a few high-priced margaritas, you probably won't be charged. If you order a soda and sit there for hours, you're likely gonna be charged. IME.
chips abd salsa are usually free but I agree if u sit there your gonna get charged!
Excellent summary. I hope this finally settles the matter about the "aggression" and the "screaming."

I'm not so sure I believe the entire MP manager's version of what happened.
__ She wanted to set things straight but... did not want to speak on camera.
__ She contradicted / downplayed virtually every negative thing the TikToker said about the encounter, as if to say: "this is a great business for visitors to patronize... nothing to see here"
__ She knows surveillance video no longer exists, so any concern about non-verification of her claims is pretty much eliminated.

As BE attested to in last night's NewsNation special, many Moab businesses did not want to talk about or address Gabby's case, and that's perhaps out of fear that it will hurt their business & tourism to Moab.... and the manager of Merry Piglets, imo is no different. But... because Merry Piglets is in a direct spotlight, the manager is most likely in clean up on isle 4 - damage control mode regarding any unfavorable rumors or reviews of the business that she manages.
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Ok, I totally see what you were asking now! --> Did they order fish tacos and enchiladas (etc), which they never received. I think that is a situation where you seek out a manager and explain that you'd like to have the food you never received removed from your check, and then the manager says "Oh, sure, I'll take that off, and of course not charge you for the chips and salsa." Really, they should have sought out a manager to resolve it, and I think the indications are there that they didn't resolve it with the manager - ie: the server chased them down when they left, there was unfinished business.

Whatever miscommunication or mishandling took place, we will probably never know.

It reminds me of a couple seated next to us at a restaurant the other day. They get their check and the gentleman asked the waitress about it. He said that he ordered something else. Then the manager came over and he again said that he had ordered something else from the menu. The waitress was asked to retrieve her order slip which the manger read aloud. It was what he was served. He insisted it was not what he ordered again. The manager politely asked him if he had pointed it out to the waitress when he was served and did he eat the food. Nope, never told waitress but cleaned his plate. The manager pointed out that he should have pointed it out when served and refused to comp the meal. I was appalled that he tried to pull such a stunt.
To just add to that, I didn't catch that BrianE shared any reason why they left without paying?? I didn't catch a suggestion that they didn't care for the food or service; BrianE just relayed what the manager said happened without adding any commentary about it. I think most people wish he'd asked "Did you get any indication why they walked out??"
Absolutely!! Otherwise this is all, well, just a whole lot of no new data.
chips abd salsa are usually free but I agree if u sit there your gonna get charged!
Certain food and drink items are complimentary with a meal - endless drink refills, chips and salsa, bread sticks. But nowhere can you drink endless glasses of coke, chips and salsa or bread sticks and then simply walk out. Nope. It's only free with a meal. jmo

Opening notes by Mods or Admins have instructed members not to debate DV, not to discuss the Moab stop, not to discuss mental health, no bickering.

Since earlier this morning, approximately 150 posts have just been removed for:

debating DV
discussing the Moab stop
discussing mental health

This is beyond unacceptable. This thread will stay closed until we have more Mods available later today, and we may have to make a decision to move to Media *NO DISCUSSION* only thread.

The thread is now OPEN on a trial basis. The rules below can be found at the beginning of each thread:

The Rules:
-Domestic Violence Discussions/Debates are not permitted
-The Moab Stop is no longer open for dissecting (there are 76 threads filled with this info).
-Mental Health is not permitted
-Moab double murders are not permitted unless LE were to change position at some point
-No Bickering (Ignore or “Roll and Scroll”)
-Do not suggest Gabby died by anything other than what the ME has stated (Manual Strangulation)
-Do not Trash Brians parents (You can share opinions or perspectives of events, but rise above the rest. They have not been named POI’s in the case. Stick to what is known / has been reported.)
-Any other rules as outlined in TOS

Questions - Contact a Mod or Admin by reporting this post
maybe the fbi investigated the MP incident and asked all the principles for the truth and then asked the principles to not discuss the actual incident with press. so anybody asking questions now will get a semantically filtered generic story. so we get , yes they were here, left without paying, paid outside, then asked for refund. and the adjectives "screaming" "loud" "aggressive" were dropped because those words are kinda subjective anyway and replaced with "calm" , "upset" etc. which are also subjective. kinda like nothing to see here folks, move along. but i would think what the principles stated to fbi would be somewhat consistent with what really happened. so if interviewed alone the manger tells fbi a totally different story than the waitress and the other customer tells something different than either of the employees, that's gonna be a problem but if and until the case moves forward in some way we may never know. MOO.

All we know is Gabby was alive then. Every version of events corroborates that.
Thanks for reposting the rules. In seeking out what happened to GP and BL, it seems natural to question their emotional states and ways of interacting with each other, and how much of that may have played into what happened. In doing so, it also seems natural to reference the Moab stop (not to dissect it, just to refer to it as evidence). Is this considered mental health? I had been considering mental health things like labeling someone with a diagnosis. Is an exploration of their emotional states and dynamic allowed and is a reference to the Moab stop as evidence acceptable?

If not, perhaps it would be helpful to understand the reasoning behind the DV rule and the mental health rule. That may better inform us about what constitutes the boundaries of what is allowed and what isn’t. I keep seeking to stay within the lines, only to find I have inadvertently crossed them. It wasn’t my intention and I apologize.

Thank you!

I am going to respond in thread so it may help clarify for others as well:

The Moab stop can be referenced as an event that occurred and is part of the timeline of the case. Dissecting it repeatedly is where many posters start to trip up and bring in the debates on domestic violence and mental health. It no longer progresses the dialogue and leads to arguing amongst Posters.

In general, members know what constitutes domestic violence. Debating it on WS won’t solve the issue and can be quite triggering to others.

Mental Health is generally not permitted in discussions for a few reasons. For one, non of us worked with or diagnosed the parties of the case, and we have only a small glimpse into the bigger picture. Second, to discuss mental health issues with a broad brush is insensitive to fellow Posters who may struggle with his/her own challenges. Without a full understanding of mental health it can be easy for one to unknowingly toss out a term or diagnostic out of context.

Hope this helps,
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