Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #9

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I was thinking something along the same lines. Like maybe she actually created the post and had saved it or scheduled it for Halloween, and then he accessed the account and accidentally made it go live? I don't use Insta that much, but I run a facebook group where I schedule posts, and I've accidentally let some loose before I intended before.

This doesn't necessarily discount the suggestion, but you can't schedule posts on Instagram in the same way as you can on Facebook, despite both platforms being owned by the same company. You'd need to go through a third party platform such as Buffer or Hootsuite, which imo makes it much more difficult to post ahead of time accidentally. In fact, I've never had a post go out early while using Buffer, only posts that have failed to go out when scheduled so I don't see this as particularly likely imo.
I wonder if they found the tent in the van when they searched it? The Tik Toker who picked up BL hitchhiking said he told them he was sleeping on a tarp for several days, which means he left GP the tent. That was the 29th. Perhaps they reunited so that he could drop her off in Yellowstone the next day, which maybe is something he didn't want to do because he didn't want her to meet up with her friend? All speculation, but if the tent is missing, and camp stove, etc., then would point to him leaving her as opposed to an altercation.
Wonder if he'll try to fake a suicide? Leave that large backpack and maybe some other evidence in a body of water? Leave a false note with a confession filled with more lies and distractions?
Suicide note? Do you not believe he knows where Gabby is?
From everything that I have read, no, I don't think he knows very much about anything. I think, personal opinion here, I think that they got into another fight, he grabbed his stuff knowing that every fight will only end up with him in jail, and he went on a long hike on the 27-29. He gets picked up by the tik tok-er on the 29, gets a ride back to jackson hole where the van was. He gets back to the van, finds maybe a note saying she is in x hotel, and he gets mad, and returns back to Florida.

Talking to the police is pointless because they know everything he knows. The only thing talking will do is get him into jail. He returns back to florida, thinking she is in a hotel in idaho. The 11th rolls by, the parents file a missing persons, he believes they know where she is, and is trying to get him in trouble. He bunkers down. By the 12 or the 13th, it is clear she is gone, the media and everyone is blaming him so he does the only thing you do when your whole life is missing and everyone hates you, suicide. Grabs enough stuff to get him to a spot where he has happy memories...

This is all my opinion, but it fit the facts.
The same helicopter that searched for 9 hours near the Grand Targhee Resort is searching the same area today. South of Fred’s Mountain. Looks like along Paintbrush and Colters Run trails but not sure as I can’t see a topo on the flightaware site…just lining up general landmarks from flightaware to a topo.

N274TH Flight Tracking and History - FlightAware
What are they going to do with him if they find him, arrest him on what charges?

If he's so distraught that he's "missing" I'm sure they could get at least a psych hold for a couple of days?

What bothers me about these types of cases is LE doesn't think twice before arresting poor people who fail to signal when driving or who dare to walk down certain streets in certain neighborhoods. But in these high profile cases they suddenly can't think of any charges when regular people can't live their lives without being harassed. /soapboxoff
Weather report here. Florida in September. is still hellishly hot. Any standing water is loaded with mosquitoes. A day or two slogging around in the wet, heat and humidity makes your skin feel like it's got a layer of glue slathered all over it. To say that its a hostile, uncomfortable environment is an understatement. Brian is VERY uncomfortable, if he's outdoors right now. Sleep is impossible. Between bites and the noise in your ears, its torture.
Carry on...
Just a question. I don’t believe this is the case but let’s leave all options on the table in order to find GP.

Could GP really have gone to *Yosemite* with someone else, and BL drove back to FL, and something happened to her with this other character? Maybe she didn’t want to tell her parents that she and BL had split up and gone separate ways, embarrassed or didn’t want to get into it/listen to their commentary about the decision to leave with unknown party for CA.

I think BL is guilty of faking that text. Especially with him hitchhiking (possibly).

But just a thought, if they had indeed split up prior, that text could have been real, and she could be in yosemite and have encountered danger there?
  • No excuse for brian not to mention this, of course, but if theyd had a blowout fight and he stormed off with the keys, maybe the car was locked so she couldn’t access camping stuff
  • She could’ve gotten a ride out of there from someone else, someone potentially dangerous, who saw her upset and “wanted to help”?
  • BL had returned to the van and she was just up and gone (and he hadn’t seen her in a few days after “camping separately”) and got scared and left
  • Then this blew up and he’s the one being looked at and he is advised not to talk because he won’t be believed? Especially if they’d exchanged heated texts after separating after the fight, he may look like the “bad guy”. And maybe he resents not being allowed by parents/lawyer to talk or help find her, plus everyone thinking he did it and his name everywhere as the bad guy, and flees to commit suicide because he realizes she is probably dead by now which is very upsetting to him, and that people think he did it, and that even if he didn’t, he feels guilty for leaving her in that situation.
Once again, I think HE DID SOMETHING TO HER, but, I don’t want to discount any location where Gabby’s body could be and she technically could have been in yosemite at some point.
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haha that poor cop has to just stand there with the camera on him. God i would get self conscious

Wow as I was watching the live stream a vehicle left and passed the cop. As the vehicle passed, the cop gave some sort of hand signal--he extended his thumb and little finger, clenched the other fingers, and waggled his wrist. Wonder what that means?
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