Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #19

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So what should they have done. Whats your legal solution for completing that DV stop?

I think they should have had a woman police officer at the stop to interview Gabby. I am intimidated by male police officers as a petite blonde woman myself and I know for certain I would clam up and tremble just as she did.

As sad as I am to see this outcome, I can predict that any woman (or person) who has ever been abused could have predicted it. That 911 call was hard to listen to. The police failed Gabby.
Snipped by me. That's my takeaway as well. Even if the police response would have been different, I have no doubt that GP and BL would have reunited within days and would have ultimately have faced the same outcome. It's sad all around.
exactly, i bet had her own parents begged her not to go it wouldnt have made a difference so the police cannot be held accountable for what transpired, its sad but Gabby had a choice and she chose Brian.
Frank Montoya Jr, a retired FBI special agent, said it appeared the police had obtained some crucial lead late last Friday that enabled them to scramble the large-scale search operation at spread creek.

“[The search process] starts with an analysis of her social media and not just the things that are being posted, but just the electronic trail that ensues when you’re communicating online or via Wi-Fi. And it may be that the trail ended in the area of Grand Teton,” he said, speaking from Providence, Utah.

“It’s also important to note, this really picked up steam in terms of what they were calling a ground survey.”

He said it was possible that while Mr Laundrie’s parents did not know where their son was, they passed onto officers something that helped find the remains.

“Perhaps they gave even more specific information about where a body might be, or where she was last seen,” he said.

Mr Montoya Jr, who previously also served as the director of the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive from 2012-2014, said the type of search carried out from Saturday morning onwards, suggested police had “some pretty specific information”.
Did Brian Laundrie leave a note that helped the FBI find Gabby Petito?
No, it doesn't. It is clear to me that she calls him some name for grandfather and Brian calls him Stan.
But that was my point though… If she calls him some name for grandfather wouldn’t that be the name programmed for his contact information?
Oh yeah. That 911 call makes the police stop even more concerning. It also makes his actions during that stop super sinister. He knew to try to make her look crazy so no one would believe her. But did something get lost in translation for LE that stopped them? Did they not know who was alleged to have been slapping whom, by the witness?

Oh I bet that witness feels so sad right now. He tried hard to help.

I believe this is one reason BL offered to go to jail in Gabby’s place if one had to be taken in. People here were like, “he clearly cares about her! He didn’t want her to have a record!” But I think he wanted to be the only one calmly talking to police. If she had been taken in, she would have eventually stopped crying and been able to tell her side of the story and about how he was abusing her. He didn’t want her to have a chance to tell the truth.
Maybe there just checking that Mustang for where it's been, no matter who was driving it.
i understand that some are saying that the police failed Gabby but....and I say this with a lot of knowledge in this department....everyone failed her if you want to be technical about it, everyone and noone. Her parents knew her better then those officers and they didnt know he was abusive, her friends knew her, she covered it up really good judging by her many pictures and posts on social media. I don now what the police could have really done to stop her from being with him. Have you ever tried to make a young girl stay away from their boyfriend?
BBM. Yes. By calling the father of the toxic boyfriend and asking that he stay away from daughter or we would seek a protection order. The young man's father ended the relationship.
Ultimately, BL is the only one who is to blame. If she had no visible marks and he did, they were placed in a difficult position, despite the witness account, I guess. I do wish she had been arrested, however, if they believed that was their only choice. Because it may have caused her to realize the ramifications of being in an abusive relationship. And possibly allowed her to get the hell out. Finally, if he had been hitting her first, she could have used self-defense as a defense to any charge.

I hate the what ifs.

I really wish people would quit saying this.
Gabby had visible marks.
She reported them to the officer. Said Brian cut her face. Photos confirm.
This doesn’t appear at all in the report and she’s never asked if this was before or after she hit him.
They ignored her claims and dismissed her as “manic”

Brian admits to leaving marks on Gappy.
On the video.

The police dropped the ball on this. IMO
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This is odd. Hypothetically, let's say Brian texted it from her phone pretending to be Gabby, why would he refer to her grandfather as Stan? Did she not have her grandfather’s name programmed to her phone as “grandpa”? IMO this only makes sense if she for some reason had her grandfather’s name programmed as Stan.

Maybe "Stan" is what Brian called Gabby's grandfather. Why would his name have to be preprogrammed as such in the phone? Even if Gabby had his name under "Grandpa," I think the text was sent from her phone to her mother (?) Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding something.

The existence of the text, if sent by BL, doesn't mean that he'd actually tried to reach her grandfather. Instead he might have said that, pretending to be her, to excuse her silence. As others have noted, he may not be super-bright.

Am I the only one who watched the footage and thought that the LEOs were courteous and fair to both Brian and Gabby? Really, I think they went over and above to help by seperating them and arranging the hotel accommodation. They seemed impartial to me.

That certainly wouldn't happen here in the UK, IMO.

I think we also need to remember that BL had visible injuries and scratches, and he stated that when they're having an argument he tries to "put distance between them".

As a woman, I guess I sometimes wonder how a man is supposed to react when they're in an enclosed space where they can't put distance between themselves and their partner (like a van) and they are being physically attacked by them. They can't retaliate physically (even though this would be seen as somehow more acceptable if it was a man attacking a man). Words can't always placate a person's anger, and there's no escape if you're in a moving vehicle.

I feel the van was like a tinderbox and they were both struggling to deal with each other in a confined space.

At this stage, there is no evidence to suggest that BL has ever been physically violent to GP, other than her saying he grabbed her chin (but I believe she said in the DV police stop that this was when they were having the argument and she was slapping him).

We can't automatically assume that GP's death (if it was at the hands of BL) was the final act in a series of misogynistic DV episodes. Naturally, men are usually stronger than women, so is it possible that he could have killed her in an act of self defence?


The 911 caller reported that they witnessed BL slapping GP - that is evidence of assault. IMO not for the first time. I don't believe for a second that he killed her in self defence - imo he lost the rag for a petty reason and strangled her.
8/27 the text to mom referred to her grandfather by the name "Stan" which Gabby didn't do, this is what caused the mom to question it.
You know, just seeing that vid of the van looking so poorly parked, no tent, no obvious signs of life except possibly the door opening and furtively closing, it's just my gut feeling that she was already dead on the evening of the 27th. He probably flew back with it worked out in his head that he would seek the opportunity.
Sorry if this is repetitive. I haven't been able to read every page of comments. I noticed 3 pictures of their van at different times with different sticker arrangements on the back door. The video of the travel bloggers from Spread Creek was the third one... I'm not sure it's relevant but are there any theories about how or why the sticker arrangements changed twice during their trip?

For me it gives a fascinating insight into BL's mind if turns out he could even bother to think of buying and/or placing new stickers on the van possibly/likely after her demise. I'm sure psychologists will have a field day with details like this.
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