Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #38

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I believe he has held himself out as the lawyer for the family, no? If and when their interests diverge, the attorney would have an ethical conflict and have to discontinue representation of one or the other.

Edit: I don't know if that's how he has described his representation. I'd rather expect that he is formally the parents' attorney, precisely for the ethical considerations I mentioned.
I believe he is their lawyer for sales they have.done in the not. So distant past ! They here! I just think he's and they called.for.advice! The meeting on orlandoo.was.probably to.set them up with they!
sounds like inappropriate use of 911.....which is for emergencies. jmo Are they planning on calling 911 if someone's dog poops in their yard?
lol well I do have to admit it brought a bit of much needed levity when Dog showed up. Even if it did appear to be grandstanding, he at least brought more notice to the hunt for BL. There were flowers and Macdonald's delivered to BL's parents doorstep this morn, which remain outside. (great practically all-day coverage of their home by reporter Brian Entin on Twitter)
Clearly I need some sleep because my first thought was: As a lawyer who graduated from Google School of Law.... and not someone who actually practices law in real life and just doesn't have the job title under my user name.
:D I'm a real one. But I don't want to be verified/don't state it, bc I don't want the burden of having to be professional with every comment, especially if I'm out of my practice areas or speaking loosely. But we all have similar ethical obligations, so I was OK with it here.
I know what you're talking about and it was posted by a source that isn't approved. So far I haven't been able to find that actual record posted on any approved source of media. Right now the only other way I know of actually getting that specific document is to do a FOIA request myself or to ask one of these reporters following the case to verify the authenticity of the document that's floating around.

You can often get lists of all of the "calls for service" made in a given location. Where I live, they are public record. Sometimes the reason for the call is redacted here, but you can get a list. I don't know if the list that was was floating around is real or not, but I doubt you need to file a FOIA request to get the information.
:D I'm a real one. But I don't want to be verified/don't state it, bc I don't want the burden of having to be professional with every comment, especially if I'm out of my practice areas or speaking loosely. But we all have similar ethical obligations, so I was OK with it here.
Good call!
Hello everyone. First post on WS. I have been trying to keep up with all the threads, posts and news.

I'm wondering what are you thoughts about what's BL goal with this in case he's still alive. Basically, what could possibly be his plan? To be on the run for the rest of his life? As far as some people that know him, he can hide for some time, but forever is a different story. It just requires money, skills and a personality that I don't know if it's in him. Is he hiding out while the lawyer prepare some kind of defense?

In my opinion, being on the run, showing up without GP to his parents house, and his parents not answering GP texts/calls (as far as I know this is the case) just reads guilty all over or at least highly suspicious if I'm being kind. He could say that he was scared because he was going to be automatically targeted a suspect for the death of GP but that's very flaky.

The fact that they keep searching around the same area (even if the FBI is going to lead the search now), and not - at least not publicly - elsewhere makes me wonder if either they don't have any leads that he could be anywhere else and this is just "the most likely place he could be" or they have leads that point to this area. I understand it's not a small area but he's just one guy that's on the run and doesn't have "on the run experience" (even if he has hiking experience).

His goal is to avoid prison. He's narcissistic enough to think it'll all die down and be forgotten as long as he hides long enough and has help from mommy and daddy. (All my speculation ofc).

Welcome btw. I'm new too. :D
My "no soliciting" sign at the door seems to work pretty well except for religious purveyors who seem to think that they are not soliciting. They just don't get it. No one seems to be paying attention to the same sign on Laundries door. jmo
More flowers showing up at the Laundrie home. This time someone delivered them to the make-shift memorial for Gabby on the lawn, not the Laundrie's front door.
I like to se the flowers coming.
Why not?

It's not often an allegedly murdered person receives worldwide attention..
Make it beautiful, I say.
Eventually make it for all the missing .
It's a wee start.
Can anyone answer this question with 100% fact? Were there 2 separate 911 calls (at least) for the incident in Moab?

This is why I ask:

1. There seems to be a call from a guy that was driving by and stopped. During the call he stated he was not from around the area.
2. There seems to be a call from "Chris" who saw the incident while standing outside. Hours later they interviewed him locally.
3. The police report mentions calls, not a call about the incident
4. The police report implies, as I read it, there was and individual that made a report AND a witness named Chris.

Please, I am not looking for opinion, provable fact based answers only.
How in the world did Gabby hook up with such a polar opposite of the men in life? Both her father and her step father are so strong and in control of their lives. I don't think that sweet girl realized how damaged BL is.
My opinion ONLY as someone working in this field for nearly 30 years: I don't think we know this at all about her family, (or his) or much about either families (feel free to sleuth this outside of this space).

Medical information, behavioral or otherwise is highly protected, for good reason. If or when we are given permission to dive into ALL family dynamics, history, properties owned, jobs and relationship dynamics, etc here, I imagine there would be loads of debates about what we have seen and NOT seen publicly. While I think all of us should weigh what we do know, thoughtfully as we settle on our thoughts, I am glad it isn't allowed here, for now.

Some things truly are inappropriate for public speculation at this level and could cause additional harm, even without meaning to. Keep in mind, so far, NO ONE has been charged with anything outside of a formally missing person using a debit card/device without permission. (Correct me, please, if I have missed a charge or indictment!!!) MOO!!!
If I were a neighbor, I would set up my own survalence and have everyone of them arrested. They are disturbing the peace and creating a media circus!! And accomplishing nothing!! MOO
The money for flowers would be better spent as a donation to the new foundation being set up. Flowers are better than bullhorns, however. jmo
My opinion ONLY as someone working in this field for nearly 30 years: I don't think we know this at all about her family, (or his) or much about either families (feel free to sleuth this outside of this space).

Medical information, behavioral or otherwise is highly protected, for good reason. If or when we are given permission to dive into ALL family dynamics, history, properties owned, jobs and relationship dynamics, etc here, I imagine there would be loads of debates about what we have seen and NOT seen publicly. While I think all of us should weigh what we do know, thoughtfully as we settle on our thoughts, I am glad it isn't allowed here, for now.

Some things truly are inappropriate for public speculation at this level and could cause additional harm, even without meaning to. Keep in mind, so far, NO ONE has been charged with anything outside of a formally missing person using a debit card/device without permission. (Correct me, please, if I have missed a charge or indictment!!!) MOO!!!

I think it is fair to say that most people would prefer that their daughters don't hook up with a guy who gets so torqued at a restaurant that he has to return multiple times to argue/make a point and make a spectacle of himself. Or who, under any circumstances (her death or not) would take her van and drive home, leaving her across the country without her belongings or vehicle. Or who would refuse to take our calls if we called to ask about her whereabouts.

It is more than reasonable to believe that those things occurred. So it is not unfair to describe him as an undesirable mate.
I am used to looking at cases that are being investigated by local or state law enforcement. The bar is high as far as evidence required to obtain electronic surveillance. Phone/internet records, or physically taking someones computer or cell phone is limited to proof that device was used in the theft/use of the credit card. Court records are mostly available online.

We seem to have no information about an investigation that has been going on for quite some time now

. If the parents are not fully cooperating, what powers do the FBI have to obtain evidence on a theft charge or a missing person investigation?. FISA warrants are notoriously secretive and it seems like information that we sleuthers are used to obtaining is going to remain under wraps indefinitely. Ugh.
I think it is fair to say that most people would prefer that their daughters don't hook up with a guy who gets so torqued at a restaurant that he has to return multiple times to argue/make a point and make a spectacle of himself. Or who, under any circumstances (her death or not) would take her van and drive home, leaving her across the country without her belongings or vehicle. Or who would refuse to take our calls if we called to ask about her whereabouts.

It is more than reasonable to believe that those things occurred. So it is not unfair to describe him as an undesirable mate.
Thank you, Sassafrass, you said it much better than I could.
My "no soliciting" sign at the door seems to work pretty well except for religious purveyors who seem to think that they are not soliciting. They just don't get it. No one seems to be paying attention to the same sign on Laundries door. jmo
Have we seen religious purveyors??
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