Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #42

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I'm surprised you say that. This is a guy who has spent months tooling around the US in a van, and prior to that, hiked the AT. Despite his other flaws, he seems exceptionally comfortable outdoors. Compared to most of us, who wouldn't care to spend months in a tent or van.
Ummmm... he SAYS he hiked the AT, but that is no AT long-distance hiker. Perhaps a day trip or two. It was clear he doesn't even know how to put a pack on: he doesn't buckle it correctly.
There are a lot of people out there who say they've hiked the AT; BL wouldn't be the first.
If he'd hiked on the AT for very long, you'd have a string of thru-hikers on this board with sightings and stories. Hikers on those trails hang out. News gets telegraphed up and down the trail. Hostel owners communicate. They have hinky meters. At dark, whether sitting around the fire or cooking dinner, hikers are nattering. What else are they going to do? It's pitch black out there, and they travel so light, they don't bring anything to do (I carried a couple of sudokus, a pencil, and a couple of blank notebook pages for my journal.) They don't know the history of other hikers, generally, but they know other hikers and they remember them (viz Mostly Harmless) with even a short encounter. BL on the AT would have been noticed. They'd be giving the FBI tips by the hundreds.
And when would he have done a trip like that? He graduated from high school not too long ago. A long-distance AT hike could be a month for a section, or 4-6 for the whole thing.
And does BL walk like a long-distance hiker? No. He just walks like a regular walker. Ultra-distance hikers, on the other hand, don't straighten their knees; they kind of sit back and pump their legs. It's a very distinctive look. I fall into this once I get going. It's light on the feet and quick, quick, quick.
So, I call wannabe on whatever outdoor "experience" BL has.
Hallmark: he ran home to momma instead of taking straight to the wilderness.
One of Gabby’s reviews on The Dyrt—I think it’s the one of Dragon’s Tooth—says that “she and her fiancé” had hiked “a ton of miles on the AT.”
Gabby was playing to an audience. I also heard heard her say 'We came this way because we are such experienced hikers' at 22 and 23 you cannot claim experience IMO.
We heard from the neighbor that the Laundrie's pickup camper was new. They apparently had a reservation Sept. 1-3 at Fort De Soto that they cancelled per their lawyer. This is probably barking up the wrong tree, but has anyone checked to see if there are photos of that pickup and camper at Grand Teton? Because Gabby disappeared on or about Aug 27, insofar as we know, and that's enough time to drive to Grand Teton from Florida and still get back to Florida by September 1. Anyone ask the neighbors if it appeared that the Laundries were home between Aug 27 and Sept 1 or away?
I'm not all that electronics savvy, so bear with me. I've just learned that Apple has an App called "Health App". It comes free with a new iPhone, or you can download it and sync it with your Apple Watch, computer, other phones, etc. One of the features of the app is that it senses and keeps track of the number of steps you take and the kinds of steps that are taken. It can tell if the steps are running steps, walking steps, off-kilter steps, etc. Its not only used for general health reasons, the information gathered can be uploaded to your physician's phone so that he can determine not only the number of steps, but their duration and the type of activity happening while those steps occur.

In a recent case in the UK, a man murdered his wife, staged a burglary and left her phone on the front step of the house to give the impression the burglar/murderers dropped it as they ran away. From the very beginning of the investigation, he insisted she had been murdered during a burglary gone bad. At trial the prosecution used the Health App to demonstrate the movements of both the husband and wife's phone during the time they suspected he murdered her. Her phone was casually walked 14 steps from the front door to where it was found by police on the front steps. His phone mirrored the same. His phone walked back into the house. Hers did not. During the time period when the burglary was staged, his phone indicated frantic movement around the house as he tore the place apart after her murder and attempted to cover his crime. The information helped sentence him to a life tariff.

If Gabby and BL had iPhones, they most probably had this app and used it to keep track of their steps walked from day to day. I would be VERY interested to see the charts of those movements around the time of Gabby's death. If she was attacked and strangled, or bludgeoned with a rock, or knifed - that struggle and the steps associated with it and the nature of those steps would be recorded on her Apple Watch or phone, if she had it in her pocket. The same would be recorded on BL's watch or phone.


I wonder if she was wearing her Apple watch when she was found. There's a photo of her wearing one. It definitely looked more like an Apple Watch than a FitBit.
I wonder how BL’s parents treated Gabby in life, especially when she lived with them? Specifically BL’s mom, was she jealous or resentful towards Gabby? Some moms of son’s can be snarky towards the girlfriend or wife. Curious if mom is the one driving the closing of ranks around BL.

Their son comes home solo after spending months on the road with his girlfriend, who lived with them, because that’s not weird. But let’s take it further and go camping and play Swiss Family Robinson after our son returns home alone and doesn’t want to talk to his girlfriend’s parents anymore and probably wants to act like his girlfriend no longer exists (well…). Enough with this family. IMO
Apologies if this has been shared earlier today.

National Park Service stonewalls public records in Gabby Petito case
The U.S. National Park Service has denied two requests for public records filed by KSL under the Freedom of Information Act. The requests are in connection with the disappearance of Gabrielle “Gabby” Petito.

In a pair of response letters on Tuesday, the agency said release of backcountry campsite reservation data from Yellowstone National Park and ranger body camera footage from Arches National Park could interfere with “enforcement proceedings.” The National Park Service added providing those public records could “afford a virtual roadmap through the government’s evidence” and “prematurely reveal the full scope of the evidence that has been obtained to date.”

Both of KSL’s requests were filed before federal prosecutors last week obtained an arrest warrant for Brian Laundrie.
KSL sought Hulls’ video from the National Park Service in an effort to verify the comments Hulls made to the Deseret News. KSL also sought to glean additional insight into how Petito responded to the characterization of her relationship with Laundrie.

As they should!
I have no idea. A good friend of mine used to go to Juarez, Mexico with her church group to help an orphanage. The church group quit going a few years ago due to the dangerous conditions in Juarez. I have another story from a friend who knew some people who went down to Baja on a surf trip that I won't repeat. Let's just say it was ugly. I wouldn't recommend any border town in Mexico as an ideal getaway place for a fugitive from justice. JMHO
I wouldn't go anywhere in Mexico. Even the resort towns that used to be "safe" aren't anymore. A lady I used to work with took her mothers ashes to Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) and there was a shootout right in front of their hotel. Nope not me.
Well he pulled it out of his pocket a few minutes later so Lord knows what he was on about.
Oh, what I'm saying is that he was telling the cops that when he and Gabby were fighting out in the street in front of the Moonflower(??) he didn't have his phone. I didn't get that he was saying he didn't have a phone when he was at the traffic stop.
Apologies if this has been shared earlier today.

National Park Service stonewalls public records in Gabby Petito case
The U.S. National Park Service has denied two requests for public records filed by KSL under the Freedom of Information Act. The requests are in connection with the disappearance of Gabrielle “Gabby” Petito.

In a pair of response letters on Tuesday, the agency said release of backcountry campsite reservation data from Yellowstone National Park and ranger body camera footage from Arches National Park could interfere with “enforcement proceedings.” The National Park Service added providing those public records could “afford a virtual roadmap through the government’s evidence” and “prematurely reveal the full scope of the evidence that has been obtained to date.”

Both of KSL’s requests were filed before federal prosecutors last week obtained an arrest warrant for Brian Laundrie.
KSL sought Hulls’ video from the National Park Service in an effort to verify the comments Hulls made to the Deseret News. KSL also sought to glean additional insight into how Petito responded to the characterization of her relationship with Laundrie.
Lots there to digest for sure. Thanks for finding it.
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