Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #50

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I more or less said all this last night and the remarks below are MOO.

If you follow the "Brian is off the grid" timeline, he went missing before she was found dead. If he stops a stranger just off the AT and mentions that he is trying to get to California to see his girlfriend who he's had a fight with - in order to reunite - he is establishing a weird alibi of sorts. If and when he is found he can collapse in a heap when they tell him she was found dead. "OMG, she's dead? She said she wanted some time to herself and took off to California so I went back to Florida. She was unable to drive the van so I thought she had hitched a ride with some fellow campers. I left my parents' house because I was so distraught/depressed and the only way I could heal was going solitary/off the grid."

Again, my opinion only.

I think he realizes he can't run forever and he may think he can control the story, just like he did with the DV stop in Utah.
That is an interesting theory. He did leave before her body was found. He left his wallet and phone, he could act like he did think she was in CA. He could make up some hare brained story about hiking to see her and then someone randomly sold him their car. I’m thinking he is still in FL, but nothing would surprise me. On another page, for Sheridan Wall, there has been mention that Brian could have killed her! That is another very bizarre case. I don’t see that as possible, but I also didn’t see how a young adult could drive home from Wyoming without his fiancé and ghost her family. I don’t see how he snuck out of the house when the media and police were watching. Nothing makes sense, so I am over being shocked at anything.
I don't think Brian's parents are stupid as others have stated. I think they know exactly what they're doing with regard to their "lawyer".

I can imagine they've had a number of offers from lawyers more experienced in this area who would like to represent them. This case is all over the media so I'm sure there are plenty who would love the exposure. Good or bad.

So the question is, why are they sticking with this one?............
THey went with him because they knew him from a previous life in NY and the fact he was in NY was attractive as it split the news media and of course the police in NY had to speak to him and then relay that to FL which also muddies the waters. Now it is a FED case ,that don't work so well.

Does Bertolino have contacts in the RE world where BL might be hiding out... you never know. He sets himself up as a RE lawyer. Attached is a photo of what I hope Brian looks like in 3 months or so (but without the Dustin Hoffman head of hair),



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In her position, simply for proximity, having seen him in September, and having made a public statement, she should consult with an attorney, at a minimum.

Even if she is absolutely true and honest and knows nothing, an attorney can help sort that out with LE/any prosecution so tgat she does not wind up being dragged into something she may have no actual role in.

Being innocent is great; being innocent and not being charged with anything is even better.
I agree. It's always smart to have an attorney, and I guess we don't know that she doesn't have it, just that it's not SB. The point I was making was that SB would be representing her if she was involved, so we can conclude that she's not.
men hiding in the wilderness, but they were 7 years and 5 years respectively.
Gabbys family might want to become active on hiking websites (if the case goes cold) and van travel websites keeping BLs photo and WANTED info active.
Eventually someone will run into him if the WANTED information and PIC stays fresh. Even if he hides out in a homeless camp etc, eventually he will travel and hike. That’s in his blood.
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I’m actually seeing 2 California’s in NC.
Wow, my home state has some interesting history to share! I can assure you that there in NO California town on Roanoke Island, NC. However, there is an area where numerous former slaves came after the Civil War to form a Freedman’s Colony that they called California. It is basically a housing development where the land was divided amongst 11 lots.
As I said, questionable /on the edge. But not engaging local counsel or someone with extensive experience is somewhere in the vicinity of negligence in this particular situation.

*I'll also note I've said a couple times somewhere in this avalanche of posting in the last weeks that I wonder if he's consulted with other attorneys with experience /local or Federal criminal knowledge and is keeping them in the background to try to tamp down speculation, etc. There's no requirement to disclose representation or informal advice-seeking, so there's no way to know. I respect that. But if he's flying completely solo on this...ugh. I suppose it isn't really ripe unless and until it comes to court appearances, etc. But I sure would not be comfortable, ethically or morally, as a NY real estate /occasional crim representation/local litigation attorney, in acting as the Ls' sole attorney at this point in the game.

My feeling is once BL is arrested, this attorney will go away and they will have to hire someone else; or if no funds are there he will get a public defender. But the family will likely need criminal defense attorneys also. So I don't think Bertolino has done anything wrong or unethical yet. His only criminal defense knowledge is traffic, DUI and Assaults, per his webpage. So I actually agree with you about skating on the edge of unethical, but not yet crossed that line. I actually posted about this earlier. Then I reflected, it's okay that he is like that because I want these people brought to justice. And I don't think his incompetence rises to the level where the family could use that as any sort of defense later.
I have a personal opinion on the whereabouts of BL. But I know its not the only possibility so I keep an open mind when new information comes in and don't discard it simply because it doesn't meet my personal narrative. I appreciate posters who can do the same thing. Here is my personal opinion.

I believe BL killed GP.
I believe BL killed himself in the Reserve.
I believe his parents didn't know he killed her until they learned GP was missing.
I believe that once he confirmed it to them they began efforts to preserve the life of their son by getting a lawyer involved.
I believe he really did go into the preserve to hide out once he was named a POI and before the media circus went into high gear at the house.
I believe on Friday after he left they found out somehow he offed himself or was going to so they contacted LE.
I believe LE thought they were looking for a body and spent so much effort at it because they knew they only had a limited amount of time before the conditions in their might erase all signs of him and then they would have an open manhunt forever.
I believe that the reason we don't see much of a manhunt anymore even though there are supposed sightings, is that LE don't believe any of them and are only going through the motions to calm the local residents.

But I also know I might be completely wrong on all these points so I look at every new piece of information with my mind open for all possibilities. BL could be on his last mental and physical legs and will be caught soon, or he could be having the time of his life playing super-fugitive and laughing at all the crazy sightings. Or anything in between.
I like your interesting take on this. Where does the camping trip to DeSoto fit into your timeline?
True, but he needed the parents and he can rely on that loyalty. He didn't need the sister and it stands to reason that her loyalties would be to her children, not her adult siblings.

Well, if we can take a second to talk about fools, I will gladly volunteer. I feel like a fool. I believed her! I seriously thought "Okay, she really didn't speak to him because the attorney who (IMO and this is speculation) was retained before BL even arrived back home was already on the case and cautioned them seriously and severely "Don't talk to your daughter about ANY of this. Do not answer any questions. Do NOTHING. Keep her in the dark for her own safety and protection from exposure to potential criminal charges - including conspiracy. THIS was my thinking.

And, this made sense to me. It's a move I foresaw coming. So, I actually believed her! I feel like an idiot. Turns out that maybe I shouldn't feel like an idiot, the Laundrie family attorney should. Because him not doing this is very bad. MOO IMO
True, but something went afoul. She became a rushing river of worldwide, all inclusive, benevolent love-healing - while he was digging a hermit pit one spoonful at a time. When he extended his hand to her and asked her to jump in with him, she replied no - I want to update my blog! Talk about 7 wasted years. Brian, with all of his talk of joining the void, couldn't kill what was innate within her - being a fully liberated, lover of everybody and every thing, world hugger.

Its rare for a partner to slaughter someone for not tidying up a van or asking you to wash your dirty feet. More often than not, women are killed, because their partner believes their own plan's needs and beliefs have been left knifed and bleeding by their decision to

"Well, as it turns out, I don't want to live in the woods and fry grubs and grass for breakfast. No, I don't want to become a yin yang, two-headed, invisible Brian monk clone in the wilderness. I want to encourage people to love their earthly home. I want to teach millions how to love their planet! On the web!"

Holy s*** Batman! Talk about betrayal. He's fighting to capitalize on his cure for a lifetime feeling of rejection (no real history of close friends) with his self-concocted philosophy of hermeticism. She's peeled away adolescence, resisted his indoctrination and arrived naked and resplendent as a freed prisoner. Talk about being shown up as a failure. Your first class project, your first convert to the religion of Brian is a flop. She just won't knuckle under. Seven years of educating, cajoling, tolerance, even the occasional beating - in the crapper.

Gabby probably said her last no shortly before just saying it incinerated the last particle of Brian's hope for an unfettered, completely detached, naked romp away from responsibility - with vaginal benefits. She said no. No, she's REALLY done with him this time. No, she can't live to empty her entire self out into the insatiable well of his empty, sorry soul. No, I'm tired of you being mean to me. No, I'm tired of being belted instead of talking it out. No, just no.

The match was lit, as so many of them tragically are, and he exploded. How he exploded remains to be seen. He's handsey when riled, so I suspect he strangled her. So, if anything, the brainwashing program backfired on that dry creek bed and she paid the ultimate price. And, to prove her right, he's STILL running away from responsibility, thinking only of himself.

Just a note of appreciation on your writing style and syntax. No doubt you’d make quite the novelist!
I wish, then, that the parents hadn't just said (in the past 3-4 days) that they believe he's still alive.

Is this just wishful thinking on their part? If so, I wish they'd acknowledge that.

I think suicide is the simplest explanation. But LE must be just as confused about it as we are. They are in fact actively checking out these new leads, so there's that. But as time goes on, I predict sightings of him will peak and then wane. If he is still alive, he'll eventually make a misstep and will be found, but it could take years.

I don't remember the name of the (new) poster with the excellent information about the longest running manhunts in the US that involved men hiding in the wilderness, but they were 7 years and 5 years respectively.

I did leave room in my statement for the parents to fear greatly that he took his life, but not knowing for sure. They probably thought like many of us did that if was in there LE would have found his body. And now they just don't know.

That was interesting information about how long wilderness hunts can go. I was completely aware of the Rudolph case and because of my active presence on hiking boards back then I actually was following people posting about the capture almost as soon as it happened before it hit the media. Which was a lot rarer back then than it is now. Like many other posters have said though, BL doesn't have the extensive network of acquaintances in an underground organization to help him stay hidden.
IMO he got her so young her ideas of relationships developed around his craziness. She's been brainwashed by him since age 15???
No that's not correct. They knew each other in High School but didn't get together until a few years later. Her dad himself said in an interview she'd had a few boyfriends before Brian.
IMO he got her so young her ideas of relationships developed around his craziness. She's been brainwashed by him since age 15???

Ummm, you said it, @moonlessnight! Yes, indeed. We all have wondered why this smart, hard-working young woman, so well-loved by her family & friends, would spend a minute with this nincompoop, but you're right on target, IMO.
Brainwashed by him she was, from the get-go. And her habit, usually a good one, of trying to please, did not serve her well with this misfit, and he saw it and used it against her till her last minute. SMH.
She was one of the good ones. And she's gone.
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I agree. It's always smart to have an attorney, and I guess we don't know that she doesn't have it, just that it's not SB. The point I was making was that SB would be representing her if she was involved, so we can conclude that she's not.
I think, ethically speaking, his representation of both BL and the Ls (again, unapproved source supposedly of SB's text, so unconfirmed afaik) would be borderline. Maybe not presently, but potentially. And if, as some one said or postulated a few days ago, either BL or the Ls waived the potential conflict in his representation of both him and them, once that becomes an actual conflict (=their interests diverge), that waiver can't continue.

All that to say, I would hope he would not take on CL as yet another client. But IF he actually said or advised her that she doesn't need/shouldn't get her own counsel, he is (potentially, again, "IF") way out of ethical lines.
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