Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #57

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I seen some gator expert on a TV show say that a gator takes its victims down below the water to the earth's surface & whatever happens, happens down there. Not to be graphic.
Most alligator attacks here (South Carolina) happen at the edges of ponds and canals and other bodies of water. They lurk near the edges of the water and pull in small game (and sometimes small dogs and cats) and drag them under water. They don't really "hunt" on land or very far from their water territory. It's extremely rare for them to attack a fully grown human and when they do, most adults survive these attacks just fine.

They generally mind their own business around people and don't really bother anyone. It is kind of odd to see them strolling across a golf course or across the road, but they do. They aren't afraid of people, but they don't "hunt" them either. I used to visit Cypress Gardens up until a few years ago and always saw alligators swimming in the swamp alongside rowboats you could rent. They also hung out on the banks, sunning themselves with their mouths wide open. But they never actually went after people. I stopped going because of the relentless horseflies, not the alligators.
In the Suzanne Morphew murder investigation, Special FBI Agent Grusling did exactly that very thing with Suzanne's husband, BM. The Agent called BM one evening and said he'd bring pizza. BM told the agent, no, we're having steaks this evening so I'll just add two more on the grill.

BM was shocked when he was arrested. He told the Special Agent that he thought they were friends so why was he arresting him. :rolleyes:

Hence, you may be right about the FBI trying to establish a rapport with Mr. L during their excursion to the preserve with him.

Couls CL have refused? Could SB have told him not to go?
I agree, it's just plain odd -- guessing that BL's parents or SB were adamant that that was where he would be/or had started from -- but apparently (my assumption) nothing of any consequence was found, yet they continued to search. It's a big, big area, yes, so maybe that's just the way those type searches are conducted.
So where will they go next -- and to whom will the search be assigned?
Will there be another search?
Or will a Grand Jury be next?
I suspect that when this major search is called off that there will not be another search of such "excess" MOO

I find it kind of odd that they said they've found nothing at all yet still kept doing that major of search.
I would not be surprised if BL goes the way of Natalee Holloway. MOO
We already know, for certain:

1. The search continues, for several weeks

2. The search intensifies on some days and in some areas

3. The search methods are evolving (i.e. the mini-plane drone introduced just this past week, or Chris Laundrie on-site)​

Let's say NPPD is telling the truth, that nothing has been found in the Carlton. Then... what IS driving this ongoing search and dictating the above three (ever-evolving) elements?

At this point, as of writing, the known-knowns are:

1. The parents said BL was there

2. The Mustang was "ticketed" (confirmed) there​

I am so curious re: WHAT information beyond the two above points LE is privy to that keeps them there. IMO there must be more intelligence (although maybe not much more) warranting the scope of search in that area.

Despite, as they claim, "no relevant findings" yet.
We should talk survival skills. Please remember that the Moab body cam video informed us that the master survivalist managed to run out of the most essential element to maintain human life - water. He and Gabby were thirsty as heck, without stored water and no money available (remember, for the motel). The cops were stocked up. Why not the master survivalist? Huh. So, we're supposed to believe the guy who runs out of water on a good day among the civilized is going the Louis Pasteur route with water so foul alligators spend half their day out of it.
Then, there's the meat of the matter...or NOT the meat of the matter. As a holder of high environmental, vegetarian ideals, all animal life is safe from BL's appetite. Which leaves edible native plants he's willing to wrestle away from all animal comers. Imagine him yanking water plants out of the mouth of a lost and hungry, stray manatee. Well, hard times require drastic measures...ok...let's grab a fish with our bare hands, bite of it's head and go the sushi route. No campfire, because where there's smoke - there's Brian (literally). Above all, please remember that the lore and legend of this master survivalist begins with...him and ends with anyone easily buffaloed by him.

On to murder. Let's see if there's even a molecule of practical, survivalist, wisdom rattling around in the murderer's fevered brain. With the deed done, there's no effort to hide the body. No concern that birds of prey are drawn to dead things like bees to honey. No fear of circling scavengers screaming, "Something dead over here!" No concern a happy camper from down the road a piece is out and about collecting flowers, nice rocks, or, God forbid a human skull. A dead body can be sniffed out from a great distance, because it has the unique characteristic of smelling like a sewer has exploded somewhere in the neighborhood. Seasoned detectives claim the odor is seared into their memory like a branding iron. So, no effort to bury or conceal his handiwork. Very survivalist-like...not.

On to finances. Our murderer isn't as astute a financial survivalist as Warren Buffett. He doesn't plan ahead (see water). He's broke, but his victim isn't. His choice? Let's compound the crime. Let's grab the money, the card, the van...after all, she doesn't need that stuff anymore - and I do! Another bad choice. Surely, a survivalist understands the concept of escape. Is it off to the hills to live among the nameless wanderers of those hills who really don't care much about what you've ever done in your entire life? No. Our POI chooses hotfooting it to his last known address. You know, a place where noone would know to look for him. Shrewd. Maybe, you can even make believe the whole thing never happened! OK...let's mow lawns, clean evidence out of the van, walk around the neighborhood creating an alibi (what? she's where? I was mowing the lawn!), go for a family powwow (say goodbye to Uncle Bri!) and celebrate with a snootful of smores.

No, this person is unable to operate independently, because he makes ginormous errors of judgement. And those factors fly in the face of most of the BL survivalist myth and the tale being spun from guess which side of the saga. So, I believe BL is NOT communing with nature and NOT going it alone.

I wish I could give your well thought out post a thousand likes!!!!!

I agree with everything you said. I’m thinking that the reason CL didn’t seem concerned, and perhaps too light-hearted, yesterday when walking with LE in the park/swamp, was because he knew his son may have been there at one time, but is no longer there. He did not act like a father who was worried they may find his son’s body there either. IMHO …
On Banfield, an idea was quickly floated....
Maybe they took the dad out there to see his reaction on what he was
or was not about to see.
Interesting concept.
Because if you knew you were not going see a certain (awful) something
then you would be relaxed, talkative, not worried.
And so IMO, I would think... how would you know THAT?


oops, I didn’t mean to repeat what I said earlier so hopefully I’ve successfully deleted my thoughts
It’s interesting that the search warrant doesn’t state that Gabby’s last text message is from August 30, and that her last text was from the 27th. Does that mean they have definitive proof that BL sent the “No service in Yosemite” text?
It's what makes most sense to me at least. Even though people think he is a coward (me included) I also don't think he has the stones to serve a life sentence in prison.
Yeah, faced with a choice of dying out in the wilds, or serving potentially 60+ years in prison, I tend to think he'd probably choose the former.

A lot of people don't seem to get this, but BL is only 23 years old. Life in prison basically means his life is over. I don't have a hard time imagining him choosing death in the wilderness over that.
It’s interesting that the search warrant doesn’t state that Gabby’s last text message is from August 30, and that her last text was from the 27th. Does that mean they have definitive proof that BL sent the “No service in Yosemite” text?
That's a very good catch, Woods. I think it could suggest that they have proof about the date of her death. & so anything after her death was fraud/theft. & they probably also have IP evidence that 'Yosemite' wasn't sent from anywhere near there...
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It’s interesting that the search warrant doesn’t state that Gabby’s last text message is from August 30, and that her last text was from the 27th. Does that mean they have definitive proof that BL sent the “No service in Yosemite” text?
At one point I thought Nicole Schmidt said she was unable to talk about that text. I think it might have been during the press conference they gave as a foursome/family.
We already know, for certain:

1. The search continues, for several weeks

2. The search intensifies on some days and in some areas

3. The search methods are evolving (i.e. the mini-plane drone introduced just this past week, or Chris Laundrie on-site)​

Let's say NPPD is telling the truth, that nothing has been found in the Carlton. Then... what IS driving this ongoing search and dictating the above three (ever-evolving) elements?

At this point, as of writing, the known-knowns are:

1. The parents said BL was there

2. The Mustang was "ticketed" (confirmed) there​

I am so curious re: WHAT information beyond the two above points LE is privy to that keeps them there. IMO there must be more intelligence (although maybe not much more) warranting the scope of search in that area.

Despite, as they claim, "no relevant findings" yet.

The only thing left I can think of is they do have him on trail cams. Where are these cams? Nobody knows. If he hasn't booked and only went to the reserve, I'm not thinking he's survived unless he really knows about the edible plants or food there. smh in doubt.
That's a very good catch, Woods. I think it could suggest that they have proof about the date of her death. & so anything after her death was fraud/theft. They probably also have IP evidence that 'Yosemite' wasn't sent from anywhere near there...
Since there has been no proof of the content of the 8/30 text message. I do wonder if what it said is totally different from what we have thought so far. The other text has been referenced by the family but they are told not to talk about this one. Could be something incriminating for someone or something sensitive to the case. MOO
I’ve always thought he likely left her where she fell, more or less, and that seems to be the case. She was seen from Chopper5 and visible in early live footage. You could see hair and clothing so she wasn’t buried.

The campfire was very small. There wasn’t much to it.
Oh, wow. You could actually see Gabby herself? I'm surprised they showed that.
At one point I thought Nicole Schmidt said she was unable to talk about that text. I think it might have been during the press conference they gave as a foursome/family.
That is exactly what Nicole said. I can't find the exact video it was in though. I wonder why they can't talk about that specific text but can talk about the 8-27 text.
While this sounds bonkers (and complex for a novice fugitive, I'll admit), as I lay awake at night thinking of great ways to elude authorities, I can't help but imagine how chaotic this strategy would make the hunt.

Good to see that somebody here shares my favorite pasttime.

(I kid, I kid).

(Actually, not really. I'm a writer, so I'm constantly thinking of weird ways to do exactly this.)
Couls CL have refused? Could SB have told him not to go?

Absolutely, he could have refused. CL has the right to refuse to answer any questions by any investigator including the FBI. We, including CL, have the right to remain silent even to the FBI.

We cannot lie to the FBI.

Martha Stewart lied in her FBI interview and was sent to Federal Prison. Martha did not do time for insider trading. The law she broke was Title 18-1001. It's the same federal law that Michael Flynn and Geo Papadopoulos broke.
We should talk survival skills. Please remember that the Moab body cam video informed us that the master survivalist managed to run out of the most essential element to maintain human life - water. He and Gabby were thirsty as heck, without stored water and no money available (remember, for the motel). The cops were stocked up. Why not the master survivalist? Huh. So, we're supposed to believe the guy who runs out of water on a good day among the civilized is going the Louis Pasteur route with water so foul alligators spend half their day out of it.
Then, there's the meat of the matter...or NOT the meat of the matter. As a holder of high environmental, vegetarian ideals, all animal life is safe from BL's appetite. Which leaves edible native plants he's willing to wrestle away from all animal comers. Imagine him yanking water plants out of the mouth of a lost and hungry, stray manatee. Well, hard times require drastic measures...ok...let's grab a fish with our bare hands, bite of it's head and go the sushi route. No campfire, because where there's smoke - there's Brian (literally). Above all, please remember that the lore and legend of this master survivalist begins with...him and ends with anyone easily buffaloed by him.

On to murder. Let's see if there's even a molecule of practical, survivalist, wisdom rattling around in the murderer's fevered brain. With the deed done, there's no effort to hide the body. No concern that birds of prey are drawn to dead things like bees to honey. No fear of circling scavengers screaming, "Something dead over here!" No concern a happy camper from down the road a piece is out and about collecting flowers, nice rocks, or, God forbid a human skull. A dead body can be sniffed out from a great distance, because it has the unique characteristic of smelling like a sewer has exploded somewhere in the neighborhood. Seasoned detectives claim the odor is seared into their memory like a branding iron. So, no effort to bury or conceal his handiwork. Very survivalist-like...not.

On to finances. Our murderer isn't as astute a financial survivalist as Warren Buffett. He doesn't plan ahead (see water). He's broke, but his victim isn't. His choice? Let's compound the crime. Let's grab the money, the card, the van...after all, she doesn't need that stuff anymore - and I do! Another bad choice. Surely, a survivalist understands the concept of escape. Is it off to the hills to live among the nameless wanderers of those hills who really don't care much about what you've ever done in your entire life? No. Our POI chooses hotfooting it to his last known address. You know, a place where noone would know to look for him. Shrewd. Maybe, you can even make believe the whole thing never happened! OK...let's mow lawns, clean evidence out of the van, walk around the neighborhood creating an alibi (what? she's where? I was mowing the lawn!), go for a family powwow (say goodbye to Uncle Bri!) and celebrate with a snootful of smores.

No, this person is unable to operate independently, because he makes ginormous errors of judgement. And those factors fly in the face of most of the BL survivalist myth and the tale being spun from guess which side of the saga. So, I believe BL is NOT communing with nature and NOT going it alone.

100% This!
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