Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #63

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He mowed it 9/13/21, and now he mows it 10/13/21, despite it being possibly the day when emotions are running the hottest since the day Gabby was found?
Why even go out there?
Is this some weird smoke signal or am I just losing reasonable perspective?
When life is upside down, people seek comfort in the mundane, the routine.
I suspect that's what he is doing as well. However, despite best efforts, his life is likely about to become even more of a circus.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I was watching it but I didn't see it.
I think it's likely that what covered her will contain a lot of evidence.
her shoes were off, she was wearing a sweatshirt. Maybe she was asleep and it happened in the tent? I think the tent is where it happened because I believe cadaver dogs would have alerted if she'd been killed in the van.
At one point I'd considered whether he had come home with her body and somebody else went back to leave it where it was located.
Just do not know how this guy ticks, no idea at all what he's capable of.

Were you the one that sent me the Aerial Photo of where she was found and where the van was? If not, someone did. Where that van was parked was a Verrryyyyyyyyyyyy long haul to kill her in the van and drag her all the way out in the woods and through a stream. I agree, I do not believe she was killed in the van at all. It was by a road cars drove by, as seen on the Bethune's video. It would've drawn attention. I strongly believe she was killed in the woods. JMO
I do not like how the L family has conducted itself throughout this case. I do not pity them for the media and protester circus they now inhabit as their actions, or lack thereof, have helped create those situations. MOO

I am also not a fan of their family attorney friend.

That said, sometimes mowing the lawn is just that. I don't find it offensive that Mr. L would mow his lawn. JMO
He may not have had a choice. His grass was nearly 1 ft. tall and you can get fined for that if you don't remedy it within 3 days of receiving a letter from the city.
And it wouldn't surprise me if his neighbors have reported his grass as needing attention. I'm sure most of them are weary of the entire situation. MOO.
As others have suggested, I think he was trying, in a clumsy way, to build an alibi. "I wasn't there! I told some people I went camping for several days! Someone else must've killed her!"

We do not know when Gabby was killed. The coroner could not narrow the date of death to a day or two or three even.

MOO. He either left for home right away, or rushed off on a walkabout. I can’t see him just staying there with her dead a couple hundred yards away.

That he takes these lone walks does give some credence to the possibility that he came back from one and found Gabby missing, then dead…..panicked and left the scene. No, I don’t believe it, but it is possible
This does a good job of describing legislative intent, which I mentioned in an earlier post. Those states which have adopted "choking laws" have done so because they recognize the likelihood of continuing violence, increasing in severity.

The counter-argument to that is "why are domestic violence sufferers more important than, say, the average joe on the street who is strangled by a complete stranger and survives?"

Wow-that is some counter argument…because people are regularly getting strangled by complete strangers in number that far surpass that of domestic violence victims?
Just playing catch-up but wanted to comment on this. I was watching Brian Entin’s lives earlier today and I believe that ChL wants to talk. Brian saw it too (as did other viewers). I think the right question might open him up. Or even a statement along the lines of “I know what your lawyer’s advised re talking to the press but any comment you can give would go a long way to making people back off & stop harassing you both” (or similar). He is sooooo close to wanting to say something, understandably.

I’m also feeling a bit more empathy towards the Laundries, for all we know they actually don’t know anything (hard to believe but not entirely impossible). It goes without saying however that 99.9% of my empathy is with Gabby’s family.
i would have a very hard to bowing to those people after the way they've behaved--as if their rights supersede the right of the Laundries to remain silent. I'm sure the Laundries are very beat down at this point, but if I were them, I would not give protesters or anyone else the satisfaction of any type of response--except maybe something that might be considered vulgar by some...
It's in this article

When KSL’s Chopper 5 flew over the crime scene that day, a photographer spotted the remains above ground, but covered, possibly by a blanket.

Hiking shoes were on the ground next to the body.

Wyoming coroner: Gabby Petito's cause of death was strangulation
So, does anyone know when the helicopter flew over if there were already people on the ground in the area? I am making the assumption they were. If that is the case, they very easily covered her with a blanket out of respect. Thus, Gabby was not found covered with a blanket. IMO
I thought I read some where in previous pages that he told CNN that it was by hands /thumbs.....I haven't watched the interview but it seems odd if that is correct he was asked about method and wouldn't or couldn't confirm. I realise that its strangulation by human but thats not what the question was.
Sorry but its all so weird to an Australian, the coroner going on CNN and hosting a media Q and A.
Im so unnerved by this whole coroner and media relationship, it's just not something that happens here .

It happens here, especially in high profile cases like this one.

The difference between the questions and answers in the press conference is Dr. Blue couldn't answer those questions in a official capacity.

In the Anderson Cooper program the Coroner's report was released under the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) and it listed cause as manual strangulation. Since that was released he was able to talk about it, jmo on the release vs not released prior.
I think.he's alive!
Brian, is that you?

Even couples with longer, stronger relationships have trouble while traveling, for reasons you point out. It's one thing for a partner to grumble about food at home or be impatient or crabby. But, in public, well...most of us would not like or enjoy that at all. I bet that meal at Merry Piglets was one of their few restaurant meals on that trip. They were both losing their grip on normal social relations (whatever happened in Moab, both of them were there and involved, and it was embarrassing for both of them, and I think Brian in particular got freaked out).

My own intuition says that Brian went home to FL for a cooling off period and it's possible they "broke up" at that point. I have no idea what transpired next. If BL came back initially just to drive the van home (which is possible), then somehow, they got back together and decided to push onwards with the trip (which was supposed to end in Portland, and where they were thinking of wintering on an organic farm, as is possible near Portland).

Most DV victims where there is low level violence and lots of drama do not sense or believe that a huge act of violence is right around the corner. We who follow true crime have a very different view, I think. I think Brian's mind was running on fumes (and bald tires). So I think she brought up the Merry Piglets incident back at camp and it went from there. Indeed, the amount of time Brian had spent away from home was so small that he might not have been able to judge his own emotional capacity, and Dad/Mom had always been there to rein him in or advise him to cool off.
I agree with your assessment and it brought some thoughts to mind: We've seen that Brian is someone who seems rigid about following his ideology. Example: the "no plastic water bottles" even in a situation where they really needed water and were offered some by the cops during a nonstandard and stressful encounter.

(I'm talking about positive ideologies, like environmental values and commitments to live a low-footprint lifestyle, or to eat healthy, exercise, etc. Not religious ideologies or others based solely on one person's opinion.)

I've been in a relationship with someone who was strongly ideology-driven in this way, and to an extent I am as well, so it didn't feel like a downside to our relationship, even when I was pressured by my partner. I interpreted pressure or chastising by him as me being 'weak' and tempted to compromise my values, and him holding strong and supporting me in sticking with my values.

In fact I believe that kind of support is a major plus in many relationships, and that there is a gray area in the middle in terms of whether the rigid person is offering support or whether they are being oppressive and controlling. Personally I think the path to staying on the healthy side of that line is communication and respect, so that any input is known to be welcomed. Unfortunately too many people don't hold to high standards of communication or of respect, just in general and MEO/MOO.

I can easily see BL being this sort of rigid about his values, and that being the primary source of his criticism of everyone else including GP. And if GP saw BL's beliefs as worthy values, then she could have had a much harder time seeing his oppression/domination/control for what it was.

Were you the one that sent me the Aerial Photo of where she was found and where the van was? If not, someone did. Where that van was parked was a Verrryyyyyyyyyyyy long haul to kill her in the van and drag her all the way out in the woods and through a stream. I agree, I do not believe she was killed in the van at all. It was by a road cars drove by, as seen on the Bethune's video. It would've drawn attention. I strongly believe she was killed in the woods. JMO
I didn't send you anything.
The imprint of a tent was beside her body, the remains of a campfire, her parents stated this in the Part2 Doc Phil interview.
I wonder if he packed up the tent right away and headed off walking.
I also wonder if he realised , somewhere along the road that he had left significant evidence back at the scene of her death and had to return in order to get it?
That's just meandering thoughts from me , based on nothing but speculation on the hitchiking trips he took.
He was so desperate to get it, he offered somebody $200, just for a ride? Was he panicking at that point?
We do not know when Gabby was killed. The coroner could not narrow the date of death to a day or two or three even.

MOO. He either left for home right away, or rushed off on a walkabout. I can’t see him just staying there with her dead a couple hundred yards away.

That he takes these lone walks does give some credence to the possibility that he came back from one and found Gabby missing, then dead…..panicked and left the scene. No, I don’t believe it, but it is possible


If he's ever found I think this will be his defense/story.
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He may not have had a choice. His grass was nearly 1 ft. tall and you can get fined for that if you don't remedy it within 3 days of receiving a letter from the city.
Funny though, cuz they don’t seem all that worried about fines or laws.
IMO it was just another thumbing their nose at whatever else might be going on in another family’s life. The Petitos were traveling to get their daughter’s remains, and well darn it, he HAD to mow his lawn. Could they show any less care?
I thought he was supposed to stay neutral, but he has formed his opinion regarding who he thinks killed Gabby. The problem is, when did he form that opinion--before, after, or during the autopsy? I understood him to say that the cause of death was not easy to determine and they spent a good bit of time to fond it to be strangulation. His mindset of DV could possibly be considered a "contaminant", IMO.
I think his wording was 'it was his assumption' . I agree, he should not have said anything at all (nor should he have held a press conference when a press release would have done).
Right; a pathologist is actually a medical doctor-in some places the coroner doesn’t necessarily need to be.

Wow-that is some counter argument…because people are regularly getting strangled by complete strangers in number that far surpass that of domestic violence victims?

Here are some recent examples:

1. Ex-con busted for choking, trying to rape stranger on NYC subway - New York Daily News (

2. Stranger accused of choking 7-year-old boy on Upper East Side, telling him ‘I’m going to kill you’ (

3. Woman says stranger attacked, choked her while she was walking home from work · NewsKudo.

Why are you so upset at me for stating the obvious counter-point that all persons matter?

ETA: it isn't as if I don't think what happens to DV victims is terrible, or that Gabby's death is justified
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