Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #83

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One thing for me: BL is gone by his own hand -- he was spoiled, immature, lazy, and mean-spirited -- all, of course, my opinion. I think he enjoyed pushing sweet Gabby around, knowing she was miles ahead of him in brains, spirit, artistry, drive, all those positives. He was jealous of her, IMO.

After he did what he did (IMO, he killed her), he knew he was in Big Trouble, so he chose the path that someone of his ilk would choose -- the coward's way out. I must say, however, that suicide can't be easy, but it's what he chose -- the lesser of two horrors for him. That act just puts the period at the end of the sentence for me. He is gone; he is done.
He won't be tried by a jury, that's so, and we will indeed miss the trial and miss whoever will defend him. He judged his options and gave himself the death penalty -- his decision. The End.
I'm moving on, with much regret and sorrow for what Gabby's family and friends will have to endure for the rest of their lives.

Could not agree more!
Maybe some kind of evidence has come to the feds or someone else that gives the US attorneys office options of charging someone else.

That's kind of my thinking. That's really the first time there's been mention of possible charges against additional people outside of speculation by MSM and the public. It could be absolutely nothing, but it made me wonder of he indirectly confirmed there may be more answers than the public even realizes.
The final blow to the Petito family....he chooses to deprive them of closure. They, and everyone else, already knew he did it. What closure is the Atty referring to?


Although I will still look carefully at the "proof" of suicide as I mentioned above.
They want closure? They can face Gabby's family and speak to them in private. That's how they could give Gabby's family closure. IMO MOO
Can any of the LE officers or attorneys on the thread explain why the Ls turned their firearms over to the FBI when they reported BL missing? If Ive got my dates correct, the misper was filed 9/17, yet GP’s remains were not found until 9/20, and the warrant for BL was dated 9/22. Does anyone understand under what authority the Ls relinquished their firearms?
I also am having a hard time understanding not alerting the public that BL may be armed, or the fact that a search did not begin until 9/18.

other thoughts to consider?
Is there a possibility a suicide note was left in the L home when BL left on 9/13?

Could BL have transported the weapon with him in Aug when he returned to Wyoming? That might explain the illogical $$ spent on airfare and a hotel In order to save $ on a possible month long storage expense.- as per SB.
I'm curious about the removal of the guns too. If they belonged to CL/RL, it seems unnecessary for investigation related to GP. It also seems like L's could say, "We're missing ___ gun. It's possible he took it or he did take it with him," and that's that.

I thought, and may very obviously be wrong, that LE would only take items if they had potentially been used or obtained in association with some criminal activity.
One does not 'accidentally' strangle someone. It takes several minutes of holding the chokehold on someone to strangle them.


EXACTLY. Plenty of time there to evaluate what you're doing and decide to stop killing someone. Trying to paint this murderer in a sympathetic light is highly suspect. We're pretty smart here at Websleuths.


EXACTLY. Plenty of time there to evaluate what you're doing and decide to stop killing someone. Trying to paint this murderer in a sympathetic light is highly suspect. We're pretty smart here at Websleuths.

There's case law to support this. I've got a post somewhere I can dig up, if needed.
That's kind of my thinking. That's really the first time there's been mention of possible charges against additional people outside of speculation by MSM and the public. It could be absolutely nothing, but it made me wonder of he indirectly confirmed there may be more answers than the public even realizes.
Not impossible IMO.

Maybe there was communication between BL and his parent(s) or someone else before and after Gabby's murder that could have led to that statement.
Hard to say with any certainty, we may never know. Can't say i'd feel bad if RL or ChL or even CaL did some jail time if evidence is found that implicates them in some wrong doing.
He ran home because mommy and daddy always
"made things go away"

Gabby wouldn't have been found WHEN she was found if it wasn't for the traveling RV family.

I think that he figured GABBY would not be found and he ran home to get away from the "problem" he caused.



People keep stating the bolded claim as fact. Does anyone have any documented evidence to back up that claim? What are the L's supposed to have done for BL in the past? Just what are they supposed to have made "go away?" I've not seen any evidence other than the fact BL lived with family or in a family-owned condo so they apparently made paying rent go away. But the same could be said of GP. At 22, only a year younger than BL, she'd never paid to rent her own place either. (And according to research, in the US these days, the majority of those under 29 live with parents anyway.)

A majority of young adults in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression
I feel the same way. But, then again, several public statements on behalf of BL and the Laundrie family have struck me as insensitive, ill-worded or, at the very least, ill-timed. It could just be that SB himself is not the best wordsmith, nor particularly skilled at the PR side of his job? All JMO.

or lacks empathy for fellow humans.
quick question for those still following this thread. I was here up until the remains were identified as Brian. At that point I resigned myself to the fact there were many answer I won't ever get. What would give you all, my fellow members, closure in this case? Usually we get prosecution, a trial, a verdict, etc. Those things all usually help people move forward/on. But in this case, we have a victim, a suspect, both dead. In a long drawn out apparent murder/suicide situation.

I see some saying where's the gun? I questioned that too. More than likely buried in mud and muck or stuck beneath some debris or storm damage. If the gun were found would that give people closure? Somehow I doubt it. Those who theorize that the L family helped hide him, were in contact with him while missing, etc. will never move from that theory. So what brings closure for those folks? There will be no prosecution of the L family for their lack of cooperation while Gabby was missing. So what else?

I am not being snarky, just genuinely curious about my fellow members and what will offer them closure.

Personally, I would just like to know what the FBI knows. How they knew to keep looking at the reserve instead of moving on elsewhere. What does the notebook say? The FBI knows more than what was put out to the public, and I think just a release of all that information would help.
I was thinking from the point of view of Gabby's family - would it be easier to go through a trial, or to have it end like this, with a gunshot to the head and a notebook with a letter? I think I would pick the last option. MOO

IMO, it's impossible to know what effect a trial would have had on the family, or even what the outcome of a trial would have been. In seeking "closure" (whatever that means) the outcome of the trial and the nature of the evidence brought forward would have made a huge difference. There will always be people who think BL is innocent because in our legal system people ARE innocent until proven guilty. That's just a fact and I agree wholeheartedly with the concept, but IMO it doesn't bode well for those seeking closure.

On rare occasions, people are charged with murder posthumously. IMO that will not happen in this case, but I've wondered if the Petitos might be pushing for it.
I was thinking from the point of view of Gabby's family - would it be easier to go through a trial, or to have it end like this, with a gunshot to the head and a notebook with a letter? I think I would pick the last option. MOO

It's easy for me to say this, but I agree with you that overall that not enduring a trial might be better...not having to see every bit of evidence and hear every detail about how Gabby had the life strangled out of her, not having to hear the opinions of so many people on Gabby, her choices, her love life, her finances, her work, etc. That all would be so painful

I imagine we'll know her family's take on it one day, though maybe there's really no such thing as "their take." Four parents may have very different thoughts on this.
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