You don't change your phone number and plan

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What I can't believe is that the A's didn't know Zanny, never saw her, never talked to her, didn't have a phone number, no address nothing

Now with all thats said about the A's and how much they loved Caylee, I believe that but for TWO YEARS the line about Zanny and Cindy or George had nothing?

THAT is unbelieveable

If this was just a drop in nanny at an established daycare or something I could believe that perhaps they didn't know details about the nanny. I had a woman who used to come to my house once a week to watch my daughter for a few hours so I could run errands, because my husband traveled alot. My parents lived here in town and never met or talked to her. All they knew was her first name.

But...and there's a BIG but...the woman that came to my house never left the home with my child. Ever. I would never allow my daughter to have been taken to places like the beach, Universal and Disneyland by a nanny. I just wouldn't...too many things could happen. I can't believe that Cindy and George didn't try to learn more about a woman who apparently spent a consideral amount of time with their granddaughter. But all the places she supposedly took Caylee should have prompted them to learn more in my opinion.
Perhaps there is another angle to the cell phone numbers and plans changing. As the fake nanny kidnapped children (because she did watch others too), she would get a new number and plan so she couldn't be tracked down. So by all accounts (according to KC) there are several other children in her care that we should be concerned about???? Of course JMO and attempt at humor.
My wife and I played a game of trying to name one person we know that no one else knew. We couldn't do it. There was always some sort of connection, some one to verify that the person existed. It's idiotic for Casey to expect anyone to believe that there was a Zanny the Nanny and no one else in the world had ever met her, nor could she produce a valid phone number or address or even produce a person that had ever heard her talking to said nanny on the phone.

In addition, if there were a "Zanny the Nanny", someone would have ratted her out already. A neighbor, the dry cleaners, the pharmacist, the bagger at the grocery store, the mail man, her ex boyfriend, someone would have called and said "Yeah, I've got this neighbor and she said she used to live in Florida and used to work as a nanny, her name is ZFG and I think it's the same person that their talking about in the Anthony case"

I hope JB sticks with the nanny story, it will be entertaining to watch. Maybe his residuals will increase with all the air play that would get. :rolleyes:
Since it seems "Zanny" is only a figment of Casey's imagination, it's no surprise she was making excuses to LE for not having her phone number. Most people wouldn't just rely on their SIM card memory to contact the person who is taking care of their child ~ they'd have the number written down and also give it to a family member in case of an emergency. MOO

Exactly!!, I find these lie scenarios intriguing where KC wriggles on the hook but she overreacts and provides too much info (TMI), such as Zanny's different plans. Doh!!!

It obviously worked for KC in the past with both her parents and friends that the added detail provided more legitimacy to the lie, at least in KC's mind -- I am not convinced that her friends did not see through it but just backed off, oh o.k. then.

If you look for times where there is lots of detail then it is a weak lie she is backing up or KC just makes a potentially specific statement a LOT less so.

Circles, clouds and, grey areas. Like going to work but providing a 4-hour time window.
My wife and I played a game of trying to name one person we know that no one else knew. We couldn't do it. There was always some sort of connection, some one to verify that the person existed. It's idiotic for Casey to expect anyone to believe that there was a Zanny the Nanny and no one else in the world had ever met her, nor could she produce a valid phone number or address or even produce a person that had ever heard her talking to said nanny on the phone.

In addition, if there were a "Zanny the Nanny", someone would have ratted her out already. A neighbor, the dry cleaners, the pharmacist, the bagger at the grocery store, the mail man, her ex boyfriend, someone would have called and said "Yeah, I've got this neighbor and she said she used to live in Florida and used to work as a nanny, her name is ZFG and I think it's the same person that their talking about in the Anthony case"

I hope JB sticks with the nanny story, it will be entertaining to watch. Maybe his residuals will increase with all the air play that would get. :rolleyes:

Of course you are right. It is so ridiculous - which is why everyone is angry with the A's because they insist on believing it. Or at least that is what they say publicly. I also hope he sticks with the nanny story - either one of them - LOL. The Sawgrass nanny or the Blanchard Park nanny. LOL. You know the state will present Casey's story - and poke holes in it right and left. The defense will have to try and defend it....or come up with some reason why she had to lie to police....because otherwise she is left as the last person to be seen with Caylee.
Oh trac...are you trying to say Casey was....sniff sniff...LYING? OMG. I guess next you will tell me there's no Santa....

LOL. :blowkiss:

LOL Oh I would never say that - yes there is a Santa! LOL
I think we've been arguing this point since the beginning and all pretty much agree - that who, and please a show of hands, know that a friend changes carriers and plans? Casey seemed to have known which friends (imaginary or ones that she hasn't talked to in years) have changed carriers and to what plans

If you move cross country or to another area code then yes you change your number - do you change your carrier? well maybe but if your moving to the next county than most likely not

EAch time I moved cross country I change my phone number - I've changed cell phone carriers twice - does anyone know this? my family? No, they don't care, they just want the phone number

So all this talk from Casey about Zanny, Jeff and whoever else and she knows what carriers, phones, etc. is baloney - it's all a part of more information so she looks like she knows what she's talking about

And the whole SIM card thing she was talking about? Ahhh baloney - OP is right - you have a sitter, you rely on your cell only? Nothing written down? I don't think so

The whole phone thing is stupid

Yes, it's incredibly STUPID.

The jury won't buy it.

Can't believe her parents do. They are the only ones (who aren't getting paid to).

That is why I cannot believe she is a sociopath.. she is too dumb. Sociopaths have very good reality contact. She would never have told such a stupid and easily debunked story. I think she is very immature and not terribly bright. I know that Caylee seemed very bright , she must have gotten that quality from her father.
Did your husband know this sitter? Or know of her? Ever talk to her?

Did you have some kind of paper trail? Did you have a phone number?

The point is, the A's, yes they loved Caylee - fo 2 years, supposedly this same person had Caylee - for 12 hours at a time - what if there was an emergency? How would the A's get Caylee? What if one afternoon they wanted to take Caylee on a picnic - how would they get her?

Just the thought, that for two years the A's never once talked to, saw, heard from, no paper trail nothing for this person who was basically, according to Casey, raising Caylee

And whats funny, George even told this to the FBI, Caylee never recognized Zanny's name

If this was just a drop in nanny at an established daycare or something I could believe that perhaps they didn't know details about the nanny. I had a woman who used to come to my house once a week to watch my daughter for a few hours so I could run errands, because my husband traveled alot. My parents lived here in town and never met or talked to her. All they knew was her first name.

But...and there's a BIG but...the woman that came to my house never left the home with my child. Ever. I would never allow my daughter to have been taken to places like the beach, Universal and Disneyland by a nanny. I just wouldn't...too many things could happen. I can't believe that Cindy and George didn't try to learn more about a woman who apparently spent a consideral amount of time with their granddaughter. But all the places she supposedly took Caylee should have prompted them to learn more in my opinion.
to the part i bolded...

That it is very unlikely that casey managed to have every phone number she would ever need to call on the phone she carried with her...except for her babysitters.

I don't think so.

That is why I cannot believe she is a sociopath.. she is too dumb. Sociopaths have very good reality contact. She would never have told such a stupid and easily debunked story. I think she is very immature and not terribly bright. I know that Caylee seemed very bright , she must have gotten that quality from her father.

bingo again

all LAW ENFORCEMENT had to do is go back thru all of the phone records of casey's phones which are easily aquired if youare LE and see if there was EVER a phone call or a text message to a babysitter

SURPRISE SURPRISE - to quote the killer

there will be no record of a babysitters phone calls

STICK A FORK in her she is DONE

or we will see a totally different defense at trial time

thats my guess... a totally different story at trial time

get your HIP WADERS on :)
I changed my number when I moved from Orlando to Raleigh in 2002. Since then I've had the same number. The only reason I would ever change my number again would be if I move out of the Raleigh area. If I had a kid of sitter age, my sitter's number would be in my phone, my mom's phone, my dad's phone, my best friend's phone, in my bedroom, my car, my office, etc. etc.

Honestly, that's one of the main things that throws a big BS flag in my mind. Phone records are too easy to get, and SIM cards are just too big a PITA to keep pulling out daily. Not to mention that when you pull the battery, you lose some programming and you have to program it over again.
Did your husband know this sitter? Or know of her? Ever talk to her?

Did you have some kind of paper trail? Did you have a phone number?

The point is, the A's, yes they loved Caylee - fo 2 years, supposedly this same person had Caylee - for 12 hours at a time - what if there was an emergency? How would the A's get Caylee? What if one afternoon they wanted to take Caylee on a picnic - how would they get her?

Just the thought, that for two years the A's never once talked to, saw, heard from, no paper trail nothing for this person who was basically, according to Casey, raising

And whats funny, George even told this to the FBI, Caylee never recognized Zanny's name

Yes - I had a paper trail because my sitter actually existed! LOL. But I can honestly say I don't think my husband ever met or talked to her either because he would have been out of town during the week. But clearly I could produce PROOF that this sitter existed. My daughter - who was actually younger than Caylee at the time - also talked about the sitter and knew her REAL name. And just think....she was only with the sitter a few hours, one day a week! :rolleyes:

The other main reason they should have checked on this nanny was because of Casey's history of lying. And how come if she had a job, did the A's not require her to pitch in with the household bills...or buy groceries from time to time? What did they think she did with the money from this great job? I frankly have my doubts that they believed any of her stories. I think that is why Cindy may have talked to the counselor about custody.
I totally understand! I had contracts and money trails to my babysitter AND my parents routinely picked up my kids for me

You say that you think that the A's probably didn't believe Casey - then why would they allow her to keep taking her out of the house for days if they didn't believe there was a sitter? So they put Caylee's life in danger for not taking action - cause where on earth was the baby half the time? Know what I mean???

This case has MANY MANY lessons - they should teach it not only in law school BUT in parenting classes!

Yes - I had a paper trail because my sitter actually existed! LOL. But I can honestly say I don't think my husband ever met or talked to her either because he would have been out of town during the week. But clearly I could produce PROOF that this sitter existed. My daughter - who was actually younger than Caylee at the time - also talked about the sitter and knew her REAL name. And just think....she was only with the sitter a few hours, one day a week! :rolleyes:

The other main reason they should have checked on this nanny was because of Casey's history of lying. And how come if she had a job, did the A's not require her to pitch in with the household bills...or buy groceries from time to time? What did they think she did with the money from this great job? I frankly have my doubts that they believed any of her stories. I think that is why Cindy may have talked to the counselor about custody.
I totally understand! I had contracts and money trails to my babysitter AND my parents routinely picked up my kids for me

You say that you think that the A's probably didn't believe Casey - then why would they allow her to keep taking her out of the house for days if they didn't believe there was a sitter? So they put Caylee's life in danger for not taking action - cause where on earth was the baby half the time? Know what I mean???

This case has MANY MANY lessons - they should teach it not only in law school BUT in parenting classes!

I know what you mean. I just think that they didn't believe all of what they now say they believed. They obviously new she stole money and was not trustworthy. I think they doubted she had a job at Universal, and I think they doubted many of the things she said she was doing. But Caylee was healthy and was coming back home every day - so perhaps that was enough for them to think she was ok. I seriously doubt they ever in their wildest dreams thought she would do something intentionally to her. I think perhaps they thought she was leaving Caylee with various friends when she said "nanny". Just like what Cindy was trying to tell the FBI.

Who knows. But she clearly never pitched in financially AT ALL. She clearly stole money - why if you have a job? It just doesn't make sense...and I have to think they knew it didn't too. That is why I am saying it makes it even more imperative that they check out the nanny story that Casey was feeding them. They didn't....and I don't get that. UNLESS - the nanny was something new. Perhaps something that she only starting talking about that summer? Do we have anyone other than the A's who has said that they heard her speak of the nanny prior to say 2008? Or maybe she didn't use the nanny story at all with her parents. Maybe she said "Annie"....and they are backing her up now. Maybe she told her friends it was the nanny, but not her parents because she knew they would want to know more about her. This case is so weird - who knows what the truth is anymore! :bang:
I totally understand! I had contracts and money trails to my babysitter AND my parents routinely picked up my kids for me

You say that you think that the A's probably didn't believe Casey - then why would they allow her to keep taking her out of the house for days if they didn't believe there was a sitter? So they put Caylee's life in danger for not taking action - cause where on earth was the baby half the time? Know what I mean???

This case has MANY MANY lessons - they should teach it not only in law school BUT in parenting classes!

Yes, George said in one of his LE/FBI statements that he had his suspicions about the babysitter because of Caylee's blank reaction when asked about the nanny. Puts a whole new light on things, doesn't it? Not only did they let Casey get away with her many lies, but they allowed Caylee's life to be endangered because they refused to confront KC.

I'm all for charging the grandparents with Obstruction of Justice but I also think they should be charged with Child Endangerment.

Caylee lived with her grandparents, in their home, so why weren't they being fully responsible for her well-being, they were responsible for her financially. This case is terribly bizarre. Casey may be the murderer, but G&C were certainly the enablers. Can you imagine those grandparents not knowing where to find Caylee if something happened to KC? If KC died, how would they find Caylee? KC and the baby lived in their house, how could they not have contact info for the babysitter?

About the question for this thread, yes, I've changed cell phone carriers three times and each time I changed my phone number. I've had the same number since Dec 2000. I'd probably change my number is I moved to a new area code and only so others wouldn't be charged long distance charges when they called me. My niece has moved to several states and kept her cell # each time. I've had friends change their numbers because of the area codes. No one I know changes carriers or phone #s like KC claims Nanny did, although a few years ago, my daughter changed her #s in a similar manner.

Kind of a useless considering there never was a Zanny or nanny in the first place. Non-existent nannyies aren't allowed to have cell phones.
I know what you mean. I just think that they didn't believe all of what they now say they believed. They obviously new she stole money and was not trustworthy. I think they doubted she had a job at Universal, and I think they doubted many of the things she said she was doing. But Caylee was healthy and was coming back home every day - so perhaps that was enough for them to think she was ok. I seriously doubt they ever in their wildest dreams thought she would do something intentionally to her. I think perhaps they thought she was leaving Caylee with various friends when she said "nanny". Just like what Cindy was trying to tell the FBI.

Who knows. But she clearly never pitched in financially AT ALL. She clearly stole money - why if you have a job? It just doesn't make sense...and I have to think they knew it didn't too. That is why I am saying it makes it even more imperative that they check out the nanny story that Casey was feeding them. They didn't....and I don't get that. UNLESS - the nanny was something new. Perhaps something that she only starting talking about that summer? Do we have anyone other than the A's who has said that they heard her speak of the nanny prior to say 2008? Or maybe she didn't use the nanny story at all with her parents. Maybe she said "Annie"....and they are backing her up now. Maybe she told her friends it was the nanny, but not her parents because she knew they would want to know more about her. This case is so weird - who knows what the truth is anymore! :bang:
Sorry... I still can't snip! However....I have to agree with her parents being so easily placated with what devil woman told them!
Who knows. But she clearly never pitched in financially AT ALL. She clearly stole money - why if you have a job? It just doesn't make sense...and I have to think they knew it didn't too. That is why I am saying it makes it even more imperative that they check out the nanny story that Casey was feeding them. They didn't....and I don't get that. UNLESS - the nanny was something new. Perhaps something that she only starting talking about that summer? Do we have anyone other than the A's who has said that they heard her speak of the nanny prior to say 2008? Or maybe she didn't use the nanny story at all with her parents. Maybe she said "Annie"....and they are backing her up now. Maybe she told her friends it was the nanny, but not her parents because she knew they would want to know more about her. This case is so weird - who knows what the truth is anymore! :bang:

I think I heard LP say once that puerto ricans wouldn't even pronounce the name as Zanny, it would be Sanny. And he also said he's never met one Zenadia that goes by the nickname Zanny.

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