Zanny's White Dog

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Casey told Iassen (sp?), IIRC in a text message that she planned on getting a new puppy when she got the house, didn't she?

Perhaps she and Caylee went to see puppies at the mall or something and told Caylee that soon they were getting a "new puppy" and that's what she was babbling about.
iirc one of the peeps at sawgrass did get a dog.....thought it was annie or someone like that....first time I heard pomeranian---thought it was similar to what the a's have....could be wrong...on overload of info....:waitasec:

The A's dogs are Yorkies.
Watching CA and Ga during that deposition was like watching someone skin them alive. I certainly understand why they were lashing out. This whole civil thing could have waited until after the trial. Then everyone will know the truth and ZG will be cleared, that is if there is one person in the whole wide world who thinks she is anyway

It could have waited and Casey's civil attorney tried to get them to wait but the judge ruled they could go ahead.
IMO Cindy feeds lines, remember when she fed KC the line of someone took Caylee by asking KC "who took her".

If Casey wanted everyone to believe there was a Zanny maybe Casey fed Caylee her lines.

Casey and Caylee see some dog in the park or on the street. Casey says, "Oh look Caylee, that's Zanny's new puppy."

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Originally Posted by
puppy good questions.....

I believe cindy a. Said she knew zg existed because caylee would talk about playing with zg puppy...time frame must be guess is it is annie d. Dog when she lived in apt at sawgrass with dante and was kinda bff with annie at some point

Oh and the dog that you are mentioning here is a Dachshund and she is mine... Annie now has a Bull Terrier

Annie "now has a Bull Terrier".

So both Annie and her Sawgrass neighbor had dogs.
Trying to piece together that Cindy told Morgan that she specifically asked Caylee about the white dog, asked her if it was Zanny's.
Of course this could very well be a lie. But why? Why would Cindy ask Caylee if the dog was Zanny's? What brought it up? Why Zanny?

Of course the baby could have said yes just to say yes (my daughter does this a lot) but the fact that Cindy said she asked Caylee whose dog is it - is it Zanny's?

Makes alarms go off in my brain. I don't know why.

I've been away all week and missed yet another doc dump...I am trying to read thru all the threads before posting but I had to jump in her LOL

bold me
Why would Cindy believe at this point the Zanny had dog story to be true?? If she even believes it, or else she is creating diversions, lying...we can't go ask Caylee about what she said so it's Cindy's words against the world.
Let's go back to one of the July video visistations when Cindy asks Casey who's house was it in the picture with the drums? Casey had told them it was Zanny's but it turned out to be Ricardo's.
I don't believe Cindy is telling the whole truth IMO.

And can't this woman ever, and I mean ever, stop chewing gum like a horse.
It truly makes her look horrid, as well as it is rude beyond measure.

Okay I will now keep reading thru the threads LOL:)
IIRC, alot of the "puppy" stuff got even more played out when they had the "Caylee sighting" at the airport, when the lady was talking about Caylee playing with their dog in the terminal boarding gate area.
The photos you are referring to were off the meter man's phone. His dog looks nearly identical to the Anthony's dog only with the body hair cut short.

My experience with toddlers is they would say white for any fairly light color near white and every dog is a puppy if it is fairly small. But if she was saying new it probably was a puppy or at least new to the person.

Maybe now CA is trying to throw RK under the bus, as well, with "the white dog" / Zanny / Caylee aspect.
IIRC, alot of the "puppy" stuff got even more played out when they had the "Caylee sighting" at the airport, when the lady was talking about Caylee playing with their dog in the terminal boarding gate area.

Yeah, made by that wackadoodle who just happened to be a Yorkie breeder.
Just a rumor, trying to find out info on whether this is true or not, but I read on another site that JG's parents may have a small white dog.

They had a huge blackish Rottweiler named Samson I think. He died shortly around the same time that Caylee did.:eek: NG show showed pictures of his huge, powerfull face up near baby Caylee all the time. It freaked me out. I love dogs but respect the breed and know a little about Rotts and Dobermanns.

Don't know about another dog they may of had or have.
They had a huge blackish Rottweiler named Samson I think. He died shortly around the same time that Caylee did.:eek:

Don't know about another dog they may of had or have.

That was/is the only dog the Grund's had. I don't know if they have got a new one since Sampson's death.

I am betting the Grund's white dog is a "TeamCayleeYukuBunch" crew rumor. They post hateful nasty things on the topix boards about Jessie and the Grunds.
or perhaps one of the Lk vag has been mentoned....I do recall ga stating that he tried to get Caylee to talk of "Zani" and she didn't---:waitasec:

ID stated he had a dog. I don't think he was babysitting Caylee though.
Whose dog is that in the cell phone pictures that were released this week? That looks to me like a small white shih tzu?

Also, even if Cindy is telling the truth, Caylee was 2 and a half years old- if Cindy said to her, "have you seen a white dog?" she could have just said yes because kids say things.

OR- we should look in the pictures of Caylee's room. Did Caylee have a white stuffed animal dog? Kids will call their toys "my bear" "my dog" etc and not necessarily say "my toy bear."

Isn't that CA's dog in the cell phone pic?
Why is this dog thing just now coming out?

bollocks, I say.
no way did caylee describe this dog. my daughter will be 3 next month and she can't tell me anything about a dog other than it's a "puppy dog"
she's of average intelligence and the only colors she knows are pink and yellow because those are her favorite colors.

kids that age aren't interesting in learning about the dog.. they just want to play with it. all they know is that it licks and bites.

i think cindy is full of poop. (shocker, i know)

There's a WIDE range of normal for kids this age and we don't know Caylee. At age *2*- as in, ON her second birthday- my oldest daughter could tell you there was a white puppy dog that licked and barked and made me laugh and we played ball and it tickled when the dog licked etc- my daughter's very verbal. I have met 4 year olds who barely speak in short sentences. There's just such a wide range or normal no one knows what Caylee could express (except those who were around her regularly)..
This entire family is "off the wall"; in need of intense therapy...Brother Rick seems to be the only one (and SP - in her own way) who seems to have trully understood the problems here...Dysfunctional, f'd-up but most clearly...vewy vewy stoopid. Impossible to imagine that these two people - adults no less (G and C) raised two kids!

ID stated he had a dog. I don't think he was babysitting Caylee though.

You never know! I once had a 'friend' much like KC. She'd stop by with starbucks coffee but politely call first from a block away. Next thing I knew, I was dogsitting for a short while which turned into 3 days. And she ignored my calls! Finally she responded when I gave an ultimatum (vm) that I was taking him to the animal shelter. I already had 2 dogs in a very small apt....poor lil pup but I was in no position to be her mommy!

These girls who 'Go KC' (my new term for it:bang::bang:) can be very manipulative....and what is one to do when left in charge of another's supposed most precious possesion. Narcissists are too self involved to notice such things.
There's a WIDE range of normal for kids this age and we don't know Caylee. At age *2*- as in, ON her second birthday- my oldest daughter could tell you there was a white puppy dog that licked and barked and made me laugh and we played ball and it tickled when the dog licked etc- my daughter's very verbal. I have met 4 year olds who barely speak in short sentences. There's just such a wide range or normal no one knows what Caylee could express (except those who were around her regularly)..

Cindy made it clear that all Caylee said was that she played with the new puppy.

Cindy asked her if the puppy was Zanny's and Caylee said yes.

She never said Caylee told her the puppy was white.
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