Zanny's White Dog

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snipped by me - watch this and tell me if you see a hint of a smirk on this woman's face as she nears the law office:

Then this: a legal analyst talking about CA -

It's in every video of her once she realizes the cameras are there. Even during her phone call with KC from jail - "which one? I did 4 and I've only seen 2".

I am not saying she wouldn't trade everything she had to get back that little baby whom I think she really did love.

But now that the baby is gone - there is nothing she can do - and she loves her notoriety, you can bet on it.
I did see these videos and I looked at them again.
Like I said they are not likable people. but I still say Cindy is not out looking for attention (not this kind).
I would hide under a rock, the attention she is getting is not positive at all.
NO I do not think she is seeking it, but I agree that she is not likable.
Lets agree to disagree on this.
Lets just drop it. :) it will get us in trouble.
Ok, I understand now. Thank you. Cute dog, buy the way.

Thanks for liking my pups.....again, I wasn't trying to be snippy, nasty or anything....I'm glad that maybe I got things said somewhat correctly.....:blowkiss:
Why is this dog thing just now coming out?

bollocks, I say.

Actually, I can remember an interview with reporters, where Cindy is outdoors in, I believe a parking lot, going to her car. Perhaps it was after a video visit w/KC....anyway, a reporter asked something about Zany, and Cindy's answer was that Caylee talked about Zany's dog. So it was brought up before. Does anyone else remember this?
This entire family is "off the wall"; in need of intense therapy...Brother Rick seems to be the only one (and SP - in her own way) who seems to have trully understood the problems here...Dysfunctional, f'd-up but most clearly...vewy vewy stoopid. Impossible to imagine that these two people - adults no less (G and C) raised two kids!


Bold mine.

Sad to only have to look at what they raised. :rolleyes:

OMG, if this situation wasn't so sad that would be funny.
I know many disagree but imo Casey's lying and stealing should have been nipped in the bud by her parents. They literally let her
get away with Murder

Bold Mine.

ITA, except to say that her parents literally "taught" her how to get away with murder, by their actions or lack thereof.
Actually, I can remember an interview with reporters, where Cindy is outdoors in, I believe a parking lot, going to her car. Perhaps it was after a video visit w/KC....anyway, a reporter asked something about Zany, and Cindy's answer was that Caylee talked about Zany's dog. So it was brought up before. Does anyone else remember this?
I do, I don't remember her saying Zanny's dog, I thought she said Caylee didn't talk about that, she talked about the dog (after she was asked if Caylee talked about Zanny)...I could have it wrong, memory is fuzzy. We have not heard a lot about this dog, it was never mentioned when she talked to LE, atleast not in the taped interviews. Thanks to Casey we don't really know if Caylee ever acknowledged this dog or Zanny, my guess is she didn't. George told the FBI, very clearly, that Caylee never mentioned nor showed recognition when Zanny's name was mentioned.
I was really hoping they would go into the exact conversation that it came up in....the "white dog" could have been anything to a 2 year old- a stuffed animal, something on tv, a figurine, even a drawing...
I agree! It's completely absurd to think Caylee, in her 2-yr-old semi-language, told anyone about Zanny's dog without speaking of Zanny. Ridiculous.

I *somewhat* disagree (though respectfully). My daughter has a severe verbal impairment- is also 2 years old. She would for sure not be able to say "zanny has a white dog", but if you ask her about her day, she can tell you "car, dog, outside". You can then ask questions to build on that and get kind of "yes" or "no" answers...Couple that with an emerging knowledge of colours....I could see, under the right circumstances where a story of a dog *could* have come out.

Of course, it all could have been Caylee's imagination as daughter swears there's a "baby owl in trouble" all day long because she saw it on Wonder Pets once :rolleyes:
There has been so much info on this case that it boggles the mind, but I believe I remember somewhere that one of the friends stated that they had a puppy that Caylee had seen, and IIRC, the timeframe fits perfectly. I'm too tired to go back tonight and look through the mountain of docs and interviews to date, but will try to check and see if I can link. I just swear I remember someone else saying that they or someone else had gotten a puppy because LE was asking about the puppy reference of CA's long ago.

ETA: And the person who the puppy belonged to was NOT Zanny!
Cindy may be alot of things but one thing is for certain....she loved Caylee. She was suspicious and asking Caylee questions. She knew (and still knows) that she wouldn't get a straight answer out of Casey. Don't hate on me for this. I do think Ca and KC had a volatile relationship, and the family unit shows signs of extreme dysfunction, but the bottom line is her mom's intuition kicked in....she knew something was wrong. She even told KC's friends that KC was a pathological liar. Despite what she says publicly or in depostions, she knows the truth deep down. I see a weary woman who's lashing out, not because she's ignorant of the truth, IMO she just wishes she could turn back the hands of time and do thing differently. Her frustration with it all has been evident from the beginning. I can't imagine what it would be like to mother KC.....I have to wonder if I would become detached from weariness......just thinking and typing.

You're not alone - I feel the same way and wonder the same things. . . Well said.

It's such a sad situation for George & Cindy. My first granchild ( a girl :) ) is due in 5 weeks - I just can't imagine the horror of something bad happening to her.
I have thought all along the A's were using the description of the jogger that was murdered in JB Park, Nicole G.

If you check out her website, you will see several pictures of her holding a pomeranian that appears to have quite a bit of white in it.
Bold Mine.

ITA, except to say that her parents literally "taught" her how to get away with murder, by their actions or lack thereof.

I respectfully disagree with you. Everyone makes mistakes in parenting - some worse than others. KC is an adult and, as such, is responsible for her own actions.

Sometimes 'good' parents have kids who grow up and become criminals. Sometimes 'bad' parents have kids who grow up to be productive members of society.

For example, I have a friend whose parents were professional con artists who made a living doing home improvement and other scams. They preyed mostly on elderly people. They thought others were put on earth to be taken advanatge of and swindled by them. This person would not take advantage of a fly, and she's always been that way - I've known her since we were kids.

I don't believe it's fair to blame George and Cindy for what KC did. JMHO
Please understand that I'm not excusing the behavior, she has been beligerant and certainly acts out in front of the cameras and none of her stories are straight. She is a forceful woman and I don't doubt the stories of the choking incident but could you imagine what it must have been like mothering KC? .......trying to piece together all the lies? It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn of alcohol abuse by CA and GA. I would like to think that I could force the truth out of my daughter, who is a sweetie, and not a monster. I don't know if one can force the truth from a monster tho.

If this story about her asking Caylee about the dog is true, then it means Cindy was fishing for information from lil Caylee! She was already seeing red flags and was suspicious. I just wish she'd step up to the plate for Caylee because no matter how much she runs 'interference' and sets up smoke screens along the way it will not help KC. Bottom line is when it's all said and done Caylee's death resulted from KC's irresponsible behaviour. MOO

It'll be interesting if any of the players have a white dog and how it all pans out.

Now that you mention the alcohol abuse... I can see that. Cindy is a nurse, so it is possible that drugs would be available as well. Could account for George's employment history. At this point I can't imagine how they could get through this without a little "help", maybe Cindy's gum chewing is to mask the odor.

Back to the dog... while I'm sure that Cindy was suspicious, asking about a white dog just doesn't make sense to me. Even if Cindy did remember asking Caylee about it and the little girl's reply you'd think that it would be significant because of Caylee's ability to describe the dog, not because the nanny had a dog. Not that it really matters because nobody, not even George or Cindy ever believed that Zanny took Caylee.
What about the "Zanny the Nanny" children's books? Could she have a white dog? I haven't seen the books.

Children do a lot of repeating of what they hear in stories, and often their understanding of what's real and what's fantasy is quite blurred. I've heard somewhat off-the-wall dialog from my nieces, and find out later it's from one of the Disney Pixar movies I hadn't seen.

My ladyfriend was walking our Papillon and our "little white" Bichon several blocks from our home when a neighbor's girl got all excited and piped-up and said "Oh... he's a Papillon like our neighbor's dog-- just like Fancy Nancy!" This is very unusual, because most adults can't identify Ziggy as a Papillon.

Her mother went on to say that Fancy Nancy is a story book character, so we went home and looked it up on Amazon, and it turned-out that in the story it was the Fancy Nancy character that had a neighbor with a Papillon-- not the girl. So we made a joke about it, and when we got a Papillon "Furreal" toy for the dogs, we named it "Fancy".

Anyway, the bottom line to me is that hearsay evidence of a 2 year old child with a mother and a family that has demonstrated a tendency to exaggerate and disemble, doesn't "prove" the existence of anything-- there's too much room for fantasy and "coaching".
I have an observation and a question, I think.

I have a son that turns two within the month. I was reading upthread about color recognition starting around age three. I guess I need to know in what context one sees color recognition, because N knows eight-ten colors on sight. He'll use them in conjunction with a noun. "Blue car." "Green book." So on and so on. I can point to colors in a book and he knows most of the common ones.

I say this not to brag about what an obvious and shining prodigy my son is (haha) but to add that I think he has to be within sight of that object to associate a color. I don't know if he'd see a red ball early in the day and be able to bring it up amidst babble later in the evening. If he sees a white dog, I think later it'd just be a dog. If I tell him to look for the [hidden] yellow car, he'll look, but generally be satisfied with A car, regardless of the color.

I'm not sure "white dog" means "white dog." It could mean ANY dog, really, and the breed thing is just ridiculous. Either CA is lying straight out her tucous, or she is saying KC told her about Zanny's dog and taking creative license with Caylee's account. She obviously buys whatever KC has to sell, and if she went to Caylee to verify KC's story, then maybe Caylee just agreed.

Also, kids at that age still sometimes confuse affirmative and negative responses. Nathaniel is obsessed with cars. Loves them. I can ask him "Do you want a new car?" and he'll get all excited and exclaim "NO!" Which means yes. Or shake his head when he should be nodding. Maybe 2.5 year olds are above that, but I wouldn't put stock in what a toddler has to say when it comes to hearsay evidence that could end up being somewhat crucial to this kind of case.

I don't know why, but that's what appalls me the most about this depo. I don't believe CA is telling the whole truth, and I find it repugnant to use Caylee in defense of her killer. Maybe I'm wrong and Caylee did say Zanny had a new, white, pomeranian-mix puppy, but I find that unlikely to the extreme. The inference was certainly that Caylee was the one that told CA about the dog, and I wish I could believe that.

Either way, it's not ZANNY'S dog. To quote Scully, "The [dog] is out there. You just have to know where to look."

I need more sleep.
Respectfully snipped:
I have an observation and a question, I think.

I have a son that turns two within the month. I was reading upthread about color recognition starting around age three. I guess I need to know in what context one sees color recognition, because N knows eight-ten colors on sight. He'll use them in conjunction with a noun. "Blue car." "Green book." So on and so on. I can point to colors in a book and he knows most of the common ones.

I don't know why, but that's what appalls me the most about this depo. I don't believe CA is telling the whole truth, and I find it repugnant to use Caylee in defense of her killer. Maybe I'm wrong and Caylee did say Zanny had a new, white, pomeranian-mix puppy, but I find that unlikely to the extreme. The inference was certainly that Caylee was the one that told CA about the dog, and I wish I could believe that.

I can't remember what my son knew as far as colours at that age...but I know my daughter who is just a hair over 2 knows probably 4-5 colours *most* of the time....She can remember colours of things she's seen.

I think it just really goes to context and I think without her being questioned on the conversation, it becomes hard to say...It could be that she was looking at a book and said "Zanny dog" or something...Or it could be that Casey brought it up and Caylee agreed....There are a hundred different ways it could have happened (if in fact, it did happen)

I too though and disgusted that she would insert Caylee as a defense for Casey. They're throwing poor Caylee under the bus IMO.
IIRC it is a Rottwieller.

Are you referring to the G's family dog (Sampson who died) or the dog that appears with Jesse in a well publized picture where JG and his dog are together on the couch? Couch dog is a Rott?
Long ago, someone (here?) thought they had seen KC and Caylee in (I think) a pet store (before she went missing), and they (the poster) had with them their white puppy (or small dog) that Caylee had been playing with. The poster (I think it was here, coulda been at SM) was concerned that her puppy was the one they were claiming was Zanny's. This was very very early on in the search. Does anyone else remember this?
Are you referring to the G's family dog (Sampson who died) or the dog that appears with Jesse in a well publized picture where JG and his dog are together on the couch? Couch dog is a Rott?

I found the pic you are talking about here and yes this could very well be a young Rotty. I have several friends that have them and not all of them are huge, mennacing creatures. Some are as small as my border/lab mix pooch in my avvy and they are very sweet, loveable family pets.
I could be wrong but I think I remember seeing a few pics with Caylee at the Grunds with a Rotty.
I have a dear friend in Cali who has a Rotty that is every bit a "couch dog" fact I have a pic of him curled up on the couch with me sleeping.
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