Zellner Tweets

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I don't like how social media is being used to tease and incite in this case. I realize Zellner is doing what many do and sure, it works, because people will buy it hook, line and sinker. But the public is not who she'll need to appeal to -- it's specifically the judges at the highest levels in WI who will make any decisions affecting Avery's case. Twitter and other SM tools are just the latest ways to posture to a mass audience. Posturing in criminal cases has been going on far longer than my existence. We saw it really explode in 1994 with the OJ case and it's grown from there.

My motto in criminal cases: Put Up or Shut Up. If you have the evidence then show it. If you don't, even if you think you might at some point later, then you don't. It's binary. And that goes for both sides, btw. Teasing is a ploy for an audience and it's manipulative. I'm not a fan of it in serious matters like this.

Zellner is better than this and she doesn't need to stoop to low levels. She's able to get enough publicity for her work--it comes down to making it happen where it counts--in the courtroom. I'm disappointed to see her pull a "Kardashian."

"Pull a Kardashian???" Really??? How on earth do you get a woman who is seeking justice for her client pulling a Kardashian? This woman has used the media to generate interest in her cases and has managed to exonerate 17 innocent people. I've read your posts and you are better than that!
Why should she show her cards now ?

She shouldn't. And IMO she should save the teasing and coyness, which is what is beneath her, as her case will be won or lost inside of a courtroom. In Ryan's case we already knew there was no forensic evidence linking him to the Heitholt murder and we knew he was convicted on 2 types of false direct evidence. In that case it didn't require proving who the murderer was. I'm not sure it's required in SA's case either.
"Pull a Kardashian???" Really??? How on earth do you get a woman who is seeking justice for her client pulling a Kardashian? This woman has used the media to generate interest in her cases and has managed to exonerate 17 innocent people. I've read your posts and you are better than that!
Yes really. Posting teasing & coy messages on Twitter is what is referred to as "pulling a Kardashian." It's a social media technique, utilized perhaps most effectively and most obviously by the Kardashians, to gain exposure and increase followers and generate intrigue. Sorry if you don't like the term, but it is a technique. That it offends you does not change the fact that the technique exists.

There's a difference between posting messages of support and updates to a case (ex. "we will submit our motions for new DNA testing to prove our client's innocence" and posting things like (paraphrasing here), "the real killer is right in front of your face. It's so obvious!" or "someone will be running scared as we start our DNA testing; can you see who it is?"
She shouldn't. And IMO she should save the teasing and coyness, which is what is beneath her, as her case will be won or lost inside of a courtroom. In Ryan's case we already knew there was no forensic evidence linking him to the Heitholt murder and we knew he was convicted on 2 types of false direct evidence. In that case it didn't require proving who the murderer was. I'm not sure it's required in SA's case either.

Well, I apologize because I have never heard the phrase "pulling a Kardashian" used before, let alone to someone as well respected as KZ. So anyone in this world who uses social media to generate interest is "pulling a Kardashian?" As important as those people feel they are, and regardless of how well they have used social media to their own benefit, they did not invent it nor own it. To compare a woman who has spent years studying, and years fighting for justice and is widely respected, to use such a phrase doesn't offend me as much as it offends anyone who might be compared to a woman whose fame is the result of the release of a disgusting sex tape where a man urinates on her. How anyone can use the name Zellner and Kardashian in the same sentence is just beyond me, but OK, you have that right. But it lowers my ability to see the relevance of many of your other statements, which generally seem to be well thought out.
My post contains what I actually said and no I didn't say (or mean) what you're interpreting. I don't understand the need to twist words into something else.

Zellner herself realizes she's crossing lines, because she'll post a tweet and then delete it within a few minutes or up to a couple hours. She's done this a bunch of times and the proof has been posted on WS by Missy1974.
My post contains what I actually said and no I didn't say (or mean) what you're interpreting.

You are a good poster. I just feel perhaps you used a poor choice of phrase. But we can move on.
I don't like how social media is being used to tease and incite in this case. I realize Zellner is doing what many do and sure, it works, because people will buy it hook, line and sinker. But the public is not who she'll need to appeal to -- it's specifically the judges at the highest levels in WI who will make any decisions affecting Avery's case. Twitter and other SM tools are just the latest ways to posture to a mass audience. Posturing in criminal cases has been going on far longer than my existence. We saw it really explode in 1994 with the OJ case and it's grown from there.

My motto in criminal cases: Put Up or Shut Up. If you have the evidence then show it. If you don't, even if you think you might at some point later, then you don't. It's binary. And that goes for both sides, btw. Teasing is a ploy for an audience and it's manipulative. I'm not a fan of it in serious matters like this.

Zellner is better than this and she doesn't need to stoop to low levels. She's able to get enough publicity for her work--it comes down to making it happen where it counts--in the courtroom. I'm disappointed to see her pull a "Kardashian."

I'm not seeing anything in Zellner's tweet's that change my mind about this case. It's more of how she "feels" about this case, not anything that actually supports her view that Avery was framed and is innocent in Teresa's murder.

Pure sensationalism in my opinion. I'm waiting for some evidence from her.

I'm not seeing anything in Zellner's tweet's that change my mind about this case. It's more of how she "feels" about this case, not anything that actually supports her view that Avery was framed and is innocent in Teresa's murder.

Pure sensationalism in my opinion. I'm waiting for some evidence from her.


I don't think Zellner is allowed to post too much as it would be considered libel at this stage and could jeopardise the case, which is why she's giving these little "hints"

She did say something like: "Whoever did ____ is either covering up or killed TH" but it was deleted because it indicated someone very clearly. (You can find the tweet on news sites still)

I really do hope she has a good case.
Zellner can post anything she wants on Twitter. It's only libel if it's an untrue statement being posted and damages a person's reputation.
I don't think Zellner is allowed to post too much as it would be considered libel at this stage and could jeopardise the case, which is why she's giving these little "hints"

She did say something like: "Whoever did ____ is either covering up or killed TH" but it was deleted because it indicated someone very clearly. (You can find the tweet on news sites still)

I really do hope she has a good case.

I think the only thing that could be jeopardized is Zellner's reputation if she comes up short.

I have no desire to look for deleted tweets. If it's something legitimate just go and post an approved link here.
I don't follow the Kardashians, I wouldn't know.

Maybe KZ is being obvious and doing to LE what they did to SA?

Giving everyone involved in the case a scare perhaps?
Singling folks out? Taunting them? Who knows?
She does =) ... She will show her cards on her terms.

Just because some don't like it, I doubt she cares.
Is it beneath her? Doubt she cares.

Maybe she's enjoying herself, I don't know.

I do know I'm enjoying MYSELF as she is obviously getting what she is looking for out of people =)

A reaction.

Yes really. Posting teasing & coy messages on Twitter is what is referred to as "pulling a Kardashian." It's a social media technique, utilized perhaps most effectively and most obviously by the Kardashians, to gain exposure and increase followers and generate intrigue. Sorry if you don't like the term, but it is a technique. That it offends you does not change the fact that the technique exists.

There's a difference between posting messages of support and updates to a case (ex. "we will submit our motions for new DNA testing to prove our client's innocence" and posting things like (paraphrasing here), "the real killer is right in front of your face. It's so obvious!" or "someone will be running scared as we start our DNA testing; can you see who it is?"
new tweet....

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw
Towel story:so unreliable barred; Molestation story:never charged. Prints & DNA ignored--all's fair in framing & blaming. #MakingAMurderer
New tweet...

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw
SA's former cellmate doesn't like him. That always happens when one guy is innocent and the other is not. #MakingAMurderer
New tweet...

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw
SA's former cellmate doesn't like him. That always happens when one guy is innocent and the other is not. #MakingAMurderer

Yeah and the cell mate pistol whipped his own grandma!

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New tweet...

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw
SA's former cellmate doesn't like him. That always happens when one guy is innocent and the other is not. #MakingAMurderer
Muddying up one, doesn't clean the other.

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Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 13m13 minutes ago
How long will the witnesses who lied at trial be protected by those who know the truth? #MakingAMurderer #TruthMatters #GrowAConscience

huh... well that's getting a bit more specific.... so we know that she thinks someone who testified lied.

it's like a game haha It's not family.... so who else testified that we think could be a suspect?

ST. (is he considered family now? )
RF (he was hanging out with Earl that day on the golf cart)
TP (her business partner)
JZ (I think more her husband, but he didn't testify, she did)
PS (no matter what we think of her.... I think we can all agree that they didn't kill TH)
MH ( I just don't think he had anything to do with it... maybe found the RAV4 before PS?)

ETA: bahahaha I wanted RH. to stand out.... but I didn't think it was going to be that big LOL
oh dang, I may have read that last tweet wrong.... she says 'witnesses that lied'...... I need to add all the LE/DCI/Lab people to my list LOL
Since there are several tweets that are posting and then seem to disappear, I thought I would start this thread for Zellner Tweets. Please feel free to contribute any tweets you may have saved.


I think the tweet above could be referring to LE that lied and others LE who have protected those lies --OR--

Friends that have lied to protect other friends or family.


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