ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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I'm not sure that's correct. Casey was driving Tony's jeep with NY plates at the time. Z?G had lived in Florida for years, there's no reason her car would have had NY plates.

Bottom Line: The court decided this case held water, enough so that Zenaida's Attorney was permitted to proceed with the suit and drag fca out of hiding to give a depo.
I think there is a AN OFFICIAL link about what car ZFG was driving when she went to Sawgrass Apartments, I could be wrong.
IMO ZFG has a case - I hope she wins - she deserves to win - Casey is not innocent
Bottom Line: The court decided this case held water, enough so that Zenaida's Attorney was permitted to proceed with the suit and drag fca out of hiding to give a depo.
I think there is a AN OFFICIAL link about what car ZFG was driving when she went to Sawgrass Apartments, I could be wrong.
IMO ZFG has a case - I hope she wins - she deserves to win - Casey is not innocent

Exactly. She knows she targeted this poor woman and that is why she is having to use the 5th. Guilty...
I did not say there was a link, I said we'd have to wait and see. From what I can tell, the information about Z?G riding in a car with NY plates originally came from LP (surprise, surprise) who told some outrageous story about it being Z?G's son's car and the apartment manager running out after the car calling, "Miss Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales???? You forgot to sign your application!" Of course Casey was sitting there in Tony's jeep (even though pings show her elsewhere) and took notes on the whole thing to use later in her plot to frame Z?G for Caylee's murder. I wonder why the apartment manager neglected to tell LE that he ran after Z?G in the parking lot. LOL!

LP is not a practicing attorney so he can embellish all he wants. M&M are attorneys and there are severe sanctions for filing false paperwork to the court. That does exclude mistakes that are made by the attorneys or their staff. I guess there was a misunderstanding because I thought the post was based on a statement of fact and that is why I asked for a link. So far I have not seen any information that ZG lied or that anyone from M&M has lied only that their first filing had errors in it and they refiled a corrected motion to the court.

Having worked for attorneys in the past, it does happen but I do not see where there was ever an attempt to deceive on anyone's part. Not ZG, not JM nor KM. jmo
My point is being missed entirely. No one is saying she doesn't have the right to sue because of her financial situation. She can not go into court claiming she lost her job and her apartment because of Casey because that is NOT true. If she has a valid lawsuit, why can't it be based on truths rather than on lies? Why is it okay for some people to lie and not others? Is it because they are 'against' Casey? Lying is lying is lying in my book, no matter who does it.

I HOPE Z?G does carry the lies into court and claim she lost her home and job as a result of Casey's accusations. Personally, I can't wait to see it. When the truth comes out, that she was unemployed and living in a motel at the time, having already been evicted, she's going to look pretty ridiculous sitting there with egg on her face.

BBM- this is a defamation lawsuit. I don't think it's right to say she's suing because of her financial situation. If that is what in fact is implied, I totally disagree. JMHO
LP is not a practicing attorney so he can embellish all he wants. M&M are attorneys and there are severe sanctions for filing false paperwork to the court. That does exclude mistakes that are made by the attorneys or their staff. I guess there was a misunderstanding because I thought the post was based on a statement of fact and that is why I asked for a link. So far I have not seen any information that ZG lied or that anyone from M&M has lied only that their first filing had errors in it and they refiled a corrected motion to the court.

Having worked for attorneys in the past, it does happen but I do not see where there was ever an attempt to deceive on anyone's part. Not ZG, not JM nor KM. jmo
This is just my opinion, but I don't see how M&M would help their case by using false information in their filings. Either they are inept or there is some basis in fact with this information.
I'm thinking they had to have had KC remove her glasses during the questions. I would think glare from lights in the room reflecting off her glasses would interfer with the video. jmo
The glare from behind the glasses would be even more unsettling.
All for attention imo. Oh woeful me, see what I'm being put through ... I even have to disguise myself. Why else would a disguise be necessary ... when everybody in the room already knows who you are!
Perhaps I have become a bit jaded by all the gameplaying all the lawyers have done since CA's initial 911 call.

I think M&M are in this for the publicity. I think they are using Z?G as a pawn. I think M&M promised Z?G a big payday, and they are banking on the public's hatred for KC to get them a win.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
...except that's not exactly how this went down.
As far as promising her a big payday, heck, I have yet to see an attorney who hasn't promised that (personal experience)...lol. Sad thing is...down the road when the case you were told you have suddenly is no longer the case, it's the plantiff who's left with nothing to show for the effort. I pray this doesn't happen to ZG. At least, her attorneys aren't in it for her money.
I can't help wondering how Z?G and Morgan hooked up. I can't see an unemployed, homeless woman seeking out a well known, high-priced attorney on her own. I'd like to know if Morgan contacted her.
Well meaning folks on a message board, I would imagine.
I was thinking about this deposition and still laughing about OCA's "disguise" and realized - you know - there is something about OCA that is just "off". Dr. Krop claimed she has above average intelligence - but I wonder if this is about the sociopathic personality. That idea of imitating a person with a soul but never quite getting it right....

Just for a minute - think about it...when in high profile cases do people wear disguises to testify in cases? When they do not want the public to know their identity or what they look like.

Well duh...This woman, her lawyer and her family has made a point of making sure every angle of her face, every expression she has probably made, including her reactions and the way she walks, how her voice sounds...we know it all.

So what's to hide? Some peeps have said - because her first "get out of jail free" pics haven't been sold. Well excluding the Ohio ones...but will those pics be a surprise? Would an interview have anything at all that would be new and different? Nope - same old same old. Sure fix that nose or those teeth or puff up the lips if you want....still the same old KC...

It's like she doesn't "get" it.....disguises are for people we have never seen, not her..this attempt was just plain goofy...we know how she reacts, what her face will do, how her body will look as her expressions change. A couple of superficial changes will never change that. So I think this was her very own high drama moment, that and she is afraid to face the general public yet, as herself, without the protection of the courtroom, or her lawyers....IMO
Her feeling a whole lot of self-importance if you ask me...that and the money...lol.
No, I'm just not idolizing her and I'm not ignoring the real facts simply because she's suing Casey. Reality is what it is. I'm not going to bury my head in the sand and pretend that Z?G is Mother Teresa when she's not.
Having never met Mother Teresa (heard she was a pretty cool lady, though)...what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Why? She's the perfect Monster!!!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::great:
Maybe a mask of Casey baring her teeth would be too frightening and scare little children to death???
Having never met Mother Teresa (heard she was a pretty cool lady, though)...what the heck is that supposed to mean?

Mother Teresa touched my hands many years ago during a walkthrough on one of her visits. It was one of the most spiritual and emotional experiences of my life - surreal in fact - and I'm not even an overly religious person!
NOBODY on either side of this case even goes close to resembling her.
This is just my opinion, but I don't see how M&M would help their case by using false information in their filings. Either they are inept or there is some basis in fact with this information.

Morgan is a far cry from JB. I don't think he'd risk his reputation over a lie. If the case gets into a courtroom he will be able to back up his claims on ZG's behalf.

In the beginning ,LE wanted to talk to a woman who lived at Sawgrass. She didn't show up for her appt so they went to her apartment. She refused to talk to them. She gave LE the name of another person living at Sawgrass and said that person knew Casey better than she did.
I've always wondered what this woman was scared of.
Well stated LG. Nobody 'innocent' would feel the need to hide and disguise. As far as Morgan getting the impression she was mad, she may as well be angry with herself. The story about ZFG being the kidnapping babysitter was all her own idea. Yep, how DARE Morgan and Morgan call her out on it.

Yes, how dare they! How dare anyone call her out on anything! She was found not guilty and it's over and done with, so the nerve of these people for prolonging something that is ancient history as far as KC is concerned.

She just doesn't get it! She has always done people wrong, and it has always just blown by the wayside. That it is not happening that way this time is, in KC's little mind, everyone else's fault.
...except that's not exactly how this went down.
As far as promising her a big payday, heck, I have yet to see an attorney who hasn't promised that (personal experience)...lol. Sad thing is...down the road when the case you were told you have suddenly is no longer the case, it's the plantiff who's left with nothing to show for the effort. I pray this doesn't happen to ZG. At least, her attorneys aren't in it for her money.

At the time ZG brought the suit against Casey,there was no money and no promise of money.Wasn't she suing for $15,000? I really do believe it was to help clear her name,at first.
We saw people investigating her ,along with many other innocent people ,on this forum and others.
IIRC there was another Sawgrass near Orlando and posters were investigating the names Casey made up ,friends and sisters of the fake ZFG. Public records ,traffic tickets ,tax records,you name it ,all dragged up because of Casey's lies.
It's easy to say this ZG doesn't have a case,but if it happened to you ,it might be a different story.
I think by now we all know ZG was homeless and just starting a new job. By losing that potential job she lost her income and her ability to get an apt .That's what Casey did to her. To continue saying she had no job and no house is old news,but it doesn't tell the entire story ,either.
This is just my opinion, but I don't see how M&M would help their case by using false information in their filings. Either they are inept or there is some basis in fact with this information.

For whatever reason JM thought that was her name, ZFG, until defense counsel pointed it out the mistake to them. So even her own attorney thought that was her name.......how bad is that. And for common, everyday citizens to make that mistake is the very point they are trying to make here.

The other misunderstanding is that she had a job when this all happened, which she assumed she did but had not reported to work yet from what I understand. Sometimes language barriers cause some misunderstandings. Those were the only two to my knowledge. Morgan reported she lost her job and technically she did because the person who hired her withdrew their offer. Some think because she was not phyically working on the job that she did not lose the job. Essentially had this not happened she would have reported to work as she was scheduled and would have had this job.

But sometimes things just slip through. If ZG was asked to read the motion for errors she may not have known she could correct the name and that it may have been written that way for legal reasons. For the most part it was the ZFG that was the big error and it was corrected. The other misunderstandings were because people interpret issues differently such as what constitutes having a job and what is not a job which is far from someone lying.

I find it ironic that the two big issues with KC's lying that first night was the Nanny's name and KC's job which are the very issues that seem to have some of us at odds with ZG's story now.

Every answer that KC refused to answer yesterday just makes a stronger case for ZG. What are the chances of this trial getting jurors who work in the hotel industry. lol jmo
When you file a lawsuit it has to start at $15,000 or you can't file in regular court. jmo
Yes, how dare they! How dare anyone call her out on anything! She was found not guilty and it's over and done with, so the nerve of these people for prolonging something that is ancient history as far as KC is concerned.

She just doesn't get it! She has always done people wrong, and it has always just blown by the wayside. That it is not happening that way this time is, in KC's little mind, everyone else's fault.

IMO she is possibly not even capable of connecting the dots, having thought that phase of her life was over and that she would now simply be moving on.
The ZG case is quite likely a mere annoyance imposed on her by the bad guys and a hurdle she feels she will hop over easily on the path to her next incarnation
snipped from : http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...y-anthony-gives-depo-20111008,0,6946795.story

A disguised Casey Anthony, described as angry but composed, was deposed this morning in the defamation suit filed against her by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.

Casey wore a Philadelphia Philllies baseball cap, "gigantic sunglasses" and what appeared to be a long, dark-haired wig during the deposition, Morgan said.

BBM: This is un-freakin-believable ... a "disguise" ... this was FCA giving the Judicial System the "Anthony Middle Finger Salute" ... MOO !

FCA would have NEVER been allowed to wear SunGlasses in ANY Court Room ... a deposition is taken "Under Oath" and while there is no "dress code" about wearing "wigs" and "baseball caps", it is total DISRESPECT to wear SunGlasses even during a deposition !

While I totally understand that Mr. Morgan wanted to take her depo and get things moving on this case for ZFG ...

IMO, I wish he would have called the Judge on that ... I know, it probably would NOT have done any good ... BUT still, FCA deserves NO special treatment at all ! FCA should have been held in "Contempt of Court" for those SunGlasses !

NO ONE ELSE would have been able to get away with wearing SunGlasses in a deposition, and especially in a courtroom -- except an "Anthony" !

MOO ...

I agree. No one but KC can get away with this kind of nonsense. This is just another sequel in the long series of special treatment for her.

And I am really getting sick of it.

The judge allowed her to appear by video (given she's in such danger). Can witnesses testify in court in sunglasses? NO! Can a person pose for a mugshot in sunglasses? NO!

I cannot think of one good reason why KC needed a disguise, and I cannot figure out why the judge did not step up to the plate and order her to remove those glasses.

ETA: Just had a thought...I am not sure if a judge is present at a deposition. Anyone know?
Maybe a mask of Casey baring her teeth would be too frightening and scare little children to death???
She doesn't need a mask to cause the death of children. She's more than adept by other means.
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