ZG Hires Attorney - Lawsuit Against Casey Anthony

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It is far from a simple F letter. Most people seem to think it's impossible that Casey simply made up the name ZG in light of the fact that ZG viewed the model apartment at Sawgrass. I find it even more impossible that it could be a coincidence she added the F to the name when it wasn't on the guest card and is actually part of ZG's legal name.

Wherever Casey got the name ZFG, it wasn't from the guest card. So where did it come from? Some other ZFG? If so, there goes the lawsuit *poof*


That's exactly what I've been asking. How did Casey come up with ZFG? Obviously it wasn't from the guest card. Personally, I don't believe it's a coincidence.
I so hope she wins. At least the blood money will go to an innocent person. I think she should include CA,GA,and LA in her suit.
She was not unemployed when this happened. She was a manager of a cleaning crew and let go because of this. If you go back in this thread there is a link regarding this.

it's not like zanni lost a job due to this............she was already unemployed. imo she has no damages
Brini, I will if you will, IF Irish and Tate and all the other pro-Z'ers join us!!! :woohoo:

You make it sound like the people that feel she will not win her case are against her and I take offense to that.

I hope she wins, I am just the type of person that can view things from boths sides objectively and I feel that while Yes Casey has implicated a ZG ZFG whatever, and this person who happens to go by this very name got caught in the flak happens to go by that very name and is now in the proccess of defending herself by stating she does not know her etc etc, and who has been cleared by poilce etc etc but not the media or the bloggers who ontinue the persuit that they feel she may really be involved....... deep breath....... Casey is not the one persecuting her and up front in the very beggining in fact said this. This fact and this fact alone will be in Casey's favor. She never had intent to implicate this person, the media and the bloggers etc etc are the ones implicating this person.

Thats simple really and again the people in the Jury room will be the ones to decide.

They will not be able to settle, she has nothing to settle for so they may as well go to trial. And she has claimed innocent to ALL current charges so why would she bother to settle this one?

It is really a futile effort IMHO. Now maybe after she loses, if she loses ZG can snag a mini series! OSOMTHNE
This fact and this fact alone will be in Casey's favor. She never had intent to implicate this person, the media and the bloggers etc etc are the ones implicating this person.

She never had intent to implicate this person? Where did the media and the bloggers get this person's name? From the lips of Casey. Was Casey just spelling out ZFG's name very carefully and precisely to Lee in that jail call so he could look her up in the phone book and send her some flowers and a sorry note?? lol
Link me to any child abduction case where the police take the statement of the last person who saw the child (Casey Anthony) that names a suspect where the police say, "Ok, we need to really sit down with this person and see if they really did it!" before they release a name to the public. That's not how missing children cases work. :D

Casey pointed the finger at ZFG and said, "ZFG, model/color of car, has two kids named *advertiser censored* and YYY, wears hair curly or straight, stole my kid." Law enforcement did their job and let the media know. Law enforcement did their jobs! Turns out what Casey said was a lie. Turns out Casey has a new charge against her that'll probably expand to include her family, and more than likely they won't need to even find a body or prove murder to have Casey locked up for the rest of her life*. Law enforcement should thank her for making it so easy!

*If they do find Caylee is dead and Casey did harm her on purpose, "the rest of Casey's life" will probably be shortened quite a bit, which is a bonus for the taxpayers she'll be mooching off of while she's sitting in prison!**

**I'm not bitter, I promise! :D

She never pointed the finger at this person, in fact she signed a document to the police on the 17th of July I believe stating that very fact.
She never had intent to implicate this person? Where did the media and the bloggers get this person's name? From the lips of Casey. Was Casey just spelling out ZFG's name very carefully and precisely to Lee in that jail call so he could look her up in the phone book and send her some flowers and a sorry note?? lol

Stating that someone named ZG is not intent of HARM to this person, its meerly a claim that SOMEONE named ZG took her child. You cannot prove intent here period.

If it is a lie she obviously had intent then to falsify documents but still you cannot prove she had intent to specifically cause this person harm by her lie.
Frip, respectfully, a civil case does not take a unanimous verdict. And it's a preponderance of the evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt. Far lower burden of proof in a civil case. Any doubt? Can I just say -- O.J.?

well all due respect to you as well, they can still have a hung jury.
Going to summarize a little of what John Morgan said on CNN. I suspect it'll be up on their link later.

Per JM:
Z - lost her job.
The apartment complex where she lived asked her to move.
When she was interviewed, she talked with her face blacked out; she doesn't want to be seen; she doesn't want to be known; she doesn't deserve this.

Let the police come to your door and question you about a child's disappearance. "If you don't fight back for your good name, God help you."

The police came to Z, knew her childrens' names, the make, model and color of her car.

$15,000 damages is jurisdictional amount to get into court.

This gives the plaintiff deposition and subpoena power, of KC, her mother, her father, and her friends. And they (the plaintiff) are going to be taking a pro-active position.

Nobody is denying any of this. The police investigate people before they interview them etc etc. Anyway, my understanding from all that I have read is:

1. She lost her job before this happened.
2. Lee investigated her himself and gave some of this information to them regarding the car in particular.
3. I don't blame her for fighting back but I feel the person in the suit that she is blaming for these troubles is not to blame, the media and bloggers who blew this out of proportion are. Casey never pointed the finger at THIS person. She is an innocent victim of the press and internet junkies that persecuted her.
4. I HAVE ALWAYS supported ZG from the beggining please view ALL OF MY THREADS! I created a timeline thread and spent neumerous hours transcribbing the police documents for any and all ZANNY THE NANNY references in order to seek out the "actual" Zanny Casey used as a babby sitter and or find evidence on how/where Casey derived this fake name. I even susspect she indeed accuired it somehow from stealing this persons information from either Sawgrass itself or Myspace or both.
5. I hope she wins.
6. Please stop thinking that those of us who have a strong feeling that she wil lose are against her in any fashion many of us are not, we are just objectivley considering the claims and cannot see a win. Too much needs to be proven in the case against Casey and unless they overturn alot of evidence I cannot see how they can accomplish it.
7. HO insurance? She may live there but it is to protect others from harm. They must prove intent of harm I just don't see it.
8. Unless you can show stronger evidecne other than repeating the same information over and over all of which many of us knew well before this thread started.... you will not convince anyone otherwise. Just as I am sure I will not convince you otherwise.
9. Please view this a little more objectively try and look at it from the other angle, this is even what lawyers do so they can defend against opposing council arguments. I see your angle 100% But there are strong arguments against them.
10. Challenge: PROVE Casey intended to speccificaly cause this person harm, don;t just come back and say she used her name, thats not intent of causing her harm. What did she have against this person? How did she know her in the first place to decide to cause her harm? These are just two questions to start anyone ff in seeking to prove this. I don;t think it is possible but please by all means try. If I thought it was myself I would honestly try, but I don't.

AGAIN: I hope she wins I really do. I am all in favor of laying as many charges on Casey as possible atm because I HOPE she goes to jail on theft charges and they can postpone the child neglect until they get even stronger evidence for a possible murder charge. I really think Caylee is gone.

ABOVE ALL: I WISH to be proven wrong and that someone comes forward with Caylee alive and breathing!
Link any case where they wouldn't release all info on a missing child case that the mother gives such explicit details, especially when the child is still missing.

Sorry if I responded to this allready but, you are still missing the point. The police KNEW WHO AND WHERE this person was, they had zero reason to release that info until after they cleared her, and again in fact they did clear her before they released the documents, it was in the documents, bloggers and media would not let it rest.
Precisely. For heaven's sake, the woman says she wishes she had a different name! And I'm going to keep repeating myself. Give this woman a break! To begin with she's a much better candidate for mother of the year -- to begin with, she knows where her kids are.

Give her a break? Who is not giving her a break? WE SUPPORT HER! we just do not feel she has a case, I feel bad about that fact but I feel that is the fact.

Yous asking us to just go away and not discuss a point in case? the Defense will not do that as easy lol, Seriously I feel she got a raw deal I just do not feel Casey can be blamed for it. But hey that is what a court of law is for aye?
Her attorney said it in the video that was posted yesterday. He hemmed and hawed and finally admitted that ZG had no job at the time Caylee disappeared. I guess he can't keep his story straight.

apparenlty thats a disease spread by Casey ? maybe we all have a suit....

sry had to sneak that in
Link me where there's been an official statement about her getting Zenaida's name off the comment card, please. With as much information as she gave law enforcement that matches Zenaida, she probably found out the information long before the comment card. My intuition says one of her friends knows Zenaida or she stumbled on Zenaida's myspace page.

Don't you wish people that get their rights grossly violated by Casey would just let it drop? I mean they only ruined her good name and dragged her into this nightmare when she had absolutely zero to do with it. DARN YOU, ZENAIDA, FOR WANTING JUSTICE. While we're at it, can Amy H just forget the $1000 Casey stole from her? Can the old lady that George Anthony pushed let it go? /sarcasm

Her rights were violated by the media abnd bloggers, Casey was just filing a police report, it may be a lie or there may be a true person out there by that name but Casey NEVER EVER EVER, lol emphasis, never blamed this person and even signed an affidavit staing it was not her.

Please view my post above about the challenge to PROVE she had INTENT to specciffically cause this person harm.

ENOUGH evidence that a jury vote will not be split 50/50.
So if (hypothetically!!) Chilly Willy looks you up on myspace right now, got all the information on you available, called police and reported YOU as the kidnapper of a child when you'd never seen Chilly Willy in your life, and YOU go to your door to be interrogated by police, camera crews swarm you and your family, you lose your job and house over it, all because some crazy loon picks you at random and says you committed a crime.. you wouldn't sue?

And let's say you're cleared! Chilly Willy says, "Nah, Linda7NJ isn't the person, even though she has the same car, kids, hairstyle, and visited the same apt my kid was last seen at (with documented proof she was there)!" Media still hounds you for your story. People don't believe it because now Chilly Willy says, "Not THAT Linda7NJ, but another one with the same kids, car and hairstyle in the same geographic location, and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!" If people were genuinely sending you death threats because of that, you don't think you'd have any right to sue?

OMG you just PROVED your wrong, Casey never said SHE was the one. you say "Chilly Willy looks you up on myspace right now, got all the information on you available, called police and reported YOU as the kidnapper " She naver said this person!

In your analogy applied to THIS CASE this is how it works:
Chilly Willy looks you up on myspace right now, got all the information on you available, called police and reported someone named Zeeker78 as the kidnapper. The police go the the internet and find 7 or so people by the name of seeker78 and interview them, they then are given additional information on a specific seeker78 and interview him, his information matches alot of the information provided by Chilly Willy but they determine the YOU Seeker78 are not the one they are looking for and say thank you for your assistance and leave a card should you come up with any information that may help them in the case.

a week later you Seeker78 atart getting blogged about and the media is calling you and people are pounding on your door and your looking for a job but nobody will hire you because the media is laying claims you may be the one.

Wait? the police cleared you, the media chose to hammer you? how is this the fault of someone that claimed someone named Seeker78 is to blame, Chilly Willy does not know you never said YOU speciffically, the police even got a sworn statment from Chilly that he don;t know you, never met you nuthin! So how is it Chiily's fault? The media persecuted you the bloggers saught you out.

That is all we are saying here.

I say let Chilly fry because of all the trouble he caused in the first place but hey I don;t think a Judge/Jury will honestly agree.....
Haha. That made me laugh :). And yes, truth is an absolute defense to libel, slander and defamation. I think this is why it's so intensely exciting to see Casey accused of this particular tort.

Glad I could bring a little humor into your life, in the midst of this debacle. I also suspect this is another reason that JM said, with to me a little glimmer in his eye, that he has subpoena power and the right to depose not only KC but her family and friends as well. And especially his reference to the pro-active position they're going to take. I read between his lines. Hope others did, too!
Glad I could bring a little humor into your life, in the midst of this debacle. I also suspect this is another reason that JM said, with to me a little glimmer in his eye, that he has subpoena power and the right to depose not only KC but her family and friends as well. And especially his reference to the pro-active position they're going to take. I read between his lines. Hope others did, too!

Agreed, EZ. This man is on fire!
I say let Chilly fry because of all the trouble he caused in the first place .........

Hey now! :slap:
I am going to sue someone. I can not get a job or leave my house, because i am addicted to ws!!! ;p
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