ZG Hires Attorney - Lawsuit Against Casey Anthony

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Again, when she gave the name to the police it was a name used for her fake nanny not this particular person, she even said this person was not the one. Then the police after they investigated her and cleared her released that information to the media who chose to ignore them clearing her and they and the bloggers started their crusade.

I keep repeating myself....

No. The media DID report that that one ZG had been cleared. But, KC and her fam had trumpeted so much that the damage had been done. They were still trumpeting AFTER LE cleared the Sawgrass ZG.

The problem is still of KCs creation, F. Neither the media nor the bloggers made up ZG. KC did.

The average guy on the street (reasonable man test) is NOT responsible for keeping track of KC's various stories. Most people who are only listering with half an ear are prolly pretty confused. But, we are STILL hearing Zanny the Nanny.

Check out the Caylee is Alive threads. Some people who have read everything and KNOW the cops cleared ZG STILL think ZG took Caylee. Some people think KC refuses to identify ZG out of fear.
Wow, I can't figure out why Casey would have been doing computer searches for ZFG way back in October. Has she been planning to murder Caylee since last year? This is really freaky.

Yep. 10/07
You just proved my point. You admit she's guilty of defamation to the police. The police at that point have no control over the information, as everything like that can and will be called upon by the freedom of information act. If she's guilty of defamation at that point, the the media and bloggers got the information as a direct result of that defamation.

And, as some of us have mentioned before, the details of identification re: kidnappers are alway announced to the public.

KC knew that.

KC also used the name ZFG. Which we NOW know she researched on the Net, before AND after Caylee disappeared.

Looks intentional, to me. Deliberate slander. Deliberately trying to set someone else up.
I agree there are a lot of parallels to fiction writing. The way Casey "based ZFG on a true story" almost. But the difference I see is that little blurb in the front of every fictional work "all likeness to real people is purely coincidental. This is a WORK OF FICTION" and Casey definitely didn't admit to that...I still think she's going down. The computer searches and/or stalking out at Sawgrass (if it can be proved) would be the clincher.

Even with the disclaimer, fiction writers are sometimes successfully sued.

Now, we know that KC Net-searched ZFG (same three names) AHEAD of time.
Again your story supports my argument. She never said that person whom lives in that location in the motel in Kissimmee
she said her nanny lived in Sawgrass, this person only visited there.

Now that aside!!!! As I mentioned earlier in this thread, what thread am I in??? Oh... Anyway, I feel that yes this new evidence does now hold much stronger for ZFG 's case against Casey. MUCH, I still think her lawyers will argue she speccifically cleared her. Is that too late since damages were allready done? Hard to say, she cleared her before there were any negative damages by any media or bloggers even. NOW that aside having hard evidence that she was looking for a cover story,as I previously said proof of would be needed, a Jury may now decide in ZFG's favor.

Would I? I think it shows careless disregard for her actions. I think it shows there is NO ZANNY THE NANNY so her story was in fact a lie when she told it to the police which was very negligent and illegal, and with this new evidence. Now, she may not have known, as I have stated before, that this would get so blown out of the water for ZFG but that also does not allow her to claim ignorrance either. Ignorance of the law is no excuse we all know that.

So is she guilty of defamation to the police? Yes she told them a lie based on information obtained to cover up her guilt in her other actions. Did her defamation of this woman to the police cause her harm? No because the police cleared her. Did the police releasing this information to the public cause her harm? Yes, the media and bloggers created havoc for this woman. Can I blame this on Casey? Yes is Casey guilty of a crime here though? I am still on the fence! I need to see precidence. But I think this is the first time this has happened.

Someone mentioned fictional characters and people suing authors because their fictional characters were causing them undo harm since their names and lives were similar to their own real lives. If you can find those cases you may have some precidence.

But I ask you this:

If I wrote a book about a hockey player named Oswald Junior Straigtwell whom killed his ex-wife and her boyfriend on the front porch of their home with a knife and then was later arrested and found not guilty then later in my story wrote a book that if he did do it he would have done it completly different then he goes and tells all his friends he actually did it then his grown children over hear this and tried to kil him and got thrown in jail because of it and then he later in his old age comes out in the media to say he was sorry for it and wants to come clean.......

Could I be sued by someone in real life who may have a similar story for defamation of character? It is pure fiction.

I know it's a fine line and again this is why it takes a Judge, 12 Jurors, a defense lawyer and a prosecuter to do the job that must be done. Many innocent people go to jail and many guilty people go free, its not black and white. Justice may be blind but she relies on the ability of many people to come to a conclusion.

So.....When I see more evidence I will be able to make a better determination here. We are getting closer though to changing my vote, thanks to this new release of docs! Not that I didn't think that allready but I feel without the hard evidence we cannot prove it in court.

If you wrote a fictional story about a hocky player who had ALREADY killed someone, and the details point to a real hockey player to the degree that he is recognizable to a segment of the public, AND an unsolved killing had been committed. yes, you would have a problem, disclaimer or no.

Now, we have evidence that KC researched ZG, pointing the finger at a woman whom we KNOW exists. That she once cleared her makes little difference to the man on the street, as KC changes her story every other day. However, she has never changed the name of the kidnapper. People think she denied knowing ZG, because she is in fear of harm to Caylee (which is, yet, another or her storys).

My guess is that the case will be settled. ZG has done no wrong, and has nothing to lose. KC would have to explain that Net research, along with everything else.

Quit playing that, "It isn't KC's fault" song, honey. That dog don't hunt.
Sorry, no. The minute she used the exact name along with all the other details she provided that match Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was the minute the defamation happened. Once someone makes a report like that, law enforcement has no choice but to release the information, especially in Florida. It's called the Freedom of Information act.

Not only did she base her fictional nanny on a real person with real details, now it shows she did it with pre-meditation. She physically searched on myspace and no doubt found Zenaida's myspace like so many people here did.

You keep going back to bloggers and media.. the defamation happened when she accused an innocent woman not connected to the case at all of stealing her daughter. You can say, "Oh, but when Zenaida was in a line-up she didn't point her out!" Too late. Defamation already occurred. Bloggers and media are part of the fallout that wouldn't have happened but for the actions of Casey Anthony.

Your first sentence says it all.

Except FOI is national.

Now, it seems, she slandered the woman, knowing such a person did, in fact, exist. She had already searched her on MySpace, reunion, and USSearch.
In the example, Casey uses the exact same name - the person suing is Z######## F######-G#######, so Chilly would have used my exact name when naming me as a suspect. <- That was an honest typo on my part, please don;t hold it against me, I thought I allready corrected it, plus this isnot a sworn affidavit is it?? I meant Seeker78 not Zeeker78
He would have also said, "And oh, by the way, the last place I saw my child was at the same apartments another exact Z####### F#######-G####### was at not too long ago." <- Ok so lets say he said that, I was not trying to type out Casey's entire case here in the example it would be 500 posts long.
According to John M######, Zenaida's excellent attorney:

"We know this is the right one. They not only knew she was the right Zenaida, gave the names of her two children and type of car she drove. They knew the color of the car she drove. All given to them allegedly by Casey A#######," M###### said.

The right one what??? For a smart Lawyer it's a weak statment. So he is claiming Casey really meant her specifficaly? then he must prove that, Casey signed a sworn affidavit that ZG/ZFG whatever this particular person... was not the woman she is refering to in her claim as to whom kidnapped Caylee. It is not Casey's fault the LE released this information and the media/bloggers took it outa control. I wish it was!
So could there be another Z###### F######-G###### that drives the same type of car with the same names for her kids with the exact same name that was connected to the exact same place Casey said she last saw her daughter? <-Probably not, I always said one possibility in Casey's case involving her missing daughter is that she aquired this woman's information from Sawgrass and or other nefarious means. That said, she never accuses this woman of any crime. She meerly, by my personal suspicion used her data to lay over her fake nanny story. Then provided this fake story to the police. I still say the police giving this information to the media allowed them and the bloggers to SPIN this story outa control and it is they who are to blame.
Probably. I could probably build a 10 story building made of cheese too. Neither one are realistic, though. <-It would be to a mouse... I really have no idea where you were going with this....
Zenaida - 1, Casey - 0 <- um I don't claim a win for either side, a Jury and Judge will decide :)

KC knew the information would be released. So, how is it not her fault?

Know about that woman who stole her four kids? How do you know? Because the information is alway released to the public.

Again, the bloggers did not search the woman out on the Net and assign her THREE names to her "kidnapper." KC did that.

If she wanted to be safe from slander, she would have cut her "kidnapper" out of whole cloth, like Susan Smith and Diane Downs did. She would have accused the "Bushy Haired Stranger." She would not have made a detailed report naming the woman, and pointing to a place where she had recently been.
Give her a break? Who is not giving her a break? WE SUPPORT HER! we just do not feel she has a case, I feel bad about that fact but I feel that is the fact.

Yous asking us to just go away and not discuss a point in case? the Defense will not do that as easy lol, Seriously I feel she got a raw deal I just do not feel Casey can be blamed for it. But hey that is what a court of law is for aye?

Well, I ran the NEw details past a couple lawyers in my fam. They now predict a slam dunk. KC PROVABLY did it. ZG will win. KC won't even go to court-- she'll settle.
Her rights were violated by the media abnd bloggers, Casey was just filing a police report, it may be a lie or there may be a true person out there by that name but Casey NEVER EVER EVER, lol emphasis, never blamed this person and even signed an affidavit staing it was not her.

Please view my post above about the challenge to PROVE she had INTENT to specciffically cause this person harm.

ENOUGH evidence that a jury vote will not be split 50/50.

Lemme see.. KC researched her on the Net, then filed a criminal report naming her, the only ZFG in the area.

Later, she said she didn't recognize the photo. Later than THAT she said she could not specifically point to the kidnappers, or Caylee might be harmed.

Meanwhile the woman whom she first accused has suffered damage.

What part of that did the bloggers initiate, again?
OMG you just PROVED your wrong, Casey never said SHE was the one. you say "Chilly Willy looks you up on myspace right now, got all the information on you available, called police and reported YOU as the kidnapper " She naver said this person!

In your analogy applied to THIS CASE this is how it works:
Chilly Willy looks you up on myspace right now, got all the information on you available, called police and reported someone named Zeeker78 as the kidnapper. The police go the the internet and find 7 or so people by the name of seeker78 and interview them, they then are given additional information on a specific seeker78 and interview him, his information matches alot of the information provided by Chilly Willy but they determine the YOU Seeker78 are not the one they are looking for and say thank you for your assistance and leave a card should you come up with any information that may help them in the case.

a week later you Seeker78 atart getting blogged about and the media is calling you and people are pounding on your door and your looking for a job but nobody will hire you because the media is laying claims you may be the one.

Wait? the police cleared you, the media chose to hammer you? how is this the fault of someone that claimed someone named Seeker78 is to blame, Chilly Willy does not know you never said YOU speciffically, the police even got a sworn statment from Chilly that he don;t know you, never met you nuthin! So how is it Chiily's fault? The media persecuted you the bloggers saught you out.

That is all we are saying here.

I say let Chilly fry because of all the trouble he caused in the first place but hey I don;t think a Judge/Jury will honestly agree.....

KC said it was ZFG. Only one ZFG around. She STILL says it was ZFG. Still no other ZFG.

That's what the public is seeing.

Which blogger filed a criminal report against a "ZFG," again?
hmmm, interesting. To be honest, I haven't read/viewed each and every piece about Z-- so I didn't know there were necessarily conflicting statements about her employment situation. I don't know how that will all flush out in court-- but I don't think it would necessarily kill her case. She's not on trial-- Casey is. Over and over and over, it seems.

Exactly! Doesn't matter a bit whether she was employed or not. She has handfuls of threats and insults. Her kids have been threatened.

Frankly, if a jury is deciding who is the most truthfu between ZG and KC, it's not much of a contest.

ZG is still the victim. KC is still the on on trial.
It is far from a simple F letter. Most people seem to think it's impossible that Casey simply made up the name ZG in light of the fact that ZG viewed the model apartment at Sawgrass. I find it even more impossible that it could be a coincidence she added the F to the name when it wasn't on the guest card and is actually part of ZG's legal name.

Wherever Casey got the name ZFG, it wasn't from the guest card. So where did it come from? Some other ZFG? If so, there goes the lawsuit *poof*

Not if ONE of the ZFGs has suffered harm. If BOTH of the ZFGs have enough similarities to have BOTH suffered losses, you have TWO lawsuits, and may have TWO wins. I just got this from a lawyer.
Well, I ran the NEw details past a couple lawyers in my fam. They now predict a slam dunk. KC PROVABLY did it. ZG will win. KC won't even go to court-- she'll settle.

Just as I predicted... Thanks, Brini!! :floorlaugh:

P.S. I'm sure Cindy is pizzed as h*ll. :dervish:
I am not privy to anything more than anyone else here. It's in the police reports. Casey said ZG does not have children. LE went to sawgrass looking for information about ZFG. It was discovered that ZG looked at the model apartment and filed out a guest card. Police got a copy of the guest card, with the two children's names on it, and went in search of ZG.

Casey did not know the names of the children, she didn't know there were children, and she did not provide their names to LE.

Casey said the nanny drove a Silver 2008 Ford Focus, it's in the police reports. People who viewed ZFG's my space said she drove a older model sliver Hyundai. The cars are not the same. 40% of cars on the road are silver.

Casey said the kidnapper was named ZFG and is 26 years old. The information on the guest card does not include the F. ZFG is actually 37 years old.

Casey may have made up the name ZFG, but it was not, IMO, based on the ZFG who filed suit.

But, the test is, would the man on the street feel that this particular ZFG met the criteria, and did that create losses for her?

The public is not obligated to search all this stuff out, like we do.

Again, which blogger filed a criminal report against ZFG, knowing that there was such a person from a web search?
I am not privy to anything more than anyone else here. It's in the police reports. Casey said ZG does not have children. LE went to sawgrass looking for information about ZFG. It was discovered that ZG looked at the model apartment and filed out a guest card. Police got a copy of the guest card, with the two children's names on it, and went in search of ZG.

Casey did not know the names of the children, she didn't know there were children, and she did not provide their names to LE.

Casey said the nanny drove a Silver 2008 Ford Focus, it's in the police reports. People who viewed ZFG's my space said she drove a older model sliver Hyundai. The cars are not the same. 40% of cars on the road are silver.

Casey said the kidnapper was named ZFG and is 26 years old. The information on the guest card does not include the F. ZFG is actually 37 years old.

Casey may have made up the name ZFG, but it was not, IMO, based on the ZFG who filed suit.

And, KC made up that name knowing, in advance, that there IS a real ZFG, and that she DID visit Sawgrass. Nobody is obligated to know the fine details. That is not what the law says.
BTW, to add to this, IF Casey got further information on Z from another source, the lawsuit isn't without merit. It may get Saw Grass off the hook, but not necessarily Casey.

Sawgrass prolly won't have a problem. KC is very good at getting hold of other people's documents. KC has the problem. Sawgrass did not file a criminal report. Also, two of KC's searches predate the Sawgrass visit.
I don't think Casey randomly made up the name ZFG, but for the sake of argument-- even if she did-- it probably won't matter. What matters is whether the public reasonably understood "ZFG" to implicate Plaintiff ZFG. And they did, apparently. And some people still do, apparently.

I think I said this before, but Casey supplied a specific name-- first, last and middle. That's how people are identified in the world. The kidnapper label was going to land on the person with that specific name in that specific area who also fit the general description (F, hispanic). If I throw a grenade into a crowded street and hit you, it doesn't matter if I was aiming specifically at you. I hit you. I threw a bomb, knowing it would land somewhere and I hit someone. Now I'm in trouble. If my goal is to hit you, and I hit your twin, I'm still in trouble. I think it's fair.


The complaint isn't released yet, is it? Is ZFG only alleging defamation? I bet she'll make other claims too--maybe intentional infliction of emotional distress? Is this info public yet?

KC also knew the specific name from her Net searches.
Trying to think this through....

How did Casey know that ZFG visited the Sawgrass Apts on the 17th?

If Casey followed her, how did she locate her in the first place?

Why did Casey look up ZFG in the internet back in October?

When did Casey first use the name Zanny to refer to the nanny?

Why would Casey accuse this particular ZFG and then say she wasn't the right one? That makes no sense at all. Why go to such extreme lengths to set up an alibi and then debunk it?

This is going to take a lot of thinking.
Trying to think this through....

How did Casey know that ZFG visited the Sawgrass Apts on the 17th?

If Casey followed her, how did she locate her in the first place?

Why did Casey look up ZFG in the internet back in October?

When did Casey first use the name Zanny to refer to the nanny?

Why would Casey accuse this particular ZFG and then say she wasn't the right one? That makes no sense at all. Why go to such extreme lengths to set up an alibi and then debunk it?

This is going to take a lot of thinking.

I'm starting to think that Casey followed her from somewhere else and somehow thought she lived in the apartment at Sawgrass? It makes more sense for her to think she lived there than that she was looking at an apartment, and that way Casey wouldn't have stolen the apartment card at all. Just odd because usually when someone tours an apartment the manager is with them, and it would be obvious they weren't living there...She also told Lee she "camped out" in front of the apartment for a few days...
Casey never spoke with LE again after the first interview, which has been released both in print and in audio. LE interviewed ZG the first day. Obviously we all have to wait to see how the case proceeds, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it, have opinions, and point out information relevant to the case in the meantime, does it?

Well, in the view of the lawyers I know, each and every ZFG who has been to the Sawgrass, and is half Black, half Puerto Rican, or any other combination of details that might make her specific to suspicion has a claim. The Net searches show intent.
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