Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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Cripes New Junkie !! Wouldn't that be something if it was just some student in drama !!
And the Oscar goes to ...
Come on, you guys.

This is a Casey Anthony look-a-like being filmed from TMZ (an extremely shoddy enterprise).

As ugly, as it is. I bet that TMZ's internet hits went up about 3,000%.

Oh, America. TMZ is Laughing ALL the way to the bank. :great:

I agree, just watching her walk out of jail....she doesn't seem to have the same figure. C`felon doesn't look the same from the side. Big butt, skinnery
legs....not very attractive unless the photographer in Ohio can do improvements with his camera. The Ohio pics looked better by far.
Those stubby little fingers made me pause though.:floorlaugh:
Looks like you're right prof, it hasn't been confirmed. Here is their Twitter page, they haven't Tweeted the last two weeks hmmmm.!/momandpaparazzi

I wanted to clarify......I never stated that the mom turned stalkerazzi was the photographer in Ohio. I just saw that they were the one that photographed the lightning strike over the jail, which was used in MSM.

That said...reviewing her tweets shows she is in constant contact with JIM L.

Additionally, her photos have been used by major networks, TMZ, Radar, and more.

I personally am disgusted by her chosen career path.....and don't care if she does tweet that she will pay "cash on the spot" for celebrity sighting tips. Hmmmmmmmm IRS issue???
I think it's her, why would someone want to go out looking like her and risk getting beat up or killed. If I looked like her I would have plastic surgery not to look like her. lol
Suz, I understand but if money was changing hands for a short stroll down a quiet street.....I'm sure they could find someone who looked and dressed similar to go for it.:seeya:
I wanted to clarify......I never stated that the mom turned stalkerazzi was the photographer in Ohio. I just saw that they were the one that photographed the lightning strike over the jail, which was used in MSM.

That said...reviewing her tweets shows she is in constant contact with JIM L.

Additionally, her photos have been used by major networks, TMZ, Radar, and more.

I personally am disgusted by her chosen career path.....and don't care if she does tweet that she will pay "cash on the spot" for celebrity sighting tips. Hmmmmmmmm IRS issue???

Thanks... I never "confirmed nor denied" that this was the pap either! I am leaning that way. I absolutely am not fond of the profession either. In this thread I wanted to sleuth the sleuth responsible for these pics, mostly to satisfy my own inklings and notions. That disclaimer out of the way :P She is in contact with the network producer with the bird logo?
Thanks... I never "confirmed nor denied" that this was the pap either! I am leaning that way. I absolutely am not fond of the profession either. In this thread I wanted to sleuth the sleuth responsible for these pics, mostly to satisfy my own inklings and notions. That disclaimer out of the way :P She is in contact with the network producer with the bird logo?

If you really want to have some fun.....visit the Corbis site and look at the KC photos. Any of those photos are under rights management by Corbis or an assignee AND it lists names of photographers in the credits. INTERESTING
Come on, you guys.

This is a Casey Anthony look-a-like being filmed from TMZ (an extremely shoddy enterprise).

As ugly, as it is. I bet that TMZ's internet hits went up about 3,000%.

Oh, America. TMZ is Laughing ALL the way to the bank. :great:

There is no look a like in the world that can imitate someones gait, expressions, stance, movements and most of all walk - these things are as particular and unique to a person as fingerprints. Those that can't see it just don't know Casey Anthony's movements as well as they think they do.

It is absolutely, 100 per cent Casey Anthony - there is no doubt at all it is her. I imagine her PR/defence team are screaming in frustration that there is even a debate about this, which does make me smile.

The only reason TMZ is laughing is they got what they paid for, shots of Anthony, and there're now making 'some' money off those photos.

This debate reminds me of the 'bad photo' debate - obviously not her and yet people wasted countless months/years arguing about it until it was finally confirmed by the lady in question on the actual photo.
I'm not going to debate further if this is her or not, so pointless - it will eventually come out anyway same as the abc deal was confirmed in the end.
Suz, I understand but if money was changing hands for a short stroll down a quiet street.....I'm sure they could find someone who looked and dressed similar to go for it.:seeya:

You're probably right, someone would do it if the price was right. I would be walking mighty fast! lol
Riiiight. Look-a-like :floorlaugh:

:seeya: I'm going to bed.

Did you read the article? I can't believe people would find this laughable. Wow.

They were on a walk in West Orange County when three men jumped out of their truck shouting "baby killer."

"He came and charged at me and pushed me to the ground," said D.M. Blade, Graves' brother. "He's trying to beat on me, and I'm trying to deflect his blows and he caught a few."

But Graves had a gun and was able to scare them away. Now friends are telling her she should stay home or dye her hair.
Did you read the article? I can't believe people would find this laughable. Wow.

The woman is trying to promote a book . She made it up just like the last Casey "look a like" ,for the publicity. JMO
Did you read the article? I can't believe people would find this laughable. Wow.

I dont think they found the article laughable, I think it was meant as the woman looks nothing like Casey Anthony. And this story could possibly be untrue, just like others. We dont know for sure.....unless they made a police report..And IF I were attacked, I would call the police.. Shes an author...soo draw your own conclusion.. Could have happened but........??
I know TMZ claims these photos were all shot in the same day, but I really do have a hard time believing it. I do think she put on a little weight from the black t and white t to her Old Navy photos. In fact, lets say the 2 t-shirt photos were her first shots, then she saw the paps taking the pics so they moved her... maybe she stayed indoors for a few days/week to make sure the coast was clear... eating junk food, watching tv, etc.... put on a couple pounds doing so and then the coast was clear and she was out to shop again.


I and others have pretty much always assumed these were shot on different days. Do you have a link for TMZ's claim they were shot in one day? I never saw that statement. TMZ bought these pics from Splash who probably bought them from someone else, so would they know for sure anyway?

IMO she never saw the paparazzi, but if she did, it does help my thread long claim that this was not staged, so I won't argue that lol
I and others have pretty much always assumed these were shot on different days. Do you have a link for TMZ's claim they were shot in one day? I never saw that statement. TMZ bought these pics from Splash who probably bought them from someone else, so would they know for sure anyway?

IMO she never saw the paparazzi, but if she did, it does help my thread long claim that this was not staged, so I won't argue that lol

Does this snapshot from the video help make my case more that she spotted him?

Did you read the article? I can't believe people would find this laughable. Wow.

*IF* that happened, of course not funny. But, one thing this case has done for me is made me a skeptic. First, that girl is SOOOOOOOOOO much more attractive than KC ever dreamed of being. She is mole free too! And....perhaps that was why I doubted this story.....good way for an author to get publicity for herself and her many facebook hits do you think they have had since this broke? Geez, wonder if she does acting too? Does she want a part in the Lifetime movie?

Sorry, but thanks to the A's.........that is where I am at. All about the almighty $$$$$$.

Just keeping it real, hope that is okay.
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