TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #11

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Perhaps it was in a backpack.

why isnt' the family showing us what to look for when everyone is out searching... if a backback is missing - show us an example of what it looks like, etc.
They have not shared anything about what she may have had - show us the bag, or a pic of the cell phone or whatever, something to go on
Entirely new here but wanted to add my 2 cents; as a new nursing student, it has been drilled into our heads that we have some sort of civil and professional duty to help the injured. Without a doubt, I believe that this was how she was lured into the woods (not her blood either and I believe this was part of the grand scheme of things). Once she realized that the situation was "not right", that is possibly when someone heard her scream.
Well if he did hit her or cut her in a manner that is described, I have to wonder why she held onto her purse and lunchbox? I am just trying to put myself into the victim and see how would I react or the perp and how does this go down in this manner?

:wave: Bern!

Lots of people have wondered the same thing.

Not me - and here's why:

My college girls wear a backpack Bern. Everything goes in it. They rarely use a purse. Sometimes a wrist thing...


They do keep taking about her purse. And purses come in every size - even a huge shoulder bag that could hold all these things (like a backpack can) might be called a "purse"...

Surely her family knows how she packed her stuff for the day ... and it all makes me think how awful it would be to have to be as a mom (or dad) to identify each piece belonging to Holly as evidence is brought in for review...
The reward is for an arrest, right? Could LE be attempting to get a wife/ girlfriend to turn on the abductor? That would be enough to start over somewhere else...jmo

Without looking at the details these things are usually for information leading to an arrest and conviction of... or something like that.

But yeah, for $80,000 I would turn in anyone if I knew anything. Not that I wouldn't anyway but you know what I mean. Thats a TON of money (more than Osama Bin Laden who has no reward!). $80,000 would make me consider turning in a spouse or relative for sure.
Another thought: Shelley had just moved to Murfreesboro a week before her disappearance, so had not had time to form bonds with locals. Holly had lived most if not all of her life where she went missing, so had lots of friends and the small town had literally watched her grow up.

And right or wrong, her parents are said to be 'pillars of the community'. Dad is a local business owner and mom is a teacher (correct?). Plus the plea and attention given by the cousin along with a tight knit comminity. Actually, I didn't find this case being covered yesterday on the national news programs.

I must add that I hadn't heard of Shelley's case before though. :o
Here’s where we first started discussing the: Duct Tape with the Blond Hair being found on the side of a road.

My posts:

Thread #3
4-16-2011 3:39 PM #235
That duct tape with the hairs was by the side of a road.
4-16-2011, 03:43 PM #242
I swear I saw a video this a.m. with a LE officer, where they panned to the ground to show the duct tape and hairs on the ground near the road.
04-16-2011, 03:57 PM #258
OK, here's the video I saw where they show the duct tape with the hairs lying on the side of a road. It's about 1/3 into the video:

A) We have no confirmation that it is Holly’s hair on the duct tape
B) We have no confirmation, except for that ABC video that the duct tape with the blond hair was found on the side of the road or on the side of that particular road. Only other source confirming that the duct tape with the blond hair was even found on the side of (the or a) road was on the Nancy Grace show on a screen of evidence found. I can’t find that screen now. Maybe it was edited out. Why? LE could have asked that it be deleted. Or it was inaccurate reporting. Or both.

IF Holly’s hair was found on that particular piece of duct tape, AND it was found on the side of that particular stretch of roadway, THEN, LE would be able to conclude that the perpetrator and/or Holly was at that place in that particular stretch of road.

From there, they might even be able to tell by the way it was situated in which direction one or both of them were headed on foot or on/in a vehicle (but I would say that is a stretch).
Hello, and welcome to WS, Beentherebefore. That's a very interesting angle.
This was hyped well before the national media added that tag line. I do not know anything about the cousin, but, let me say there are thousands of "rising country music stars" in this area. It is hard nor to know one, or two, or three . . .

Are we sure a neighbor called 911?
I recall that one of the FB sites dedicated to finding Holly proclaimed their own "Amber Alert," and that one of the posters to that site thanked them for doing so. Can't say which site it was, until I do a search.
why isnt' the family showing us what to look for when everyone is out searching... if a backback is missing - show us an example of what it looks like, etc.
They have not shared anything about what she may have had - show us the bag, or a pic of the cell phone or whatever, something to go on

I think you answered your question. They are not showing a picture of anything publically. So that fact does not exclude the possibility that she was wearing a backpack. The backpack could explain why things were not dropped.
Originally Posted by SheWhoMustNotBeNamed View Post
That is NOT the AMBER Alert. To be on that page, you do NOT have to have an AMBER Alert issued for you. There are thousands of kids listed on NCMEC. And only ONE is an AMBER Alert.

Could someone please link me to where this 'thousands of missing kids' are listed please?

I'm not real up to date on this, but I'd like to make a big deal about this in certain places.
I don't believe she was lured into the woods in order to help someone in need...why would she need to allow him to lead her in a way that sounds as though he was touching her? Wouldn't she have just followed him? And put down some of her things first? With a stranger, one keeps a certain physical distance that apparently her brother did not see, since he says he thought she was with her boyfriend.
:wave: Bern!

Lots of people have wondered the same thing.

Not me - and here's why:

My college girls wear a backpack Bern. Everything goes in it. They rarely use a purse. Sometimes a wrist thing...


They do keep taking about her purse. And purses come in every size - even a huge shoulder bag that could hold all these things (like a backpack can) might be called a "purse"...

Surely her family knows how she packed her stuff for the day ... and it all makes me think how awful it would be to have to be as a mom (or dad) to identify each piece belonging to Holly as evidence is brought in for review...
She may or may not have had a backpack. I posted this before, and I still think that the perp. got her under control immediately, right at the door. That would include controlling whatever it was that was in her arms or hands. Since there was apparently no evidence of those items at the scene, I would have to conclude he had his own backpack and put the stuff in there.
no not really. I think if you watch the video or enlarge the small picture there is more green in the brown mulchy area. Granted that is the MOST GREEN patch. Perhaps also the tape got blown (I think it was found after some storms) and it would tumble a bit on the mulch and get stuck on the plants.

True, true. Plus you'd expect to see foot prints, no?
Was it very windy around there the days in between Holly being taken and the duct tape being found?

When I look at the picture, I see a cross (indented in the leaves) in front of the men. The bottom of the cross is southish at that path/line.
I don't believe she was lured into the woods in order to help someone in need...why would she need to allow him to lead her in a way that sounds as though he was touching her? Wouldn't she have just followed him? And put down some of her things first? With a stranger, one keeps a certain physical distance that apparently her brother did not see, since he says he thought she was with her boyfriend.

maybe he said that his friend was injured? or that they were both injured??? idk
If you were attacked, or even just startled at your home, would you not maybe drop everything, or set it down or something... why would you take things with you... if you were knocked in the face or cut I would think your first instinct would to have your arms or hands come up to your face to guard your face if you got hit in the nose, etc. This is very strange... I'm really thinking she knew something or someone, if not would you not scream and yell to get your brother's attention - I don't know - just my opinion

It's hard to say how people will react.

I was home alone (sick from school) when I was 11 and a man broke into our house through the carport door. Our dog was going nuts and I was in my pjs in bed. As I heard him breaking in, I pulled some jeans and a t-shirt on. Five seconds later, I saw his feet walk under my door into my parents' room..our dog still yapping at his feet.

I felt frozen and then BANGED my door open and put my hands on my hips and said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU NEED TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW."

He said he was a plumber (he wasn't) and he was sorry and left.

You'd think I'd have hid in the closet...but adrenaline took over. But I definitely felt frozen for the first few minutes.

I'm thinking Holly froze up and complied while in the shock of the moment. Especially if he surprised her or cut her arm or something.
Remember LE has SAID OTHER ITEMS HAVE BEEN FOUND... however they have NOT said what they are, where they were found, if they are of any significance. So they could very well have any hypothetical back pack, school books, personal items (remember when they were asking for searchers to look for things belonging to a female? which to me implies maybe they found an EMPTY purse or bag ). Who knows.
She may or may not have had a backpack. I posted this before, and I still think that the perp. got her under control immediately, right at the door. That would include controlling whatever it was that was in her arms or hands. Since there was apparently no evidence of those items at the scene, I would have to conclude he had his own backpack and put the stuff in there.

If she dropped her bag I would have just picked it up. Its not a big deal how/why her stuff was not at the house. Honestly we don't know if she had a back pack, other items, etc. anyway.

On a test day she may have just had her lunch bag with a notebook in it and nothing else?
True, true. Plus you'd expect to see foot prints, no?
Was it very windy around there the days in between Holly being taken and the duck tape being found?

When I look at the picture, I see a cross (indented in the leaves) in front of the men. The bottom of the cross is southish at that path/line.

I dont know about foot prints per se on leaves or gravel but someone had to have walked up to the tape to look at it
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